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#2176 Comr4de


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Posted 23 January 2009 - 00:51

On Battlemasters with the Machinegun turrets in ShW


Stinger says:
I guess it's all personal preference at the end of the day.
Stinger says:
Like. MGs.
Stinger says:
Stinger says:
Said that through gritted teeth.
Stinger says:
Comr4de / Luis says:
you know you love 'em
Comr4de / Luis says:
you just gotta beleive !
Stinger says:
I love them as much as the thought of having my nuts hooked up to a 12volt battery and charged.
Comr4de / Luis says:

SWR Co-Lead | Texture Artist | Modeler | Level Designer | Fan of all things Awesome
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#2177 BeefJeRKy

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Posted 23 January 2009 - 03:46

View PostDauth, on 22 Jan 2009, 12:58, said:


well nearly got AJ ready
Wizard says:
for what?
self flagulation?
*Wizard taps foot
*Wizard twiddles tumbs
*Wizard paces up and down
*Wizard calls missing persons
*Wizard calls out search and rescue
*Wizard calls out RNLI
*Wizard hires a private detective
*Wizard goes undercover at a physicists convention to find Dauth and nearly dies of bordeom
*Wizard informs Dauth's family that he is has been abducted by aliens
*Wizard sees clarvoyant to contact Dauth from beyond the grave
*Wizard releases Core
*Wizard doesn't care anymore and goes for a shit
*Wizard comes back
*Wizard seriously begins to worry about Dauth
*Wizard suspects that Dauth has actually been a cloud God all along and has now gone back to the skies
Ben: Dauth: says:
Was playing DC with AJ
Wizard says:
There was me thinking that you'd be doing something interesting
Ben: Dauth: says:
Wizard says:
you have to quote all of that
Ben: Dauth: says:
I will
another game now
Wizard says:
*misses DoW
*hates being at work
*hates students and lazy arsed postgrads
*wonders what the world would be like without education
*decides it would be for the better

I left him alone to play some games and look what I come back to!

Wizard that is solid 24k gold right there!
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#2178 Dauth

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Posted 24 January 2009 - 11:23


Ben: Dauth: says:
I'm scared of furbies?
I'm just being random, I never hide on FS
Wizard says:
Furbies are evil
I imagine that they are the mechanic creations of Code, battery powered little fiends designed to take over the world one butt-fucking annoying chirpy chirp at a time

#2179 CodeCat

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Posted 24 January 2009 - 11:24

I'm with you on this one. Let's take those evil things out at the source!

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Go dtiomsaítear do chód gan earráidí, is go gcríochnaítear do chláir go réidh. -Old Irish proverb

#2180 Hobbesy

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Posted 25 January 2009 - 21:27


3:23 PM - Overdose(bR): back from a hot steaming shower
3:24 PM - Overdose(bR): =)
3:24 PM - Høbbesy: Sounds hot
3:24 PM - Overdose(bR): very hot
3:25 PM - Høbbesy: I don't know if I can fap to that, there wasn't any sweat
3:25 PM - Overdose(bR): ;D
3:25 PM - Høbbesy: |8

No sweat, no heat.

#2181 Wizard


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Posted 26 January 2009 - 09:05


The Hunter (AKA André) says (09:03):
i got left 3 dead yesterday and joined comrade,stinger and overdose in the zombie fragging craze
Wizard says (09:03):
did you get the haxxor'd copy?
Wizard says (09:03):
The Hunter (AKA André) says (09:03):
i got left 3 dead yesterday
Wizard says (09:03):
The Hunter (AKA André) says (09:04):
no lol
The Hunter (AKA André) says (09:04):
you can't play online wiht it otherwise
Wizard says (09:04):
Wizard says (09:04):

#2182 Lizzie


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Posted 26 January 2009 - 15:05


Amdrial: Get a newer one then :D
Lizzie: L4d takes a 6000 somthing
Lizzie: Got money?
Amdrial: Ya.
Lizzie: I mean I can't just pull money for a new card out of my ass
Lizzie: Nor my vagina
Amdrial: Try it, worked for me 8|

- E.A.B
My escape route goes through the enemy.
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#2183 Stinger


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Posted 26 January 2009 - 15:16

The Left 4 Dead craze is going global. :o

#2184 Nem


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Posted 26 January 2009 - 16:36

View PostDauth, on 22 Jan 2009, 12:58, said:

*Wizard releases Core



[11:27:50] [NemLaptop] is offline
[Nem] eh
[Nem] Nemlaptop should not have gone offline
[Nem] *goes downstairs with a knife*
[Nem] if I dont come back, communism did it.

Edited by Nem, 26 January 2009 - 16:37.

#2185 TheDR

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Posted 26 January 2009 - 20:14


[20:03] CroCop/TehKiller: i got a grand masterplan
[20:04] CroCop/TehKiller: we need to find someone rich and make him pay the l4d 4 pack for 150$
[20:04] CroCop/TehKiller: and give us copies!!!!
[20:05] TheDR: Hell yeah!
[20:05] TheDR: I know a rich guy, but he is too nice to exploit D:
[20:06] CroCop/TehKiller: how rich....and you can always beg him politely :D
[20:06] TheDR: Well he has every console and basically every game :D
[20:07] CroCop/TehKiller: OMGWTFBBQ
[20:07] TheDR: He is kinda spoiled 8|
[20:07] CroCop/TehKiller: i mean i saw someone have a uber comp and a PS3 but all consoles?!
[20:07] CroCop/TehKiller: hmmm spoiled decreases chance of success
[20:08] CroCop/TehKiller: he'll prolly ask something to do in return
[20:08] CroCop/TehKiller: makes me wonder why are we discussing this plan when we know its doomed D:
[20:09] TheDR: He is a friend of a friend as well
[20:09] TheDR: so i don't know him that well
[20:09] CroCop/TehKiller: basically the chance of success went below zero D;
[20:10] CroCop/TehKiller: If I ever find a person willing to do something like that I'll let you know

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#2186 Dr. Knickers

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Posted 27 January 2009 - 02:14


[6:11:02 PM] Dr. Nick says: WTF
[6:11:06 PM] Dr. Nick says: NICKELBACK IS CANADIAN?
[6:13:47 PM] Corey says: Yeah...
[6:13:48 PM] Corey says: We're sorry.

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#2187 Foxhound

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Posted 27 January 2009 - 02:56

View PostDr. Nick, on 26 Jan 2009, 21:14, said:


[6:11:02 PM] Dr. Nick says: WTF
[6:11:06 PM] Dr. Nick says: NICKELBACK IS CANADIAN?
[6:13:47 PM] Corey says: Yeah...
[6:13:48 PM] Corey says: We're sorry.

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#2188 Stinger


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Posted 27 January 2009 - 14:45

This is what conversations between Thez and I are like on a daily basis.


Thierry/Thez - I killified it for you says:
I has a great post
Stinger says:
The first and last only ever great post you will make.
Stinger says:

Thierry/Thez - I killified it for you says:

Thierry/Thez - I killified it for you says:
I'll post trash then
Thierry/Thez - I killified it for you says:
Give you something to do
Stinger says:
Isn't that what you normally do?
Stinger says:
Post trash?
Stinger says:

Stinger says:
Too easy.
Thierry/Thez - I killified it for you says:

Thierry/Thez - I killified it for you says:
Not even worth replying to really
Stinger says:
That's a good excuse you have there when you can't think of a witty rejoinder.

Edited by Stinger, 29 January 2009 - 03:46.

#2189 Dauth

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Posted 29 January 2009 - 02:17


AJ says:
do i sense Wiz getting a little wound up?
Ben: Dauth: says:
yea, but the spring will break soon and he'll unwind all over the place
/really bad mental image
AJ says:
/block until i can get that image out of my head


AJ:I think he'd probably kill me for revealing his identity

AJ:I'm just blocking this out now, absolutely blocking this out

AJ:Oh God
Dauth:Oh who?
AJ:Oh shut up

AJ:This may be a case of deactivating my account, leaving MSN and casually walking away into the distance
Dauth:Thus may be a case of (writing...)
AJ:Oh fuck off

Dauth:Its just the last 5 minutes, that's all I can remember
AJ:Oh Shit

AJ when I threatened to quote what he'd said on Skype in the last 90 minutes.

After this post was made


AJ:That was the sound of facedesk

#2190 Libains

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Posted 29 January 2009 - 02:23

This is what happens when I stay up beyond 2am...... if anyone would willingly save me from myself, well, now would be the time |8
For there can be no death without life.

#2191 Dauth

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Posted 29 January 2009 - 16:04


Ben: Dauth: says:
godo thing I got Windows live in DoW2 you need it for OA
Wizard says:
Ben: Dauth: says:
You have a online profile, you need games windows live running to save any games
Wizard says:
that's shit
what else is a HD for?
Ben: Dauth: says:
I think they are on the hd
jsut in the windwos live profile
Wizard says:
Microsoft checking out your gaming habits again
Ben: Dauth: says:
Tbh if they had asked I'd ahve told the,
Wizard says:
Ben: Dauth: says:
*goes on OA, leaving Wiz to be bored*
Wizard says:
Ben: Dauth: says:
Wizard says:
Ben: Dauth: says:
Tis fun but too linear
Wizard says:
isn't that like suicide for a RP?
Ben: Dauth: says:
This seems like a mission set instead
Wizard says:
Ben: Dauth: says:
I know
Its moderatly good fun and a show off of what else they can do in the engine
Wizard says:
what else do they do with the engine? make a petrol powered food blender?
Ben: Dauth: says:
*His Wiz with the anti n00b stick*
Wizard says:
Ben: Dauth: says:
That should sting, dirty n00b
Wizard says:
Ben: Dauth: says:
took you long enough to be insulted
Wizard says:
*reminds Dauth that Wiz works for a living*
Ben: Dauth: says:
No you don't, you laze around on MSN
Wizard says:
only for half the day, the other half I work
Ben: Dauth: says:
No, you go to the loo or take nicotine hits
Wizard says:
and inbetween those I pretend to work, now shhhhhhhhhh
Ben: Dauth: says:

#2192 CodeCat

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Posted 29 January 2009 - 22:04


[23:00] Ciarán Good (CodeCat) - Just like training video!: You!
[23:00] Chris: nu you!
[23:00] Ciarán Good (CodeCat) - Just like training video!: Yooouuu
[23:03] Chris: No U!
[23:03] Ciarán Good (CodeCat) - Just like training video!: Ok then: Yoooooooo
[23:03] Ciarán Good (CodeCat) - Just like training video!: Better?


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Go dtiomsaítear do chód gan earráidí, is go gcríochnaítear do chláir go réidh. -Old Irish proverb

#2193 Dauth

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Posted 30 January 2009 - 11:47


Wizard says:
Nothing ever goes smoothly does it
Ben: Dauth: says:
What did you break?
Wizard says:
sorry on the phone and I didn't break anything
Ben: Dauth: says:
Wizard says:
just taken the horrific lino that we are replacing up and some of the floor boards are rotten
so they need to be replaced
as well
and to top it off, there are boards at the collar of the soil pipe that are "wet" that also need replacing
which means taking the toilet out and fixing a seal around the soil pipe collar
and you thought I was just good at making pretty picture
Ben: Dauth: says:
I know you can plumb
Its the lead in the water
/chemistry joke
Wizard says:
Ben: Dauth: says:
Wizard says:
so on the plus side it has stopped me from the annoying job of laying the new tiles in the bathroom, bad news is i have replace floorboards, remove the toilet and fix the leak, and that I now smell like piss
Ben: Dauth: says:
anyone noticed the difference?
Wizard says:
fuck off
Ben: Dauth: says:
Wizard says:
that was, once again, expected
Ben: Dauth: says:
I know

#2194 Stinger


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Posted 30 January 2009 - 12:17

The good old English sense of humour. :cool:

You two are like Morcambe and Wise, except maybe less inhibited.

Edited by Stinger, 30 January 2009 - 12:18.

#2195 Dauth

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Posted 30 January 2009 - 12:19

View PostStinger, on 30 Jan 2009, 12:17, said:

The good old English sense of humour. :cool:

You two are like Morcambe and Wise, except maybe less inhibited.
I have not got out of bed and cooked him breakfast yet!

#2196 Nid

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Posted 01 February 2009 - 00:50


Dinto the Wild!!! says:
edgars logic tho
"i threw up before i came in so i wouldnt hiccup at the bar"

MSN conversation discussing the night before with a friend ^
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#2197 Wizard


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Posted 01 February 2009 - 13:08

View PostStinger, on 30 Jan 2009, 12:17, said:

The good old English sense of humour. :P

You two are like Morcambe and Wise, except maybe less inhibited.

More like Waldorf and Staedler :D

#2198 CodeCat

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Posted 01 February 2009 - 22:17


[23:09] Slye_Fox - Little modding Fox: WHOO!
[23:09] Slye_Fox - Little modding Fox: ot snowing
[23:10] Slye_Fox - Little modding Fox: WHOO! and it's settling too
[23:10] Slye_Fox - Little modding Fox: not turning to slush
[23:10] Slye_Fox - Little modding Fox: WHOO!!!!
[23:10] Slye_Fox - Little modding Fox: and i just saw a fox going through the snow
[23:11] Ciarán Good (CodeCat) - Just like training video!: Heehee
[23:14] Slye_Fox - Little modding Fox: awww
[23:14] Slye_Fox - Little modding Fox: it was scared off
[23:15] Slye_Fox - Little modding Fox: -.-
[23:15] Slye_Fox - Little modding Fox: loverly
[23:15] Slye_Fox - Little modding Fox: some kid has written "HUGH EATS COCK" right outside my window
[23:16] Slye_Fox - Little modding Fox: now i get to read about hugh eating cocks instead of watching the foxie play in the snow


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Go dtiomsaítear do chód gan earráidí, is go gcríochnaítear do chláir go réidh. -Old Irish proverb

#2199 BeefJeRKy

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Posted 01 February 2009 - 23:35


Danny says:
JRK - Scope says:
Danny says:
public static void main?
JRK - Scope says:
public class
Danny says:
oh yeah
JRK - Scope says:
its nice
Danny says:

i can imagine
JRK - Scope says:
it'll serve as a nice intro to programming
Danny says:
don't you enjoy it so much?
JRK - Scope says:
at AUB they throw you into C++ immediately
Danny says:
i hate all my classes
but i'd love to take java
JRK - Scope says:
well its frustrating at times
Danny says:
i'd do extra shit in my free time
JRK - Scope says:
then incredibly rewarding
Danny says:
oh i see
JRK - Scope says:
its like masturbation

Danny says:
love that

Speaking to an old friend in Beirut 8|
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#2200 Dr. Knickers

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Posted 02 February 2009 - 04:11


[8:10:26 PM] Corey says: Transformers have to have been made by something
[8:10:37 PM] Corey says: Unless you're suggesting a helicopter bred with a fire truck.

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