I am very excited to see all RA2:YR contents in Red Alert 3 engine.
I can supply ideas, opinions, ... maybe do some tasks...
Generally I'm familiar with:
C&C3 XML , RA2 ini , Gen ZH ini
Final Alert 2(YR), C&C3 worldbuilder
I do know much but i don't know if enough, but I can learn fast anything(no art stuff)...
RA3 XMLs would be very similar to C&C3 ... While there is no SDK nor Worldbuilder out for RA3?

So is this mod for real RA3?
Started By stewox, Oct 31 2008 09:27
2 replies to this topic
Posted 31 October 2008 - 09:27
Posted 01 November 2008 - 18:49
Welcome to E-Studios mate, make yourself at home, and remember, once you enter, you may never leave.
As for a more on-topic comment: This mod is indeed for Red Alert 3 and Command & Conquer Generals Zero Hour.
I have no idea if they still look help in the departments you're offering, but I'm sure Slye can use a hand with some XML editing.
As for a more on-topic comment: This mod is indeed for Red Alert 3 and Command & Conquer Generals Zero Hour.
I have no idea if they still look help in the departments you're offering, but I'm sure Slye can use a hand with some XML editing.
Edited by {LP}Admiral-(NL), 01 November 2008 - 18:51.
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