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Dawn of War Replays

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#26 Wizard


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Posted 24 April 2009 - 09:33

It would've been unusual for you to not have had the numbers to defend yourself by the time I'd taken out Aftershock hence my reluctance to advance on you at that stage, also I'd spent so much reinforcing against Aftershock I didn't think that it would've been successful to have gone straight onto you at that stage. Lesson learned.

#27 Ion Cannon!

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Posted 24 April 2009 - 10:02

Even if you had gone for me I may well have been able to defend myself, even with a smaller force. However I would then have to focus my efforts on staying alive. And wouldn't have been able to tech up. If you thought I had a large army when you killed aftershock by waiting even longer I should then have had an even larger army. And did.
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#28 Archon

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Posted 24 April 2009 - 18:33

I tried to watch one of these reps in Soulstorm but I get Sync error when replay starts.
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#29 Dauth

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Posted 24 April 2009 - 18:34

Because all of our games are in DC, watch them in DC and you shouldn't get an error. You'll also need maps.

#30 Ion Cannon!

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Posted 25 April 2009 - 01:31

The maps in question can be found here - http://forum.cncrene...showtopic=31899 ; Just follow the installation instructions and it will work fine.
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#31 Ion Cannon!

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Posted 26 May 2009 - 14:39

I don't mean to double post but I just had one of the best games ever. Its a 3v3.

Chaos, Tau, IG VS Chaos, Necrons, Tau.

I was with the Tau and the IG. IG dropped, tau was new. Like didn't upgrade his strategic points until I told him to new. And yet, we won.

I urge any DoW player to check this replay out, it is epic.

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#32 Wizard


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Posted 26 May 2009 - 14:52

Will check this out later tonight. Where'd you find the newbs?

#33 Ion Cannon!

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Posted 26 May 2009 - 15:22

Its an online game done through the lobby. The IG that dropped had a decent rating. The Tau on my side had 0 games. The enemy Chaos about 50 games, enemy Tau about 200 games and the necron was pretty low, 30 odd games.

The main mistake I made was when I was running all over the map killing everything, or micro-ing my posessed my econ went out the window.
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#34 General

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Posted 13 September 2009 - 06:38

Dawn of War II replay :

We was losing, enemy reached our bases but we still resist and win, I am The Eliphas ( Eldar, Warp Spider ) its a must see replay for those who think they lose after their victory points down to half or they lose a few units !

#35 Areze

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Posted 09 July 2010 - 16:53

EDIT: Removed superfluous link.

Tau Vs hard Ork
Frostbite River
Deadman's Crossing

Frostbite River

Another fight. did rather well, not as long. The hardest part was holding my CLs from the AI. Once I had a strong enough force to keep him at bay and he petered out, it was a cakewalk to finally counterattack and defeat him. He only seemed to build his Big Mek once or twice and from then on ignored it. I don't know why, he must have been unable to afford it; this map is poorer than the first near and far as I can tell. This was was definitely easier. Maybe it was because I had a general idea what to expect and was less 'nooby' about what to expect from it.

As the last time, the biggest pain were the Storm Boys. They quick and durable enough that they don't get mowed down by Pulse Fire. The jumping in the midst of my Fire Warriors, while not succeeding in doing a lot of damage, do manage to silence their gunfire, which, seeing as I generally lean towards long-range combat more then assault, is a surprisingly shrewd move from the AI.

Deadman's Crossing

My first fight against a tough AI. I'm a bit of a turtler* by nature, so I was rather proud of my early aggressiveness. I know I made a couple of silly mistakes, however. I would have likely lost if the AI had not made similar dumb mistakes (treating his Big Mek as expendable, for instance, (although I think my Snare Spam helped that. I think). Near the end, when I took the third strategic point from him, I didn't go for his base to finish him as:

a) I'm still used to Annihilation, where Ork gun emplacements mince everything near them.

b) I was constantly afraid he was higher up the tree than me, and that he already had a Mek Shop and was going to get a Squiggoth soon, so I wanted to wipe out his relic to prevent that, and then take the fourth SP so reduce his resource collection.

It was not until I viewed the replay myself from the Ork perspective (with FOW on, of course) when I realized how starved for resources he was, and how much I rode his ass early on. I went into this expecting to have my ass handed to me on a silver platter. Overall, I'm rather proud of myself for that.

Anyway, I want to improve myself, so anything I could have done better? More micro? More aggression? Snare Spam?


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Edited by Areze, 10 July 2010 - 15:25.

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#36 Areze

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Posted 22 July 2010 - 07:47

EDIT: http://forum.falloutstudios.net/index.php?...ost&id=7156

Putting it back up.

This one's marked 'Compstomp'
The first game, I personally thought I was garbage. Was generally slow all around while Alias took the brunt of the enemy's fury. However, he beat them off with use of the Nightmare Shroud while I rebuilt after being smacked around by the Spess Mehreens. After that, we went toe to toe with the humans until Alias got a monolith out and went to town on them. The IG sent an army my way which I shut down with Hammerheads and Fire Warriors. With those and the Monolith, the IG were defeated while Alias' army took out the Marine base.

The second is three Tau versus a Necron, Emo Marine Raven Guard, and a Chaos opponent. I was focusing on my bailiwick here, but from what the map told me, the bot and Alias handled the enemy's army while I went on demolition duty. The Emo Marines Raven Guards eventually sent a force my way to save themselves, which didn't work. Then it was a matter of just blowing shut up until the enemy lost.

Edited by Areze, 22 July 2010 - 08:04.

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#37 Alias

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Posted 22 July 2010 - 07:56

For the people wondering about some Necron tactics, I'd certainly recommend you watch the first game as I worked pretty hard to get out of that mess. It shows you a semi-decent early game start and an excellent (if I say so myself) recovery.

While the AI isn't really the same as people, that was a good game by both sides.

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#38 Areze

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Posted 22 July 2010 - 08:00


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Edited by Areze, 22 July 2010 - 08:05.

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#39 Areze

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Posted 30 July 2010 - 10:51

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So I tried a game with Chaos.

I wound up sacrificing Technology for might, as I didn't have the resources for both. I haven't played Chaos in a while, so I'm not all that good. I know I could go faster, but I've yet to memorize any of the Chaos hotkeys, so that slows be down by a surprising amount. I think I did rather well with what little experience I had. |8
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#40 Alias

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Posted 09 August 2010 - 11:01

One more for the budding Necron players, here's a game between myself and three random insane AI, 2v2.
Necrons (myself) and Necrons AI vs Space Marines and Orks.

I was a bit sloppy in parts but I did have an alright recovery about half way in (partly due to AI stupidity, but also due to spending the hell out of my economy). Overall probably one of my better games battle wise but not one of my best economy wise. Worth a watch if you're interested in Necrons (or how to beat them :xD:).
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#41 Areze

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Posted 22 October 2011 - 11:21

Some background:

I decided to make a match where I spectated two Insane AIs fighting each other. I deleted my base immediately (it was on the Fortress map), and watched a Tau AI and Eldar AI go at it for about twenty minutes.

I will not lie, it felt like the DoW equivalent of two retards playing happy-slaps. Fucktarded decisions all around and it should have ended at the ten minute mark.

Full of righteous butthurt, I made a match between the Elfdar and the same Tau sept that the AI fucked around with in the previous match, making dumb mistakes like it was shooting for a freaking consolation prize.

I half-suspected to be owned here (through relentless and shameless cheating, natch), but it was suprisingly easy, thanks to the damnably silly Guardian spam. My favorite part of the battle was when I was swamped by the cannon fodder while attacking the Ai's main base. Throughout it all, the commander just stood there gunning enemies down LEIK A BAWS, and the Vespids using that disruption ability and scattering the whole bloody army around like dolls owned by the world's largest and most petulant child.

I was originally gunning for Broadsides, as that was what let the Tau AI in the exhibition match last as long as it did, but it turned out I didn't need them. FW,s Carnies, the obligatory commander and Vespids were more than enough.

EDIT: Freudian Slip

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Edited by Areze, 22 October 2011 - 23:41.

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