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Possable Tech structures

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#1 Slye_Fox

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Posted 10 November 2008 - 05:43


Ancient Ruins
Old, ruins overgrown with vegitation.

When captured, this structures grants access to special technology.


Ancient Ruins
Old, ruins overgrown with vegitation.

Drives the story further.
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#2 Soul

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Posted 10 November 2008 - 13:17

Sounds interesting.

Maybe we could have a Mithrillite Refinery or something of that nature that gives a steady flow of funds when captured.
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View PostInsomniac!, on 16 Sep 2008, 20:12, said:

Soul you scare the hell out of me, more so than Lizzie.

I've been given a Bob coin from Mr. Bob, a life time supply of cookies from Blonde-Unknown, some Internet Chocolate from the Full Throttle mod team, and some Assorted Weapons from Høbbesy.

#3 Comrade Sanders


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Posted 11 November 2008 - 02:30

howzabout a mithrillite processing plant?
reduces the the cost for units.
kinda like the refinery from generals.

#4 Slye_Fox

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Posted 11 November 2008 - 10:56

I would prefer more orginal tech structures, not just a remake of somethign else
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#5 Destrukto

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Posted 11 November 2008 - 17:35


howzabout a mithrillite processing plant?
increases the value of each mineral load.
kinda like the Ore Purifier from RA2.

^Does this sound better?

And do we talk about possible or possesable structures?

Edited by Destrukto, 11 November 2008 - 17:37.

#6 Comrade Sanders


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Posted 11 November 2008 - 19:50

subterrain sismic control center.
capturing this structre will let you use a sismic strike.
a driller bomb tunnles underground and detnates to create a earthquake that will scatter all ground forces and disable structures while doing structaral damage to them in the target area.
more a of a support ability to soften up enemy defences before an attack.

#7 Slye_Fox

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Posted 11 November 2008 - 20:37

Now that is orginal.
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#8 Destrukto

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Posted 11 November 2008 - 22:30

Interplanetary Finance Center
Gives a random ammount of money every 20 seconds of value vary 250-750.
Can be a fixed value in missions.

Edited by Destrukto, 11 November 2008 - 22:38.

#9 BeefJeRKy

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Posted 12 November 2008 - 00:15

Dark Matter Accelerator turret.

When captured, this turret covers an area with point defense against all kinds of artillery and possibly aircraft.

Same in both missions and skirmish.
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#10 Destrukto

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Posted 17 November 2008 - 19:56

BTW, what is going to be the method of building capture? Engies or sometin else?

#11 Slye_Fox

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Posted 17 November 2008 - 20:45

undetermined at this time
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#12 Destrukto

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Posted 18 November 2008 - 17:46

How about this:
*Sentry Turret Control Node*
-Its a small but heavy armoured structure that acts like that Nod turret with three guns around itself;
-The hub tower itself can only detect nearby stealth units and build small turrets around it that are unique to each side;
-When the main tower is destroyed, it becomes a rubble pile that slowly regrows to a neutral hub ready ready capture;
-If its destoyed, all built turrets slowly die(5% of health poins lost per second) and its impossible to repair them;
-Only the hub tower can fix them overtime and only it can be repaired by construction units or engineers;
-You can select two types of turrets to build, but only one type at a time;
-If youd want to, it is possible to deconstruct already built to swap them;
-Proposed turret types for building:

^Gattling Autocannon: Simple yet effective tripple barreled gun turret that is built in a group of three; rather good vs. all targets(both ground and air), mostly the lighter ones and infantry of course;decent range is a valor, but its paper thin-armor is a serious issue resulting from lack of space for anything more than truckload of 15mm rounds for the guns, therefore hostile long range weapons are a dangerous threat as large as the enemies heavy tank columns(but only if he can have any).

^Renegade Missile Platform: Every launched missile divides itself in mid-air, turning into a set of four micro frag rockets(made from its quad jet engine)and a guided mini HE seeker missile(the exposive warhead becomes it) so its possible to hit more than one enemy unit; superb effectiveness vs. light ground and air units; decent armor class and moderate fire rate(could been better) combined with a total of eight medium-long ranged missile racks(two missiles on each of four built turrets) make this structure a serious threat to both hostile groups and single units.

^Turbo Laser Platform: Superior in both armor and weaponry, each of the three tower comes with a total of six lasercannons(quad lasercannon for ground forces, dual lasercannon for air units); excellent vs. infantry and other light units, though not good at all against the heaviest units; one of the main problems is the power shortage occuring in prolonged firefights, forcing a drastic rate of fire reduction that can doom you when last expected; another is the distortion of the beam focus on highest revolution which means lees damage on maximum range.

^Swarm Missile Pod: Standard six shot(2x3) missile launcher built in groups of three; interesting thing is the fact that the missiles have a very specific payload(HE charge inside a kinetic penetrator hidden in a cluster-frag casting), making it a good multi-purpose weapon; long range of the missiles combimed with their awesome offensive performance makes is valuable fortification; the only drawbacks are the extremely weak armor and its poor rate of fire.

^Plasma Sprayer: Eighteen immobile barrels on a this flamethrower-esque structure release superheated gasses under extremely high pressure; very good vs. any armored unit, fantastic effectiveness against infantry; its unable to attack air units and has a rather short range, but the heavy armor can take many artillery shots and aircraft bombs, just enough to get rid of them before its too late; the three super flamers really fear nothing that can get in their range.

^Splasher Flak Cannon: One of the most traditional AA weapons modernized to its best; quickly downs aircraft by large shells filled with a plasma conainment pod, fired from the dual heavy cannon; there arent many air units that can survive more than five shots, since there are three cannons waiting for some hot wings of metal; when theres no aircraft nearby you can satisfy them with some cannon fodder by a ground aimed barrage; thats very usefull when something slow is coming but beware, if they come too close its over then; decent is a superlative for their armor class, just like slow is for their rate of fire(but at least its a double-shot).

^ETF(Explosive-Tipped Flechette) Scattergun: Nailgun, chaingun and shotgun combined into a nightmare of any soldier or any other low armored ground unit, but only a pesky annoyance to the heaviest armor; almost never shoots straight-forward but it doesnt matter, since the explosives hidden in each 10mm needle-esque cartridge do enough collateral damage for compensation, but tough luck for anyone actually hit by the projectile iself(and still not dead after that); Thick plates of armor dont allow for much degree of aiming upward so its anti-air role is severly limited; four of these turrets are a decent challenge to any attack force without artillery support, just watch for heavy units.

^EMP Rocket-Grenade Site: Simple short-medium ranged rocket-grenade launcher re-armed with EMP charge in place of traditional HE materials, upgraded with a primitive homing mechanism(allowing the projectile to curve toward intended target to reduce its chance to miss) is quite effective against most non-infantry targets; since the four turrets keep on stunning even the toughest tanks when focused on them it really helps a lot to have them ready when the enemy brings his heavier units. Shooting down air targets is hard, but not impossible if they fly alone; the armor class is better than average so try to not get surrounded and remember that stuning hostile units is not as good as destroying them(althogh still good).


:also: Are you going to keep infantry squads or remove them? I need your answer for my other suggestions.

Edited by Destrukto, 03 March 2009 - 21:00.

#13 Slye_Fox

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Posted 18 November 2008 - 18:13

Now that is awsome idea

If it's used the turrets will more than likely be rechosen/redesigned to fit better witht he factions.

All basic infantry units are set up into three 'man' squads, but special infantry (such as the Darkshield Sniper) are single lone units.

Edited by Slye_Fox, 18 November 2008 - 18:15.

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#14 JudicialT


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Posted 24 February 2009 - 01:55

Tech Building

When captured, slightly increases the effects of unit upgrades/lowers cost of unit upgrades/unlocks new upgrades.


Upgrades or replaces a units weapon to/with something more powerful.


Kinda crazy, produces domesticated (read: wild) animals.


Distorts enemy radar, either as a special ability or long term effect.


A gigantic building housing a powerful electro magnet that will attract missiles to it, as well as weaken energy pulses (lazers, plasma).


When captured, creates a steady stream of low power units (Natives) under your command.

Erm, if that's any help. :)
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#15 Slye_Fox

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Posted 24 February 2009 - 08:55

Now, those are some interesting ideas.
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#16 JudicialT


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Posted 24 February 2009 - 21:52

Interesting like, "whoa, no way, too weird" or interesting like "whoa, didn't think of that"? :P
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