10:05 PM - CJ: alright then, I propose a game of KF tonight
10:05 PM - CJ: if we can get FS people to join
10:05 PM - Destiny: Drag Chyros in
10:05 PM - CJ: but I doubt it
10:05 PM - Destiny: He's up for it
10:05 PM - CJ: we should've told them earlier
10:05 PM - Destiny: Just post in gamematchmakin'
10:06 PM - CJ: Braddy and TheDR as well
10:06 PM - CJ: nou do it
10:06 PM - Destiny: pr LPTPW
10:06 PM - CJ: I just woke up
10:06 PM - Destiny: *or
10:06 PM - Destiny: You could wait an hour or two to wake up and post it
10:06 PM - CJ: I can't think enough to post more than a setence
10:06 PM - CJ: at a time
10:06 PM - Destiny: Type slowly then
10:06 PM - CJ: but then it'll be too late
10:07 PM - CJ: D:
10:07 PM - CJ: DO EET MOFO
10:07 PM - Destiny: I'm...pre-occupied!
10:07 PM - CJ: usa~
10:07 PM - CJ: ah goddamnit
10:07 PM - CJ: stop jerking off all day long D:!
10:07 PM - Destiny: How did yo-
10:07 PM - Destiny: What the...
10:07 PM - Destiny: f..
10:08 PM - CJ: I hacked your webcam
10:08 PM - Destiny: I...don't have one
10:08 PM - CJ: well then I hacked you a webcam
10:08 PM - Destiny: ??????????
10:08 PM - Destiny: How the HACK do you do that
10:08 PM - CJ: badumtss
10:08 PM - Destiny: www.instantrimshot.com ?
10:09 PM - CJ: nope
10:09 PM - CJ:
10:09 PM - Destiny: oh
10:09 PM - CJ: you haz moar sounds on that site
10:10 PM - Destiny: Oh hey you found my joke funny? SWEET
10:10 PM - CJ: x)
10:10 PM - CJ: that must be a premiere, but yes I do
10:10 PM - CJ:
10:10 PM - Destiny: Awesome
10:10 PM - Destiny: Finally