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Your Religion

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Poll: Your Religion (97 member(s) have cast votes)

What is your Religion / Belief system?

  1. Christian - Covers all churches (25 votes [25.51%])

    Percentage of vote: 25.51%

  2. Muslim (5 votes [5.10%])

    Percentage of vote: 5.10%

  3. Sikh (0 votes [0.00%])

    Percentage of vote: 0.00%

  4. Buddhism (3 votes [3.06%])

    Percentage of vote: 3.06%

  5. Judaism (0 votes [0.00%])

    Percentage of vote: 0.00%

  6. Other (15 votes [15.31%])

    Percentage of vote: 15.31%

  7. Agnostic (17 votes [17.35%])

    Percentage of vote: 17.35%

  8. Atheist (32 votes [32.65%])

    Percentage of vote: 32.65%

  9. Hinduism. (1 votes [1.02%])

    Percentage of vote: 1.02%

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#51 Dr.Schwarzk0pf

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Posted 16 April 2009 - 17:47

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my sig showroom kick!!

glouf, on 23 Jun 2006, 16:51, said:

I like to call him Dr. Spamkopf

#52 General

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Posted 16 April 2009 - 17:55

I 'was' a muslim ( a radical one ) , but one year before I think that I am doing something wrong, I mean following the religion of my parents, which I never get suspicious about it, I didn't because I know the heaven and hell concept since I was five years old or less, fear not let you to go suspicious. But my passion on scientific subjects and thecnology eventually make me a more ' logical person ' , then I started to see the 'contradictions on my belief', then its all over, while I was in a state to join Al-Qaeda because I was ' ignorant ', then I turned up into an un-religious person, however I am not an atheist and still trying to find the truth, I believe there must be a God but now I am searching for what He can be , God of the Christians or others'. But I am pretty much close to accept Christianity, but still reading the Bible and Torah... ( Reason for taking a huge interest in Christianity is the current events in the world, a new world order is almost at the door and all the predictions almost came true! )
Before that, I 'almost' though Buddhism was the true way, but it just doesn't suits me, I just didn't find it 'logical', even though there is serious logic issues on other religions aswell.
All of these religions cannot be true sametime, only one of them, and until then, I am agnostic.

Edited by General, 17 April 2009 - 06:42.

#53 Libains

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Posted 16 April 2009 - 17:55

Christened and spent four years at a Christian boarding school. However, the only effect it had on me is to make me believe that there may be something/somebody after death - I am about as far from a believer as you can get without being agnostic/atheist. It's a nice feeling to have that there is more to life than death - but there's only so much that I will believe or allow a religion to impress upon me. Thus I voted Christian - but it's an iffy answer.
For there can be no death without life.

#54 Rich19

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Posted 16 April 2009 - 18:16

Very atheist.

#55 MR.Kim

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Posted 16 April 2009 - 18:51


#56 DerKrieger

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Posted 16 April 2009 - 19:24

Same religious beliefs as The Hunter and Comr4de. :sly:
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#57 CodeCat

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Posted 16 April 2009 - 19:47

My parents have never tried to force anything on me, they believed I should have the choice to make up my own mind. All my grandparents are catholic (2 from Ireland, and 2 from the catholic south of the Netherlands) but it never rubbed off on me. I was always too much of a logical thinker for it to make real sense to me. My dad says he's an agnostic, and my mother is sort of a nondenominational spiritualist, taking bits and pieces from various philosophies and making them her own. I am kind of the same, but I've done away with the spirituality and focus entirely on naturalism, using only the moral perspectives from various other sources when they fit me.

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Go dtiomsaítear do chód gan earráidí, is go gcríochnaítear do chláir go réidh. -Old Irish proverb

#58 Sharpnessism

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Posted 16 April 2009 - 20:04

Christian, Baptist.
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#59 Pav:3d


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Posted 16 April 2009 - 20:31

Agnostic, there could be, there could not be
I may find out when I die, I may not

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#60 Sgt. Nuker

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Posted 16 April 2009 - 21:03

I am a non-denominational Christian and that is how I was raised and will remain. There are far too many divisions within Christianity, plus I never really understood why Catholics believe one way and Protestants believe another (yes, I'm aware of the history behind Catholics vs. Protestants).
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#61 SorataZ


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Posted 16 April 2009 - 21:09

Shouldn't you believe in the Waaagh! ? :sly:

#62 Zhao

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Posted 16 April 2009 - 21:52

Atheist here.

#63 Dauth

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Posted 16 April 2009 - 21:53

Parents dragged me to a Methodist church, even had me christened which I think is a grave breach of my freedom of choice. I will now forever be listed on the NHS as CoE despite the fact I am an atheist. Furthermore I refuse to identify children by their parents religion, to me there is no such thing as a Christian child, there are just children of Christian parents.

#64 SorataZ


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Posted 16 April 2009 - 22:05

Interesting, after reading all this I learn again to praise the comfort of being born in a complete atheistic family :sly:

#65 Chyros

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Posted 16 April 2009 - 22:57

View PostWarboss Nooka, on 16 Apr 2009, 23:03, said:

I am a non-denominational Christian and that is how I was raised and will remain. There are far too many divisions within Christianity, plus I never really understood why Catholics believe one way and Protestants believe another (yes, I'm aware of the history behind Catholics vs. Protestants).
Funny you should say that, because I've seen plenty of Catholics so far but afaik no protestants. I wonder if there are any protestants here on FS.

View PostKamuiK, on 17 Apr 2009, 0:05, said:

Interesting, after reading all this I learn again to praise the comfort of being born in a complete atheistic family :sly:
Me too, well, at least I'm very glad my parents didn't try and raise me up with or force a religion on me, I've seen where that can lead to. But I'm sure there is some comfort to find in many (mild) forms of religion. One thing I've noticed is that growing up in a completely atheist family has left me rather unknowledgeable on differences between religions - a year ago I wouldn't have been able to point out any differences between Catholics and Protestants, let alone between the Reformed, Reformated and Reformed-Reformated (not to be confused with Reformed or Reformated) churches.

Edited by Chyros, 16 April 2009 - 22:58.


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#66 Hobbesy

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Posted 16 April 2009 - 23:06

I'm agnostic, and I was born into a family that claimed to be Christian contrary to what it really is. My parents gave me free choice as to what I wanted to be to the disdain of their parents.

Edited by Høbbsey, 16 April 2009 - 23:07.

#67 ultimentra


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Posted 16 April 2009 - 23:47

I am plain old boring christian. I believe in miracles, because my family would not be where they are without them, luck wouldn't have gotten us this far. I also am a strong believer in karma, and heaven and hell.
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#68 Flechette?


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Posted 17 April 2009 - 22:50

Buddhist here. I've not a serious one, none of that saffron robe we-save-fish-from-drowning-by-eating-it business, if you're wondering. Whenever I think about it, most religions usually have a conflict with another, since most of them try to teach the same thing.
(BC shenanigans etc)
Buddhism, for the most part has none of this to my knowledge, In fact, when I was overseas visiting asian countries, I found it rather profound that after talking to villagers in the mountains of Vietnam, a few claim to be Christian-Buddhist. A sort of picking the best of both worlds, I suppose.


It's well known fact that a vital ingredient of success is not knowing what what you're attempting can't be done. A person ignorant of the possibility of failure can be a brickwall on the path of history.

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Many thanks to Comrade KamuiK, is credit to team

#69 Alias

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Posted 18 April 2009 - 02:36

View PostFlechette?, on 18 Apr 2009, 8:50, said:

Buddhism, for the most part has none of this to my knowledge, In fact, when I was overseas visiting asian countries, I found it rather profound that after talking to villagers in the mountains of Vietnam, a few claim to be Christian-Buddhist. A sort of picking the best of both worlds, I suppose.
Exactly what I am, my friend.

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#70 Razven


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Posted 18 April 2009 - 08:40

Buddhism is more of a philosophy of life rather than a religion, personally I see little to no conflict when a person says Christian-Buddhist

#71 Shirou

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Posted 18 April 2009 - 09:38

Guess what, Atheism. Although I am raised in a ''christian'' family, my parents too are pretty pretentious about it, keeping it to everlasting rituals 'that we have always done'. I doubt anyone on our table is even thinking of God anymore when we do the silent praying and thanking for five seconds around the meal...
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#72 Mr.Choppy


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Posted 18 April 2009 - 10:13

Im agnostic i dont like thinking which religion (if any) is right , because your gonna find out eventually.
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#73 General

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Posted 18 April 2009 - 12:43

View PostRazven, on 18 Apr 2009, 10:40, said:

Buddhism is more of a philosophy of life rather than a religion, personally I see little to no conflict when a person says Christian-Buddhist

It does have heaven and hell concepts and reincarnation thing, which you cannot both agree reincarnation and God's personal creation :D Buddhism is a religion it even has its own ritual : meditation, though it is used in other religions aswell. Just write : Buddhist Hell to google images and see for yourself :P ( It personally scares the shit out of me, its not that a peacefull religion at all as so much person insists )

#74 JudicialT


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Posted 18 April 2009 - 14:59

I thought I was Christian once. Then I knew I wasn't.

Honestly my mind changes so often from "deist" to "agnostic" to "atheism" I just tell people I don't believe a word of the Bible and let them make their own conclusions about me.
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#75 Prophet of the Pimps

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Posted 18 April 2009 - 15:16

Hinduism Represent....... :P

Well the liberal form of it anyways. Taking the teachings as stories and not as literal interpretation.
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