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Fallout 3 review time

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#51 Dr. Strangelove

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Posted 11 November 2008 - 19:15

View PostDauth, on 10 Nov 2008, 12:19, said:

I remember in Fallout 2 weapons would jam and require to be reloaded again which burnt valuable action points, that only happened on critical failures, which when you tag Small guns and stick to them, don't happen. I don't know if they still exist in game.

I thought weapon jamming code was there, but never implemented.
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#52 Dauth

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Posted 11 November 2008 - 21:09

I've seen weapons jam in Fallout 2, I've jammed them and lost all my ammo more than once. We're just going to have to wait to see if it comes up in Fallout 3.

#53 The_Hunter


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Posted 13 November 2008 - 10:49

since some other people posted their charracter i thought i'd post mine too 8|

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So yea that's me and my buddy in the wastelands.
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#54 E.V.E.

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Posted 13 November 2008 - 10:54

You got some nice "sup" Expression on your face there. 8|

Happy Mood

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Bad Mood

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Industrial Girl! *sings*

- E.V.E.

EDIT: I found the dark secret mysterious Black Overall! |8

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#55 Mortecha


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Posted 14 November 2008 - 14:19

Got afew pics from my second game.

Experimental helmet, well a step in fixing a small problem for one of the mods at FO3NEX
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Completed Outcast version of the FO2 BOS armor
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Big gunz, fear inducing armor and lotz of ammo XD
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Swatting flys from 200 metres
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I decided to start my own gang, teh flamin skulz:P Contemplating making a flamey helmet.
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Edited by Mortecha, 14 November 2008 - 14:24.

#56 The_Hunter


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Posted 14 November 2008 - 18:24

View PostMortecha, on 14 Nov 2008, 15:19, said:

Big gunz, fear inducing armor and lotz of ammo XD
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And that was after i have been through the deathclaw cave :confused:
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#57 Mortecha


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Posted 14 November 2008 - 23:59


I personally prefer the combat shotgun against death claws. I wait till they get close enough, vats for 2 head shots then blast away. It usually works until a second one comes along to help his mate out:P

#58 Amdrial

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Posted 16 November 2008 - 16:22

What should I get, Left 4 Dead, or Fallout 3? I've played the L4D demo for 2 days now, and it's awesome, and less awesome when you have teammates hitting you.
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The above signature was made by TheDR.
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#59 TheDR

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Posted 16 November 2008 - 19:14

View Post{LP}Admiral-(NL), on 16 Nov 2008, 16:22, said:

What should I get, Left 4 Dead, or Fallout 3? I've played the L4D demo for 2 days now, and it's awesome, and less awesome when you have teammates hitting you.

Well Fallout 3 is a RPG and Left 4 Dead is a FPS so it depends of which you like best, FPS or RPGs.
Personally i would pick Fallout 3, I'm still playing it now and still have loads of the game to explore.
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#60 Brad


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Posted 16 November 2008 - 19:19

ok, I have a small nitpick about the game, although I can understand the reasons for it happening, but I would appreciate it if the game did not just stop at the end of the story, even if no changes happend I wouldnt mind.

Although, like I said, I can understand why they made it like that.

Its just annoying because I'm not getting fallout three myself and I have been playing my uncle's version and I got a little caught up in the story and now I have to start the damned thing over again to do the rest of the stuff.

Edit: typo

Edited by Tactical_person, 16 November 2008 - 19:19.

You almost did, didn't you?

#61 TheDR

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Posted 16 November 2008 - 19:27

View PostTactical_person, on 16 Nov 2008, 19:19, said:

ok, I have a small nitpick about the game, although I can understand the reasons for it happening, but I would appreciate it if the game did not just stop at the end of the story, even if no changes happend I wouldnt mind.

Although, like I said, I can understand why they made it like that.

Its just annoying because I'm not getting fallout three myself and I have been playing my uncle's version and I got a little caught up in the story and now I have to start the damned thing over again to do the rest of the stuff.

Edit: typo

You have to play it a few times to play the "Full game" as different things happen if your good or bad, shoot first or ask questions Ect.
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#62 The_Hunter


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Posted 16 November 2008 - 19:44

View PostThe Dr, on 16 Nov 2008, 20:14, said:

Well Fallout 3 is a RPG and Left 4 Dead is a FPS so it depends of which you like best, FPS or RPGs.
Personally i would pick Fallout 3, I'm still playing it now and still have loads of the game to explore.

Are you saying fallout 3 aint a FPS ???
I mean it is first person and you can shoot at stuff so that counts as FPS in my book.
Sure it has RPG eliments to it but it's defently not what i usualy think of as a RPG.
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#63 TheDR

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Posted 16 November 2008 - 19:58

View PostThe_Hunter, on 16 Nov 2008, 19:44, said:

View PostThe Dr, on 16 Nov 2008, 20:14, said:

Well Fallout 3 is a RPG and Left 4 Dead is a FPS so it depends of which you like best, FPS or RPGs.
Personally i would pick Fallout 3, I'm still playing it now and still have loads of the game to explore.

Are you saying fallout 3 aint a FPS ???
I mean it is first person and you can shoot at stuff so that counts as FPS in my book.
Sure it has RPG eliments to it but it's defently not what i usualy think of as a RPG.

Fallout 3 is more of a RPG compared to Left 4 Dead, even tho its not a Standard RPG its definitively a RPG rather than a Run of the mill FPS.
I said thats its a RPG because FPS fans may be disappointed as it lacks some features from the Next Gen FPS and they would probably prefer Left 4 Dead.

But you can play Fallout 3 as a FPS and miss most of the RPG Stuff if you prefer.
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#64 The_Hunter


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Posted 16 November 2008 - 22:26

View PostThe Dr, on 16 Nov 2008, 20:58, said:

......it lacks some features from the Next Gen FPS and they would probably prefer...

Like what |8
I play alot of FPS games i find it hard to be dissapointed by this game since i'm not much of a RPG player at all.
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#65 KiraSama

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Posted 16 November 2008 - 22:48

View PostThe_Hunter, on 16 Nov 2008, 23:26, said:

View PostThe Dr, on 16 Nov 2008, 20:58, said:

......it lacks some features from the Next Gen FPS and they would probably prefer...

Like what 8|
I play alot of FPS games i find it hard to be dissapointed by this game since i'm not much of a RPG player at all.

Ironsights for example
some sort of weapon customization
and a flashlight

for example, but ia asume when the SDK/CS/mod tools/what ever you want to call them are release then people will be able to make that
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#66 Waris

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Posted 17 November 2008 - 01:54

Fallout 3 is as RPG as Oblivion is RPG.

#67 The_Hunter


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Posted 17 November 2008 - 11:18

View PostKiraSama, on 16 Nov 2008, 23:48, said:

Ironsights for example

When holding down the right mouse button the gun will aim more accurately and the screen will slightly zoom then that's not the same thing but it's pretty close

View PostKiraSama, on 16 Nov 2008, 23:48, said:

some sort of weapon customization

you can build your own weapons out of random junk 8|
Also weapon costumisation is something that i have not seen in EVERY recent FPS game.

View PostKiraSama, on 16 Nov 2008, 23:48, said:

and a flashlight

Hold tab and your pipboy will turn on a light that brightens up things it's not a flash light but again pretty close to the other deal.
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#68 Waris

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Posted 17 November 2008 - 11:31

One of the most striking difference that makes FO3 more like a true RPG and less like a true FPS is


Each and every bullet that comes out of your weapon is governed not by rules of physics, instead your skills and SPECIAL attributes are accounted for to determine where the bullet goes. If you ever asked yourself why your zoomed in first shot missed a head at point-blank range, this is why.

#69 KiraSama

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Posted 17 November 2008 - 12:40

View PostThe_Hunter, on 17 Nov 2008, 12:18, said:

When holding down the right mouse button the gun will aim more accurately and the screen will slightly zoom then that's not the same thing but it's pretty close

oh i know, but is kinda silly because is just a zoom, irongsight will look better 8|


you can build your own weapons out of random junk |8
Also weapon costumisation is something that i have not seen in EVERY recent FPS game.

yeah, but be able to put silencers, bigger magazines and that stuff will be awesome |8


Hold tab and your pipboy will turn on a light that brightens up things it's not a flash light but again pretty close to the other deal.

yeah but is kinda bad because is just around you, o want to use the flashlight in the helmet of the power armor or some sort of night vision in the enclave one D:

but hey, half of them are more something just for looks than anything


Each and every bullet that comes out of your weapon is governed not by rules of physics, instead your skills and SPECIAL attributes are accounted for to determine where the bullet goes. If you ever asked yourself why your zoomed in first shot missed a head at point-blank range, this is why.

skills also add damage to weapons, and some perks

Edited by KiraSama, 17 November 2008 - 12:41.

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#70 DerKrieger

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Posted 18 November 2008 - 01:20

I don't have the game yet but I plan on getting it soon. The only thing that bothers me about it is that from what I've heard the arsenal/equipment selection is a step back from Fallout 2 in many respects. I want my electric pulse rifle & gauss rifle dammit!
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#71 Chyros

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Posted 18 November 2008 - 01:25

Just got it, just played it. All I can say is holy guacamole, this game rocks.

So far, ammo shortages combined with weapons falling apart are somewhat daunting at times, but that may be a good thing; adds a new repair dimension and keeps you from wasting ammo or being able to pick whatever weapon you want at all times - makes the game more interesting.

So far I'm doing only side quests playing such a ridiculously over-the-top good-guy character he can only be an alien or an angel; at least not a human being. I love it :lol: .

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#72 MR.Kim

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Posted 18 November 2008 - 02:05

Looks like fun afterall and very interesting, too. I buy this game for tomorrow. :lol:

Edited by MR.Kim, 18 November 2008 - 02:05.

#73 Dauth

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Posted 18 January 2009 - 01:08

Two months on from the last review I'm bring this back with the explicit question, are you still playing Fallout 3 and why?

I am not, and even though RA3 suffered to Fallout 3 neither have leapt up and grabbed me.

Fallout 3 was epic, new graphics, new storyline but at the end of the day the story was quite linear and you really had to try to forge yourself a path off the main route. While exploring was fun, more than half the place you visited were either abandoned or full of enemies to shoot with no reason other than they were shooting you.

Playing a neutral character is the hardest in any game, ask a serious roleplayer and they'll explain why. For all my effort over 20 levels including spending perks to try and drop my karma, all I got was a cropped down Good ending.

I'll play Operation Anchorage as I try to get my money from this game but more and more I feel I should have waited a month and spent half as much on a game that wasn't worth £30.

#74 BeefJeRKy

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Posted 18 January 2009 - 03:45

View PostDauth, on 17 Jan 2009, 20:08, said:

Two months on from the last review I'm bring this back with the explicit question, are you still playing Fallout 3 and why?

I am not, and even though RA3 suffered to Fallout 3 neither have leapt up and grabbed me.

Fallout 3 was epic, new graphics, new storyline but at the end of the day the story was quite linear and you really had to try to forge yourself a path off the main route. While exploring was fun, more than half the place you visited were either abandoned or full of enemies to shoot with no reason other than they were shooting you.

Playing a neutral character is the hardest in any game, ask a serious roleplayer and they'll explain why. For all my effort over 20 levels including spending perks to try and drop my karma, all I got was a cropped down Good ending.

I'll play Operation Anchorage as I try to get my money from this game but more and more I feel I should have waited a month and spent half as much on a game that wasn't worth £30.

When I was back home for the holidays I gave the game a spin yet I am sure it would suffer the same fate as Oblivion for me. As in I would be majorly addicted for about a month with all kinds of characters and then feel the mediocrity seep in.
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#75 AllStarZ

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Posted 18 January 2009 - 10:54

Just a heads up. Guns in bad condition DO jam, and that causes you to reload twice.

Oh and if you want to have neutral karma, go massacre and enslave some people, then donate your money to a church of your choosing. Or reverse. Do good deeds for people and steal stuff from peoples' houses. From firearms to dinner plates even down to the empty tin cans and bottles lying around the place.

Me? I find it simpler and more profitable to be evil. I blew up Megaton, massacred every single ghoul I could find, and enslaved children. But I plan to make up for it by church donations.

On Fallout 3. The replay value is incredible, so long as you don't play it thoroughly the first time through. I've played a fair share of RPGs, and I always do everything thoroughly. Clean out the dungeons, ask every single character in town. The best thing to do, is to let it flow along. Wander around, talk to people at random. That's how the game should be played.

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