Sigma empire - PDF (Planetary Defence Force)
PDF buildings are preconstructed into several parts. When built, the parts are loaded up into drop pods and delivered from the air. The building is then assembled on the field from the parts.
What they start with:
Command Center
What builds:
Command Center
Build queue:
Standard build times. Larger buildings have more parts and therefore take longer to load up. Drop pods are launched when the building is placed. Once placed, the building will self-assemble on its own, and another building can be loaded up in the meantime while the first completes building.
On the field:
Every building takes roughly the same time to be assembled as it is delivered. Some small variation may exist depending on how complex the building is, but in any case it's pre-constructed so it wouldn't take more than about 10 seconds for the most complicated building.
Build space:
The area where buildings can be called in is controlled through buildings called uplink nodes. Each uplink node grants an area where new buildings can be called in. Uplink nodes can only be called in within the area of another uplink node, which limits placement only to the home base initially. The Command Center also acts as an uplink node, with a slightly larger build radius.
The PDF is not especially expansionist, and rely on their uplink nodes to be able to build anywhere else. Their only way of expansion is by ordering a specialised unit (currently the Tech infantry) to place a Command Center Beacon somewhere on the map. This beacon will then result in a CC being dropped in as normal. This is also the only way to build more Command Centers.
Dark Empire - Emperor's Darkshield
Darkshield buildings are not built, but are warped in from a remote location. Unlike the PDF method, which still relies on drop pods to bring in the structure, DS building is fully automated and needs only the presence of a warp field.
What they start with:
Field Generator, already deployed. May be undeployed and moved elsewhere at the start of the game.
What builds:
An invisible and indestructible object.
Build queue:
Since they have an invisible object to do the building, they only ever have one build queue. However, they don't need to waste any time building their structures, only the warp portals need to be established. Therefore, they can easily warp in many structures at a time as long as funds allow. There could be a symbolic build time of 1-2 seconds for each structure, to prevent outright spam.
On the field:
Since buildings don't need to be built, they are simply placed on the ground immediately. There, the warp portal slowly forms, at the end of which the building is instantly transported to the location. The warp portal itself is impervious to most damage, but certain specialised heavy weaponry can disrupt it and cause the building to be damaged in-transport, or even destroyed outright before it arrives.
Build space:
Warp fields are generated with a small, mobile Field Generator vehicle. When deployed, it activates its built in warp field generator, which not only allows buildings to be warped in nearby but also cloaks the generator itself. Darkshield has no 'main building', and instead starts with only a deployed Field Generator, which provides adequate build space for a small outpost. To increase build space, more Field Generators can be built at the war factory.
DS expansion is no different from simply making their home base bigger. They can build Field Generators and then those can be sent out to other locations to establish a remote outpost.
Consortium of Stripes - Batallion V
BV's build method is slower than that of the other factions, since it relies on physically constructing the building on-site using nanobots. A Tactical Command Facility is required to control the nanobots and order them to build structures.
What they start with:
Tactical Command Facility
What builds:
Tactical Command Facility
Build queue:
BV buildings need to be constructed, but are not constructed within the factory or at an off-site location. The building is instead built on the spot, so there is no need for a delay before building. A symbolic build time of 1-2 seconds can be used to stop spam.
On the field:
A building is placed in a location, after which the Tactical Command Facility will send the nanobots to slowly construct the building. This takes time, and during this time the TCF is unavailable for other tasks. Another serious drawback is that only one TCF can ever be built at one time, meaning that only one building can be under construction in the field at any time. However, during construction the building is protected by an impenetrable shield, making it impossible to stop construction of the building in any way once it is started.
Build space:
All buildings capable of construction, such as Barracks, War Factory and the TCF itself, create a radius around them that buildings can be built inside.
Expansion is probably the most cumbersome for BV, since they have to pack up their TCF and physically move it to the expansion location. During that time, no other buildings can be built until it is redeployed, and it is also vulnerable to attack (although, like all BV vehicles, it can take quite a beating). A replacement TCF can't be built (from the War Factory) until the previous one is destroyed.
Fighters of Vertian
Reflecting their improvised and adaptive nature, the fighters don't use a single centralised building system. Instead, their main building (currently unknown) builds medium-sized vehicles called MCVs, which deploy into the desired structure.
What they start with:
Main building (name unknown), builds MCVs.
What builds:
MCVs deploy into any structure.
Build queue:
Since the fighters don't have a centralised building system, they have no build queue. However, their build speed is limited by the speed at which their MCVs can be produced.
On the field:
Once an MCV is built, it can simply drive to the desired location and deploy into a building. Deploying doesn't take very long.
Build space:
The fighters don't have the concept of build space, since their MCVs can just drive anywhere and deploy.
Similarly, the fighters can simply expand by sending an MCV out to a remote area of the map.
Faction build methods
Started By Slye_Fox, Aug 10 2008 23:51
4 replies to this topic
Posted 14 August 2008 - 18:50
So in other words:
They drop buildings from air, much like LunaCorp did in Earth 2150, only that they dont work immediately after delivery?
Basically its like using Operation CWAL with the Protoss?
Buildings will self-construct as long as the HQ is present on the field?
DR Construction Rig building creation style?
Sorry if Im being wrong but the OP desriptions are way too complex for me to fully understand witout having any expanationary images or video.
They drop buildings from air, much like LunaCorp did in Earth 2150, only that they dont work immediately after delivery?
Basically its like using Operation CWAL with the Protoss?
Buildings will self-construct as long as the HQ is present on the field?
DR Construction Rig building creation style?
Sorry if Im being wrong but the OP desriptions are way too complex for me to fully understand witout having any expanationary images or video.
Edited by Destrukto, 14 August 2008 - 23:19.
Posted 14 August 2008 - 21:03
When playing Starcraft in campaign or skirmiash mode, typing in the message box "operation CWAL" would cause all constructor units to build structures in a super fast rate and the structures of the Protoss race would be near instantly teleported on the map.
Almost every every game that uses the E2160 engine has a building construction method of calling an offscreen unit to deliver pieces of a building that goes online after being delivered and in some cases(like in WW3: Black Gold when buying an airfield for example) the building parts would deploy itself after being called in and delivered.
But if you made up these build methods by yourself when trying to be original, even not knowing that some very simmilar concepts were used once in other less known games, then no peoblem mate and keep just up the good work!
Almost every every game that uses the E2160 engine has a building construction method of calling an offscreen unit to deliver pieces of a building that goes online after being delivered and in some cases(like in WW3: Black Gold when buying an airfield for example) the building parts would deploy itself after being called in and delivered.
But if you made up these build methods by yourself when trying to be original, even not knowing that some very simmilar concepts were used once in other less known games, then no peoblem mate and keep just up the good work!
Edited by Destrukto, 14 August 2008 - 21:59.
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