G-sus, on 27 Apr 2009, 0:33, said:
Aftershock, on 27 Apr 2009, 0:14, said:
Yet I don't have an AV and never have anything like worms...
so if I had one and then had to wait for the 20th to get through, I could say that it is safe allright.
so if I had one and then had to wait for the 20th to get through, I could say that it is safe allright.
words can not describe... >_<
alright, calmed down a little... >_>
so, you´re not having an AV, and protecting of 19/20 viruses is enough, and you never had one...
lets put this straight, unless you´re not posting this from machine running BSD unix, or this is the first minute of the pc online at all (and even so, behind a good router) statistics say you´re wrong.
first of all, without proper AV/FW software you wont know if you have a virus anyway. that popular known "stuff doesnt work" is bullsh*t, since normally it only occurs when viruses are bad programmed, or have a malfunction.
which doesnt realy happen often. so you cant even say you never had a virus, you wouldnt even know.
second point, defending 19 of 20 viruses is ok: bullsh*t again. there´s more than one million different ones out there, several hundred more every day. so even on an average day its just 500, that´d basically be 25 new viruses you could get infected with. (the ones that spread the most are known fast of course, and therefor the signatures for them are made quick)
third at all, the "i dont care, what will happen anyway"-opinion: worst of all.
i personally dont care if your passwords/accounts/paypal ect are stolen. but its just irresponsible to everyone else on the net having your computer inherit the concentrated breed of dozens of evil little programs which are being used to create spam, infect other machines, and attack/take down websites ect, which doesnt affect just you but everyone else.
so get at least just a little bit responsibility, get your pc straight, put an AV and FW there, to fend of at least the worst of it, cuz we dont wanna have the stuff around your pc will be used to else.
[/end rant]
I did not see this the time it was posted, may be a little late now but I will still respond.
First of all. I do have an FW, Windows Firewall that is, with a legal windows copy so it is kept updated. Second of all, I throw my traffic through two secured internet routers, the first is for the connection itself and the second one is the wireless.
Second of all, I do run Hitman Pro so I do keep my computer generally clear from Trojan horses which throw open my ports and firewall.
And I'm not paranoid about the dangers of the internet.

And oh, my Hitman Pro catches about 20-30 malicious pieces of software every two or three months. I don't know if that's good or bad, but seeing your statistics, I don't believe it's so bad...
Edited by Shock, 31 May 2009 - 17:38.