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#576 Sic


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Posted 21 April 2007 - 08:34

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#577 Areze

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Posted 21 April 2007 - 11:09

Hahahahahahaha, That's pretty good. :)
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#578 Zancloufer

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Posted 23 April 2007 - 21:42


=]Kris[= says (5:38 PM):
*dude i heard the other play that he's going to rush you!*
=]Kris[= says (5:38 PM):
=]Kris[= says (5:38 PM):
*searches entire map*
=]Kris[= says (5:38 PM):
=]Kris[= says (5:39 PM):
*Where the hell is the tank rush?!*
=]Kris[= says (5:39 PM):
*All i see is shitloads of bushes around my base!*
Zancloufer-[iTunes Text] says (5:39 PM):
=]Kris[= says (5:39 PM):
=]Kris[= says (5:39 PM):
*You lying dude! theres no tank rush!*
=]Kris[= says (5:39 PM):
other player *tehehehe*
=]Kris[= says (5:39 PM):
Zancloufer-[iTunes Text] says (5:39 PM):
*Bushes turn into tanks
=]Kris[= says (5:39 PM):
=]Kris[= says (5:40 PM):
*gets pwned and dies*
]Kris[= says (5:40 PM):
*quits game*
=]Kris[= says (5:40 PM):
Other players:
=]Kris[= says (5:40 PM):
Zancloufer-[iTunes Text] says (5:41 PM):

Edited by Zancloufer27, 23 April 2007 - 21:42.

#579 BillyChaka

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Posted 25 April 2007 - 21:06

IRC channel said:

[16:59] <SonicBoom> yep
[16:59] <BillyChaka> nope
[16:59] <SonicBoom> yes
[16:59] <BillyChaka> no
[16:59] <SonicBoom> ya
[17:00] <BillyChaka> nah
[17:00] <SonicBoom> si
[17:00] <BillyChaka> non
[17:00] <SonicBoom> yes
[17:01] <BillyChaka> no...
[17:01] <BillyChaka> no x infinity
[17:01] <SonicBoom> yeah
[17:01] <BillyChaka> uh uh
[17:01] <SonicBoom> uh huh
[17:02] <BillyChaka> nuh uh
[17:02] <SonicBoom> ya
[17:02] *** CodeCat (codecat42@Acidchat-5B1DDE43.demon.nl) joined
[17:02] *** ChanServ sets channel #estudios mode +qo CodeCat CodeCat
[17:02] <BillyChaka> nah
[17:03] <SonicBoom> yeah
[17:03] <BillyChaka> no
[17:03] <SonicBoom> yes
[17:03] <BillyChaka> nope
[17:04] <SonicBoom> any spy trained in the art of ninjitsu is a ninja
[17:04] <BillyChaka> not a true ninja
[17:04] <BillyChaka> he's a spy trained in ninjitsu, not a ninja
[17:05] <BillyChaka> but a pirate... oh, anyone can be a pirate!
[17:05] <SonicBoom> yeah
[17:05] <BillyChaka> no

Posted Image

Ion Cannon in IRC said:

[19:11] <+IonCannnon> Basically, billychaka is a heartless bastard.

#580 Athena

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Posted 26 April 2007 - 07:17


#581 Kris

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Posted 28 April 2007 - 13:20


=]Chris[= says (9:15 PM):
Simcity is way better than The Sims series
E.V.E. says (9:15 PM):
I dont realy know what they want to add to Sims 3
E.V.E. says (9:16 PM):
theres already nearly everything in Sims 2 :ugly:
=]Chris[= says (9:16 PM):
=]Chris[= says (9:16 PM):
if you want
=]Chris[= says (9:16 PM):
go to a mall with a mouse
=]Chris[= says (9:16 PM):
look at them people :little:
=]Chris[= says (9:16 PM):
imagine your playing Sim 1000 ;)
=]Chris[= says (9:16 PM):
E.V.E. says (9:16 PM):
=]Chris[= says (9:16 PM):
bug = no diamond shit ontop of head
E.V.E. says (9:17 PM):
=]Chris[= says (9:17 PM):
and they won't respond properly
=]Chris[= says (9:17 PM):
like they will LOOK at you even tho your commanding them to go to a store
E.V.E. says (9:18 PM):

=]Chris[= says (9:18 PM):
The Sims 1000
=]Chris[= says (9:18 PM):
with HIGHLY Realistic AI
=]Chris[= says (9:18 PM):
Awesome graphix
=]Chris[= says (9:18 PM):
*requires Direct X 9999999999999999999.91

#582 The_Hunter


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Posted 28 April 2007 - 22:49


Solar Thingy zegt:
I have had two dreams about ShW, BTW.
[CNCRE Studios] The Hunter (AKA André) zegt:
blacklotus ?
[CNCRE Studios] The Hunter (AKA André) zegt:
or alexander ?

*shows convo bit to revan*


Revan zegt:
Revan zegt:
I bet it was Leang

Posted Image

#583 Comr4de


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Posted 28 April 2007 - 23:39

View PostThe_Hunter, on 28 Apr 2007, 17:49, said:


Solar Thingy zegt:
I have had two dreams about ShW, BTW.
[CNCRE Studios] The Hunter (AKA André) zegt:
blacklotus ?
[CNCRE Studios] The Hunter (AKA André) zegt:
or alexander ?

*shows convo bit to revan*


Revan zegt:
Revan zegt:
I bet it was Leang



Cant, it be both?

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#584 CodeCat

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Posted 30 April 2007 - 22:26


[00:24] * HinataPrime (HinataPrim@Acidchat-AAFB502.dc.dc.cox.net) has joined #estudios
[00:24] <HinataPrime> Hi again all! :D
[00:24] <HinataPrime> I am a ninja... :D I appear at random moments! XD
[00:25] <HinataPrime> Anywho... Anyone need advice on ANYTHING at all?
[00:25] <HinataPrime> School, love life, etc...?
[00:25] <CodeCat> Linux debugging, please
[00:25] <HinataPrime> Post on my thread under general! (Or pm me) I would be more than happy to help! :)
[00:25] * HinataPrime (HinataPrim@Acidchat-AAFB502.dc.dc.cox.net) Quit (Quit: User quit IRC.)
[00:25] <CodeCat> Allright, which of you dustbrains gave her coffee again?!


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Go dtiomsaítear do chód gan earráidí, is go gcríochnaítear do chláir go réidh. -Old Irish proverb

#585 Comr4de


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Posted 30 April 2007 - 22:36


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#586 Zancloufer

    Cause it looks Cool

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Posted 02 May 2007 - 19:47


In AD 2007, crash was beginning
Hunter: What happened!?
Stinger: Someone set us up the crash
Beta Tester: We Get Mismatch signal
Hunter: What?!
Main ZH turn on
It's You!
SAGE: How are you gentlemen
You are on the Way to FAIL
Hunter: What you say?!
SAGE: You have to chance to Mod, Hack you Codes
Ha Ha Ha Ha
Hunter: Take off every 'Mod'
You know what you are modding
Move 'Mod'
For Greater Hacking

and the original, before Me and chris Cleaned it up:


In AD 2007, crash was beggining
Hunter: What happened!?
Stinger: SOmeone set us up the crash
Beta Tester: We Get Signal
Hunter: WHat?!
Main ZH turn on
It's YOu!
SAGE: How are you gentlemen
You are on the Way to FAIL
Hunter: What you say?!
SAGE: You have to chance to Mod, Hack you time
Ha Ha Ha Ha
Hunter: Take off every 'Mod'
YOu know what you are doing
Move 'Mod'
For Greater Hacking

#587 Uber Daisy


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Posted 02 May 2007 - 20:02

9:20 PM me: D=
9:21 PM x: >:D
. . .
me: lol
x: lol
9:22 PM me: Looks more righteous than last one
x: yeah
me: big english assignment to do
9:23 PM x: I just finished a biology and a social studies assignment
in one night
me: sexy
9:24 PM x: both in flash
me: now THAT's impressive
9:25 PM x: however I completely copped out of one
it's just an essay being read aloud
with one aniamtion
me: nice
all right dude
x: I talked to Mrs Forrester too
me: me
x: she loved that landscape animatino I'm doing
9:26 PM oh
me: lol i remember it
x: yeah
really impressed
I sent her the Fla
I need to go take a shower
see ya tomorrow! or not, if it's a snow day
18 minutes
bowls you over with steamroller
9:46 PM me: *leaps from position at last moment
x: swerves at you
me: backflips away*
x: keeps moving towards you
me: *leaps to the sun
*dives at you with sword in hand
9:47 PM x: skids through space and smashes sword
me: *fires laser
x: saves for half damage
me: charges laser for double damage
x: keeps skidding
saves to negate damage
me: *while running backwards
x: keeps skidding
me: drops land mine
9:48 PM x: jumps and skids through air
me: finishes chargin laser
fires laser
x: interupts attack
saves to negate damage
9:49 PM godmodes to the point of insanity
me: grows to 100meters tall
x: still bowls you over
me: *lifts steamroller
*bowls over steamroller
x: bbowls over fingers
me: Lol, no fingers
9:50 PM x: friggen hand then
me: try claw :D
x: bowls over that
me: claw self-destructs in colossal nuclear explosion
9:51 PM x: bowls over neuclear explosion
me: *watches you die of nuclear radiation
x: bowls over radiation and fall out
me: *hands evilagram an anthrax
x: bowls over anthrax
me: shit
9:52 PM x: lol
you touched it
me: i'm running out of stuff
it doesn't matter because robots can't get sick
me: this could make a great flash animation
the plot we just outlinesd
x: I was thinkign the same thing
me: collab?!?!?
x: it would be cooky
9:53 PM y nawt!?
however I'm leaving for
me: Because i don't have a stylus yet
x: Brigantine tomorrow
me: D:
I was havin' a good time and you stopped me now
x: yeah
9:54 PM me: waitwaitwait
x: I won't ve getting on the bus at the end of the day either
me: where the fucking hell is brigantine?
x: NJ
me: huh...
x: it's an island
me: k gtg
x: brigantine is an island in new jersey
me: lol
x: bye!
me: farewell
9:55 PM x: C U L8TR
see ya
Reactors Posted Image
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All Systems Nominal.

#588 Cattman2236

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Posted 04 May 2007 - 13:16

View Postpcc88, on 2 May 2007, 12:54, said:

i am mean what i say i was say and i will say I WAS MAKE THE AIRCRAFT CARRIER
MOVE WITH THE PLANES ok catt man soon u will see this i am sure

This quote always gets me laughing
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#589 BillyChaka

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Posted 05 May 2007 - 02:17

o.O said:

[22:13] *** Hinataprime (Hinataprim@Acidchat-AAFB502.dc.dc.cox.net) joined
[22:13] <Hinataprime> IM BAAAACK
[22:13] <Ravager> hmm... but i guess the only time i need bass is to annoy the living fuck outta my parents coz i listen to metal/heavy...
[22:13] <BillyChaka> welcome back... for the 40th time
[22:13] <BillyChaka> :D
[22:13] <Ravager> wb hinata
[22:13] *** User8780 (HinataPrim@Acidchat-AAFB502.dc.dc.cox.net) joined
[22:13] <SonicBoom> baaaack?
[22:14] <User8780> ...
[22:14] <BillyChaka> good tryyy
[22:14] <Ravager> nice video billy
[22:14] <BillyChaka> we don't like it
[22:14] <BillyChaka> goood tryy
[22:14] *** User8780 changed nick to HinataPrime2
[22:14] <Ravager> err wtf
[22:14] <centric> ??????
[22:14] <BillyChaka> we don't like that shit
[22:14] <Hinataprime> lol
[22:14] <HinataPrime2> ..........................
[22:14] <Ravager> hinata prime spamage much?
[22:14] <HinataPrime2> ummm
[22:14] <SonicBoom> ...
[22:14] <centric> hmmmm
[22:14] <BillyChaka> your sister?
[22:14] * Ravager wtfage
[22:14] <HinataPrime2> I think...
[22:14] <HinataPrime2> so...
[22:14] <HinataPrime2> :D
[22:14] <Hinataprime> The SOL is but a pimple on the buttocks of education!
[22:14] <BillyChaka> ...
[22:14] <HinataPrime2> WTH
[22:14] <HinataPrime2> ....
[22:14] <Ravager> dammit
[22:14] <HinataPrime2> o.O
[22:14] <SonicBoom> O_O
[22:14] <Ravager> TAHTS IT
[22:14] <HinataPrime2> I DIDNT SAY IT...
[22:14] <HinataPrime2> o.O
[22:14] <HinataPrime2> xD
[22:14] * centric dances
[22:14] <BillyChaka> you could have at least thought of a different name :D
[22:15] <Ravager> STOP!
[22:15] <Ravager> HAMMER TIME~!
[22:15] <HinataPrime2> although it was funny....
[22:15] <HinataPrime2> ;)
[22:15] <BillyChaka> yeah, it was funny
[22:15] * Ravager bam bam
[22:15] <SonicBoom> dadadada dada dada
[22:15] * centric dances faster
[22:15] <Ravager> w00t
[22:15] *** BillyChaka changed nick to HinataPrime3
[22:15] <centric> lol
[22:15] <HinataPrime3> -.-
[22:15] <Ravager> oh fffs
[22:15] *** SonicBoom changed nick to HinataPrime4
[22:15] *** Hinataprime changed nick to poopface
[22:15] <HinataPrime3> o.O
[22:15] *** centric changed nick to HinataPrime5
[22:15] <HinataPrime5> lol
[22:15] *** poopface changed nick to hinataprime
[22:15] <Ravager> ah shit
[22:15] <HinataPrime3> HELL YES
[22:15] <HinataPrime2> xD
[22:15] <HinataPrime2> OMFG
[22:15] <HinataPrime2> XD
[22:15] <HinataPrime5> lol

Posted Image

Ion Cannon in IRC said:

[19:11] <+IonCannnon> Basically, billychaka is a heartless bastard.

#590 Comr4de


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Posted 05 May 2007 - 21:27

View PostZancloufer27, on 2 May 2007, 14:47, said:


In AD 2007, crash was beginning
Hunter: What happened!?
Stinger: Someone set us up the crash
Beta Tester: We Get Mismatch signal
Hunter: What?!
Main ZH turn on
It's You!
SAGE: How are you gentlemen
You are on the Way to FAIL
Hunter: What you say?!
SAGE: You have to chance to Mod, Hack you Codes
Ha Ha Ha Ha
Hunter: Take off every 'Mod'
You know what you are modding
Move 'Mod'
For Greater Hacking

and the original, before Me and chris Cleaned it up:


In AD 2007, crash was beggining
Hunter: What happened!?
Stinger: SOmeone set us up the crash
Beta Tester: We Get Signal
Hunter: WHat?!
Main ZH turn on
It's YOu!
SAGE: How are you gentlemen
You are on the Way to FAIL
Hunter: What you say?!
SAGE: You have to chance to Mod, Hack you time
Ha Ha Ha Ha
Hunter: Take off every 'Mod'
YOu know what you are doing
Move 'Mod'
For Greater Hacking


SWR Co-Lead | Texture Artist | Modeler | Level Designer | Fan of all things Awesome
Posted Image

#591 CodeCat

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Posted 06 May 2007 - 20:18


[22:17] * BillyChaka hugs Hinata for no good reason
[22:17] * Ravager hugs codecat for no good reason
[22:17] * HinataPrime hugs him back.
[22:18] * Ravager hugs blaat for now cood reason
[22:18] <HinataPrime> cood?
[22:18] <HinataPrime> :D
[22:18] * Ravager hugs bob for now googd reason
[22:18] * Ravager goods jent for no godo reason
[22:18] * Ravager oh wow i cna't type
[22:18] <CodeCat> lol
[22:18] <CodeCat> Hat in the hell


Posted Image
Posted Image

Go dtiomsaítear do chód gan earráidí, is go gcríochnaítear do chláir go réidh. -Old Irish proverb

#592 CodeCat

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Posted 06 May 2007 - 23:35

Having fun in IRC again... :)


[01:14] * Short_Stuff (Short_Stuf@90F6B66A.F36722E9.B330C24E.IP) has joined #estudios
[01:14] * ChanServ sets mode: +h Short_Stuff
[01:14] * CodeCat steals Short_Stuff's stuff
[01:14] <Short_Stuff> ...
[01:15] * CodeCat then steals his H and replaces with N, but decides to give him an S for the heck of it
[01:15] * Short_Stuff is now known as Snort_Stuff
[01:15] * Snort_Stuff is now known as Snort
[01:15] * CodeCat gives him his stuff back
[01:16] * Snort is now known as Snort_Stuff
[01:16] <CodeCat> I gave you an S too
[01:16] <CodeCat> Where did you put it?
[01:17] * Snort_Stuff is now known as Snorts_Stuff
[01:20] * CodeCat steals logical2u's u
[01:20] * logical2u is now known as Logical2
[01:20] <Logical2> >.>
[01:20] <Logical2> <,<
[01:20] <Bob> :O
[01:20] <Logical2> Meany
[01:20] * CodeCat is now known as CodeuCat
[01:20] <Bob> lol
[01:20] * CodeuCat jumbles Bob
[01:20] <Bob> oh noes
[01:21] * Bob is now known as boB
[01:21] <boB> :O
[01:21] * CodeuCat looks around for targets
[01:22] * CodeuCat takes Centric's en and replaces with i
[01:22] * CodeuCat is now known as CodeenuCat
[01:22] <boB> lol
[01:22] <CodeenuCat> Now you're Citric
[01:22] <Centric> onoes
[01:23] * boB takes boB's B and b
[01:23] * CodeenuCat prances around proudly with his acquisitions
[01:23] * boB is now known as Bob
[01:23] * CodeenuCat takes Bob. All of him.
[01:23] * CodeenuCat is now known as CodeenuBobCat
[01:23] <Bob> :(
[01:23] <Centric> ....
[01:23] * Bob is now known as _
[01:23] <_> : (
[01:24] * CodeenuBobCat contemplates taking BillyChaka's Billy
[01:24] * BillyChaka is now known as Chaka
[01:24] <Logical2> thjt was just creul
[01:24] * Centric is now known as Citric
[01:24] <Chaka> D:
[01:24] <Logical2> I mean seriously
[01:24] <Citric> :(
[01:24] <Logical2> look at how upset _ is
[01:24] * CodeenuBobCat is now known as CodeenuBillyBobCat
[01:24] <Citric> ....
[01:24] <_> well at least you have a name...
[01:25] * CodeenuBillyBobCat falls and breaks his name
[01:25] * _ steals Bob back
[01:25] * CodeenuBillyBobCat is now known as Cdt
[01:25] * _ is now known as Bob
[01:25] <Bob> muahahaha
[01:25] * Citric is now known as Centric
[01:25] <Centric> yay
[01:25] * Bob takes an extra o for a laugh
[01:25] * Bob is now known as Boob
[01:25] <Boob> ;)
[01:25] <Centric> XD
[01:25] <Cdt> rofl
[01:26] <Cdt> Hey that's my O
[01:26] <Boob> sure is ;)
[01:26] * Logical2 grab a U
[01:26] * Logical2 is now known as Logical2u
[01:27] <Cdt> What happened to my C, A and E?
[01:27] <Boob> fell down the drain...
[01:27] <Logical2u> lost in the tubes
[01:27] <Cdt> Grr
[01:27] <Centric> who wants my e ?
[01:28] * Cdt gets new ones, but finds out they only sell uppercase
[01:28] * Cdt is now known as CdECAt
[01:28] <Boob> lol
[01:28] <Logical2u> You're still missing the o
[01:28] <Centric> lol
[01:29] * Boob takes 'Billy' since he doesnt want it...
[01:29] * Boob is now known as BillyBoob
[01:29] <Chaka> ...
[01:30] * CdECAt takes Chaka's C and bends it into an O
[01:30] * Chaka watches the Adventures of BillyBoob and Chaka on the TV
[01:30] * CdECAt is now known as COdECAt
[01:30] <BillyBoob> lol
[01:30] <Centric> yay
[01:30] * Chaka is now known as aka
[01:30] <BillyBoob> that would make an awsome show
[01:30] * aka is now known as haka
[01:30] <haka> yeah, totally
[01:30] * COdECAt swaps haka's h and BillyBoob's B
[01:31] * haka is now known as Baka
[01:31] <Baka> oh ha ha
[01:31] <Baka> now i'm a "jackass"
[01:31] <Baka> in japanese
[01:31] <Baka> har har har
[01:31] * BillyBoob is now known as hillyBoob
[01:32] * COdECAt sells his letters on the black market for lowercase varieties
[01:32] * COdECAt is now known as CodeCat
[01:32] * Baka is now known as BillyChaka
[01:33] <hillyBoob> cheat!
[01:33] <CodeCat> Hax!
[01:33] * hillyBoob throws away hilly, but keeps the extra o
[01:33] * hillyBoob is now known as Boob
[01:33] <Centric> ....
[01:35] <Boob> im gonna go get some food, I IS HUNGRAY!!!
[01:35] * Boob is now known as I


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Go dtiomsaítear do chód gan earráidí, is go gcríochnaítear do chláir go réidh. -Old Irish proverb

#593 Soul

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Posted 06 May 2007 - 23:51

:) CodeCat you meany, stealing letter's from everyone like that.
Posted ImagePosted Image

View PostInsomniac!, on 16 Sep 2008, 20:12, said:

Soul you scare the hell out of me, more so than Lizzie.

I've been given a Bob coin from Mr. Bob, a life time supply of cookies from Blonde-Unknown, some Internet Chocolate from the Full Throttle mod team, and some Assorted Weapons from Høbbesy.

#594 Sic


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Posted 07 May 2007 - 09:57

I rofl'ed at that :).
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#595 Alias

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Posted 07 May 2007 - 10:14

Haha. Well done.

Posted Image

#596 BillyChaka

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Posted 08 May 2007 - 01:07

CodeCat on IRC said:


Posted Image

Ion Cannon in IRC said:

[19:11] <+IonCannnon> Basically, billychaka is a heartless bastard.

#597 Waris

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Posted 08 May 2007 - 04:34

@CodeCat: Wahahahahahahahahahahahaha! :/

#598 Kris

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Posted 08 May 2007 - 04:53


View PostChris, on 6 May 2007, 14:16, said:


In general,s all American, vehicles are tan,
That sucks too

If you hate it, Reskin it.....IMO they are fine and americans do like tanning under the sun So EA gave them a tan..


You can capture buildings with a laptop?

Yes, Just send shitloads of porn videos that will hypnotize the crew...after hypnotizng, Raid them. If you get lucky, You might even see a few Hearth shaped binary thingy comming out of its window!


Toxins are coloured and kill guys in seconds, (It takes several days for Anthrax to kill a dude)

Why Not? The soldiers will think they're candy. the soldiers will eat them and instantly die because they didn't know its a uber strong poison.

#599 Jazzie Spurs


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Posted 11 May 2007 - 17:57


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#600 Warbz

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Posted 12 May 2007 - 11:59


No-Skillz: Omigoshattackofthemutantpieswholikewomensbutts
22SAS Warbz18: omgwtfn00b
No-Skillz: xD
No-Skillz: Nubbinz.
22SAS Warbz18: wtfomgpwnedn00b
No-Skillz: Wtfsmellyarab.
22SAS Warbz18: wtfomgpwnedsmellyarabn00bonBBQ
No-Skillz: xD
22SAS Warbz18: lol

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