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Fine tuning my mod

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#1 SPY46


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Posted 16 August 2008 - 10:18

Hello all, im sure 90% of you know me if you have ever been on the CnC 3 site, most of all the moding.

any ways, i need some help cleaning up my mod, i got most of the changes that i need already done.

GDI has a slightly longer range on units and clip sizes have been boosted just a bit, nothing way out there but enough.
also have the ability to build Ti spikes

NOD has faster attack and movement speeds and units like the A bike have -100 HP and -$100 cost
NOD shreds have 5 turrets, sam 6 and laser 4 with a slightly bigger area and range for them.
can build EMP center $3500 20 power

Scrin have a boost in range and damage, but units like the devastator have a wider area of effect .... so less damage in one spot but more things hit.
growth acc now speeds up Tib fields by another 10 points of what it was.

BOTH GDI and NOD can build the defencive tower, but now it is also able to hit air units, damage i do not think was changed but range was increased a bit, it takes about 4-6 shots to kill any one of the Scrin ships and each one costs $2500 or $3000 and 10 power

so you can think of this as a little idea of what ive done, now for the help part.

i want to remove the Mines from the APC compleatly and give them to the pitbull, this will i at least hope, open another slot location for a Inf squad to replac that of the mines *the icons* and hopefuly allow the 2 squads to both be able to leave the APC.

now i know you saw my changes for GDI and Scrin with getting money and are probably wondering about NOD, well, i want to make a 2nd Tib seed power, but this one will be blue, the green one already has a small boost in field size, problem is, i dont have an icon for the blue seed power or know where to get one, because i dont think it using the same one woks. *hasnt so far*

i also have a 2nd version of the pitbull that has twin Mguns instead of the rockets and a version of the pred tank that has the missile pod on the one side, i dont know how to add the mesh for the units into the game.

im not asking any one to do any of this for me, just tell me what i need to do in order to get it done.

oh and if any one knows if there is a version of the MMK2, LRMs, Banshee, Kodiak and disrupter from TS/FS able to fit TW style, ide enjoy using them in my mod too.

Edited by SPY46, 19 August 2008 - 06:55.

#2 SPY46


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Posted 17 August 2008 - 06:05

ok so im going to asume that no one knows how do to any of this or is expecting me to look for a tutorial, problem is i did that and it didnt help so i got rid of it.

or your thinking im just some nob because im new here or whate ever, idont care.

so if you who is reading this now knows some thing that might help me in one way or another please give me a link or to it or what ever, like i said b4 im not asking any one to do this for me.

im also a person that doesnt learn that great by reading tex books that sound like the guy from the clear eyes commercial, i learn by being told what to do and how not why it works.

#3 SPY46


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Posted 18 August 2008 - 23:56

can you have 2 versions of the same thing, but only slightly different.

using the Tib seed power as a template, can i make one that creates Blue Tib

#4 Nem


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Posted 19 August 2008 - 00:03

Edit the the title to say "Fine tuning my mod" more people may veiw and post.

#5 JJ

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Posted 19 August 2008 - 03:08

Since I have nothing better to do, I'll give you some help and answer those I know.


i want to remove the Mines from the APC compleatly and give them to the pitbull, this will i at least hope, open another slot location for a Inf squad to replac that of the mines *the icons* and hopefuly allow the 2 squads to both be able to leave the APC.

First, move the codess from the APC. Go to the APC xml and move this to the Pitbull's code.

				UpdateModuleStartsAttack=&#34;true&#34; />
				SpecialPowerAIType=&#34;SPECIAL_POWER_RANGED_AOE_ATTACK&#34; />

Then, go to the APC logic command set. Move this into the Pitbull's command set.


now i know you saw my changes for GDI and Scrin with getting money and are probably wondering about NOD, well, i want to make a 2nd Tib seed power, but this one will be blue, the green one already has a small boost in field size, problem is, i dont have an icon for the blue seed power or know where to get one, because i dont think it using the same one woks. *hasnt so far*

You can reuse the icons, as long as it uses different player power templates.


i also have a 2nd version of the pitbull that has twin Mguns instead of the rockets and a version of the pred tank that has the missile pod on the one side, i dont know how to add the mesh for the units into the game.

By mesh you meant model? If so, just reference other unit's draw codes. Replace the names in the parameter with your model's name.


oh and if any one knows if there is a version of the MMK2, LRMs, Banshee, Kodiak and disrupter from TS/FS able to fit TW style, ide enjoy using them in my mod too.

There's a Banshee here. Also some Renegade models here.

Edited by JJ_, 19 August 2008 - 03:09.

#6 SPY46


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Posted 19 August 2008 - 07:18

so what part for the 2nd Tib seed power would i be able to keep and what would i need to change or create?

2nd pitbull ... mesh modle .... eh i think its actually a modle, but dont know exactly how to add it into the game, is it just a simple referance or do i need to put the modle files into a folder so it does work?

#7 JJ

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Posted 19 August 2008 - 07:34


so what part for the 2nd Tib seed power would i be able to keep and what would i need to change or create?

Just create a new power based on the original Seed Tiberium power.


2nd pitbull ... mesh modle .... eh i think its actually a modle, but dont know exactly how to add it into the game, is it just a simple referance or do i need to put the modle files into a folder so it does work?

You'll need to include the model so it is built into the big. Code is like this.

			source=&#34;ART&#58;*model name*.W3X&#34; />

Also for the texture you need to create a new xml like this.

<?xml version=&#39;1.0&#39; encoding=&#39;UTF-8&#39;?>
<AssetDeclaration xmlns=&#34;uri&#58;ea.com&#58;eala&#58;asset&#34; xmlns&#58;xsi=&#34;http&#58;//www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance&#34;>
  <Texture id=&#34;*your texture name*&#34; File=&#34;*your texture name*.tga&#34; />

Then include the xml in your unit.

			source=&#34;ART&#58;*xml file name*.xml&#34; />

In the art codes, insert the model name. Replace all the GUPitbull with your model name.

				ExtraPublicBone=&#34;Tire01 Tire02 Tire03 Tire04 FXWEAPON01 FXWEAPON02&#34;>
						Name=&#34;GUPitbull_SKN&#34; />
						BoneName=&#34;FXWEAPON01&#34; />
						BoneName=&#34;mortortube&#34; />
						BoneName=&#34;FXWEAPON01&#34; />
						BoneName=&#34;mortortube&#34; />
						TurretPitch=&#34;B_ Gun&#34;
						TurretID=&#34;1&#34; />
						Name=&#34;GUPitbull_SKN&#34; />
						Name=&#34;GUPitbull_SKN&#34; />
						New=&#34;GUPitbullD&#34; />
						FollowBone=&#34;true&#34; />
						Name=&#34;GUPitbullR_SKN&#34; />
						FollowBone=&#34;true&#34; />
						FollowBone=&#34;true&#34; />
						FollowBone=&#34;true&#34; />
						Name=&#34;GUPitbull_FP&#34; />
					<!-- no anim -->

#8 SPY46


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Posted 19 August 2008 - 08:11

oh no, this unit isnt replacing the Pitbull, its going right beside it ;)


but do i have to have the modle/textures or any thing like that, in a certain folder, because i do remember some thing about that, just not 100% sure

ok one more quick question, can the same hardpoints, weapon ID, be used for more than one weapon?

eg: mammoth rocket pods also shooting ......... shockwave cannon rounds

Edited by Wizard, 19 August 2008 - 09:16.

#9 Wizard


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Posted 19 August 2008 - 09:18

SPY please use the edit button if you wish to add more information to your posts. DO NOT double post unless a substantial amount of time has elapses without a response. I know you're eager but not everyone here has the time to respond instantly to your requests. Patience.

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#10 JJ

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Posted 19 August 2008 - 09:22

Just copy the Pitbull codes and rename it.

#11 SPY46


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Posted 19 August 2008 - 14:49

*sorry about that Wizard, didnt think it was that soon.*

well im thinking of giving the Pitbull a 2nd kind of missile for AA use that would be a bit longer range, but still have the other missiles with it, might not do it at all.

but i am wanting to give the Orca its Vulcan Cannons in the weapons file so it can fend off Air units, dont know about you but i think GDI was gven the short end of the stick on this one.

so i still need to know if it would work or just mess it up.

#12 SPY46


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Posted 20 August 2008 - 04:37

can 2 or more different weapons use the same hardpoint locations or would that mess it up?

#13 Slye_Fox

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Posted 20 August 2008 - 05:37

each hardpoint/turret can have 5 weapons (Primary to quintary)
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#14 SPY46


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Posted 20 August 2008 - 06:53

sweet ......... Orca with AA Mguns comming up XD

..... how much of that code would i have to change to make it work right, would i lable the weapons as 2nd *secondairy* and the ID as 2 *or 3 and 4 depending on them*

i aske because i havent added a weapon to any thing, ive only changed weapons so im not too sure on how this would work.

Edited by SPY46, 20 August 2008 - 07:33.

#15 SPY46


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Posted 21 August 2008 - 09:27

ok so as i knew this would happen, being the reason that i was asking for some help, my attempt to add an AA gun to the Orca has failed.

never just added a weapon to a unit before, changed yes, added no.

so can some one tell me what is wrong with this and what i must do to fix it.

Template="GDIOrcaRocketWeapon" />
Template="OrcaVulcanCannon" />

#16 Slye_Fox

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Posted 21 August 2008 - 10:14

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#17 SPY46


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Posted 21 August 2008 - 18:18

what? really? ........ according to the compiler there is, but ..... yeah

it told me that there is a missing line and its looking for *weapon slot update, weapon turret etc*

but every time i add it, i get another error of * line 0 position 0 can not have text*

#18 Vengence


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Posted 21 August 2008 - 19:28

You cannot imagine how many hours I've wasted in ZH coding trying to fix a crash only to realize I forgot to add an End at the ending or semicolon to a comment. For all I know you have a tiny misspelling somewhere or something. Also the ID thing never worked for me so I never mess with them.
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#19 SPY46


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Posted 21 August 2008 - 21:12

oh but i can, ive moded almost every thing in the game, but i just want to give the orca a gun so it can shoot air units that come after it but not like the vertigo, it should be the same way that it would if it was using missiles.

*in my mod NOD gets speed and attack speed boost, GDI gets HP and range boost, Scrin gets HP and speed boost, but only by the 10's or 100's*

#20 Vengence


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Posted 21 August 2008 - 23:35

I've modded almost everything in ZH and that one letter typo caused me 2 hours worth of frustration. Last I tried, the ID thing didn't work for me when I added a secondary turret to a predator just to do a test. At the least there weren't any tracers.

Besides why bother giving the orca an AA gun when you can just give it a secondary weapon of missiles, that would certainly save you plenty of time.
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#21 SPY46


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Posted 22 August 2008 - 03:01

true, but i was hoping to have a gun because it would be alot faster and i think cooler to see, i think there are 2 hardpoints for the missiles arent there? then maybe it would fire from both? :minigunner:

eh i might turn to a 2nd missile but i am hoping more for a gun.
:minigunner: *what no devil icon?*

Edited by SPY46, 22 August 2008 - 03:05.

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