Dauth, on 15 May 2009, 17:53, said:
A true non believer has no organisation, I do no need a support group of people to validate my views. There is no network of atheists, or there should not be one. What is the point of opposing an organisation that represses people only to form another one? It is contrary to sense and decency.
So you feel that every organization a priori represses the people belonging to it and should thus be opposed (as otherwise, a non-repressing organization could be formed to oppose the initial one)? Furthermore, wouldn't this also apply to any kind of even slightly organized inter-human relationship, like nations, parties, clique of friends, "graduates of '99"and bowling clubs?
Dauth, on 15 May 2009, 17:53, said:
There are no leaders for the non religious, there are people who the media pay attention to, sure, Dawkings is one, Darwin was another. I have however got a juicy video of a Cardinal on the offensive,
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xbrfz1DIq9Q...player_embedded apparently I'm less than human? The freedom to not believe removes a portion of my humanity, how very amusing.
That's not what he said on the whole; your interpretation leaves out a large portion of his answer as well as the question he was asked. He said that the "lack of the search for a transcendent meaning (we call it God)" in the sense of fundamentally claiming that "there is no place (for it)" is what he feels makes a person disregard an integral part of humanity - inarguably, transcendence is culturally extremely important to humanity. Denying its importance and meaning,
whether in the end one believes in it or not, will thus indeed limit your understanding of human nature.
AJ, on 15 May 2009, 19:18, said:
I don't recall Dauth saying that the Cardinal's views were symbolic of an entire religion, more the views of one person. You are oversimplifying things as usual, twisting them to your own means [...]
Are you sure he didn't? Look at what he wrote:
Dauth, on 15 May 2009, 17:53, said:
There are no leaders for the non religious[...], there are people who the media pay attention to, sure, Dawkings is one, Darwin was another. I have however got a juicy video of a Cardinal on the offensive
Now, either he didn't mean what his text implies, in which case his
argument is invalid, as he neither addressed what was said but instead what was implied (by his interpretation no less). Or his argument is valid and he can be held responsible for what SquigPie feels offended by.
Edited by Golan, 15 May 2009 - 19:07.