This is the premise for Red Alert 3: Southern Rising. Besides adding this new and different faction, which has emerged from the cold of space and the warm rage of brazilian hearts, with units, weapons and tactics introducing stealth art, alien saucers, hover tanks, cybernetic apes and legions of insane, battle-hungry video-game addicted nerds, 3 new units and 1 new superweapon for each original faction are being added.
And that's not all we have in mind. A new terrain tileset are under plan to introduce you right into the Forth's main yard, Nova Luna, as well as we'll be adding three more AI's to complement the aggressive AVGN manners of war and improve the current ones for a more challenging gameplay experience.
In my opinion, this will be great, a Brazil faction (my country) plus new possibilities of playing

But at same time, i worried about the tematic of this fourth faction... Brazil is not that kind of "Space" or "High technology from the space" even if its Red Alert 3. In my opinion it would be better if it was a faction like the others but with brazilian things

Edited by Balizk, 11 April 2009 - 15:37.