[23:34] <Tavis> It's Arloest!
[23:34] <Arloest> And he has 60 million dollars for all of us
[23:34] <Foxhound> its me, Rusty
[23:34] * Tai sticks a sticky note on Tavis. "Hi Tavis"
[23:34] <Arloest> But he will only give it to us if we bug him mercilessly for it
[23:34] <Zaaphod> woohoo! money!
[23:34] <Tavis> Yeah, I caught on riiight after I said it.
[23:34] <Tai> TAVIS MONEYS PLS
[23:34] <Foxhound> the reason I'm using Foxhound (at least tonight) is cause of Ibun
[23:35] <Tavis> Yeah.. bad news is, it's Monopoly money... in unofficial denominations.

[23:35] <JerryArr> Money, Tavis
[23:35] <JerryArr> aww
[23:35] <Foxhound> lol
[23:35] <Tavis> I'm being hunted by Milton Bradley's Secret Service.

[23:36] <Zaaphod> haha!
[23:36] <JerryArr> hehe
[23:36] <JerryArr> Watch out for those Rich Uncle Pennybagses
[23:36] <Zaaphod> better watch out for that guy Milton Bradley.. he's a hothead

[23:36] <Foxhound> Monopoly Mafia!
[23:36] <Loeln> Remember to return his stapler.
[23:36] <Zaaphod> hehe
[23:36] <Tai> Iblibeyouhavemystepler?
[23:37] <Tavis> Yeah, I hear I'm going to have to suffer a "Life" sentence.
[23:37] <Tai> ouch ;x
[23:37] * Foxhound groans loudly
[23:37] <Arloest> It looks like you're in Trouble
[23:37] <Zaaphod> hehee
[23:37] <Tavis> XD
[23:37] * Foxhound groans more
[23:37] <Zaaphod> and you're not a bit Sorry!
[23:37] <Loeln> Sorry
[23:37] <JerryArr> hehe
[23:37] * Foxhound groans even more loudly
[23:37] <Arloest> You Risked it all
[23:37] <Tavis> Well, as long as I don't leave them a Clue.
[23:38] <JerryArr> Can't Stop the puns
[23:38] <Zaaphod> hehee
[23:38] <Foxhound> rofl
[23:38] <Loeln> That's Life.
[23:38] * Foxhound groans louder
[23:38] <Tavis> ... they will never Guess Who I might be.
[23:38] <Foxhound> lol
[23:38] * Foxhound groans some more
[23:38] <Foxhound> god, enough puns
[23:38] <Arloest> OK soon Im going to break out the kickbanning
[23:38] <JerryArr> You can never have enough puns
[23:38] <Tai> We're just striving for Perfection
[23:38] <JerryArr> hehe
[23:38] <Foxhound> ...
[23:39] <Foxhound> *groan*
[23:39] <Zaaphod> now you're just Scrabbling for puns
[23:39] <Loeln> Yet were starting to Scrabble for good one.
[23:39] <Foxhound> omg...enough
[23:39] <Zaaphod> heheheee
[23:39] * Foxhound groans (again)
[23:39] <JerryArr> We need some pun Checkers.
[23:39] <Tai> Let's just dump all this in Mr. Bucket
[23:39] <Foxhound> I should stop groaning
[23:39] <Loeln> Yes.
[23:39] <Loeln> You could need an Operation if you keep it up.
[23:39] <Tai> Assimalate and spread
[23:40] <Foxhound> it might sound like I'm injured...or doing something...
[23:40] <Foxhound>
http://www.comcast.n.../16/415415.html <----OMG lol
[23:40] <Tai> the possibilities of "something" Boggle the mind
[23:41] <JerryArr> hehe
[23:41] <Tai> eh, crazy people
[23:41] <Tavis> Well, it's the chance to deliver puns like these we all connect four. ;D
[23:41] <Foxhound> *groan...groan...groan...*
[23:41] <Zaaphod> hehe
[23:41] <JerryArr> Well, I Canasta'm all keep going if you want.
[23:41] <Tavis> ROFL
[23:41] <Foxhound> lol
[23:41] <Loeln> Cheezier than a Mouse Trap.
[23:42] * Foxhound groans yet again
[23:42] <Foxhound> this is ridiculous
[23:42] <Zaaphod> yes

[23:42] <JerryArr>

[23:42] <Tavis> We're all just Hungry Hungry Hippos for more...
[23:43] <Zaaphod> Jerry managed to Bridge into card games
[23:43] <Foxhound> *groaaaaaaaan*
[23:43] <Arloest> You think I was kidding about the kicbanning
[23:43] <Loeln> We can Connect For(Ha!) more puns.
[23:43] <Foxhound> ok
[23:43] <Foxhound> I'll stop
[23:43] <Tai> Could this be considered a family feud?
[23:43] <Foxhound> ...
[23:43] <Arloest> No foxhound you're the only one not diong anything
[23:43] <Tavis> Loeln: (10:41:16 PM) Tavis: Well, it's the chance to deliver puns like these we all connect four. ;D
[23:44] <Foxhound> wait, I'm not doing anything?
[23:44] <Arloest> nein
[23:44] <Zaaphod> you're the only one not punning
[23:44] <Foxhound> yeah
[23:44] <Arloest> its EVERYONE ELSE with their PUNS
[23:44] <Arloest> Including me
[23:44] <Loeln> We're going to Go For Broke on this.
[23:44] <Foxhound> an occasional pun is funny
[23:44] * Arloest has quit IRC (Quit: )
[23:44] <Tai> Hats off to Foxhound
[23:44] <Foxhound> but this is absolutely ridiculous
[23:44] <Zaaphod> oh crap
[23:44] <Foxhound> what
[23:44] * Arloest has joined #definecynical
[23:44] <Arloest> Wrong button :(
[23:44] <Foxhound> what the...
[23:44] <Tai> we broke Arlo
[23:44] <Loeln> 'ello
[23:44] <Zaaphod> hiya
[23:44] <JerryArr> hi
[23:44] <Tai> wbbwb
[23:44] <Arloest> I hit the disconnect instead of the channel list
[23:45] <Foxhound> yes, we did break Arlo
[23:45] <Tai> on an unrelated note
[23:45] <Foxhound> We'll need an Operation right now!
[23:45] <gen200> YAY!!!
[23:45] <Foxhound> ok
[23:45] <Tavis> Just to fuel your Aggrivation.
[23:45] <gen200> stop the puns
[23:45] <Arloest> LISTEN
[23:45] <Tai> Novel now is uninterrupted, with no major holes
[23:45] <Loeln> "You could need an Operation if you keep it up."
[23:45] <Tavis> Aggravation*
[23:45] <Arloest> When the prophet speaks to you
[23:45] <Arloest> In the name of God
[23:45] <Foxhound> one pun is good enough for me
[23:45] <Loeln> Uno pun?
[23:45] <JerryArr> For us, this is just Par... Cheesi.
[23:45] <Arloest> JERRY D:<
[23:45] <Foxhound> ...
[23:45] <JerryArr> Mwahaha
[23:45] <Foxhound> House Rules style?
[23:46] <JerryArr> maybe
[23:46] <gen200> YYAAYYY!!!!
[23:46] <Tavis> HAHA!
[23:46] <12Foxhound> eh...
[23:46] <Arloest> you're going to drive me into listening to slipknot
[23:46] <Zaaphod> eep!
[23:46] <Tavis> Awesome one, Jerry.
[23:46] <Loeln> We're having a (Calvin)Ball.
[23:46] <Arloest> Yargghghhhghghghghghgfh
[23:46] * Foxhound groans again
[23:46] <JerryArr> mwahaha
[23:46] * Ozy sets mode: +o Arloest
[23:46] <Tai> oh crap
[23:46] <Loeln> Yah, see?
[23:46] <gen200> what is wrong with people?
[23:46] <Arloest> You're just lucky for some reason I cant click on any of your names D:<
[23:46] <Tai> ANGRY BEES
[23:47] <12Foxhound> lol, you're screwed now
[23:47] <JerryArr> hehe
[23:47] <Loeln> Bingo.
[23:47] <JerryArr> heh
[23:47] <Arloest> I know the script for banning people but not for kicking
[23:47] <Tai> syntax: /k channel nickname
[23:47] <JerryArr> Well
[23:47] <Tai> ALLAH ACKBAR
[23:47] <Foxhound> great...Tai is now a terrorist...
[23:48] <Arloest> let me experiment
[23:48] * _5hfifty has quit IRC (Connection reset by peer)
[23:48] <Arloest> Who would like to volunteer
[23:48] <Foxhound> go grab a sniper rifle and shoot that marine jumping around saying "OMG lol"
[23:48] <Loeln> I'll brave this dungeon and dragon.
[23:48] <Loeln> (Entirely worth it)
[23:48] <Foxhound> woot Counterstrike
[23:48] <JerryArr> haha
[23:49] * Arloest was kicked by Arloest (Fine >:@)
[23:50] <JerryArr> heh
[23:50] <Loeln> Dragonstrike!
[23:50] * Arloest has joined #definecynical
[23:50] * Ozy sets mode: +o Arloest
[23:50] <Tai> =o
[23:50] <Tai> o-
[23:50] <Tai> o
[23:50] <Zaaphod> it appears to work
[23:50] <Tai>
[23:50] <Foxhound> what the hell is going on...
[23:50] <Arloest> Cool, the message thing works too
[23:50] <gen200> huh?
[23:50] <Tai> Yes.
[23:50] <gen200> what IS going on?
[23:50] <Loeln> Crazy, eight it?
[23:50] <JerryArr> I wonder who wants to be Arlo's next guinea pig
[23:51] <Foxhound> Loeln...
[23:51] <Tai> Yahtzee!
[23:51] <JerryArr> I bet if you Poker enough, it'll be you.
[23:51] <Foxhound> augh
[23:51] * Foxhound groans
[23:51] <Loeln> It's War.
[23:51] <Tavis> And it's in the cards... >.>
[23:51] <JerryArr> hehe
[23:51] <Loeln> Though, at any time Arlo could sink our Battleship.