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#51 Blonde-Unknown

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Posted 29 May 2006 - 10:12

Hey thats pretty good.. :D
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#52 Short Stuff

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Posted 31 May 2006 - 20:25

Not bad nuker! Heres my newest

Darkness...It consumes us...
The light of no saber can pierce this ruleing darkness...
...No hope but the hope of triumph of light can save us...
Yet thy padawan has the power...the strength...
but ceases to have the will to fight the darkness...
and I fear the feet will fall to you!

The battle rages...
The storms of troops upon the temple have grown weaker...
Great the valor of the two masters...
fast their blades vanquished the seemingly end less lengths of troops...
but thy blade was swift...thy courage great...And the temple is ours once again!

The truth has seized you and cut thy courage down...
thy padawan has turned to darkness for power...
he has fallen in my eyes...but in your eyes he lives...
to fight another day and vanquish...
The darkness that consumes us...

Edited by Short Stuff, 31 May 2006 - 20:26.

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#53 Sgt. Nuker

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Posted 01 June 2006 - 02:04

After I read a friend's online journal, I wrote this poem.

Pocket Full of Nothing

Why do we seek answers
from someone who doesn't know the question?
Why do we take things that don't belong to us
and ignore the stuff we have?
They say life is short
but what's on the other side?
We'll get there when we get there,
but how long will that be?

So many questions
so little time
I can't help but notice
you're screaming for answers
in a room that's gone deaf
The earth is spinning
and we're running out of space

Why do we sing about our troubles
and hide the joys we have?
Why do we hurt the ones we love
and treat the rest like royalty?
The heart can be fragile
or harder than diamond
and the tongue can put all weapons to shame
if this is true
why don't we all arrest ourselves?

There's just too many questions
and not enough time
The world is spinning
and we're running out of space

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#54 Blonde-Unknown

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Posted 01 June 2006 - 10:21

Thats actually really exremely good Nuker
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#55 Short Stuff

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Posted 03 June 2006 - 03:59

Really good nuker! my turn!

the darkness....
the darkness....
it consumes me, I have no hope....
I reach out to my family....
I reach out to my friends....
But they can not see me....

I Mount the horse of of the 7th rider....
I bring despair to the on lookers, that i wish the greatest joy....
and yet my life has meaning....
no meaning....
the difference i say is, The Face of my true love!

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#56 Baal-Zebub

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Posted 03 June 2006 - 04:05

Nice ones Nuker and Short Stuff. :read:

Here's mine:

A vision may stretch to infinity,
Yet a poem only to its strongest line,
A thought maybe wordless and free,
but when written fall foul of rhyme,
Words may be filled with beauty,
Yet most are hollow and dead.

In this poem may lie a clynic,
Yet was that what was meant?
When safe inside a world of sleep
you need never second guess intent.

The Known is but a shadow of the Knowable.
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#57 Sgt. Nuker

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Posted 03 June 2006 - 04:15

Good job Short Stuff and Swiss.

Here's one of my recent ones. It doesn't have a title.

I stand on the edge (of my life)
looking down to see just how far
I have to fall before
I'm no more
I noticed you changed my name
and now I'm nothing but a memory
a distant, faded memory

Rain on my parade
let the pain fall down
let me drown my sorrows
It's a black day for me

All I see is red
and all I feel is dead
I can't touch your face
I can't smell your sweet perfume
I can't feel your warmth (I'm so cold)

Will you reach out to me?
Can you save me once more?
I don't know about this life of mine
Change my mind
make me stay against my will

I want to hurt with you
I want to laugh with you
I want to cry with you
I want to sing with you
I want to dance with you
I want to be with you (always)
I want to die with you
I want to grow old with you
I want to love you
I want to............(love you)
I want to............(love you)
I want to...............love
I want to...............love

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#58 Baal-Zebub

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Posted 03 June 2006 - 04:38

Nice, maybe name it the edge? :read:
The Known is but a shadow of the Knowable.
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#59 Short Stuff

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Posted 03 June 2006 - 04:38

Nuker that a song? cause i think it should be

Heres mine...

where are you?
Where are You!
Answer me my friend....
my beautiful...my precious...my love...
I call out to you....dark silence

I hear a faint whisper....
Is it you?
Is it me?
Is it the longing for the love from you?

I stare into space waiting for another sign...
then the light...It comes upon my face...
The longing for your touch is there...
and I realize.....

It's A Dream....

Edited by Short Stuff, 03 June 2006 - 04:39.

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#60 Baal-Zebub

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Posted 03 June 2006 - 05:27

Nice. :read:

Here's another one from me:
The mind,
The world turned upside-down.
Topsy-turvy, the wings on which you soared
so long ago, in azure skies.
Prostrate, plummeting, hopeless,
falling with scalding wings. Icarus.
Bitter arrows launched from your mouth
into the hearts of those who truly cares
so they, too, fall alongside you.
Gentle hysteria assaulting your mind,
latent raindrop on a leaf after a storm.
Succumb to sadness, lament and sleep
But then awake, fallen one!
Awake with new-found wings, for
next time, maybe,
Cupid's arrows will not shoot you down.

The Known is but a shadow of the Knowable.
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#61 Sgt. Nuker

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Posted 03 June 2006 - 17:37

My Lullaby

Give me wings
give me life
Let me live a life unhindered
Break these chains and shackles

My wings are broken
tattered, torn and beaten
Mend them with your tears
so soft and caring

Starring at the moon
and pining for the stars
Can't soar too high
Icharus would be proud (of my foolishness)

Dance with me (one last time)
in the field behind your house
Tell me
about the last time we kissed
and sang in the rain

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#62 Short Stuff

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Posted 03 June 2006 - 18:11

That one is great Nuker! way to go!

I walk in a forest of despair...
no tree to lean to...
no branch to hang from...
but the root of knowledge to stand on...

My knowledge is my curse...
many i have frightened...
with the intelect of no man...
but a beast...
Of lonelyness...

I see the light...
The exit is near...
and maybe...Just maybe...
I can Live again!

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#63 Blonde-Unknown

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Posted 03 June 2006 - 20:57

I dont know why but i really like that :read: well done
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#64 Short Stuff

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Posted 04 June 2006 - 02:04

:read: I try...
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#65 Blonde-Unknown

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Posted 04 June 2006 - 11:06

Its good very well done SS
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#66 Baal-Zebub

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Posted 04 June 2006 - 19:32

Nice ones Nuker and SS. :D

and here's a nice one I digged outta my folder:
A Cameo: In Defence of Ryhme

Many learned scholars,
With several letters to their names,
Have damned my incessant holler,
And called my poetry a shame.

They see as its greatest crime
Its apparent lack of meaning
And to this end they find my rhyme
Farless then totally redeeming

"How can it be" they cry
"That this is poetry at all?
His pedantically coupled lines are all awry,
And its shadowless appalls."

Yet for all its bluster and stammer,
Pretensious it is probably not,
And at least true to the laws of grammar
I'll end it with a dot.

^^this is teh edited version with credits to my English teacher. :D
The Known is but a shadow of the Knowable.
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#67 Short Stuff

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Posted 05 June 2006 - 05:37

I Sense a new poet arrising...And i think its swiss :D
Heres another of my love poems...

My love, What fear hasth taken thee?
I sit wondering from dawn till dusk...
When will ye awaken?
I Pray that no rider on black stallion shall take thee...
For If you shall die what will befall me?

Your Love Drives me...
Your Courage leads me...
so if ye shall leave...
I must follow, to the doom that awaits me...

Edited by Short Stuff, 05 June 2006 - 05:39.

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#68 Baal-Zebub

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Posted 05 June 2006 - 20:39

why thank you. :wtf:

btw, the original version is teh suxx0r.
The Known is but a shadow of the Knowable.
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#69 Sgt. Nuker

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Posted 06 June 2006 - 20:29

Winter Gaze

How long until I feel
the air of a gentle sunrise
How long until you notice
that I'm not there to hold your hand
I miss your touch
the one that gave me peace

I've been waiting all my life
to say that I love you
but my past has kept me waiting
and the future blinds my eyes

Can you show me what it's like
to soar on healthy wings
or do I have to fall myself
and play the martyr's role

I've been waiting all my life
to say how much I care
but these tears have kept me stagnant
and the pain is just too real
I'll float in my sea of sorrow
until I'm saved by a sinking ship (the one that gave me rest)

Can you tell me how far I've fallen
from your grace I so desire
Will you love me when I'm gone
or am I dead to you already

I've been waiting all my life
to say that I love you
My past has kept me waiting
and the future blinds my eyes

Come swift, O silent death
bear me hence from this dreary place
I bid you comfort me
in your robs so black as night
I'll slip beneath the realm of belief
as you cross the sky in secret

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#70 Short Stuff

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Posted 07 June 2006 - 02:10

Nuker Im Back...And you know what that means...MORE POEMS!! That's extremely good nuker...hope to see even more of yours in the future...Heres my newest...

Oh Freedom come...
And freedom go...
But nothing wanders more then I!

I Watched the fight that brought you down...
I watched you laying on the ground...
Yet i was bewitched...entranced...Dazled by your strength!

You did not give up...
did not give in...
But won that fight...amen!

Edited by Short Stuff, 08 June 2006 - 00:21.

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#71 Sgt. Nuker

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Posted 08 June 2006 - 01:56

Good one Short Stuff. Here's another one of my writings.

The Boy under the Bridge

This desert road
has led me to this place
Reminds me of my home
yet I'm too scared to enter
there is no door
to block my progress

This is no place for me
but everyone tells me to stay
I'll listen
but only for a little while
Who knows
I may just like it here

So close to home
yet so far from there
I'm scared to leave
My feet haven't gone this far before

I'll stand here
and wait for you (forever)
I'm fading (from the inside)
and growing attached to loneliness

Your voice is silent
and my ears.....deaf
For I'm speaking too softly
to hear you over the noise (of crashing waves)


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#72 Short Stuff

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Posted 08 June 2006 - 02:10

I Actauly really like that one man... dont know why just really good...

Heres one of my newest!

The Man of the dreams

I wished upon a midnight star...
and came upon the rider from man'lkar!
He Led me to the stable...
that held the horse of Legends and dreams!

I walked upon the land that night
And watched the waves with fright
Once upon a midnight ride...

The next two days of fear and dread
repeated through the week and led...
to the destruction of man'lkar!

He walked upon the land
with tears in his eyes...
he soon watched me ride away
upon the Horse of legends and dreams...

I'll admit it not my best...actualy probably my worst but wanted to post it so it wouldnt keep room in my folder of poems...so if i ever need it ill just get it from here

Edited by Short Stuff, 08 June 2006 - 02:11.

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#73 Sgt. Nuker

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Posted 09 June 2006 - 19:44


She doesn't know
the nights I spend sleepless
She doesn't care
how many times I dream of her
It just doesn't add up
the hours I spend thinking
about the way things used to be
I'm barely holding on
these hands are battered (broken)
My heart can't take much more

Is this a natural reaction
to hold one's chest
when it caves in
The hole a heart leaves
can't be held within these walls

I'm going mad
from these tormented thoughts
I'm going crazy
from all the times I held you close
I'm going mad
from all the days I waited for you
I'm going crazy
from all the love I'm missing

So dark these times ahead
I don't want to face them (alone)....

Edited by Major Nuker, 09 June 2006 - 19:49.

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#74 Short Stuff

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Posted 09 June 2006 - 19:55

Maybe for the name...

Lonely Darkness?

Nice one nuker Heres mine

I walk upon a field of joy
yet i'm not a flower of hope
I cast dispair upon each petal...
upon each stem and upon the ground...
No one fears as much as I...
that ye will fall and die...

A little better then my last one i think...but its your guy's choice
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#75 Sgt. Nuker

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Posted 10 June 2006 - 02:22

Simple, and to the point. Very good Short Stuff.

Here's one I just made up.

A Trip Down Memory Layne

With a word
my candle burned out
With a tear
my sight was stricken
I travel this dusty road
with nothing but the wind
(to keep me moving)

Take a look at my face
take a look at my mask
Am I the same as yesterday
or as different as tomorrow
I can't bare to stand still
but my feet are frozen
I've given everything (but my heart has failed me)

I'll never be the same (inside)
I'll always be the same (outside)
Contradiction makes me sleepy
and the sun beckons me to crawl

Will I ever be the one
will I ever be your prince (your knight)
because I'm standing at the bottom
starring at your balcony
I'd give you a rose
but there's a storm in the distance

Good night sweet princess
sleep well my dear
If I told you that I (still) loved you
would you shove me off the ledge

O Night, O Misery
tell me how far it is
From up here I think I can fly
but my feet tell me phalacies
I wish upon a hundred stars
that I will return to this place

Take me.........................please

Edited by Major Nuker, 10 June 2006 - 02:23.

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