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MOF #4 The Venezuelan Situation

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  1. Is there another force behind these eco-terrorists? (3 votes [42.86%])

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  3. They should take one alive and torture him with Abba songs (3 votes [42.86%])

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  4. No! Abba rocks, it is one of the few pleasures in life that allows me to calm down after a bad day. (1 votes [14.29%])

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Who should be the best man at the wedding?

  1. James Brookfield (3 votes [60.00%])

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  2. Mark Garson (0 votes [0.00%])

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  3. Carl Steiner (0 votes [0.00%])

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  4. William Harrison (2 votes [40.00%])

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Bride's maids?

  1. We/they don't know any women appart from Nichole... (4 votes [80.00%])

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#1 General Kirkov

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Posted 04 December 2008 - 20:16

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“Look at this, seriously, this guy is supposed to be a fucking archaeologist, no offence honey” Michael said to Nichole Black “that means he’s supposed to learn from his mistakes and remember shit. In number one he talks to the government agents about the ark and says it’s just a story and Hitler is a twat for wanting it. Ok so then he finds out wow it actually exists and has magic powers cause it kills the French guy and all the NAZIs right?” Caboose asked Brookfield.
“Right.” Was the reply.
“So in number two he dismisses all the fucked up shit about the dried up village and the evil Indian emperor child or what ever his title was, then what happens oh no it is also true, some fucked up shit is going down here too!” He continued.
“Is mike doing his Indiana Jones is a retarded professor speech again?” Harrison said as he entered the room.
“Yeah but he just bought the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull and prof. Jones just dismissed it as a bed time story.” James Brookfield replied with a smile, Cabooses movie rants were always funny to watch. Even if everyone thought he was doing it for show.
“Is this the first time he sees it?” Harrison asked.
“Yep.” Nichole answered.
“This is going to be fucking epic then, move over James I want to hear this.”
“Then I’m number three he flips out at his dad cause’ he’s obsessed with the fucking Grail, what is his answer to everyone who asks him? No takers? It’s a bed time story he’s heard all his life. You would think that by now he would consider that this would actually be the real thing, cause guess what? The Germans want it too so watch out and then just to make sure something bad will happen he puts the key to the puzzle in the hands of an incompetent university dean, you know cause that will stop the Germans…”
“So now we have a scary commie Russian chick, with a collection of swords who is obsessed with Crystal Skulls and guess what? He tells this kid that the legend of a city in a memo handed to him is? A fucking bed time story one he tried to find, you know which is more effort that he normally invests in a… why did you pause it Will?” Caboose asked Harrison.
“Because if you are done with your rant I want to watch the movie ok?” Harrison replied.
“K I’m done, but I’m pretty fucking sure that this isn’t a bed time story…”

2 hours later…

“WHAT THE FUCK? Aliens in a fucking space ship who burn people with their eyes if they ask too many questions and then they fuck off? I need a fucking drink.” Michael Caboose said as he got up and went to the mini bar picked up a Molson and walked out of the room.
Laughter followed as most of the team was in tiers at the mock or true display of their team sniper’s display of indignation. Nichole got up and grabbed a few more Molsons and poured herself some port. “I think Michael will need a few more of these and I’ll have some port.” She said as she chased after him.

“Hun I think Garson knows…” Nichole started “I don’t think we should hide it from the guys, I mean if they are our friends then they will understand...”


K new story, what do you guys think?

Edited by General Kirkov, 17 January 2010 - 15:36.

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#2 Soul

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Posted 04 December 2008 - 23:32

Continue now please :).
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View PostInsomniac!, on 16 Sep 2008, 20:12, said:

Soul you scare the hell out of me, more so than Lizzie.

I've been given a Bob coin from Mr. Bob, a life time supply of cookies from Blonde-Unknown, some Internet Chocolate from the Full Throttle mod team, and some Assorted Weapons from Høbbesy.

#3 BeefJeRKy

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Posted 05 December 2008 - 00:54

What kind of Molson :) ? Hopefully not dry.
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#4 General Kirkov

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Posted 05 December 2008 - 03:04

View PostScope, on 4 Dec 2008, 19:54, said:

What kind of Molson :) ? Hopefully not dry.

Export of course.
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#5 BeefJeRKy

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Posted 05 December 2008 - 03:57

A wise choice. Looking forward for the rest of the story.
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#6 General Kirkov

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Posted 17 December 2008 - 16:50

My "F" key popped off my laptop yesterday and broke itself and as some of you know thats my story writting computer and as most of you have no doubt have noticed it is an integral consonants in many of my stories.

So wait out until this dillema is solved, I might push on the thingy that once held the key piece in place or something but yeah this sucks.

From my PC

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#7 General Kirkov

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Posted 06 January 2009 - 18:20

Chapter 1

“How could Garson know we’re engaged? I mean I proposed in an isolated place…”
“The troop compartment of the Hind?” She giggled.
“Exactly, you put on the ring then we hid it until we decided to break it to them how could he know? Wait you didn’t pull it out and show it to your girlfriends on the base next door did you?” He asked panicking now.
“Maybe…” She replied. “It’s just a really nice ring and they all loved it and they want to meet this mysterious Canadian…”
“He’s dating one of the women over there you know.” Caboose persisted
“They promised they wouldn’t say anything!” Black responded realizing that no woman really could keep a secret like that.

“Oh well I guess well have to tell them sooner or later, but later than sooner ok?” Caboose asked in a pleading tone.
“Ok hun have a beer.” She said after handing him a bottle.

They re-emerged into the TV room for refills when they saw the team staring at the two of them very seriously ‘Oh shit’. The TV was off and Mark was blocking the fridge which kinda pissed off Caboose cause he really needed a beer right about now.
“What’s up?” Michael asked lighly.

“Mission” was the reply from Harrison the team leader.

“Where?” Brookfield asked breaking the uneasy and awkward moment.
“Ahh not those fuckers again haven’t we killed enough of them?” Steiner voiced his displeasure Hind ammo was pretty fucking pricey.
“Seriously why can’t we you know rescue a hostage or something…” Garson was pitching in before being interrupted by Harrison.
“No the Tarbalak are not behind this one, I know Hind ammo is pricey” he gave a glance at Caboose “and it is a hostage rescue mission. A new Hotel built as a retreat into the Amazon or whatever was taken over by some worthless piece of shit bandits. Before you ask why don’t they send in their army or a HRT or a Special Operations force to take care of it is because the fucking G8 was having an unannounced meeting there. Also they have heavy weapons and to prove it they shot down a helicopter doing some recon and shot up some ground troops who were forming a perimeter around the hotel. Steiner before you ask yes we are getting paid by all 8 and we get more if we get their respective representatives out alive.” William Harrison concluded.

“So who are the representatives we are supposed to rescue?” Michael asked grateful that he and Nichole had dodged the bullet big time.

“So in order of current national wealth and least deficit; Prime Minister Stephen Harper (Canada), President Nicolas Sarkozy (France), Chancellor Angela Merkel (Germany), Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi (Italy) , Prime Minister Taro Aso (Japan), President Dmitry Medvedev (Russia), Prime Minister Gordon Brown (England/UK) and President George W. Bush (United States)” Harrison listed the leaders of the richest countries in the world (within a certain selection criteria).

“Uh can we let maybe one or two die, you know by accident?” James Brookfield asked slyly.
“James! That man has been through enough already.” Nichole scolded their machine gunner.
“I meant Brown” He answered back.
“Oh… yeah can we arrange an accident or something?” She asked Harrison.

“So what’s the mission load out?” Garson asked.
“Jungle BDUs, lots of ammo limited explosives, flash bangs, grenades that’s it. Sorry Mark.” He said after noticing the dejected look on the team pyromaniac. “On the bright side your pack should be considerably lighter…” Mike we will need sniper support from the outside then you will have to be able to move in quick with Brookfield when we call you guys up. Steiner and I will take point with Garson and Nichole in the rear. Apparently the hostage takers have holed themselves up on the fourth floor with the hostages in a conference room. Everyone clear on their jobs?” William Harrison didn’t really have to ask, all were professional soldiers and had already known what their assignments would be.

A supersonic bomber flew them post-haste to a Venezuelan airbase where a chopper was ready to ferry them nearby. And the group each chose a “comfortable” spot in the crew compartment to chat Caboose and Nichole sat together Brookfield, Steiner and Garson chose another spot to chat and Harrison was forward with the pilots.

“Where do you think he proposed to her?” Brookfield asked Garson since he had most of the intel on the new development.
“Well my source…”
“You mean Sandy.” Steiner cut Garson off.
“Yes Sandy, said that Caboose asked in what he would consider a really romantic place but Nichole said it was more of a place out of sight from most of us…” He continued as the two raised their heads after perhaps hearing their names.
“What’s romantic to Caboose? The firing range?” Steiner asked quietly as he joined the speculative discussion.
“Who gives a shit? What are we going to get them for the fucking wedding?” Garson brought the group back on what he deemed back on topic.
“Whose going to be best man?”
“So many things to do before a wedding…” Harrison said after he handed the flight plan to Steiner who would be piloting the chopper. They had known for about 3 weeks exactly 2 days after Michael had proposed.
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#8 CommanderJB

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Posted 06 January 2009 - 23:47

View PostGeneral Kirkov, on 7 Jan 2009, 5:20, said:

“So in order of current national wealth and least deficit; Prime Minister Stephen Harper (Canada), President Nicolas Sarkozy (France), Chancellor Angela Merkel (Germany), Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi (Italy) , Prime Minister Taro Aso (Japan), President Dmitry Medvedev (Russia), Prime Minister Gordon Brown (England/UK) and President George W. Bush (United States)” Harrison listed the leaders of the richest countries in the world (within a certain selection criteria).
You skipped Spain - and China! (why do I get the feeling this might've been for a reason?) - but other than that I'm certainly looking forward to seeing more. It's shaping up to be an interesting mission...


"Working together, we can build a world in which the rule of law — not the rule of force — governs relations between states. A world in which leaders respect the rights of their people, and nations seek peace, not destruction or domination. And neither we nor anyone else should live in fear ever again." - Wesley Clark

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#9 General Kirkov

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Posted 07 January 2009 - 00:43

Thats the list of the current G8.
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#10 CommanderJB

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Posted 07 January 2009 - 01:12

Ah, my apologies. Guess I'd better look up how the G8 works first.


"Working together, we can build a world in which the rule of law — not the rule of force — governs relations between states. A world in which leaders respect the rights of their people, and nations seek peace, not destruction or domination. And neither we nor anyone else should live in fear ever again." - Wesley Clark

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#11 General Kirkov

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Posted 07 January 2009 - 01:27

G8 Next post might take a while but I promise it will be a new chapter.
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#12 General Kirkov

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Posted 13 January 2009 - 16:38

Chapter 2

“Ok I have eyes on.” Caboose reported from a spot well chosen by the soldiers embarrassed at what had happened on their watch. “Ok shit heads let’s take a look at your face… Uh Will I don’t know… I … uh you should take a look at this with your binos…” Caboose reported.
“Ok, what the fuck? Why do they have pictures of dead seals and whales, clear cut forests… holy shit is this fucking Green Peace?” Harrison exclaimed.
“Yes I think that is what they called themselves they want to end the exploitation of the rain forest and dead animals for human consumption and something about sea gulls in the Atlantic…” Harrison shot a glance at Mike who was toying with his sights. “They want 8 billion 1 for each leader and a low emission helicopter so they can fly to a ship off our coast. Our negotiator has told them that since the killed soldiers and shot down a helicopter that we are having trouble convincing people to get the money or the helicopter, what the hell is a low emission helicopter anyways?” The commander on the scene reported.
“I don’t know.” Harrison replied
“In any case few people know what’s going on, but we can get the ransom money rather quickly so long as your patrons are willing to do us a favour in the near future eh?”
“Ok that’s good continue stalling we don’t want them to know what’s happening until the first bullets go through those idiots in front of the window. The guys are going to love this, is there a way we can get in apart from barging into the lobby?” The team leader asked.
“They may not like the way in… the sewers are your best bet…” The officer replied.
“Fucking Fantastic”

The group gathered out of sight and went through the revised mission plan, Harrison, Steiner, Garson and Nichole would enter a drainage pipe which leads to a service hatch inside the building proper they had been assured that it should be empty since the Hotel hadn’t really been used yet but that was of little consolation to the assault element. While Caboose would wait for a go signal right before they would go in to begin shooting and drawing fire while forcing the enemy to readjust their defences to counter a frontal attack. Brookfield would be there to cover their backs with Caboose as they extracted the VIPs.

“Hey Mike what you gonna play for the go signal this time?” Garson asked
“Excuse me, what?” Nichole asked they hadn’t really been on a standard mission with her yet. (see MOF #1)
“Mike plays some rock song through our headset when the song ends we go in, normally he has killed all the lookouts by then or anyone stupid enough to leave their head up.” Steiner answered.
“I see, hun why don’t you play something from that album I got you for Christmas?” She suggested.
“I don’t think I’ve copied Chinese Democracy to my iPod yet dear.” He replied dodging the request, besides AC/DC had a few songs he liked for these scenarios…
“We have a problem Caboose, those guys have double panelled windows your first shots…” Harrison began.
“Way ahead of that buddy, check this bullet out.” He said as he pulled out a round which looked like an hourglass. “When I put this modified muzzle attachment at the end of my LSRW it severs the first portion of what would be normally a .50 cal bullet however it is closer to a 7.62 more then enough at the velocity to break that window, the second portion of the bullet being about 5.56 cal would be delayed by 0.0005 seconds to follow it to its target. This now eliminates bullet deviation caused by shooting through a window. I brought 50 of them and about 200 normal .50s.” Looking at the open jaws of his team-mates and the few Venezuelan troops in earshot he finished; “Yeah I know, I fucking kick ass.”
“You have way too much time on your hands mate.” Brookfield said as the rest of the team made their way to the start point waiting for zero hour.

As they set up and gave the ready signal to each other Caboose began to check his song list and found his favourite.
“All you women who want a man of the street
But you don't know which way you wanna turn
Just keep a coming and put your hand out to me
'Cause I'm the one who's gonna make you burn
I'm gonna take you down - down, down, down
So don't you fool around
I'm gonna pull it, pull it, pull the trigger”

First Shot was taken and fire was heard from the building hitting nothing because another distant shot was heard over their headsets.
“Shoot to thrill, play to kill
Too many women with too many pills
Shoot to thrill, play to kill
I got my gun at the ready, gonna fire at will.

3, 4, 5

“Fuck he’s going nuts with those new bulltets eh?” Garson Stated

“I'm like evil, I get under your skin
Just like a bomb that's ready to blow
'Cause I'm illegal, I got everything
That all you women might need to know
I'm gonna take you down - yeah, down, down, down
So don't you fool around
I'm gonna pull it, pull it, pull the trigger”


“I'm like evil, I get under your skin
Just like a bomb that's ready to blow
'Cause I'm illegal, I got everything
That all you women might need to know
I'm gonna take you down - yeah, down, down, down
So don't you fool around
I'm gonna pull it, pull it, pull the trigger”


“Shoot to thrill, play to kill
Too many women, with too many pills
I said, shoot to thrill, play to kill
I got my gun at the ready, gonna fire at will
'Cause I shoot to thrill, and I'm ready to kill
And I can't get enough, and I can't get my FILL
'Cause I shoot to thrill, play it again”
“Think he’s done?”

9, 10, 11, 12

“Ah reloading”
“Shoot you down
I'm gonna get you to the bottom and shoot you
I'm gonna shoot you
Oh hoo yeah yeah yeah
I'm gonna shoot you down yeah yeah
I'm gonna get you down
Yeah yeah yeah yeah
Shoot you, shoot you, shoot you, shoot you down
Shoot you, shoot you, shoot you down
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, ooooooh
I'm gonna shoot to thrill
Play to kill
Shoot to thrill
yeah, ooh yeah”

“Done guys, they learnt to duck now” Caboose responded.

The team now under the hatch with flash bangs ready and Harrison’s hand on the latch. “3, 2, 1 GO GO GO!”

-Edit- Find the typo!

Comments suggestions?

Edited by General Kirkov, 15 January 2009 - 01:25.

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#13 Soul

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Posted 14 January 2009 - 02:14

Caboose is kick ass.
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View PostInsomniac!, on 16 Sep 2008, 20:12, said:

Soul you scare the hell out of me, more so than Lizzie.

I've been given a Bob coin from Mr. Bob, a life time supply of cookies from Blonde-Unknown, some Internet Chocolate from the Full Throttle mod team, and some Assorted Weapons from Høbbesy.

#14 General Kirkov

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Posted 15 January 2009 - 16:14

Poll added please vote, comment, or threaten my life.
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#15 General Kirkov

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Posted 04 February 2009 - 15:19

Chapter 3

As they cleared as what could only be described as the sanitation center for the hotel was thankfully clear and the team began to move up the stairway until they heard voices; “Man I can’t believe we caught these evil pigs man plundering the world for their pockets like the big fat cats they are.” Another agreed with him while coughing and a distinct smell was sensed by the team.

“Is that weed?” Garson asked “These fuckers are high when on guard what the fuck was that army doing outside?”
“God only knows, ok let’s take em down quick and move into one of the corridors that lead up to the lobby that must be cleared so we can evac our hostages.” Harrison ordered
“Roger” Garson replied as he loosed a burst from his silenced P-90 both men dropped silently and dead before they even hit the ground.
The team moved rather quickly dispatching another group of ‘Guards’ it was almost too easy something wasn’t right this couldn’t have been the force that shot down the helicopter and the men that attempted to breach the hotel… A machine gun crew gave them a bit of trouble pinned them down until a flash bang/grenade combo was tossed and put them down. One survivor had to be shot in the head, he was torn to shit, lost an arm and his chest was shredded to shit, Garson took pity on him. The defenders got more and more problematic when they got to the third floor, a large open floor with trees, a large fountain and a series of seating areas which had been turned into a barricaded/fortified position including sand bags additional machine guns and a .50 cal Browning M2.

“This is going to be fun..."
In any case they cleared floor after a prolonged battle sure to wake up anyone else in the building when they got to the fourth floor several “God damn hippies” were taken out, as Steiner put it until they reached the conference room where they assumed the G8 were being held.
“Lets get em and get the fuck out!” Nichole said surprising the other members of the MOF but on further reflection she hung out a lot with Caboose so it wasn’t a total surprise. The team burst in killing another two guards extremely easily.
“This makes no sense what so ever…” Harrison began after the Group of 8 were all seated calmly relieved to see the rescue party.
“About bloody time, get us out of here!” Prime Minister Gordon Brown complained after the team announced their intention.
“Watch out these imbeciles are not behind this, you must take us out of this jungle before they return…” President Sarkozy of France warned.
“Before who returns?” Steiner inquired as he helped the German Chancellor up.
“They would mean me.” Mr. Black replied with two dozen armed commandos behind him.
“Daddy? But why how could you do this?!” Nichole exclaimed on the verge of tears, with her microphone on so Caboose and Brookfield could hear… “Why? You knew they would send us!”
“Yes I was hoping it would take longer before the money would get to me, you can do a lot with 8 billion Dollars you know, funding the Tarbalak has nearly bankrupted me, however you will pleased to hear that I shall be leaving with much more money then I asked for anyways.” He replied as the guards striped the elite team of their weapons and he left the room.
“Where’s the rest of your team? I thought there were six of you?”
“They are going to fuck you up when they get here! Steiner blurted out before he got shot in the leg.
“Sit down pretty boy.” A voice with a Latin accent sneered

“Ok that son of a bitch is not fucking invited to the wedding.” Caboose blurted out angrier than Brookfield had ever seen him. I’m going to fuck him up and his little team of prissy fucktards.
“Uh you do realize there must be at least 20 of them right?” Brookfield warned as he got up and folded and removed his bi-pod and attached a hand grip to the front of his M249. “We will need some help…”
“Oi Soldier boys you want to redeem yourselves and avenge your buddies?” Caboose yelled at the nearest squad of troops staring at them packing up their stuff.

“What go wrong?” A sergeant asked perplexed. “I thought hippie take hostage and you kill them all?”
“Well apparently not they were a decoy and you got some fucking commando assholes making you look bad, go get your fucking CO over here” Caboose yelled.
“Si, right away.” He replied as he ran off into the Forrest to the command center.

Sorry for the relative shortness of the new chapter but I'm kinda busy

NB This takes place when the prologue takes place and not post inauguration of the new American President

Edited by General Kirkov, 20 July 2009 - 23:14.

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#16 General Kirkov

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Posted 15 February 2009 - 20:50

Chapter 4

When the Battalion commander returned Caboose was shocked to see who was with him…

“Holy shit its chief Boose’(Chief is an unofficial term when addressing a Master Corporal in the Canadian Forces, a derivation from the French version of the rank (Caporal Chef, – Chef – Chief)” A man clad in camouflage said emerging from the woods, apparently JTF2 had been conducting jungle training and had been sent over as backup.
“Well if it aint private Killian…” Caboose replied shaking the man’s hand vigorously.
“It’s actually sergeant Killian now chief.” The man answered getting a mock snap to attention from Caboose.
“Well ain't it a good thing we were here uh? Looks like you guys got yourselves in a bit of trouble eh? A 2 Lt came forward.
“Guess so, our assault element got ambushed near the final objective and seem to have been taken hostage as well. The good news is that the majority of the enemy have been neutralized leaving less then 2 dozen enemy combatants most likely centering their defensive positions near or around the hostage room/area.”
“2 dozen enemy combatants are a lot, how many did you guys “think” you got?” The lieutenant persisted and was getting on Caboose’s nerves.
“Well I popped 12 from my position here with my rifle, the team breatched from the basement eliminated about 5 or 6 additional guards made it to the lobby presumably killing a defensive group of about a dozen. Cleared the stairway to the first floor another 2 or 3, the same on the second floor, took out a machine gun nest and barricades on the 3rd. Took the fourth floor after taking out guys holed up all the way to the conference room, so yeah we took out most of em and somehow they must have had a reserve or something and took us by surprise.” Caboose answered leaving out the fact that the guys they dropped were pot-heads it would just give the Lt something else to rag on about mercenaries.
“How many men do you have sir?” He asked.
“A section, 10 men, 6 rifles, 2 with M203 grenade launchers, 2 C9-LMGs (M249) and 2 SMG gunners with MP-5s, silenced. How many did you send in?”
“4” Was the answer.
“Holy shit” Killian spoke up, “so you and this gunner are support for a 4 man fire group? And they wasted more than a fucking platoon?”
“Yep they all have silenced weapons, 1 P-90, 1 MP-5, 1 G36 and 1 Steyr Stg.77 AUG bullpup. And naturally the standard hostage rescue/assault load out 4 flash bangs per man and 2 frags.”
“So no standardized weapons then huh?” The annoying platoon commander spoke once more earning a devastating glare from Caboose, Brookfield and the Sergeant.
“We have a standard side arm sir.” Brookfield said as he produced his Beretta.
“Really, the officer said, then whats that on your sniper’s hip?” He said pointing to the MP-9 sub-machine gun.
“Yeah well you see once we had to infiltrate a building all at once and quite frankly sir a sniper rifle does not perform well in close quarters, I had to pick up a Kalashnikov, so now I have my rifle, my pistol and this here SMG.” Caboose was now trying to figure how he might be able to frag this prick and get away with it.
“Yeah that was fucking brilliant with the AK I can remember the look on your face when you went nuts with it on the… Sorry can’t talk about that.” Brookfield said to the delight of the Sgt. but not to the officer who was clearly displeased by been addressed with such informality by two civilians with guns going around the world for millions even if one had been in his unit before he arrived.

The two groups, returning to a professional level began formulating a second assault wave on the hotel, clearly since the lobby had been cleared they would simply enter from there and move up the path of most resistance to take out any additional surprises. Brookfield went out and found his machine gunner counterparts as Caboose, sergeant Killian and the Lt discussed a plan of attack. Clearly a sniper rifle was once more useless and it was broken down and packed as Micheal pulled out his MP-9 and the ammo for it and inserted it into the custom webbing for it the Beretta and the various grenades. This time they intended to kill the lights as night fell, go in with low light goggles and flash bang to blind the enemy. As the Lt whose name Caboose kept forgetting or at least pretended too walked off to the Venezuelan officer to discuss what their role in the operation would be, Killian and a few of his former buddies did some catching up.

“So Mike, still thinking up new and exciting bullets, to kill lame and stupid people? A corporal asked.
“Yeah but now I can actually produce them!” He said as he pulled out a few samples; “This one here was great for the windows here it’s a single round but it divides in two with a very small delay between the first part and the second. The first bullet goes out and breaks or punctures the window when # 2 goes through the same hole and blows buddy’s brains out. This one was fun, he said pulling out another of his “Shotgun Sniper rounds” acts as a fragmentary round, like a shotgun shell but it only disperses at about 2 to 300 meters with an effective kill zone of 250. I also have incendiary, armour piercing etc…” Anyways I’m working on a new bullet to be produced by Caboose munition enterprises…
“You have to be shitting me.” He got cut off.
“Yeah I am, I just have Derringer manufacture them for me, I get bulk discounts now though!”

Sorry for the delay, and the short interpersonal dialogue and the lack of death but I hope this keeps you guys going until the assault!
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#17 General Kirkov

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Posted 31 March 2009 - 13:11

- April fools joke removed -

It confused some people who seem to still be confused.


Edited by General Kirkov, 17 June 2009 - 14:28.

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#18 Soul

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Posted 31 March 2009 - 20:49

I didn't like that ending, hope you come back someday and give us a better one.
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View PostInsomniac!, on 16 Sep 2008, 20:12, said:

Soul you scare the hell out of me, more so than Lizzie.

I've been given a Bob coin from Mr. Bob, a life time supply of cookies from Blonde-Unknown, some Internet Chocolate from the Full Throttle mod team, and some Assorted Weapons from Høbbesy.

#19 General Kirkov

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Posted 01 April 2009 - 13:53

-Post deleted-


Edited by General Kirkov, 17 June 2009 - 14:29.

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#20 General Kirkov

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Posted 16 June 2009 - 23:25

Chapter 5

The team now entered via the front entrance, there wasn’t any point in sneaking in, the enemy knew they were coming or at least thought they did, since only Caboose and Brookield where supposed to be coming not them and a section of JTF 2 troops and a company of Venezuelan troops following behind them.

“Ok there was a machine gun emplacement with makeshift fortifications on the third floor, now that the first wave of guards who were less then well trained were taken out with some difficulty, the replacements whom were held back as a reserve force may in fact be mercs.” Caboose said taking over the mission as the 3rd in command of the MOF.

The Commandos took the lead, using a mini camera at the end of a small wire they confirmed that the .50 cal was back online with 2 MG-42s 5 meters on either side of it! This would prevent a single grenade from taking out all three of the heavy weapons, this with 15 M4 riflemen would make a difficult assault. This is where they would make their first stand against the force, it was logical to put so many men to ambush 2 as to make quick work of them. However they were facing a force of 120 soldiers and 12 commandos, still a daunting obstacle since the corridor was no more than 20 meters wide, 50 meters long and these troops laid themselves out appropriately to make the most of it.

“Hey mike?” Brookfield asked
“Do you think I can nick one MG-42 from those fuckers?”
“Kinda heavy man but sure I’ll help you carry one out.”

Caboose flung a Flash bang around the corner then ducked back, drawing fire from all of the “enemy force” indicating a proper reaction to an imminent assault, however they now heard arguing amongst the soldiers whether or not they should check it out. 8 men were dispatched they did not want to take any risks, besides 2 men should not be that hard to take down right? So in a similar method a flash bang was hurled around the corner and then the troops moved up to find a 40 or so Venezuelan troops ready for them, they were brought down quickly, the non-silenced weapons in this case M16-A2s warned the defenders that Caboose and Brookfield were not the main attack force, rather it was the country's army moving up on them with deploy able barricades that could stop most rounds but not the .50 cal, a grenade landed in “the nest” killing the operator and destroying the weapon. However the troops were stopped in their tracks as a continual stream of fire pore over their heads and the barricade.

“So colonel it is up to them now eh?” A Venezuelan trooper asked.
“Si, if they can drop behind them via the air vents and eliminate the rest we can move up once more. And perhaps retake the hotel together, if not then they will end this one way or another. Make sure the ambulances are ready outside for the world leaders and any wounded.”
“Right away sir!”

The elite soldiers moved up slowly as they had been taught to make as little noise as possible, which was more or less irrelevant since a full blown battle was going on below them, the Venezuelan troops had begun to return fire perhaps to help hide the noise of the troops moving above their targets. Every now and then they paused tried to take their bearings, the air ducts went through the “wall” of the floor into the service rooms. Ideally they would want to drop just behind the enemy and take them out. Once the Lt. had determined that they were above the right position Caboose and Sergeant Killian went over the schematics before determining that they were in place and were ready to go (never trust an officer with a map or in this case schematics before going over them yourself).

“In 30 seconds silent breach with torches, prepare for the drop its 2 meters and a half, on my mark” The officer ordered.

A series of holes were cut along the way to allow the troops to drop down simultaneously or as close to that as possible. Caboose pulled out his Beretta in his left hand and his MP-9 in his right before kicking down the segment of vent which landed him right behind one of the MG-42 troopers he blew his head off with the Beretta and took cover as suddenly fire shifted towards the commandos. Killian dropped down next to the other one and double tapped him in the chest and once in the head with his MP-5. Apparently the duct was perpendicular to the corridor and the troops now formed a line behind the enemy in fixed defensive positions!
“Hey Killian thinking what I’m thinking?” Caboose asked
“Uh the GST should be lower and kittens are cuter than puppies? OF COURSE I AM LET’S WASTE THESE MOTHER FUCKERS” The sergeant replied.

Both former comrades readied the weapons in unison and gunned down the rest of the defenders much to the disappointment of the other guys who had crawled their way to their current position. Caboose then summoned one of the Venezuelan troops to his position; “You are to guard this machine gun from anyone and everyone, nobody touches it except myself or my buddy over there.” Caboose said while gesturing to Brookfield in perfect Spanish.

“Ok they're on the fourth floor can’t be more than 4 guys left now, lets do this”

I know this is short, but I just want you guys to know I'm not dead and neither is the MOF

-General Kirkov

Edited by General Kirkov, 17 June 2009 - 14:54.

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#21 BeefJeRKy

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Posted 17 June 2009 - 00:28

Great to see your back to writing! I'm guessing you're done with Concordia now?
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#22 General Kirkov

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Posted 17 June 2009 - 02:09

Not yet, I've just been real busy over the summer. I'll finish up the story soon and continue on another long delayed one I've been wanting to re-write for years.
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#23 SquigPie

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Posted 17 June 2009 - 11:58

I'm sorry to say this, but WTF is this thread about?


As long as the dark foundation of our nature, grim in its all-encompassing egoism, mad in its drive to make that egoism into reality, to devour everything and to define everything by itself, as long as that foundation is visible, as long as this truly original sin exists within us, we have no business here and there is no logical answer to our existence.
Imagine a group of people who are all blind, deaf and slightly demented and suddenly someone in the crowd asks, "What are we to do?"... The only possible answer is, "Look for a cure". Until you are cured, there is nothing you can do.
And since you don't believe you are sick, there can be no cure.
- Vladimir Solovyov

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#24 General Kirkov

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Posted 17 June 2009 - 14:26

View PostSquigPie, on 17 Jun 2009, 7:58, said:

I'm sorry to say this, but WTF is this thread about?

Looks like a story to me, check out the first three for timeline progression (located in the bottom of my sig) then if you want click on my some of my earlier works RS-RS II, seriously writers corner = writings.

Edited by General Kirkov, 17 June 2009 - 14:30.

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#25 SquigPie

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Posted 17 June 2009 - 15:46

Yeah but, is it a contouation (lolspell) of an earlier story, or something entirely new. and whats up with the voting thing.


As long as the dark foundation of our nature, grim in its all-encompassing egoism, mad in its drive to make that egoism into reality, to devour everything and to define everything by itself, as long as that foundation is visible, as long as this truly original sin exists within us, we have no business here and there is no logical answer to our existence.
Imagine a group of people who are all blind, deaf and slightly demented and suddenly someone in the crowd asks, "What are we to do?"... The only possible answer is, "Look for a cure". Until you are cured, there is nothing you can do.
And since you don't believe you are sick, there can be no cure.
- Vladimir Solovyov

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