Funny quotes
Posted 15 January 2009 - 13:37

Posted 16 January 2009 - 11:10
I don't use them outside of the FSSGB
Ben: Dauth: says:
FSSGB sounds epic
Wizard says:
Fallout Studios Staff GangBang
Ben: Dauth: says:
I figured it out
Wizard says:
I know and i just typed it out
Ben: Dauth: says:
Wizard says:
Ben: Dauth: says:
Wizard says:
How about....
Ben: Dauth: says:
Miss Exoctic Stormtrooper?
Wizard says:
Oh Yes /churchill
Ben: Dauth: says:
You know whats coming next now
Wizard says:
Go for it.....
Ben: Dauth: says:
Its not all fun and games running this place, though they do help.
Posted 16 January 2009 - 21:16

[22:13] <Ryver_MystDragon> And this is what I find AGAIN
[22:14] <Ryver_MystDragon> Now talking in #devv
[22:14] <Ryver_MystDragon> <@Carusio_MystWolf> ]\ dsdddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd
[22:14] <Ryver_MystDragon> They created yet another room
[22:14] <Ryver_MystDragon> I think they are getting better at spelling
[22:24] * Topic is 'Ish room by cats for cats. Meow :3'
[22:24] * Set by Turtle on Fri Jan 16 22:18:05
[22:24] * CodeCat walks over everyone's keyboard
[22:24] <Mambo> oeidfas\\
[22:24] <Turtle> a;djfagg
[22:25] <Basement_Cat> griwofjiwsae
Edited by CodeCat, 16 January 2009 - 21:25.

Go dtiomsaítear do chód gan earráidí, is go gcríochnaítear do chláir go réidh. -Old Irish proverb
Posted 19 January 2009 - 11:13
but not the usual kind of mental, the kind of mental that you always get a neighbour saying "he really as a nice boy, always friendly and polite and carried my shopping for" while he is secretly wanted to kill her and wear her skin....
I won't say who he's describing, merely that they are on the moderating team.
After a rant we got this going
Feel beter now?
Wizard says:
a bit ...
Ben: Dauth: says:
and babies? I don't want mini yous, I have enough trouble with just you breaking things
Wizard says:
it will happen, get used to the idea
Ben: Dauth: says:
I know, but its still wrong
Wizard says:
imagine several vern troy characters looking like me running around
Ben: Dauth: says:
YOU! Out of the gene pool!
Wizard says:
right back at ya pal
Ben: Dauth: says:
Wizard says:
Ben: Dauth: says:
You know if you breed you'll void yourself from the darwin award
Wizard says:
I know
Ben: Dauth: says:
Aren't you worried they'll be mutants, you know half human half spurs fan?
Wizard says:
If Spurs don't improve I'll make them grow up believing that football is a falacy or just plain evil to save them the grief
Ben: Dauth: says:
Make them Villa fan
Then they'll grow up normal
Wizard says:
the kind of normal where the neighbours end up saying to the camera crew......"he was such a lovely boy........
Ben: Dauth: says:
You mean that isn't normal?
Wizard says:
maybe up in your neck of the woods you strange peasant
Ben: Dauth: says:
hehe, this needs to be quoted
Wizard says:
Ben: Dauth: says:
*quotes and kk
Posted 19 January 2009 - 13:38

The brave hide behind technology. The stupid hide from it. The clever have technology, and hide it.
—The Book of Cataclysm

Posted 20 January 2009 - 18:15
I don't mind dancing with chaps, won't go out on a date wiht them but I'll dance
Ben: Dauth: says:
I intend to be good so I'll end up learning the women's steps too, so I can teach a chap how to dance

Posted 20 January 2009 - 18:18
And no I won't dance with you TPBM.
Posted 20 January 2009 - 18:20

Posted 20 January 2009 - 20:07
But Cambridge still beats Headingly - though please can we hang Matt for his barbarian, and clearly treasonable, comments about cricket - mainly because I won't have to go on a three day camel ride to get there. And I checked the trains... camels are still faster. And less smelly.
Posted 21 January 2009 - 20:21
[21:00] Ben: Dauth:: I would be careful to make sure people know to keep links out of the thread though.
[21:01] Ciarán Good (CodeCat) - Just like training video!: I would rather not mention it until someone goes over the line
[21:01] Ciarán Good (CodeCat) - Just like training video!: No need to say 'big brother is watching you'
[21:01] Ben: Dauth:: Good old Ingsoc, there is no harm in showing people the line
[21:01] Ciarán Good (CodeCat) - Just like training video!: They know the rules, so do we, so we're never going to give up on our primary task, which is not to let the forum down if we can

Go dtiomsaítear do chód gan earráidí, is go gcríochnaítear do chláir go réidh. -Old Irish proverb
Posted 21 January 2009 - 20:26
Also, I'm not sure if you noticed or not but you seem to have let a rickroll reference go right over your head
Ben: Dauth: says:
I always do
I never care for Rickrolls
they can keep on rolling right off the other end of the monitor
Ciarán Good (CodeCat) - Just like training video! says:
They taste yummy though
When he finally told me...
Posted 21 January 2009 - 21:38
kyle u know ur pc
Matt Boland says (21:33):
u know u got like the alien ware skin for windows
TheDR says (21:33):
Yeah, il link you
Matt Boland says (21:33):
like all ur start bar and all that is
Matt Boland says (21:33):
thanks lol
TheDR says (21:33):
TheDR says (21:33):
have fun
Matt Boland says (21:34):
thank i will haha
Matt Boland says (21:35):
how do i downlaod ??
TheDR says (21:36):
the place where it says
TheDR says (21:36):
Click here to download
Matt Boland says (21:36):
woop silly me haha
TheDR says (21:36):


Posted 21 January 2009 - 23:29
<Wizard> that is good, Wallsall is a shithole
<Nidmeister> Broad Street?
<Nidmeister> gawd
<Dauth> £5/int?
<Dauth> pint*
<Dauth> I know it well
<Wizard> I got chased out of a strip club in Broad st
A fine night for the IRC indeed.

Posted 22 January 2009 - 02:06
[6:01:51 PM] Corey says: What the fuck?
[6:01:53 PM] Dr. Nick says: An hour before first period
[6:02:04 PM] Corey says: Wouldn't it logically become first period?
[6:02:14 PM] Dr. Nick says: Not for my school
[6:02:39 PM] Corey says: Your school is stupid.
[6:02:46 PM] Dr. Nick says: Yes.
[6:03:17 PM] Corey says: Literally.
[6:03:24 PM] Corey says: The bricks and mortar know absolutely nothing.
[6:03:40 PM] Corey says: And the problem solving ability of the desks is laughable.

Posted 22 January 2009 - 11:44

Posted 22 January 2009 - 17:58
Wizard says:
for what?
self flagulation?
*Wizard taps foot
*Wizard twiddles tumbs
*Wizard paces up and down
*Wizard calls missing persons
*Wizard calls out search and rescue
*Wizard calls out RNLI
*Wizard hires a private detective
*Wizard goes undercover at a physicists convention to find Dauth and nearly dies of bordeom
*Wizard informs Dauth's family that he is has been abducted by aliens
*Wizard sees clarvoyant to contact Dauth from beyond the grave
*Wizard releases Core
*Wizard doesn't care anymore and goes for a shit
*Wizard comes back
*Wizard seriously begins to worry about Dauth
*Wizard suspects that Dauth has actually been a cloud God all along and has now gone back to the skies
Ben: Dauth: says:
Was playing DC with AJ
Wizard says:
There was me thinking that you'd be doing something interesting
Ben: Dauth: says:
Wizard says:
you have to quote all of that
Ben: Dauth: says:
I will
another game now
Wizard says:
*misses DoW
*hates being at work
*hates students and lazy arsed postgrads
*wonders what the world would be like without education
*decides it would be for the better
I left him alone to play some games and look what I come back to!
Posted 22 January 2009 - 18:36

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