Personally, I prefer melee weapons over guns. Why?
Anyone can point a gun and point a trigger, it takes a good deal of skill to kill an equally skilled swordsman than it takes between 2 shooters, in which is more determined by positioning. Swords are also beautiful weapons, every one is unique - whether it be in the weighting, the hilt or another customisation. Practically all guns are just mass produced boring pieces (there are some exceptions, such as antique Revolvers).
Sure, someone with a gun could beat someone with a sword any day, but who cares? That isn't what this is about. It's about the comparison of two weapon types by level of "awesomeness" and the amount of skill required to hold your own. A good swordsman takes decades to create, a good shooter takes months. On a final note, you can't slice someone's head off with a firearm.
What are your thoughts?
Edited by Alias, 27 July 2008 - 04:52.