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#451 Crazykenny

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Posted 23 February 2007 - 14:46

Yeah, real life to. Its more like. ''Can we help you in more problems''
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#452 Guest_Centric Founder and Owner_*

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Posted 26 February 2007 - 07:42

MMe getting pissed of at a Thingy


[18:25] [INFO] Channel view for “#estudios” opened.
=-= User mode for Centric is now +iwx
-->| YOU (Centric) have joined #estudios
=-= Topic for #estudios is “Server is back up.”
=-= Topic for #estudios was set by Foxhound on Monday, February 26, 2007 8:52:42 AM
[18:26] <Centric> hello
=== #estudios You need voice (+v) (#estudios)
<Centric> shit
=== #estudios You need voice (+v) (#estudios)
[18:35] <Overdose> sorry centric can't + you
<Centric> can you hear me ?
=== #estudios You need voice (+v) (#estudios)
<Centric> fuck
=== #estudios You need voice (+v) (#estudios)
<Centric> FUCK
=== #estudios You need voice (+v) (#estudios)
<Centric> can you fucking hear me ?
=== #estudios You need voice (+v) (#estudios)
=== #estudios You need voice (+v) (#estudios)
<Centric> I will kill the channel
=== #estudios You need voice (+v) (#estudios)
[18:36] <Centric> one more +v and I will kill you
=== #estudios You need voice (+v) (#estudios)
=== #estudios You need voice (+v) (#estudios)
<Centric> fuck you
=== #estudios You need voice (+v) (#estudios)
<Centric> fuck you
=== #estudios You need voice (+v) (#estudios)
<Centric> ashole
=== #estudios You need voice (+v) (#estudios)
<Centric> I hate you'
=== #estudios You need voice (+v) (#estudios)
<Centric> spot it
=== #estudios You need voice (+v) (#estudios)
<Centric> fuck you
=== #estudios You need voice (+v) (#estudios)
<Centric> cunt
=== #estudios You need voice (+v) (#estudios)
<Centric> shut up'
=== #estudios You need voice (+v) (#estudios)
<Centric> SHUT UP
=== #estudios You need voice (+v) (#estudios)
[18:37] <Centric> I will kill you when I get rencarnated as a server
=== #estudios You need voice (+v) (#estudios)
<Centric> f
=== #estudios You need voice (+v) (#estudios)
<Centric> u
=== #estudios You need voice (+v) (#estudios)
<Centric> y
=== #estudios You need voice (+v) (#estudios)
<Centric> o
=== #estudios You need voice (+v) (#estudios)
=== #estudios You need voice (+v) (#estudios)
=== #estudios You need voice (+v) (#estudios)
=== #estudios You need voice (+v) (#estudios)
<Centric> g
=== #estudios You need voice (+v) (#estudios)
<Centric> g
=== #estudios You need voice (+v) (#estudios)
<Centric> g
=== #estudios You need voice (+v) (#estudios)
<Centric> g
=== #estudios You need voice (+v) (#estudios)
<Centric> g
=== #estudios You need voice (+v) (#estudios)
<Centric> g
=== #estudios You need voice (+v) (#estudios)
=== #estudios You need voice (+v) (#estudios)
=== #estudios You need voice (+v) (#estudios)
=== #estudios You need voice (+v) (#estudios)
=== #estudios You need voice (+v) (#estudios)
=== #estudios You need voice (+v) (#estudios)
=== #estudios You need voice (+v) (#estudios)
=== #estudios You need voice (+v) (#estudios)
=== #estudios You need voice (+v) (#estudios)
=== #estudios You need voice (+v) (#estudios)
=== #estudios You need voice (+v) (#estudios)
=== #estudios You need voice (+v) (#estudios)
=== #estudios You need voice (+v) (#estudios)
=== #estudios You need voice (+v) (#estudios)
=== #estudios You need voice (+v) (#estudios)
[18:38] === #estudios You need voice (+v) (#estudios)
=== #estudios You need voice (+v) (#estudios)
=== #estudios You need voice (+v) (#estudios)
=== #estudios You need voice (+v) (#estudios)
=== #estudios You need voice (+v) (#estudios)
=== #estudios You need voice (+v) (#estudios)
=== #estudios You need voice (+v) (#estudios)
=== #estudios You need voice (+v) (#estudios)
=== #estudios You need voice (+v) (#estudios)
=== #estudios You need voice (+v) (#estudios)
=== #estudios You need voice (+v) (#estudios)
=== #estudios You need voice (+v) (#estudios)
=== #estudios You need voice (+v) (#estudios)
=== #estudios You need voice (+v) (#estudios)
=== #estudios You need voice (+v) (#estudios)
=== #estudios You need voice (+v) (#estudios)

#453 CodeCat

    It's a trap!

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Posted 26 February 2007 - 12:25


Posted Image
Posted Image

Go dtiomsaítear do chód gan earráidí, is go gcríochnaítear do chláir go réidh. -Old Irish proverb

#454 Comr4de


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Posted 26 February 2007 - 15:33


SWR Co-Lead | Texture Artist | Modeler | Level Designer | Fan of all things Awesome
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#455 CodeCat

    It's a trap!

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Posted 27 February 2007 - 20:42


[21:39] <CodeCat> Hey, here's a fun quiz for you
[21:39] <CodeCat> 3 IRC commands are sitting in a boat: /me, /ignore and /quit. /me and /ignore fall out of the boat, who is left?
[21:40] <Foxhound> /quit, obviously.
[21:40] <Centric> lol
[21:40] <CrimsonWolf> the one left is /quit
[21:40] <Crazykenny> quit?
[21:40] <PrinceKassad> /quit
[21:40] * Crazykenny (Crazykenny@Acidchat-2ADE0A9A.direct-adsl.nl) Quit (Quit: HydraIRC -> http://www.hydrairc.com <- Leading Edge IRC)
[21:40] * Crazykenny (Crazykenny@Acidchat-2ADE0A9A.direct-adsl.nl) has joined #estudios
[21:40] <CodeCat> :cool:
[21:40] <Crazykenny> w00t
[21:40] <Crazykenny> XD
[21:41] <Abourror> xD


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Go dtiomsaítear do chód gan earráidí, is go gcríochnaítear do chláir go réidh. -Old Irish proverb

#456 Sic


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Posted 28 February 2007 - 15:33

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#457 Zeke

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Posted 28 February 2007 - 16:27


Abourror says:
Zeke says:
Abourror says:
how u doin ?
Zeke says:
Abourror says:
is that zeke or his bro ?
Zeke says:
is me zeke
Abourror says:
hows ur bro ?
Zeke says:
he's beside me
Abourror says:
how old are you ? ur bro ?
Zeke says:
I'm 18 he's 11
Abourror says:
ur 18
Zeke says:
why does everyone have that reaction, yes i'm 18
Abourror says:
OMFG !!!!!!111111111111oneoneone
Abourror says:

Abourror says:
n00c reaction ?
Abourror says:
Zeke says:
Abourror says:
URE SAYING I AM LIEK A NOOB ? OMG !!!!!11111111111111oneoneone
Zeke says:
Abourror says:
so are u in uni ?
Zeke says:
Abourror says:
do u go to university ... nub ?
Zeke says:
Abourror says:
OMG U GO OT UINVRESYTI !!!!11111111111111111oneoneone
Abourror says:
ok I will stop that

continue.... :P


Abourror says:
ur bro is in
Zeke says:
yay for me
Zeke says:
that was my bro
Abourror says:
Abourror says:
for ur bro
Zeke says:
I wish...
Zeke says:
me too
Abourror says:
why not ... a P1 , 4 mb VGA , 66mb RAM
Zeke says:
Abourror says:
Zeke says:
yesh duh
Abourror says:
duh ? DUH ? OMG !!!!!!!!!111111111111
Zeke says:
stopit EZ
Abourror says:
I know thats u zeke ...
Zeke says:
I was in the bathroom, when this guy said duh
Abourror says:
this fucking guy eh ?
Abourror says:
O rly ?
Abourror says:
prove it
Zeke says:
damn it EZ
Zeke says:
Zeke says:
not me
Zeke says:
it my younger bro
Zeke says:
Abourror sent 2/28/2007 11:52 PM:
sean ? zeke ? izzy ? WTF
Abourror says:
sean ? zeke ? izzy ? WTF
Abourror says:
Zeke says:
zeke: I'm sory about this, it's just that my bro is cwazy

and then...


Abourror says:
may god help u zeke
Zeke says:
zeke: hey let's invite chris
Zeke says:
ez: what's that supposed to mean
Zeke says:
zeke: I just want t talk with chris

Chris has been added to the conversation.

Abourror says:

Zeke says:

Abourror says:
5 persons here
Zeke says:
zeke: hi ez: hi
Chris says:
Chris says:
Chris says:
two modellers
Chris says:
Zeke says:
sean: goo
Chris says:
5 wtf
Abourror says:
Zeke says:
zeke: me and my bros are using one comp
Abourror says:
zeke and bros
Chris says:
Chris says:
Zeke says:
isaiah: hello
Zeke says:
zeke: WTF are you doing here
Abourror says:
Chris says:
Chris says:
Zeke says:
isaiah: I just thought "the master" could give you some pointers
Chris says:
Zeke is infected D:
Abourror says:
what in the hell is that name ?
Chris says:
isaiah? oO
Zeke says:
zeke@Isaiah: you don't even know how to play generals
Abourror says:
Abourror@Abourror : WTF ?
Chris says:
Chris says:
how old is your brother
Abourror says:
Abourror@Abourror : I dunno
Abourror says:
Abourror@abourror : Me Neither
Abourror says:
Abourror@abourror : Duh
Zeke says:
ez:I'm 11
Abourror says:
Abourror : I aM Abourror :
Zeke says:
isaiah:i'm 13
Zeke says:
Chris says:

Edited by zeke, 28 February 2007 - 16:30.

#458 CodeCat

    It's a trap!

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Posted 28 February 2007 - 20:43


[18:55] * Topic is 'Opinions are like assholes...everyone has one and they all stink'
[21:35] <Foxhound> Nice...uh...topic.
[21:35] <jent> change it....
[21:35] * CodeCat changes topic to 'This space for rent.'
[21:36] * nickspoon changes topic to 'NOW HALF PRICE!'
[21:37] * CodeCat changes topic to 'This space for r^Hjent. NOW HALF PRICE!'
[21:38] * nickspoon changes topic to 'This space for r^Hjent. NOW HALF PRICE! ONLY HALF PRICE, THAT'S RIGHT! YOU THOUGHT IT WAS CHEAP BEFORE, THINK AGAIN!'
[21:38] * CodeCat changes topic to 'This space for r^Hjent. NOW HALF PRICE! ONLY HALF PRICE, THAT'S RIGHT! YOU THOUGHT IT WAS CHEAP BEFORE, THINK AGAIN! (Bush voters exempted)'
[21:38] <jent> lol


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Posted Image

Go dtiomsaítear do chód gan earráidí, is go gcríochnaítear do chláir go réidh. -Old Irish proverb

#459 The_Hunter


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Posted 01 March 2007 - 16:18


Prophet of the Pimps zegt:
bahahah. lazy faggots at EA still left in stuff from BFME
Prophet of the Pimps zegt:
in the inis
Prophet of the Pimps zegt:
they have reference to the nazgul and mordor
Prophet of the Pimps zegt:
you just dont CnC in to Mordor
[CNCRE Studios] The Hunter (AKA André) zegt:

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#460 Mathias

    we dont need i to c

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Posted 01 March 2007 - 16:21

Lifes a shit.. deal w/ it..its impossible to have a good day wow fuck this gay earth much??
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Ask me questions about audio technical matters or DAWs!

#461 The_Hunter


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Posted 01 March 2007 - 16:39

Me and vidar talking about my potentialy CNC3 mod


Caleb (Aka. Vidar) zegt:
if you start your mod
Caleb (Aka. Vidar) zegt:
for C&C3 ...will you name it Shockwave2 , ?
[CNCRE Studios] The Hunter (AKA André) zegt:
Caleb (Aka. Vidar) zegt:
May i betatest?
[CNCRE Studios] The Hunter (AKA André) zegt:
Caleb (Aka. Vidar) zegt:
Caleb (Aka. Vidar) zegt:
if you add me as a playable general in shw2, what would YOU think could fit me in means of playstyle as a nod commander???
[CNCRE Studios] The Hunter (AKA André) zegt:
[CNCRE Studios] The Hunter (AKA André) zegt:
i don't think i will add generals
Caleb (Aka. Vidar) zegt:
would have been fun
[CNCRE Studios] The Hunter (AKA André) zegt:
maybe a whole new side
Caleb (Aka. Vidar) zegt:
make me a nod special unit
[CNCRE Studios] The Hunter (AKA André) zegt:
that could work
Caleb (Aka. Vidar) zegt:
[CNCRE Studios] The Hunter (AKA André) zegt:
or a upgrade
[CNCRE Studios] The Hunter (AKA André) zegt:
black hand sargent
[CNCRE Studios] The Hunter (AKA André) zegt:
for the blackhand squads
Caleb (Aka. Vidar) zegt:
Commander Caleb Black Hand Elite Commando
Caleb (Aka. Vidar) zegt:
"Codename" Bearhunter lol
[CNCRE Studios] The Hunter (AKA André) zegt:
Caleb (Aka. Vidar) zegt:
Caleb (Aka. Vidar) zegt:
Caleb (Aka. Vidar) zegt:
[CNCRE Studios] The Hunter (AKA André) zegt:
i approve
[CNCRE Studios] The Hunter (AKA André) zegt:
[CNCRE Studios] The Hunter (AKA André) zegt:
-Can build pubs to distract enemy soldiers
Caleb (Aka. Vidar) zegt:
[CNCRE Studios] The Hunter (AKA André) zegt:
Caleb (Aka. Vidar) zegt:
KROMBACHER! Frisches Krombacher!
[CNCRE Studios] The Hunter (AKA André) zegt:
Caleb (Aka. Vidar) zegt:

Posted Image

#462 Comr4de


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Posted 01 March 2007 - 16:42


Edit: Not even kidding, Caleb would make a great cameo indeed. He does seem like one of the actors in a CnC game! :P

Edited by Comr4de, 01 March 2007 - 16:56.

SWR Co-Lead | Texture Artist | Modeler | Level Designer | Fan of all things Awesome
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#463 Kris

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Posted 01 March 2007 - 16:48


=]Chris[=: step2ice released that GDI buggy vid
=]Chris[=: and.....I must say....the GLA buggy is 9000% more awesome
=]Chris[=: I think
Prophet of the Pimps: GDI buggy has AA but honestly speaking the GLA buggy is too cool not to ru;e
Prophet of the Pimps: the mammies are fucking uber as shit
=]Chris[=: XD
=]Chris[=: But the overlord can pwn them
=]Chris[=: with proper modding, The Overlord can be converted to CC3 :P
=]Chris[=: and you will have the ability to give the overlord a Geronimo Leap attack
Prophet of the Pimps: Generals can probably not be ported but we need to check the codes once we cant to confirm that
=]Chris[=: yeah
=]Chris[=: Overlord *in the distance*: I AM BIG!
=]Chris[=: Mammoth: BIG YOUR ASS!
=]Chris[=: *player uses leap attack*
=]Chris[=: *overlord flies ontop of mammy*
=]Chris[=: Mammoth: OMFG!! *crunch*
=]Chris[=: Overlord: He He Heh
Prophet of the Pimps: bahahaha
Prophet of the Pimps: i am gonna try to do that once we can mod it

#464 Sgt. Nuker

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Posted 02 March 2007 - 03:14

:P I wanna see pics if that's even possible.
Posted Image

#465 Guest_Centric Founder and Owner_*

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Posted 02 March 2007 - 05:05


Centric(Joshua) says:
I hade ant problemns before so i had to pull apart my computer and vacume
[Comr4de] says:
[Comr4de] says:
been there
Centric(Joshua) says:
any surgestions ?
Centric(Joshua) says:
[Comr4de] says:
[Comr4de] says:
whats the problem?
Centric(Joshua) says:
to get ride of ants
[Comr4de] says:
[Comr4de] says:
out of ur computer?
Centric(Joshua) says:
[Comr4de] says:
well centric
[Comr4de] says:
does this computer have a clear casing on the side?
Centric(Joshua) says:
Centric(Joshua) says:
black metal
[Comr4de] says:
cuz you've got urself an ant farm
Centric(Joshua) says:
Centric(Joshua) says:

Edited by Centric Founder and Owner, 02 March 2007 - 05:10.

#466 Kris

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Posted 02 March 2007 - 12:04

LOL Ants xD

#467 Sgt. Nuker

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Posted 02 March 2007 - 17:52

I'm in ur puter, using it as an ant farm!!
Posted Image

#468 Short Stuff

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Posted 03 March 2007 - 04:01


[22:55] <+BillyChaka> bleghmuffins
[22:56] <%Short_Stuff> i prefer blegh-2-layer-cake
[22:56] <+BillyChaka> oh, have you tried the bleghapple upside down cake?
[22:56] <+BillyChaka> it's delicious
[22:57] <%Short_Stuff> no no no blegh-sushi
[22:57] <%Short_Stuff> Its a delicasy in my country of Bleghpan

Posted Image

#469 Foxhound

    Ain't no rest for the wicked.

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Posted 03 March 2007 - 06:04


[00:59] <Foxhound> Baka is fool
[00:59] <SonicBoom> or idiot
[01:00] <BillyChaka> baka is jackass
[01:00] <BillyChaka> i saw it on "jackass"
[01:00] <Foxhound> "Jackass" does not qualify as educational.
[01:00] <SonicBoom> ditto

For you Americans.
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#470 Alias

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Posted 03 March 2007 - 06:34

View PostShort Stuff, on 3 Mar 2007, 15:01, said:


[22:55] <+BillyChaka> bleghmuffins
[22:56] <%Short_Stuff> i prefer blegh-2-layer-cake
[22:56] <+BillyChaka> oh, have you tried the bleghapple upside down cake?
[22:56] <+BillyChaka> it's delicious
[22:57] <%Short_Stuff> no no no blegh-sushi
[22:57] <%Short_Stuff> Its a delicasy in my country of Bleghpan

NOES. My bleghmuffins.

Posted Image

#471 Kris

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Posted 06 March 2007 - 21:52


[05:43] nickspoon: Hello. Would you like to buy my revolutionary aquaglucose drink? Guaranteed to give you an energy boost.
[05:43] Foxhound: Nay.
[05:45] nickspoon: Alright, you're not the type. No problem, I've got just the thing. This is instant H2O. Completely dehydrated, all you have to do is add a cupful of water.

#472 Athena

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Posted 07 March 2007 - 08:48


#473 Areze

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Posted 08 March 2007 - 00:28


<Short_Stuff> thxs jent ;)
* Rumpullpus comes back to life because he found out hes jesus
<Nightshadow> Then Mike Tyson walks in
<Rumpullpus> sweet im jesus
<Nightshadow> but hes mike tyson
<Nightshadow> bahaha
*** foo has quit (Quit: User quit IRC.)
<Ravager> ok, i'll bbl guys, it's dinner time, ham, cheese and egg sandwhiches, yummy
<Rumpullpus> bye
<Nightshadow> bye
* Rumpullpus kicks mike tyson in the balls
<Nightshadow> Mike bites Rumps ear off
<Short_Stuff> thank god they dont know my server....
<Rumpullpus> ow my ear
<Short_Stuff> *channel
<Nightshadow> hoo boy
* Rumpullpus hides the kids in the basement
<Nightshadow> your in trouble now
<Nightshadow> or not :cry:
<Nightshadow> OR YES?
<Nightshadow> MJ makes a grab for rumps package
<Nightshadow> :/
* Rumpullpus uses his ring hand to back slap him
<Nightshadow> use fire
* Nightshadow gives rump bug spray and a lighter
* Rumpullpus proceeds to blow himself up
<Nightshadow> your supposed to pint it twords michael J
<Nightshadow> point
* Rumpullpus uses the hair spray to light MJ on fire
<Nightshadow> whos got marshmallows?

Me and Rumpullpus having random hour.
Writing Thread

#474 CodeCat

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Posted 08 March 2007 - 01:49


[02:48] <CodeCat> URGLBRGL
[02:49] <Ravager> interesting
[02:49] <CodeCat> Best response ever


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Posted Image

Go dtiomsaítear do chód gan earráidí, is go gcríochnaítear do chláir go réidh. -Old Irish proverb

#475 Athena

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Posted 08 March 2007 - 07:24


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