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#2201 Dauth

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Posted 02 February 2009 - 22:07


Ben: Dauth: says:
You just like causing chaos to me, promoted to staff for my final 6 months at uni, then admin for my phd. I move house and you gut your mod team :P
The Hunter (AKA André) says:
Ben: Dauth: says:
utter bastard :read:

#2202 Dr. Knickers

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Posted 03 February 2009 - 05:53


James Lau: seriously wuts with all the rape
Dr. Nick: well
Dr. Nick: Beloved IS a historical novel
James Lau: lol
James Lau: thats all the book talks about
James Lau: guess thats all there is to african american history

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#2203 Stinger


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Posted 03 February 2009 - 14:20

That is not only inappropriate, it is downright offensive to African Americans in this context.

I can't imagine what you were thinking when you posted this.

Edited by Stinger, 04 February 2009 - 17:21.

#2204 Dauth

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Posted 04 February 2009 - 21:28


Ben: Dauth: says:
Wizard says:
Ben: Dauth: says:
How are you?
Wizard says:
Ben: Dauth: says:
I'm good
Wizard says:
Question: Graphics cards, what does SLI mean and do?
Ben: Dauth: says:
SLI means having more than 1 card working in the same system, you don't get double performance, but it can extend the life of the system but ~20%
Wizard says:
how do you mean extend the life?
stops burnouts?
Ben: Dauth: says:
You can use it to run a faster system before replacing
Wizard says:
Ben: Dauth: says:
1 card 100%
2 card SLI 120%
Wizard says:
so say I spend another £290 on a GTX280 with SLi that relieves 20% work on the cpu?
Ben: Dauth: says:
It means that the computer will run faster on games
one sec
Look at the 280GTX and then the 280GTX SLI
Wizard says:
sadly to go from the GTC280 to a GTX260 SLI costs me £115
thats also a loss of 100mb ish as well
Ben: Dauth: says:
I'd have a single card tbh
Wizard says:
also the i7 only offers 3 6 or 12 Gb ddr3
Ben: Dauth: says:
so when you upgarde you only need 1 card
Wizard says:
which in their own right are fucking expensive
Ben: Dauth: says:
Wizard says:
this isn't easy to decide upon, shame their is no sort of performance benchmarking you can do with a specific build in order to work out what would be best
Ben: Dauth: says:
Wizard says:
right now the i7 is a really expensive option
Ben: Dauth: says:
I'm being confused by a request Hunter made
Wizard says:
hehe I saw that
would be ulitmately cheaper to run with the quad core
there are just too many limitations on the structure of each setup tbh
Ben: Dauth: says:
so ignore the quad
Wizard says:
Why? It's actually cheaper If I take that at 4 x 3.0ghz than taking the 2.66Ghz i7
Ben: Dauth: says:
too many limitations on the structure of each setup tbh

Sorry brain in neutral
Wizard says:
well if I am gonna do this right I might as well max the RAM
on an i7 that is 12GB which costs shitloads
next option is 6Gb which isn't that great
I can go with 8GB on Q or E series
Ben: Dauth: says:
8 is still plenty
Wizard says:
yeah on a different CPU
I can't run 8 on the i7
that's the point
Ben: Dauth: says:
hmm, go for 12 then
Wizard says:
that costs
brb g2g food
Ben: Dauth: says:
I'd say drop the i7 Get a Q
Wizard says:
so you've gone from ignore the Quad to get the quad?!? XD
Ben: Dauth: says:
Is money no object?
Wizard says:
strictly speaking, yes it is, I can't afford to through 2 grand at it in all fairness or I'd have bought the i7 965 already
Ben: Dauth: says:
Wizard says:
exactly what...?
In all honesty the i7, whilst looking on the face of it to be the best performance option available, it is extremely costly
a decent package for any of the i7's is always £1500 up
Ben: Dauth: says:
Get the best bang for your buck with the buvk you have
Wizard says:
whereas if I avoid the QX9770 i can get a decent package, probably including the SLI and 8GB for near on £1500
question is, is the performance of a Q series processor & an SLI graphics card greater than an i series with a single card
Ben: Dauth: says:
I'd dodge SLI
Wizard says:
any reason for that?
Ben: Dauth: says:
Not value for money
Wizard says:
Ben: Dauth: says:
paying twice as much but not getting twice the performance
Wizard says:
I see, that is a very logical way to think
Ben: Dauth: says:
Remember who you are talking to
Wizard says:
a total spanner, yeah I remember
you must be having a good day

Ben: Dauth: says:
The drugs don't work
Wizard says:
I think I might have a look around that website with the bench marking etc you just showed me
Ben: Dauth: says:
Tom's Hardware guide
Wizard says:
Ben: Dauth: says:
A very good site if it has what you need
Wizard says:
what if it doesn't have what I need, does that make it a bad site?
Ben: Dauth: says:
well it gets infuriating
Wizard says:
what does?
the site?
Ben: Dauth: says:
Yea, it keeps cropping up in searches but not with the inf you're after
Wizard says:
you what is infuriating, that MSN never fills the whole screen in windowed mode, always leaves a little gap at the top
Ben: Dauth: says:
Get pidgin
Wizard says:
what does that mean?
Ben: Dauth: says:
Its a IM piece of software runs everything
Wizard says:
Ben: Dauth: says:
I use it for my facebook and icq
Wizard says:
the Phenom X4 performed slower in every test against both the QZ9770 & i7 hehehe
fail tech
Ben: Dauth: says:
AMD fail
Wizard says:
yet AFtershock was raving about it
Ben: Dauth: says:
Gotta love THG
Wizard says:
THG? or am I being slow?
Ben: Dauth: says:
Toms Hardware Guide
Wizard says:
ah, yeah
Ben: Dauth: says:
You are being slow
Wizard says:
all said, the QX9770 outperforms the i series in Photoshop work
Ben: Dauth: says:
Wizard says:
only one it did and it was marginal
Ben: Dauth: says:
Wizard says:
that's not actually try
Winzip, acrobat AND PS were faster on the QX9770 than the i7 965
Ben: Dauth: says:
me 2
mm sausage rolls
Wizard says:
Ben: Dauth: says:
Wizard says:
Ben: Dauth: says:
Been talking to the folks
Its really good to chat to home so much
Wizard says:
ioh yeah, any news from home?
Ben: Dauth: says:
Kit car passed its MoT
Wizard says:
orly what have they got?
Ben: Dauth: says:
Lomax 424
Good luck finidng a decent photo
Wizard says:
doesn't ring any bells, not much of kitnut
Ben: Dauth: says:
Its only got a 2cv as donor
Wizard says:
Ben: Dauth: says:
Was made for under 5k
for some lulz
Wizard says:
why are THG benchmarking games with the damn settings on low?
WTF is that about?
Ben: Dauth: says:
They go for FPS
pro gamers are all about fps to get better reactions
http://grumlt.citrin...os/lomax424.jpg in black, different lights, motorbike exhaust, single larger windscreen
Wizard says:
furry muff, doesn't matter then that they are reactiing to a large irregular shaped polygon over a discernable object then
Ben: Dauth: says:
Wizard says:
weird looking fucker
Ben: Dauth: says:
Wizard says:
why did he get that?
Ben: Dauth: says:
We could afford it, he wanted to build one and it is a lot of fun
Even with only 602cc its great fun even as a passenger
Wizard says:
ok that is understandable to me
what chasis frame does it have, the cv?
Ben: Dauth: says:
No, some box section aluminium jobby
Light enough for me to pick up 7-8 years ago
Wizard says:
so nothing well known
Ben: Dauth: says:
and the main company went broke since the guy selling the cars was taking money and not sending parts
Wizard says:
Ben: Dauth: says:
fortunatly we lived close enough to turn up and cause problems so were never done
Wizard says:
but what an arsehole
Ben: Dauth: says:
Wizard says:
just checking the benchmarking, the i7 top end model only just outperforms the QX9770 on FPS for all the majoir games
4fps actually
so much for quads being a waste
Ben: Dauth: says:
Core i7 is a quad
Wizard says:
no I mean the COre 2 quads
Ben: Dauth: says:
how much faster are they than duos?
Wizard says:
the ones you and everyone else have been moaning about
the i7's?
Ben: Dauth: says:
Wizard says:
Crysis = 162.7fps i7 965
Crysis = 143 fps QX9770
UR3 =154.5fps i7 965
UR3 = 150.4fps i7 965
it performs with crysis better than UR3
Ben: Dauth: says:
I mean the core 2 duo
below the quads
Wizard says:
one sec
same again, about 4fps
Ben: Dauth: says:
so all that extra grunt buys you 8fps?
Wizard says:
but you know the quad is a redundant chip atm
well 3 are anyway
Ben: Dauth: says:
2 possibly
Wizard says:
Ben: Dauth: says:
if they run it right they put all current programs on processor 1 and the game on processor 2
Wizard says:
the duos performs about the same again in rts
mind you the i series kicks arse in rts performance, especially WiC
top end model is nearly 60fps faster than the top end Q series
Ben: Dauth: says:
how about comparing the stuff you may buy?
Wizard says:
I have done
I have PS CS3, WiC and instead of crysis see l4d
Ben: Dauth: says:
Wizard says:
each one besides WiC there is no reason to buy either the i or q series
the E would perfom perfectly
Ben: Dauth: says:
Didn't I say that 8 hours ago?
Wizard says:
especially with a GTX295 1Gb card
^ maybe, I forget you say a lot

Ben: Dauth: says:
In sheer desparation after this long conversation I will quote you bitch

Sometimes he is just so much hard work...

*cries himself to sleep tonight*

#2205 Wizard


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Posted 04 February 2009 - 21:32


Ben: Dauth: says (21:29):
Wizard says (21:29):
seen it already
Ben: Dauth: says (21:29):
Ben: Dauth: says (21:31):
You cause stress man!
Wizard says (21:31):

Damn my life can be fun at times :D

#2206 Libains

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Posted 04 February 2009 - 21:33

*Falls asleep reading that* Do you not have enough to do with a forum to run and a PhD to complete?
For there can be no death without life.

#2207 Dauth

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Posted 04 February 2009 - 21:37


Wizard says:
we really should get that thread renamed after us
Ben: Dauth: says:
I think we shoudl start a petition for our own funny quote thread
Wizard says:

#2208 Wizard


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Posted 04 February 2009 - 21:38

@ AJ: You'd think that wouldn't you, obviously not

#2209 Dauth

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Posted 04 February 2009 - 22:43


Ben: Dauth: says:
How much my PhD costs them
I only get £35,820 of that paid to me
Over 3 years
Josh says:
I see
that's still a chunk of change
Ben: Dauth: says:
I know
Josh says:
wish I had that much kit
Ben: Dauth: says:
Shame I've been spending it before it arrived
Josh says:
Ben: Dauth: says:
I prefer the challenge of living on the cheap
Josh says:
or that
Ben: Dauth: says:
Might need to get a car
Or spend money on dates
Josh says:
Ben: Dauth: says:
or figs
Josh says:
on one hand all you have to do is apply the petrol
^ LOL!
on the other, you actually have to wine and dine
course, you could look at it positively
either way you're sticking something in a hole
Ben: Dauth: says:

#2210 Dauth

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Posted 05 February 2009 - 23:42


Ciarán Good (CodeCat) - Just like training video! says:
Crazy Mod for me
lol crazykenny has Members as secondary group
Ben: Dauth: says:
Ciarán Good (CodeCat) - Just like training video! says:
Wonder what foghead did that
Ben: Dauth: says:
I so want to quote taht
Ciarán Good (CodeCat) - Just like training video! says:
lol go ahead

#2211 CodeCat

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Posted 06 February 2009 - 23:29


[00:22] CodeCat - Just like training video!: *holds out a phone* It's for you
[00:22] Garrett: *answers*
[00:22] CodeCat - Just like training video!: BANANAPHONE!
[00:24] Garrett: <-.->


[00:23] codecat42: *holds out a phone* It's for you
[00:23] silverdwaggy: o.o
[00:23] silverdwaggy: (hello?)
[00:23] codecat42: BANANAPHONE!
[00:23] silverdwaggy: XD


[00:24] CodeCat - Just like training video!: *holds out a phone* It's for you
[00:24] Mercifur: *takes the phone* hello?
[00:24] CodeCat - Just like training video!: BANANAPHONE!
[00:24] Mercifur: omfg rofl hahahahaha
[00:24] Mercifur: bwahaha!
[00:24] Mercifur: :read:


[00:25] CodeCat - Just like training video!: *holds out a phone* It's for you
[00:25] TheDR: *Picks up Phone* Hello
[00:25] CodeCat - Just like training video!: BANANAPHONE!
[00:26] TheDR: Oh no! I should of guessed it was you, your an insane fruity experiment gone wrong.


[00:26] CodeCat - Just like training video!: *holds out a phone* It's for you
[00:27] Ben: Dauth:: *Hands phone back* I don't speak Dutch
[00:27] CodeCat - Just like training video!: *answers it* BANANAPHONE!
[00:27] CodeCat - Just like training video!: Curses, foiled by my own practical joke
[00:27] Ben: Dauth:: hehe

Edited by CodeCat, 18 December 2010 - 22:46.


Posted Image
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Go dtiomsaítear do chód gan earráidí, is go gcríochnaítear do chláir go réidh. -Old Irish proverb

#2212 Slightly Wonky Robob

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Posted 06 February 2009 - 23:33

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#2213 D.K.


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Posted 06 February 2009 - 23:35

CodeCat, you got pretty much back-punk'd? :read:
Requiescat in pace, James.


#2214 Pandut

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Posted 06 February 2009 - 23:36


He who runs in front of car gets tired, he who runs behind car gets exhausted.

Formerly Sobek

#2215 Stinger


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Posted 06 February 2009 - 23:38


Good one.

#2216 TheDR

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Posted 06 February 2009 - 23:42


TheDR says (23:36):
*holds out a phone* It's for you
CNC says (23:37):
TheDR says (23:37):
CNC says (23:38):


TheDR says (23:36):
*holds out a phone* It's for you
Bregan says (23:37):
*takes phone* Hello?
TheDR says (23:37):
Bregan says (23:38):
*hangs up*


TheDR says (23:37):
*holds out a phone* It's for you
Centric says (23:37):
Centric says (23:38):
really :read:
TheDR says (23:38):
Centric says (23:38):

Posted Image
Posted Image

#2217 Chyros

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Posted 07 February 2009 - 00:32

Nice one Code :read: .

*mumbles "ring ring ring ring ring ring ring...*

The brave hide behind technology. The stupid hide from it. The clever have technology, and hide it.
—The Book of Cataclysm

Posted ImagePosted Image

#2218 Nid

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Posted 07 February 2009 - 18:31


Høbbesy: Blood.
Høbbesy: Guts.
Høbbesy: Zombies.
Høbbesy: And SEX
Nidmeister: :omfg:
Høbbesy: Nidmeister is...

Posted Image

#2219 Hobbesy

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Posted 07 February 2009 - 18:32

Coming to a theater near you!

#2220 Dauth

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Posted 08 February 2009 - 19:01


Overdose has left the conversation.

Overdose has been added to the conversation.

Ben: Dauth: Six Nations! says:
Stop touching yourself OD!
Overdose says:
=( but the corpse of the girl in my room is so pretty
o-0 creeepy
Ben: Dauth: Six Nations! says:
That just has to be quoted

#2221 Brad


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Posted 08 February 2009 - 22:04


The truth revealed :D
You almost did, didn't you?

#2222 Dauth

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Posted 09 February 2009 - 00:36


Ben: Dauth: Six Nations! says:
Overdose says:
I'd jizz all over her face

Comr4de / Luis says:
Overdose says:

Overdose has left the conversation.

E.V.E. says:
Where the hell did I land here? D:
Stinger says:

Overdose has been added to the conversation.

Comr4de / Luis says:
he bailed
ah there he is
Ben: Dauth: Six Nations! says:
Overdose says:

OD leaves convos when he touches himself.

#2223 E.V.E.

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Posted 09 February 2009 - 00:36

Perv Convo. :D

- E.V.E.

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#2224 Comr4de


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Posted 09 February 2009 - 00:38

View PostE.V.E., on 8 Feb 2009, 18:36, said:

Perv Convo. :D

- E.V.E.


SWR Co-Lead | Texture Artist | Modeler | Level Designer | Fan of all things Awesome
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#2225 BeefJeRKy

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Posted 09 February 2009 - 00:43


Wizard says:
see he has and all
JRK - Scope says:
i wonder if all admoo gang bangs are like this
Wizard says:
^ yep
Ben: Dauth: Six Nations! says:
some are
they start serious then degenerate
Wizard says:
they can be worse, but EVE is wearing clothes tonight
E.V.E. says:
I get Gangbanged nearly everytime, and they wonder why I am avoiding them.
Ben: Dauth: Six Nations! says:
Some are just me wiz and EVE being very naughty
E.V.E. says:
How do you know!?
Overdose says:
Someone quote that
Wizard says:
E.V.E. says:
No. XD

First Admoo convo :D
Posted Image

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