Funny quotes
Posted 24 March 2007 - 08:27
Posted 24 March 2007 - 09:53

Edited by Waris, 24 March 2007 - 09:53.
Posted 24 March 2007 - 10:00
BTW, I can assure you that this is not me, I don't even know that place
Posted 24 March 2007 - 10:06
Sic says (11:04PD):
Alias says (11:05PD):
Sic says (11:05PD):
Alias says (11:05PD):

Posted 24 March 2007 - 10:09
Edited by Alias, 24 March 2007 - 10:10.

Posted 24 March 2007 - 15:52
[16:50] <SonicBoom[sleeping]> On a side note, before I go to sleep: Is it me, or is ES running a bit slow?
[16:50] <Bob> its you
[16:50] <CodeCat> How are you gentlemen
[16:50] <Blaat85> How are you gentlemen!!
[16:51] <CodeCat> rofl
[16:51] <Blaat85> lol
[16:51] <SonicBoom[sleeping]> zomg
[16:51] <CodeCat> We are so bored.

Go dtiomsaítear do chód gan earráidí, is go gcríochnaítear do chláir go réidh. -Old Irish proverb
Posted 24 March 2007 - 15:53

Posted 24 March 2007 - 16:11
[12:04] CodeCat: Ah, it's ping's evil twin
[12:04] Bob: lol
[12:05] Dauth: hehe
[12:05] Blaat85: lol
[12:05] SonicBoom[sleeping]: ROFL
I'm having troubles sleeping...

Posted 24 March 2007 - 19:56
there should be
Zancloufer-[Oh Noes Text] says (3:40 PM):
an urber unit mod
Zancloufer-[Oh Noes Text] says (3:40 PM):
3 sides
Zancloufer-[Oh Noes Text] says (3:40 PM):
get some basic inf
Zancloufer-[Oh Noes Text] says (3:40 PM):
and some defense
Zancloufer-[Oh Noes Text] says (3:40 PM):
and have to make money/tech up
Zancloufer-[Oh Noes Text] says (3:40 PM):
to build their urber unit
Zancloufer-[Oh Noes Text] says (3:40 PM):
China Gets Urber Gatt Cannon
Zancloufer-[Oh Noes Text] says (3:41 PM):
Fires hundreads of HE Bullets
Zancloufer-[Oh Noes Text] says (3:41 PM):
at long range
Zancloufer-[Oh Noes Text] says (3:41 PM):
USA gets B-2
=]Chris[= says (3:41 PM):
random ness!
=]Chris[= says (3:41 PM):
Zancloufer-[Oh Noes Text] says (3:41 PM):
drops Mini nukes, FABs, or MOABs
Zancloufer-[Oh Noes Text] says (3:41 PM):
and GLA
Zancloufer-[Oh Noes Text] says (3:41 PM):
Gets the Viral Squad.
Zancloufer-[Oh Noes Text] says (3:41 PM):
20 Rebels
Zancloufer-[Oh Noes Text] says (3:42 PM):
armed with Sniper rifles
Zancloufer-[Oh Noes Text] says (3:42 PM):
that have nutron ability
Zancloufer-[Oh Noes Text] says (3:42 PM):
Zancloufer-[Oh Noes Text] says (3:42 PM):
rapid fire style
Zancloufer-[Oh Noes Text] says (3:42 PM):
=]Chris[= says (3:42 PM):
=]Chris[= says (3:42 PM):
you stoned?

Zancloufer-[Oh Noes Text] says (3:42 PM):
=]Chris[= says (3:42 PM):
Zancloufer-[Oh Noes Text] says (3:44 PM):

Zancloufer-[Oh Noes Text] says (3:44 PM):
USA gets 4 inf
=]Chris[= says (3:44 PM):
at start?
Zancloufer-[Oh Noes Text] says (3:44 PM):
Laser Ranger, EMP Missile dude, Pathfinder, and FBI Agent
Zancloufer-[Oh Noes Text] says (3:44 PM):
FBI agent plants C-4
Zancloufer-[Oh Noes Text] says (3:45 PM):
and has an Uzi
Zancloufer-[Oh Noes Text] says (3:45 PM):
China gets
Zancloufer-[Oh Noes Text] says (3:45 PM):
Mini Gunner, Vet TankHunter, urber Hacker
=]Chris[= says (3:45 PM):
the heck XD
Zancloufer-[Oh Noes Text] says (3:45 PM):
and secret agaent
Zancloufer-[Oh Noes Text] says (3:45 PM):
Secret agaent has stealth detection
Zancloufer-[Oh Noes Text] says (3:45 PM):
and a Uzi
Zancloufer-[Oh Noes Text] says (3:45 PM):
GLA hs
=]Chris[= says (3:45 PM):
Zancloufer-[Oh Noes Text] says (3:45 PM):
=]Chris[= says (3:45 PM):
Fear voice:
What happen ?
All your bullets are the hurt!
Somebody set up us the attack!
select voice:
It's you !!
What !
attack voice:
You are on the way to destruction.
What you say !!
Ha ha ha ha ...
move voice:
Move feet!
Main Feet turn on!
Take off every 'foot'!
=]Chris[= says (3:46 PM):
for some random unit idea
Zancloufer-[Oh Noes Text] says (3:46 PM):
Stealth Rebelel, Toxing RPG, HE Terrorist, and Mobs
Zancloufer-[Oh Noes Text] says (3:46 PM):
THe building tech tree is
Zancloufer-[Oh Noes Text] says (3:47 PM):
Power[unless GLA, then no power]>Supply> Propcenter/Palace/Strat Center>SDZ/BlackMarket/Inet Center> Airfield/WarFac/Viral Center
Zancloufer-[Oh Noes Text] says (3:48 PM):
Also, Power[GLA none]>Barracks>Bunker/FireBase/Tunnel
=]Chris[= says (3:49 PM):
=]Chris[= says (3:49 PM):
what are you smoking?

Zancloufer-[Oh Noes Text] says (3:49 PM):

=]Chris[= says (3:49 PM):
Zancloufer-[Oh Noes Text] says (3:49 PM):
mmm, sharpie
Zancloufer-[Oh Noes Text] says (3:49 PM):

=]Chris[= says (3:49 PM):

=]Chris[= says (3:49 PM):
=]Chris[= says (3:49 PM):
sharpie smells like weed

Chris was obsessed with the notion I was high XD
Posted 29 March 2007 - 01:21
* ChanServ sets mode: +h Foxhound
<BillyChaka> D:
<12Foxhound> Hey
* BillyChaka spots a wild Fauxhound
<SonicBoom> zomg
* Foxhound attacks!
* BillyChaka is afk
<SonicBoom> SonicBoom, I choose you!
* Foxhound used BITE!
* SonicBoom appears
* SonicBoom dodges
* SonicBoom uses sonic slash
<SonicBoom> COMMENCE CORNY ATTACK NAMES!!1!11!!!!one!!
* Foxhound dodges
* Foxhound uses Slash attack
* SonicBoom gets a mild scratch
* SonicBoom uses ointment
* CrimsonWolf uses the emo songwriter skill
* SonicBoom runs away
<SonicBoom> zomg, not that!!!
* Foxhound raises his mini banhammer...
<PrinceKassad> I beat the game in 6 minutes
* Foxhound then gets bored and walks away
* SonicBoom raises his mini... hammer
* CrimsonWolf is victorious!
* CrimsonWolf was kicked by Foxhound (Crimsonwolf fainted!<
SonicBoom> rofl
Edited by Foxhound, 29 March 2007 - 01:22.
Posted 29 March 2007 - 07:20
Posted 29 March 2007 - 07:51
Edited by Forgotten_Soul, 29 March 2007 - 07:52.

Insomniac!, on 16 Sep 2008, 20:12, said:
I've been given a Bob coin from Mr. Bob, a life time supply of cookies from Blonde-Unknown, some Internet Chocolate from the Full Throttle mod team, and some Assorted Weapons from Høbbesy.
Posted 29 March 2007 - 11:03

Posted 29 March 2007 - 11:03
Edit: yes Alias that's what I ment

Edited by Forgotten_Soul, 29 March 2007 - 11:04.

Insomniac!, on 16 Sep 2008, 20:12, said:
I've been given a Bob coin from Mr. Bob, a life time supply of cookies from Blonde-Unknown, some Internet Chocolate from the Full Throttle mod team, and some Assorted Weapons from Høbbesy.
Posted 29 March 2007 - 18:08

Insomniac!, on 16 Sep 2008, 20:12, said:
I've been given a Bob coin from Mr. Bob, a life time supply of cookies from Blonde-Unknown, some Internet Chocolate from the Full Throttle mod team, and some Assorted Weapons from Høbbesy.
Posted 30 March 2007 - 18:50
An up-close-and-personal video portrait of the recording of their 1993 quadruple-platinum smash "Blood Sugar Sex Magik," "Funky Monks" is an outrageously entertaining "How We Spent Our Summer Vacation" from one of the most in-your-face bands of this generation.
=]Chris[= says (2:42 AM):
[c=0][a=48]Rivers of Avalon[/a=30][/c=11] says (2:43 AM):
[c=0][a=48]Rivers of Avalon[/a=30][/c=11] says (2:43 AM):
its not a chain letter
[c=0][a=48]Rivers of Avalon[/a=30][/c=11] says (2:43 AM):
just something im dling
=]Chris[= says (2:43 AM):

[c=0][a=48]Rivers of Avalon[/a=30][/c=11] says (2:43 AM):
so what else i tell u to code?
=]Chris[= says (2:45 AM):
In the year 1337 there was a girl named sardin, She lived a happy life until one day, She found an awesome black hole and She got teleported to the year 2007, Now She's having trouble how to open a can because in the old days they use the hammer to open a can...now that you have finished reading this, You have to pass this to 1337 you tube videos or you will not able to open a can ever again
[c=0][a=48]Rivers of Avalon[/a=30][/c=11] says (2:46 AM):
[c=0][a=48]Rivers of Avalon[/a=30][/c=11] says (2:46 AM):
thats the best chainmail ever
Posted 01 April 2007 - 08:57
{LP}Admiral-(NL){X}: Please stand by
{LP}Admiral-(NL){X}: Status:
{LP}Admiral-(NL){X}: Copying new files
Thedr: destroying game files
{LP}Admiral-(NL){X}: rofl
{LP}Admiral-(NL){X}: Replacing corefiles with pr0n
Thedr: lol


Posted 01 April 2007 - 11:40

When they ask me, I didn't see that.

Posted 01 April 2007 - 14:51
Revan in msn telling me abour Masterminds said:
Mastermind is like the coolest hero unit ever
and this is not an aprils fool lol
Sic says (4:54MD):
Sic says (4:55MD):
What does it do?:
[CNCRE Studios] Revantheemperor says (4:55MD):
and mind control
it can control a lot of buildings/infantry
one at a time
but it still is cool
Sic says (4:56MD):
[CNCRE Studios] Revantheemperor says (4:56MD):
you can also teleport
Sic says (4:56MD):
[CNCRE Studios] Revantheemperor says (4:56MD):
you can like mind control a predator and teleport it out then use it until it's dead and fetch another
Sic says (4:56MD):
Can it teleport into mordor?
[CNCRE Studios] Revantheemperor says (4:56MD):

Posted 01 April 2007 - 19:48
Posted 01 April 2007 - 19:48
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