[15:45] CodeCat - What's done is done, what's to be done is in our hands: Hi?
[15:46] celia_chang_chang@hotmail.com: hi
[15:46] celia_chang_chang@hotmail.com: I am Celia
[15:46] celia_chang_chang@hotmail.com: NIce to meet you
[15:46] CodeCat - What's done is done, what's to be done is in our hands: Where do I know you from?
[15:46] celia_chang_chang@hotmail.com: forget
[15:47] CodeCat - What's done is done, what's to be done is in our hands: But you just added me
[15:46] celia_chang_chang@hotmail.com: I need help in C++
[15:46] CodeCat - What's done is done, what's to be done is in our hands: Ah, are you from E-Studios?
[15:46] celia_chang_chang@hotmail.com: no....
[15:46] CodeCat - What's done is done, what's to be done is in our hands: How did you find my address?
[15:47] celia_chang_chang@hotmail.com: I am a college student...
search from web
[15:47] CodeCat - What's done is done, what's to be done is in our hands: Uh allright...
[15:47] CodeCat - What's done is done, what's to be done is in our hands: I don't expect to be added by random people, that's all

[15:47] celia_chang_chang@hotmail.com: I see~
would you mind helping>
[15:47] celia_chang_chang@hotmail.com: ?
[15:47] CodeCat - What's done is done, what's to be done is in our hands: Sure, what's the problem?
[15:48] celia_chang_chang@hotmail.com: do u know recursion ( FUnction call itself) in C++?
[15:48] CodeCat - What's done is done, what's to be done is in our hands: Yeah
[15:48] celia_chang_chang@hotmail.com: May I send the spec for you to have a look
[15:48] celia_chang_chang@hotmail.com: ?
[15:48] CodeCat - What's done is done, what's to be done is in our hands: Sure
[15:49] *** "celia_chang_chang@hotmail.com" signed on at Sun Nov 11 15:49:33 2007.
[15:49] *** celia is trying to send you "spec.doc"
[15:50] *** celia is trying to send you "main.cpp"
[15:50] *** celia is trying to send you "check.cpp"
[15:53] celia: can u help me with this task?
do u have time?
[15:53] CodeCat - What's done is done, what's to be done is in our hands: Sure, I'm looking at it now
[15:53] celia: thanks
I need go to hospital soon
[15:53] celia: having a serious headache and stomache
[15:55] CodeCat - What's done is done, what's to be done is in our hands: So what exactly is the problem?
[15:56] celia: not know how to do and not enough time....
[15:56] celia: I am a beginner ...
[15:56] CodeCat - What's done is done, what's to be done is in our hands: Well I'm not going to write code for you if that's what you're asking
[15:56] celia: ..............................
[15:57] CodeCat - What's done is done, what's to be done is in our hands: I'll help you solve the problem, I won't write your code
[15:57] celia: how can you help?
[15:57] CodeCat - What's done is done, what's to be done is in our hands: Well, tell me what you're having trouble with
[15:57] celia: not enough time
[15:58] celia: as need to go to hospital soon
[15:58] celia: and deadline is coming
[15:58] CodeCat - What's done is done, what's to be done is in our hands: ...
[15:58] celia: anyway, thx