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So what we know about this RNA engine atm

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#26 R3ven


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Posted 12 April 2009 - 18:05

does it work ingame?

#27 Sgt. Rho

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Posted 12 April 2009 - 18:10

That is ingame...

#28 R3ven


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Posted 12 April 2009 - 18:12

does the ore respawn.and sorry i thought u were in worldbuilder cuz of the ground texture xD

#29 Dauth

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Posted 12 April 2009 - 18:13

Does it work to collect money? Or does it crash out.

#30 Sgt. Rho

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Posted 12 April 2009 - 18:14

It works, almost fully. The harvesters themselves don't harvest on their own. Or rather, they do, but only one pile, then they stop and sit there...

#31 R3ven


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Posted 12 April 2009 - 18:14

thats pretty much my question too

EDIT: ah ninja'd

can you command it to go through the other piles or can it just go through the one pile?

Edited by huhnu, 12 April 2009 - 18:26.

#32 Sgt. Rho

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Posted 12 April 2009 - 18:28

You can indeed command it through the other piles.

#33 R3ven


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Posted 12 April 2009 - 18:30

do you think its possbile to code it to go through the other piles on its own?

#34 Sgt. Rho

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Posted 12 April 2009 - 18:37

nope, I don't think so :P

#35 R3ven


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Posted 12 April 2009 - 18:41

we still may find a way to get it working but at the moment i'm sorry i cant really post anything cuz i'm not going to my place for a few hours now and i didn';t feel like bringing RA3 to my sisters and then downloading the SDK on her computer because she has a laptop and it doesn't have very much memory on it

#36 Kerensky287


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Posted 13 April 2009 - 02:14

View Posthuhnu, on 11 Apr 2009, 21:30, said:

i believe i saw slye_fox post that if you put playertemplate.xml in your mod.xml the game fails does anyone have confirmation on this?

I know this is a bit of an old post, but I can REFUTE this claim.

I've been working on adding new factions for Paradox and while yes, I ran into a bunch of issues at first, I think I can shed a bit of light on the problem.

-If you make a faction with an ID tag that doesn't already exist, the game crashes on startup. I believe this is due to reference issues... but I can't be sure.

-If you make a faction with a Side= tag that doesn't already exist, the mod won't compile. A solution to this is to open up RA3 MOD SDK\Schemas\xsd\Includes\FactionType.xsd and add the tag in there. You'd think the game would hate it, but all it does is cause errors in the UI when playing (because there is no UI and no protocols for your faction programmed in). I hope to figure out how to fix these with more research.

So yes, the game can fail if you do certain things to the PlayerTemplate.xml file, but it isn't guaranteed.

Some limitations I've found include the apparent inability of units to project build radius. I may have done something wrong in the code but after transplanting the projected build radius code into the Tesla Trooper, the trooper still couldn't function as a mobile Sputnik. I'm pretty sure you can't make buildings move either. I suspect this stuff is due to the EditorSorting= value - units can't project build radius (or build? maybe?) and buildings can't move. If anyone can verify this it'd be great!

#37 Mighty BOB!


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Posted 13 April 2009 - 09:20

View PostHeartBreak1, on 12 Apr 2009, 7:37, said:

It's possible to create a Chrono Legionarie like in RA2?

Yeah I think it should be quite possible. Just adapt the freeze beam weapon to freeze up the units so they can't fire back like in RA2, then destroy them after a period of time. Although I don't know if you could have them erased at different speeds with regards to their size.
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#38 Slye_Fox

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Posted 13 April 2009 - 11:08

View PostKerensky287, on 13 Apr 2009, 3:14, said:

-If you make a faction with an ID tag that doesn't already exist, the game crashes on startup. I believe this is due to reference issues... but I can't be sure.

I never encounted this problem.

I just had a blank map list and locked out faction boxes.

And Dibalus (sp?) encounted the exact same thing.
A third person got the same thing by removeing a faction.
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#39 R3ven


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Posted 13 April 2009 - 20:42

how exactly is this an old post i created it just 2 days ago? on topic though.so it is possible to add factions to playertemplate.xml if you first make an ID tag in factiontag.xsd right?

#40 Slye_Fox

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Posted 13 April 2009 - 20:49

That's not where the faction ID's are kept

the ID tag is just a unique name.

FactionTag is where the valid entries for the 'side' tag are.

You can create a new faction just by copying an existing one and changeing the ID.
But you'll have to create a new game profile to fix the empty map list error.
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#41 R3ven


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Posted 13 April 2009 - 21:13

i see

#42 Kerensky287


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Posted 14 April 2009 - 02:41

View PostSlye_Fox, on 13 Apr 2009, 16:49, said:

That's not where the faction ID's are kept

the ID tag is just a unique name.

FactionTag is where the valid entries for the 'side' tag are.

You can create a new faction just by copying an existing one and changeing the ID.
But you'll have to create a new game profile to fix the empty map list error.


So why is it that my game crashes every time I try that then? It was literally the first thing I did with factions, but it "encountered an error and must shut down" at the splash screen.

#43 Slye_Fox

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Posted 14 April 2009 - 08:59

what version of RA3 you got?

I got the CD one.
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#44 Kerensky287


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Posted 14 April 2009 - 16:41

View PostSlye_Fox, on 14 Apr 2009, 4:59, said:

what version of RA3 you got?

I got the CD one.

Premier Edition. CD, just in case there's another version.

I generally build mods in patch 1.10, in case that has any bearing on anything.

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