Now it is made more bad-asser, with more detail.

“The Russians had these principles to pick up the best type of machine wherever they could get it; to have only very few types; to construct the type as simply as possible; and then to produce these types in large quantities”
- General Fridolin Senger und Etterlin, commander of the 17th Panzer Division in the winter of 1942-43.
With a name like “behemoth”, the Russian superheavy tank developed by the Omsk machine plant is a terrifying weapons platform; and is the largest ever production heavy tank ever created, and no other equivalent has been created by any other faction. This monstrosity of a machine, is armed with a powerful 152mm main gun, which is stronger than weapons of lesser tanks. Additionally, it is armed with a coaxial 30mm cannon, 4 turret-mounted missiles, and a heavy commander controlled 14.5mm heavy machine gun. This makes the T-125 Behemoth a feared weapon on the battlefield. The crumbling of soil underneath the Behemoth’s hooked threads is enough to send shivers down the spine of even a veteran, be they American or Chinese. They know that they would have to employ all their resources to knock it out.
The Behemoth is now a vital tool is Russia’s propaganda efforts. Pictures of it slamming through walls in mass divisions bringing down everything are enough to evoke a sense of patriotism. However, this is mere propaganda. The 15-layer titanium armour, heavy weaponry makes the Behemoth incredibly expensive, and slow. Nonetheless, the Behemoth is the strength of the Russian army, for it is usually said to be the modern equivalent of the much feared German WW2 Tiger 2, one capable of destroying many opponents before being destroyed itself.
Edited by AZZKIKR, 14 February 2009 - 12:07.