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#176 Foxhound

    Ain't no rest for the wicked.

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Posted 16 June 2006 - 01:06

RustyDroid said:

crap...what beats time...

I know! Christianity.

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#177 Sic


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Posted 16 June 2006 - 08:02

why don't we have an rp fight in E studios.!
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#178 Foxhound

    Ain't no rest for the wicked.

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Posted 16 June 2006 - 21:28

cause its hard unless its done real time

like in the IRC chat



17:18 <CodeCat> 'The Illuminati set up us the bomb?'


[17:19] <CodeCat> What you dance?
[17:19] <Blaat85> For great dancing!!
[17:20] <RustyDroid> lol

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#179 The_Hunter


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Posted 17 June 2006 - 13:50


No-Skillz zegt:
Pick a number between 1 and 10...
(I can't decide what to play...(
[CNCRE Studios] The Hunter (AKA André) zegt:
No-Skillz zegt:
...God damn you... >.<
No-Skillz zegt:
Between 1 and 10
[CNCRE Studios] The Hunter (AKA André) zegt:
yea i used the 1 from ten and 1 from 1

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#180 CodeCat

    It's a trap!

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Posted 17 June 2006 - 14:05


[15:53] No-Skillz: Code! You're a genius! Right?
[15:53] CodeCat - What, me furry?: Thanks, but no
[15:53] No-Skillz: Ah, damnit, I'll ask you anyways
[15:53] No-Skillz: Pick a number between 1 and 10! >.<
[15:54] CodeCat - What, me furry?: Ok
[15:54] No-Skillz: ...
[15:55] No-Skillz: You're just as bad as Pot Noodle Boy... >.<

Edited by CodeCat, 28 December 2010 - 00:20.


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Go dtiomsaítear do chód gan earráidí, is go gcríochnaítear do chláir go réidh. -Old Irish proverb

#181 Foxhound

    Ain't no rest for the wicked.

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Posted 17 June 2006 - 20:15


[14:24] <CodeCat> Let's see if that works the way I want it to
[14:24] <RustyDroid> if it works, I'd buy you beer (but I'm too young and live over 3000 miles from you

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#182 Foxhound

    Ain't no rest for the wicked.

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Posted 18 June 2006 - 03:58

Woot, definecynical IRC chat pun war!

(Note: I am Foxhound)


[23:34] <Tavis> It's Arloest!
[23:34] <Arloest> And he has 60 million dollars for all of us
[23:34] <Foxhound> its me, Rusty
[23:34] * Tai sticks a sticky note on Tavis. "Hi Tavis"
[23:34] <Arloest> But he will only give it to us if we bug him mercilessly for it
[23:34] <Zaaphod> woohoo!  money!
[23:34] <Tavis> Yeah, I caught on riiight after I said it.
[23:34] <Tai> TAVIS MONEYS PLS
[23:34] <Foxhound> the reason I'm using Foxhound (at least tonight) is cause of Ibun
[23:35] <Tavis> Yeah.. bad news is, it's Monopoly money... in unofficial denominations. :lol:
[23:35] <JerryArr> Money, Tavis
[23:35] <JerryArr> aww
[23:35] <Foxhound> lol
[23:35] <Tavis> I'm being hunted by Milton Bradley's Secret Service. :D
[23:36] <Zaaphod> haha!
[23:36] <JerryArr> hehe
[23:36] <JerryArr> Watch out for those Rich Uncle Pennybagses
[23:36] <Zaaphod> better watch out for that guy Milton Bradley.. he's a hothead  :joint:
[23:36] <Foxhound> Monopoly Mafia!
[23:36] <Loeln> Remember to return his stapler.
[23:36] <Zaaphod> hehe
[23:36] <Tai> Iblibeyouhavemystepler?
[23:37] <Tavis> Yeah, I hear I'm going to have to suffer a "Life" sentence.
[23:37] <Tai> ouch ;x
[23:37] * Foxhound groans loudly
[23:37] <Arloest> It looks like you're in Trouble
[23:37] <Zaaphod> hehee
[23:37] <Tavis> XD
[23:37] * Foxhound groans more
[23:37] <Zaaphod> and you're not a bit Sorry!
[23:37] <Loeln> Sorry
[23:37] <JerryArr> hehe
[23:37] * Foxhound groans even more loudly
[23:37] <Arloest> You Risked it all
[23:37] <Tavis> Well, as long as I don't leave them a Clue.
[23:38] <JerryArr> Can't Stop the puns
[23:38] <Zaaphod> hehee
[23:38] <Foxhound> rofl
[23:38] <Loeln> That's Life.
[23:38] * Foxhound groans louder
[23:38] <Tavis> ... they will never Guess Who I might be.
[23:38] <Foxhound> lol
[23:38] * Foxhound groans some more
[23:38] <Foxhound> god, enough puns
[23:38] <Arloest> OK soon Im going to break out the kickbanning
[23:38] <JerryArr> You can never have enough puns
[23:38] <Tai> We're just striving for Perfection
[23:38] <JerryArr> hehe
[23:38] <Foxhound> ...
[23:39] <Foxhound> *groan*
[23:39] <Zaaphod> now you're just Scrabbling for puns
[23:39] <Loeln> Yet were starting to Scrabble for good one.
[23:39] <Foxhound> omg...enough
[23:39] <Zaaphod> heheheee
[23:39] * Foxhound groans (again)
[23:39] <JerryArr> We need some pun Checkers.
[23:39] <Tai> Let's just dump all this in Mr. Bucket
[23:39] <Foxhound> I should stop groaning
[23:39] <Loeln> Yes.
[23:39] <Loeln> You could need an Operation if you keep it up.
[23:39] <Tai> Assimalate and spread
[23:40] <Foxhound> it might sound like I'm injured...or doing something...
[23:40] <Foxhound> http://www.comcast.n.../16/415415.html <----OMG lol
[23:40] <Tai> the possibilities of "something" Boggle the mind
[23:41] <JerryArr> hehe
[23:41] <Tai> eh, crazy people
[23:41] <Tavis> Well, it's the chance to deliver puns like these we all connect four. ;D
[23:41] <Foxhound> *groan...groan...groan...*
[23:41] <Zaaphod> hehe
[23:41] <JerryArr> Well, I Canasta'm all keep going if you want.
[23:41] <Tavis> ROFL
[23:41] <Foxhound> lol
[23:41] <Loeln> Cheezier than a Mouse Trap.
[23:42] * Foxhound groans yet again
[23:42] <Foxhound> this is ridiculous
[23:42] <Zaaphod> yes  :D
[23:42] <JerryArr> :joint:
[23:42] <Tavis> We're all just Hungry Hungry Hippos for more...
[23:43] <Zaaphod> Jerry managed to Bridge into card games
[23:43] <Foxhound> *groaaaaaaaan*
[23:43] <Arloest> You think I was kidding about the kicbanning
[23:43] <Loeln> We can Connect For(Ha!) more puns.
[23:43] <Foxhound> ok
[23:43] <Foxhound> I'll stop
[23:43] <Tai> Could this be considered a family feud?
[23:43] <Foxhound> ...
[23:43] <Arloest> No foxhound you're the only one not diong anything
[23:43] <Tavis> Loeln: (10:41:16 PM) Tavis: Well, it's the chance to deliver puns like these we all connect four. ;D
[23:44] <Foxhound> wait, I'm not doing anything?
[23:44] <Arloest> nein
[23:44] <Zaaphod> you're the only one not punning
[23:44] <Foxhound> yeah
[23:44] <Arloest> its EVERYONE ELSE with their PUNS
[23:44] <Arloest> Including me
[23:44] <Loeln> We're going to Go For Broke on this.
[23:44] <Foxhound> an occasional pun is funny
[23:44] * Arloest has quit IRC (Quit: )
[23:44] <Tai> Hats off to Foxhound
[23:44] <Foxhound> but this is absolutely ridiculous
[23:44] <Zaaphod> oh crap
[23:44] <Foxhound> what
[23:44] * Arloest has joined #definecynical
[23:44] <Arloest> Wrong button :(
[23:44] <Foxhound> what the...
[23:44] <Tai> we broke Arlo
[23:44] <Loeln> 'ello
[23:44] <Zaaphod> hiya
[23:44] <JerryArr> hi
[23:44] <Tai> wbbwb
[23:44] <Arloest> I hit the disconnect instead of the channel list
[23:45] <Foxhound> yes, we did break Arlo
[23:45] <Tai> on an unrelated note
[23:45] <Foxhound> We'll need an Operation right now!
[23:45] <gen200> YAY!!!
[23:45] <Foxhound> ok
[23:45] <Tavis> Just to fuel your Aggrivation. ;) http://www.hasbro.co...=Keyword+Search
[23:45] <gen200> stop the puns
[23:45] <Arloest> LISTEN
[23:45] <Tai> Novel now is uninterrupted, with no major holes
[23:45] <Loeln> "You could need an Operation if you keep it up."
[23:45] <Tavis> Aggravation*
[23:45] <Arloest> When the prophet speaks to you
[23:45] <Arloest> In the name of God
[23:45] <Foxhound> one pun is good enough for me
[23:45] <Loeln> Uno pun?
[23:45] <JerryArr> For us, this is just Par... Cheesi.
[23:45] <Arloest> JERRY D:<
[23:45] <Foxhound> ...
[23:45] <JerryArr> Mwahaha
[23:45] <Foxhound> House Rules style?
[23:46] <JerryArr> maybe
[23:46] <gen200> YYAAYYY!!!!
[23:46] <Tavis> HAHA!
[23:46] <12Foxhound> eh...
[23:46] <Arloest> you're going to drive me into listening to slipknot
[23:46] <Zaaphod> eep!
[23:46] <Tavis> Awesome one, Jerry.
[23:46] <Loeln> We're having a (Calvin)Ball.
[23:46] <Arloest> Yargghghhhghghghghghgfh
[23:46] * Foxhound groans again
[23:46] <JerryArr> mwahaha
[23:46] * Ozy sets mode: +o Arloest
[23:46] <Tai> oh crap
[23:46] <Loeln> Yah, see?
[23:46] <gen200> what is wrong with people?
[23:46] <Arloest> You're just lucky for some reason I cant click on any of your names D:<
[23:46] <Tai> ANGRY BEES
[23:47] <12Foxhound> lol, you're screwed now
[23:47] <JerryArr> hehe
[23:47] <Loeln> Bingo.
[23:47] <JerryArr> heh
[23:47] <Arloest> I know the script for banning people but not for kicking
[23:47] <Tai> syntax: /k channel nickname
[23:47] <JerryArr> Well
[23:47] <Tai> ALLAH ACKBAR
[23:47] <Foxhound> great...Tai is now a terrorist...
[23:48] <Arloest> let me experiment
[23:48] * _5hfifty has quit IRC (Connection reset by peer)
[23:48] <Arloest> Who would like to volunteer
[23:48] <Foxhound> go grab a sniper rifle and shoot that marine jumping around saying "OMG lol"
[23:48] <Loeln> I'll brave this dungeon and dragon.
[23:48] <Loeln> (Entirely worth it)
[23:48] <Foxhound> woot Counterstrike
[23:48] <JerryArr> haha
[23:49] * Arloest was kicked by Arloest (Fine >:@)
[23:50] <JerryArr> heh
[23:50] <Loeln> Dragonstrike!
[23:50] * Arloest has joined #definecynical
[23:50] * Ozy sets mode: +o Arloest
[23:50] <Tai> =o
[23:50] <Tai> o-
[23:50] <Tai> o
[23:50] <Zaaphod> it appears to work
[23:50] <Tai> 
[23:50] <Foxhound> what the hell is going on...
[23:50] <Arloest> Cool, the message thing works too
[23:50] <gen200> huh?
[23:50] <Tai> Yes.
[23:50] <gen200> what IS going on?
[23:50] <Loeln> Crazy, eight it?
[23:50] <JerryArr> I wonder who wants to be Arlo's next guinea pig
[23:51] <Foxhound> Loeln...
[23:51] <Tai> Yahtzee!
[23:51] <JerryArr> I bet if you Poker enough, it'll be you.
[23:51] <Foxhound> augh
[23:51] * Foxhound groans
[23:51] <Loeln> It's War.
[23:51] <Tavis> And it's in the cards... >.>
[23:51] <JerryArr> hehe
[23:51] <Loeln> Though, at any time Arlo could sink our Battleship.

lets just say this continued for quite awhile after...

Edited by RustyDroid, 18 June 2006 - 04:03.

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#183 CodeCat

    It's a trap!

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Posted 19 June 2006 - 20:11


[22:07] <CodeCat> I wonder how old everyone is...
[22:08] <CodeCat> But first, guess my age
[22:08] <retry_1> 21
[22:08] <CodeCat> Not you damnit
[22:08] <CodeCat> You already knew!
[22:08] <Caitlyn> 21?
[22:08] <CodeCat> -.-
[22:08] <likeafox> oooh I know I know!
[22:08] <likeafox> 21!
[22:08] <Dr_Dos> 21
[22:08] <Caitlyn> XD
[22:09] <CodeCat> lmao


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Go dtiomsaítear do chód gan earráidí, is go gcríochnaítear do chláir go réidh. -Old Irish proverb

#184 Foxhound

    Ain't no rest for the wicked.

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Posted 19 June 2006 - 21:43

Benny Hill-style RP battle in the DC IRC chat!


[22:57] * CodeCat groans as he slowly wakes up from his unconscious state. He tries to get up, but then notices retry lying under him and says: 'What the hell happened here??'
[22:57] <Foxhound> um...dont blame me...
[22:57] * Foxhound lies down on pool table
[22:57] <JerryArr> FH duct taped you to the ceiling
[22:58] <CodeCat> Last thing I remember was getting a mug in the face... WHAT?
[22:58] <JerryArr> Duct tape
[22:58] <Astral> ceiling
[22:58] <Foxhound> uh oh...
[22:58] <JerryArr> FH
[22:58] * Foxhound runs away Benny Hill style
[22:59] * CodeCat runs after him
[22:59] * JerryArr puts on an English police uniform and chases the two
[22:59] * Foxhound erratically fires his pistol in CodeCat's general direction- Spray's drink gets hit again
[22:59] * CodeCat chases FH around trees and lamp posts
[22:59] * Astral presses a tape recorder to start the 'chase' music
[23:00] * Border_Walker looks around as the classic british comedy comes into play
[23:00] * Foxhound throws viking helmet at CodeCat
[23:00] * Foxhound throws spear at Spray
[23:00] * Foxhound keeps running
[23:00] * Spray deflects the spear
[23:00] * CodeCat continues to run after him, followed by Jerry
[23:01] * Foxhound throws ion cannon beacon at Jerry
[23:01] * Astral Moans loudly and clings to his head, yelling at the bicking pair as they run past
[23:01] <Foxhound> *beep...beep...beep*
[23:01] * JerryArr reverses direction and runs from FH
[23:01] <CodeCat> http://tv.cream.org/...s/bennyhill.mp3 
[23:01] * Foxhound runs after Jerry
[23:01] * CodeCat runs after Jerry
[23:02] * Foxhound hits Jerry with nightstick
[23:04] * Foxhound reverses direction, chasing after CodeCat
[23:04] * CodeCat chases after FH, and runs smack right into him
[23:04] * Foxhound turns Jerry around
[23:05] * JerryArr is in fact turned around
[23:06] <Foxhound> ow...
[23:06] * Foxhound starts chasing after Tai
[23:07] * CodeCat chases after his own tail
[23:07] * Foxhound starts chasing CodeCat
[23:07] * CodeCat runs in circles
[23:08] * CodeCat then notices FH and runs away
[23:08] * Foxhound gives chase
[23:08] * CodeCat runs around the building
[23:09] * Foxhound reverses direction
[23:10] * Foxhound heads back in and falls asleep on pool table
[23:11] * CodeCat runs around for a few more laps before he notices he isn't being chased anymore
[23:11] <Foxhound> I wonder whne he'll
[23:11] <Foxhound> never mind
[23:11] <Astral> lol XD

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#185 Foxhound

    Ain't no rest for the wicked.

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Posted 21 June 2006 - 16:48

RP C&C spinoff


[22:36] * Foxhound starts bottling soda
[22:37] <12Foxhound> I can make a profit!
[22:37] * Sniggwaffe wonders who would buy soda laced with alkali metal, and the contents of a full room
[22:38] <Holyman83> well make a fortion from this soda foution
[22:38] <12Foxhound> there are very stupid people in this world Tai...
[22:38] <Holyman83> very very stupid
[22:38] <Sniggwaffe> aye there are, but some kind of quality control people will eventaully notice :P
[22:39] <12Foxhound> lol
[22:39] <12Foxhound> so we sell it on the black market
[22:39] <Holyman83> na, we bribed all the QC people to give us good reviews all the time
[22:39] <12Foxhound> rofl
[22:40] <likeafox> Goodnight
[22:41] <Holyman83> night LAF
[22:41] * likeafox has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving)
[22:41] <12Foxhound> night
[22:41] * Holyman83 starts selling it under the name Sokalin Soda "the one that will give you a charge"
[22:42] <12Foxhound> *in twisted voice* Would you like to try some??? *eye twitch*
[22:43] * Foxhound collapses on couch
[22:43] * Foxhound lands on someone
[22:43] <Holyman83> *all natural considering if it won't for nature we would not have anything to make the stuff that makes the soda
[22:43] * Miles_E_Traysandor is flopped on ^^;;
[22:44] <12Foxhound> lol
[22:44] * Foxhound snuggles Miles_E_Traysandor
[22:44] <Miles_E_Traysandor> Hehehe
[22:45] * Sniggwaffe has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
[22:46] * Sniggwaffe has joined #definecynical
[22:47] <Holyman83> ingredients: water, carbon, cannabis (marihuana)*, alkali metals, food coloring
[22:47] <Holyman83> * = not show no lable
[22:47] <12Foxhound> lol
[22:48] <12Foxhound> kinda like those things I've gotten at that asian supermarket nearby that has MSG on the label...in Chinese only
[22:48] * Holyman83 markets towards children with a Camel
[22:48] <Spray> heh
[22:48] <Holyman83> hehe
[22:48] <12Foxhound> heh
[22:49] * Foxhound starts lawsuit
[22:49] <12Foxhound> ha ha pwned by the feds
[22:49] * Holyman83 names the camel jack
[22:49] <Miles_E_Traysandor> lol
[22:49] * Miles_E_Traysandor trumps with a Queen!
[22:50] <Holyman83> mover operations over seas
[22:50] * Foxhound groans at pun
[22:50] <12Foxhound> so...you're sending your coporate HQ to China, the Middle East, or Africa?
[22:51] * Holyman83 changes the label to a duck
[22:51] <Miles_E_Traysandor> AFLAC!
[22:51] * Foxhound starts war against Sokalin makers in the name of "antiterrorism"
[22:52] * Holyman83 start employing children paying them with some free Sokalin
[22:52] * Foxhound informs UN of child labor usage
[22:52] <Miles_E_Traysandor> >_> <_< :D
[22:53] <Holyman83> buy all the terrorism gourps up and renames the groups to N.O.D. Now Offering Dollars 
[22:53] <Miles_E_Traysandor> lol
[22:53] <Spray> hah
[22:53] <12Foxhound> lol, shades of C&C?
[22:53] <12Foxhound> shall I start GDI
[22:53] <12Foxhound> ?
[22:54] * Holyman83 becomes a super power
[22:54] * Foxhound launches Ion cannon satellite
[22:54] <Holyman83> (sure)
[22:54] * Foxhound launches space station Philadelphia
[22:55] * Spray launches space sta--SHORYUKEN!!
[22:55] * Holyman83 starts to mix Sokalin with crystals, show interesting results
[22:55] * Miles_E_Traysandor launches rubber ducky!
[22:55] <12Foxhound> Tiberium!
[22:55] * Holyman83 makes Sokalin-crystals Solgers
[22:55] * Foxhound fires Ion cannon into Temple of NOD
[22:56] <12Foxhound> (only capitalized because its an acronym in this case)
[22:56] * Holyman83 wonders why his is attaching the civilians church
[22:56] * Sniggwaffe hunkers in siege mode and watches
[22:56] * Foxhound develops Mammoth Mk II
[22:56] * Holyman83 starts going underground
[22:57] * Foxhound develops personal Ion cannon
[22:57] * Miles_E_Traysandor gets out a Thingy
[22:57] * Foxhound launches Orca strike against holyman's forces
[22:57] * Holyman83 create a cloak Field
[22:58] * Foxhound gives infantry armor suits, goes stealth tank hunting
[22:58] <Holyman83> fires Sokalin-booms at Foxhound
[22:58] * Foxhound fires Ion cannon at Holyman
[22:59] * Holyman83 merges with the Sokalin super computer
[22:59] <12Foxhound> in the name of Holyman
[23:00] <12Foxhound> HOLYMAN LIVES IN DEATH
[23:00] * Foxhound fires Ion cannon
[23:00] * Holyman83 steals the hack Foxhounds computers
[23:00] <Holyman83> *hacks Foxhounds computers
[23:00] * Foxhound recruits The Forgotten
[23:01] <Sniggwaffe> brb laundry
[23:01] <Holyman83> meh, I need to go to bed now
[23:01] * Holyman83 nukes the world
[23:01] <Miles_E_Traysandor> Aww, nighters
[23:01] <12Foxhound> ok
[23:01] * Foxhound launches Tiberium nuke
[23:01] <12Foxhound> night
[23:01] * Foxhound glompsnuggles Holyman83
[23:02] * Holyman83 has quit IRC (Quit: night all *hugs*)
[23:02] <12Foxhound> crap
[23:02] <12Foxhound> no more RP C&C spinoffs



[17:12] * Foxhound chugs Mountain Dew
[17:13] <Astral> XD
[17:13] * Foxhound starts bouncing
[17:13] * Foxhound crashes through ceiling and gets stuck
[17:13] <12Foxhound> guys...little help here?
[17:14] * Astral groans and holds his hands to his face as light pours through the gap "tah Light! IT BURRNNNSSS!"
[17:14] <12Foxhound> I thought I gave you the Ibuprofin
[17:15] <Astral> arn't you suposed to be stuck in a ciling?
[17:15] <Spray> hmm...
[17:15] <12Foxhound> yes
[17:15] <Astral> it is
[17:16] * Foxhound notices that the ceiling is starting to crack
[17:16] <12Foxhound> *the ceiling collapses
[17:16] <12Foxhound> *it hits everyone*
[17:16] <12Foxhound> critical hit!
[17:16] <Astral> Ahhhhhhhhhhhh!!! I am buried
[17:16] * CodeCat gets buried under a big pile of rubble
[17:17] <12Foxhound> *Terrorists win!*
[17:17] <Astral> damn
[17:17] <Astral> now we gota reboot the chat room
[17:17] <12Foxhound> oh, I was just referring to Counterstrike
[17:17] <12Foxhound> Next round!
[17:17] <Astral> yeah I know
[17:18] * Foxhound buys M-249
[17:18] <Astral> but still
[17:18] <Astral> dust plz
[17:18] <12Foxhound> lol
[17:18] * CodeCat buys AWP
[17:18] * The_MAZZTer buys Bullpup
[17:18] <Astral> as long as there's a sofa, I don't cair
[17:18] * Foxhound buys grenades
[17:19] * Foxhound chases Mazz
[17:19] <04CodeCat> Wait...
[17:19] <04CodeCat> What teams?
[17:19] * The_MAZZTer knifes Foxhound and takes his grenades
[17:19] <12Foxhound> ow
[17:19] <The_MAZZTer> FREE FOR ALL
[17:19] * Foxhound shoots Mazz in the head
[17:19] <04CodeCat> Ooo goody
[17:19] <12Foxhound> *enemy down
[17:20] * The_MAZZTer grenades CodeCat
[17:20] * CodeCat dies
[17:20] <04CodeCat> DAMN! Spawn killer!
[17:20] * Astral crawls out off the sqooshie chair, grabs a sign and starts marching up and down declearing "Make Peace not War"
[17:20] <The_MAZZTer> HAX, I KILLED U
[17:20] * Foxhound hides behind sofa that Astral is on
[17:20] <04CodeCat> WTF u suk
[17:20] * Spray has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
[17:20] * JerryArr also makes a protest sign
[17:20] * Foxhound has been kicked
[17:20] * CodeCat steals his sign and hits Mazz with it
[17:21] * Foxhound has joined the server
[17:21] <04CodeCat> STFU NOOB
[17:21] <12Foxhound> OMG LOL!
[17:21] <The_MAZZTer> ow my courpse
[17:21] <12Foxhound> lol omg wtf hax!
[17:22] <04CodeCat> Stfu and shoot enemy duhz
[17:22] -CodeCat:#definecynical- A new round starts...
[17:22] <Astral> you know, its times like this I actualy miss gordon Frohman
[17:22] * CodeCat buys AWP and hides in a dark corner
[17:22] <12Foxhound> lol
[17:22] * Foxhound buys M-16
[17:22] * Foxhound buys smoke grenades
[17:23] <04CodeCat> [If you miss Gordon Frohman, aim better]
[17:23] <12Foxhound> lol
[17:24] * Foxhound throws smoke grenade at CodeCat
[17:24] <04CodeCat> The grenade lands miles away from CC, because FH doesn't know where CC is
[17:25] * Foxhound activates aimbot
[17:25] * The_MAZZTer is still idling at spawn, buy armor/helmet, Bullpup, grenade
[17:25] * Foxhound is kicked from the server
[17:25] * Foxhound joins the server
[17:25] <12Foxhound> OMG WTF
[17:25] * The_MAZZTer grenades CodeCat out of his corner
[17:26] * The_MAZZTer grenades Foxhound
[17:26] <04CodeCat> HAXXXX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[17:26] * Foxhound runs to hostage rescue zone
[17:26] * The_MAZZTer has left the game (Kicked By Console)
[17:26] <04CodeCat> Hahahaha
[17:26] <12Foxhound> *everyone is teleported to Dr. Kleiner's lab
[17:26] <12Foxhound> now, HALF LIFE 2! (Gorden Frohman, anyone?)
[17:27] <04CodeCat> Nah
[17:27] <12Foxhound> ok
[17:27] * Foxhound activates teleporter
[17:28] <12Foxhound> *everyone is sent back to...wherever we were when we did the Benny HIll thing*
[17:28] * Foxhound lands on CodeCat, Astral lands on a couch, and everyone else lands randomly. Mazzter lands on the bar
[17:29] * Spray has joined #definecynical
[17:29] * CodeCat gets squashed
[17:29] <JerryArr> hi
[17:30] <Spray> breaking news! My mother's an idiot
[17:30] <12Foxhound> hey Spray
[17:30] * Spray ducks
[17:30] <12Foxhound> you missed the Counterstrike battle
[17:30] <04CodeCat> Breaking news! The news broke!
[17:30] <04CodeCat> The Benny Hill battle was funnier
[17:30] <12Foxhound> oh of course
[17:30] <04CodeCat> I posted a log of it
[17:30] <Spray> the AC wasn't working, so she decided to cut the power to the entire house, and then turn it back on. without warning anyone
[17:30] <04CodeCat> http://definecynical...t=538&start=195
[17:30] * Foxhound puts on "chase" music
[17:30] <12Foxhound> ready?
[17:31] <04CodeCat> Ah come on
[17:31] * Foxhound chases Jerry
[17:31] <04CodeCat> I'm still tired from the last two
[17:31] * CodeCat curls up next to Astral
[17:31] * Foxhound turns of "chase" music and curls up near Astral...on top of CodeCat
[17:31] * CodeCat shoves him onto the ground and murrs
[17:32] <12Foxhound> oh...I thought you were a pillow
[17:32] * Foxhound curls up next to CodeCat

Edited by Foxhound, 21 June 2006 - 17:08.

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#186 Kris

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Posted 22 June 2006 - 16:20

=&#93;&#1050;&#1088;&#1080;&#1089;&#91;= says&#58;
=&#93;&#1050;&#1088;&#1080;&#1089;&#91;= says&#58;
I left my ZH cd again
=&#93;&#1050;&#1088;&#1080;&#1089;&#91;= says&#58;
=&#93;&#1050;&#1088;&#1080;&#1089;&#91;= says&#58;
hey btw
Chris Boidy&#58; Forget regret, or life is your&#39;s to miss. says&#58;
=&#93;&#1050;&#1088;&#1080;&#1089;&#91;= says&#58;
hmmm how to get my CD back
=&#93;&#1050;&#1088;&#1080;&#1089;&#91;= says&#58;
=&#93;&#1050;&#1088;&#1080;&#1089;&#91;= says&#58;
&#34;I could rape my pc until she spits it out, o oh wait pc&#39;s have no pussies&#34; ¬_¬
Chris Boidy&#58; Forget regret, or life is your&#39;s to miss. says&#58;
=&#93;&#1050;&#1088;&#1080;&#1089;&#91;= says&#58;
im gonna quote that &#58;P

#187 Waris

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Posted 22 June 2006 - 16:41


Waris says:
aye suhsie
Waris sends:

suhsjake says:
suhsjake says:
thanks for the Lynx
Waris says:
no probz
  Transfer of "Lynx.gmax" is complete.
Waris says:
ok now take a look
suhsjake says:
suhsjake says:
its good
suhsjake says:
thanks bunches
Waris says:
np again
suhsjake says:
suhsjake says:
suhsjake says:
Waris says:
Waris says:
suhsjake says:
Waris says:
suhsjake says:
are you bored again
suhsjake says:
like yesterday
Waris says:
Waris says:
suhsjake says:
suhsjake says:
Cessna A-37 Dragonfly
Waris says:
gonna take a look
suhsjake says:
Waris says:
Waris says:
suhsjake says:
is it going to be to hard
Waris says:
maybe not
suhsjake says:
suhsjake says:
i will leave you to work on
suhsjake says:
suhsjake says:
suhsjake says:
suhsjake says:
Waris says:
what role this aircraft will hold?
suhsjake says:
Ground Attack
Waris says:
Waris says:
lolz vietnam era plane
suhsjake says:
suhsjake says:
but several countries still use it
suhsjake says:
suhsjake says:
why not the UN
Waris says:
for UN?
Waris says:
suhsjake says:
suhsjake says:
suhsjake says:
Waris says:
lolz how many cya's and gtg's you really need XD

#188 domisgod


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Posted 23 June 2006 - 05:33

famous quote: "oh shit!"
Posted Image
“Alexander wept as he saw the breath of his empire and realized there were no more worlds to conquer.”

#189 Short Stuff

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Posted 24 June 2006 - 05:52

Major Nuker said:

Screw useing Pens and markers! Your A Man use a paintball gun!

Edited by Short Stuff, 24 June 2006 - 05:52.

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#190 Foxhound

    Ain't no rest for the wicked.

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Posted 27 June 2006 - 05:52


[01:48] <Foxhound> oh yeah, and the CodeCat plushie, with 1337 hax action

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#191 Rayburn


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Posted 27 June 2006 - 07:08


Edited by Rayburn, 16 December 2009 - 09:34.

#192 Prophet of the Pimps

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Posted 27 June 2006 - 09:31

irc action


Prophet_of_the_pimps: stereotyping aint that bad

Logical2u: Anyone here play Phantom Brave?

No-Skillz: Yeah

No-Skillz: I stereotype Prophet as a pimp

No-Skillz: And he doesn't mind

Logical2u: I just kind of stereotyped him as a dutch guy.

No-Skillz: Who PropheT?

No-Skillz: Prophet isn't dutch

Logical2u: Uhhh?

Logical2u: My entire world is turned upside down!

Prophet_of_the_pimps: i am indian XD


Logical2u: Do you speak dutch, PotP?

_waris_: lmao

Prophet_of_the_pimps: how the fuck will i know dutch

No-Skillz: MAGIC

Prophet_of_the_pimps: is as good as asking me to speak klingon


Prophet_of_the_pimps: damit WTF IS HUGGLE

No-Skillz: glomps who?

_waris_: wasssssap

No-Skillz: WHO DAMNIT?!

No-Skillz: Huggle is like a hu

No-Skillz: hug

retry_1: everyone

No-Skillz: But more cuddley

Prophet_of_the_pimps: sounds ghey

No-Skillz: Yeah

Prophet_of_the_pimps: i would rather humple

Never underestimate a Resourceful Idiot
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#193 CodeCat

    It's a trap!

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Posted 27 June 2006 - 19:06


[21:06] <Foxhound> whats up CodeCat
[21:06] <CodeCat> ^


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Go dtiomsaítear do chód gan earráidí, is go gcríochnaítear do chláir go réidh. -Old Irish proverb

#194 CodeCat

    It's a trap!

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Posted 27 June 2006 - 20:04


[15:41] * Damian has joined #definecynical
[15:42] * Damian is now known as Ozymandias
[15:43] <Foxhound> hey Ozy
[15:43] * Foxhound glomps Ozymandias
[15:43] <CodeCat> I KNEW IT!!!
[15:43] <CodeCat> It's the antichrist!!!
[15:43] <Foxhound> what the...
[15:44] * Foxhound backs slowly away from CodeCat
[15:44] <Ozymandias> heh
[15:44] <Ozymandias> hello people
[15:44] <CodeCat> It's not me you should be afraid of!
[15:44] <CodeCat> That... beast...
[15:44] <Ozymandias> *gives everyone evils*
[15:44] <Foxhound> who, Ozy?
[15:44] <CodeCat> Ozymandias... it's really Damian, the antichrist incarnate!
[15:44] <Ozymandias> heh
[15:44] * Foxhound arms nuclear missile
[15:44] <Foxhound> CodeCat...
[15:45] <CodeCat> http://en.wikipedia....ki/Damien_Thorn
[15:45] <Ozymandias> (it's with an A if you're on about me :D)
[15:46] <Foxhound> yeah
[15:46] * Border_Walker has joined #definecynical
[15:46] <Foxhound> Ozy is Damian, while the antichrist is DamiEn
[15:46] <Foxhound> see?
[15:46] <Foxhound> hey Niko
[15:46] <Ozymandias> :D
[15:46] <Border_Walker> ???????????????
[15:46] <Border_Walker> .....
[15:46] <Border_Walker> uh...
[15:47] <Foxhound> CodeCat flipped out cause Ozy came in as Damian
[15:47] <CodeCat> HE'S EVIL I TELL YOU!!
[15:47] <Border_Walker> and...
[15:47] <Foxhound> and then he showed us the Omen wiki
[15:47] <Ozymandias> aw im not evil
[15:47] <Foxhound> thats it CodeCat
[15:47] <Foxhound> I warned you
[15:47] * Foxhound launches nuclear missile at CodeCat
[15:47] <CodeCat> AAAARGH I'm going to die!!!
[15:47] <Ozymandias> just have a little bit o' pyromania
[15:47] <Foxhound> yes.
[15:47] * CodeCat makes random choking sounds
[15:47] <Foxhound> yes you are.
[15:47] <CodeCat> AAAARGH
[15:47] <Foxhound> *BOOM*
[15:48] * CodeCat falls on the floor twitching
[15:48] * CodeCat has quit IRC (Quit: Murdered by antichrist)
[15:49] <Foxhound> wtf

[15:53] * CodeCat has joined #definecynical
[15:53] <CodeCat> I've been resurrected!
[15:53] <CodeCat> It's a miracle!
[15:53] <Foxhound> wtf
[15:53] <Foxhound> um...
[15:55] <CodeCat> Did I miss anything while I was dead?


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Go dtiomsaítear do chód gan earráidí, is go gcríochnaítear do chláir go réidh. -Old Irish proverb

#195 Sgt. Nuker

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Posted 27 June 2006 - 20:07

A snippet of a convo MDW and I had today.


MDW says: wheee, my keyboard eats letters...

Edited by Major Nuker, 27 June 2006 - 20:09.

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#196 Soul

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Posted 28 June 2006 - 01:43

You shouldn't say bad things about anyone...until after they walk away.

Let a smile be your umbrella but plan on getting soaked.

Edited by Forgotten_Soul, 28 June 2006 - 01:44.

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View PostInsomniac!, on 16 Sep 2008, 20:12, said:

Soul you scare the hell out of me, more so than Lizzie.

I've been given a Bob coin from Mr. Bob, a life time supply of cookies from Blonde-Unknown, some Internet Chocolate from the Full Throttle mod team, and some Assorted Weapons from Høbbesy.

#197 Athena

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Posted 28 June 2006 - 09:00

Offtopic: I hadn't realised you were on this forum too Forgotten_Soul. lol weird.

#198 Foxhound

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Posted 28 June 2006 - 14:21

View Postprophet of the pimps, on 27 Jun 2006, 05:31, said:


Prophet_of_the_pimps: damit WTF IS HUGGLE

No-Skillz: glomps who?

_waris_: wasssssap

No-Skillz: WHO DAMNIT?!

No-Skillz: Huggle is like a hu

No-Skillz: hug

retry_1: everyone

No-Skillz: But more cuddley

Prophet_of_the_pimps: sounds ghey

No-Skillz: Yeah

Prophet_of_the_pimps: i would rather humple

looks like you guys are getting my habit...(cept the humple part...which sounds weird)\

from the DC IRC chat. I made it a point to mention CodeCat.


[01:46] <Foxhound> so there's also a Foxhound plushie, a Miles plushie (both with glomping action), a Niko plushie (with overzealous StarFox loving action), Arloest plushie (with...female...op...action...), Lilac plushie (with insane inaction), Mazz plushie (with random speaking action), Caigan plushie (with even more inaction), Ozy bot plushie (with great puppet action), etc etc etc?
[01:48] <Foxhound> oh yeah, and the CodeCat plushie, with 1337 hax action

Edited by Foxhound, 28 June 2006 - 14:33.

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#199 Soul

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Posted 28 June 2006 - 16:30

View PostBlaat85, on 28 Jun 2006, 03:00, said:

Offtopic: I hadn't realised you were on this forum too Forgotten_Soul. lol weird.

Offtopic: Ya I joined sometime ago cuz I felt like joining.


Ontopic: Ah the holidays the perfect time to vist family and friends and a therapist.

Treat others kindness, just incase they have something you want.
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View PostInsomniac!, on 16 Sep 2008, 20:12, said:

Soul you scare the hell out of me, more so than Lizzie.

I've been given a Bob coin from Mr. Bob, a life time supply of cookies from Blonde-Unknown, some Internet Chocolate from the Full Throttle mod team, and some Assorted Weapons from Høbbesy.

#200 Prophet of the Pimps

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Posted 28 June 2006 - 21:16

Just doing some AI development when i had this convo with hunter. :D


Prophet of the pimps says:
EA was also sloppy
[CNCRE Studios] The Hunter (AKA André) says:
tell me something i don't know
Prophet of the pimps says:
in the scripts inf gen still has ascripts asking the overlords to build gataling
[CNCRE Studios] The Hunter (AKA André) says:
Prophet of the pimps says:
now i really understand how rushed this game really was
[CNCRE Studios] The Hunter (AKA André) says:
[CNCRE Studios] The Hunter (AKA André) says:
i had to spend 2 years of my life to make it good
[CNCRE Studios] The Hunter (AKA André) says:
and now people dream of it

Never underestimate a Resourceful Idiot
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