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FCS' Writing Thread

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#1 Admiral FCS


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Posted 28 April 2009 - 03:37

In a way to, say, improve grammar, I decided to create my own writings thread.

My writings will mainly about ZH, RA3, Star Trek, and maybe some occasional school works that I need advices/criticisms on.

Since English is not my native language, my grammar will be very much a 5-6/10 (Most mistakes are on verb tenses), and my writings wouldn't be as full of rhetoric words (Even rhetoric costed me 5 seconds in dictionary) as most of the writings here have. However, it is said that "Practice makes perfection", so I will try to practice a lot.

So, let's hope that you can have no problem reading my writings.

USS Sol, NCC-88011
Sol class (prototype) Deep space mission starship

Length: 725.3 meters
Beam: 454.6 meters
Height: 198.7 meters
Weight: 5,800,000 metric tons
Power Plant: 1x 2000+ Cochrane warp core, 2 nacelles; 4 impulse drive systems; Starfleet prototype IWD (Intergalatic warp drive)
-Warp 10+ capable
-Ablative armour installed
-Regenerative shield generators
-Type-XY phasers (Semi-prototype)
-Prototype miniature Nadion pulse cannon

The USS Sol NCC-88011 is the newest Starfleet vessel, introduced in 2386. The Sol class' prototype, it features some of the most advanced Federation and Starfleet technological advancements.

The Sol was originally designed as a larger relative of the Prometheus class: A deep space warship with 4 warp nacelles, multi-vector assault mode and regenerative shielding. As the long missing USS Voyager came back from its 7-year trek in the Delta Quadrant, however, several new technologies was analyzed and implented for the ship, rendered the design to be changed, requiring the cancellation of multi-vector assault mode and use the traditional design of saucer-secondary hull-2 nacelles design.

The Sol is about 30 metres longer than the Sovereign class, although the two looks rather similar. The main difference between the two is the Sol's Modular Bridge Escapement Pod, MBEP: The bridge module is outfitted with its own impulse drive, power support and all essential systems, allowing the bridge module to separate from the saucer section, and the escapement of all senior officers on board.

As far as similarity goes, that's about it. The Sol is featured with latest Starfleet technology.

On the mobility side, the USS Voyager contributed greatly to the Sol's transwarp capability. With their experiments of regular transwarp, (Attempted by Lt. Thomas Eugene Paris) attempts of outfitting quantum slipstream drive and the successful usage of Borg transwarp coils, Starfleet Engineering Division, with 4 years of experiments, managed to create and install its own IWD, the Intergalatic Warp Drive. The IWD creates a quantum slipstream in the subspace, allowing the Sol to cross the Threshold, although the main drive is still experimental, and can only work continuously for 15 minutes at maximum. The almost distortionless quantum channel, however, means that 5 minutes is theorhetically enough to cross the Alpha Quadrant.

On the offensive/defensive scale, the Sol could potentially be the most powerful Starfleet starship. The main armaments are twelve Type-XY phaser banks. XY phasers have a high resonance frequency, thus has greater chances of overloading enemy shield generator. There are five torpedo bays on the ship, equipped with photon, quantum and gravimetric torpedos. The transphasic torpedo, brought to the current timeline by an alternate timeline Kathryn Janeway, is still being analyzed, but could see its potential use by the 2390's. The new subspatial torpedo, developed as a joint project between Federation membership scientests, is also being readied for equipment: The new torpedo is capable of achieveing warp speed, and locks onto a target even at warp speed. The torpedo attacks by a remotely controlled miniature warp core, dealing enormous damage. On the defensive side, the ship's hull is made of polyduramic metal with 7/1000 Sirillium added, and ablative armour can be deployed. The ship's shield is newly developed, requiring much hotter temperature to overload, thus works longer, and it is regenerative.

The most unique feature of the Sol, though, is the Nadion-pulse cannon. The Nadion-pulse cannon was designed and built during the Dominion War, and was armed on at least planet Tezwa, as a backup base for the Starfleet in dire situations. After the Tezwa Crisis, Starfleet Command saw the potential of using it as a starship weapon, and ordered that a miniature version be developed. With failures and partial successes for 7 years, the cannon is finally ready for action on 2385. The cannon acts much like a transphasic torpedo: Millions of phases of frequency would overload the shield emitter and the resonance would be powerful enough to destroy a Klingon Negh'var Battlecruiser, unshielded, in seconds. The main downside of the pulse cannon is that the power drain is enormous, requiring energy from engine systems and armour systems, so it can only be used as a first strike weaponry.

The Sol's 100% operation efficiency crew is 800. Although not designed as the replacement of Galaxy class, it is able to carry 300 extra occupants(with quarters), and is luxurious by Starfleet standards. There are 5 holodecks throughout the ship, and gymnasiums, mess halls, bars and other entertainment services are available. The ship also has two schools and one kindergarten, and a small database is enough to for a civillian to become an able Academy cadet.

The Sol was christened on May 2nd, 2386, and is currently the most advanced ship in the Alpha Quadrant.

EDIT 1: Fixed several grammar mistakes. Credit: Destiny

EDIT 2: Fixed several problems. Credit: Lord Atlantis

Edited by Admiral FCS, 14 May 2009 - 01:13.

#2 Destiny

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Posted 28 April 2009 - 16:04

Not bad...hmm.


several new technology

Several, hmm....?


although it rendered the design to be changed, requiring the cancellation of multi-vector assault mode and use the traditional design of saucer-secondary hull-2 nacelles design.

This part sounds wrong. Put the 'although' in front of 'requiring'.


thus have a greater chance of overloading enemy shield generator.

I think "thus has greater chances of overloading enemy shield generators." would fit well.


is also being readied for equippment:

One P.

Yea, overall I quite like your writings. Though little fightercraft are never featured :/
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#3 Admiral FCS


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Posted 29 April 2009 - 02:11

NEW STORY: Battle of the North Sea (RA3 Allied Mission 5)

Battle of the North Sea

Ensign Leroy H. Douglass looked nervous. In fact, he was always nervous aboard "Southern Skies". He has seasickness. He has flat foots. He is near-sighted. If not for the kind captain - who was his father - a famous AA Hydrofoil captain - he would rather stay home at Nevada, watching 6 hours of HDTV a day.

But there he was. In the middle of nowhere, ("Nowhere? We're at the North Sea, if you know where it is, junior.") washing up the loading mechanism of an Icarus 20mm CIWS. The reason for them to be there, said by his father, was to "protect 300 HDTV channels, unlimited popcorn on Saturdays, and grandma's chocolate puddings" from "a carload of half-witted Japanese superstitious fanatics""who don't know a #%( about democracy". Leroy guessed that even his father did not know why they're there, in the middle of nowhere.

As time reaches 0200 on the digital clock, Leroy walked out to relax from the duty. The cold, fresh and moisture air filled his lungs. He slowly let out the air, and hanging onto the steel fencings with both of his hands, he stared far into the darkness. Cold air rushed past his blond hairs. Above him, several Apollo AA fighters rushed towards Hamburg AFB, opposite of their direction; in the sea, several Dolphins, all Allied-trained, kept pace with the sleek hydrofoil as they raced towards a tiny dot on the horizon.

Minutes later, he walked into his quarters (Which, is also his father's), and fell into the bed. As he opened the bedside light, his father walked in.

"Where, exactly, are we going, dad?"

"The Japs have an essentially colossal floating island that denies all our sea/air activities in the Northern European area. We gotta take it out. Our job is to defend a data collecting ship from a bunch of Japanese transformers, while the Soviets - Yes, Soviets are cooperating - will protect us from ships."

"Take a sleep, dad."

"You can take a sleep, junior. I gotta coordinate our ships. Sweet dreams."

The light went off, the old man went out, and Leroy fell into sleep.


Edited by Admiral FCS, 30 April 2009 - 03:58.

#4 Admiral FCS


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Posted 29 April 2009 - 04:09

A squadron of 4 AA hydrofoils, commanded by Henry S. Douglass, accompanied by 4 Allied-trained dolphins, arrived at the coordinates of AFS New York.

The captains of the hydrofoils were all relatively different from one another, but they all knew how important was the mission. They had to hold the ground for New York to finish its salvaging operation from the INS Akika, the sunken Shogun-class battleship. The Akika was sunk by a wing of 6 Vindicator attackers, but its main computer room was relatively intact, due to the Japanese's excellent ship-building technique. Ironically, it helped the Allied Forces by ensuring the survival of the main computer core, allowing the New York to download informations from the it.

The New York had already seen a conflict. On 0145 hour, a Japanese cruiser, the INS Hikaru and two "Tsunami" AMBTs was seen heading towards the salvage ship. The Soviets' advance force, composed only of 4 "Stingray" Tesla Scout Ships, somehow managed to destroy the invaders, although themselves had sacrificed for Mother Russia. According to a New York crew, that was the first time he felt "the Soviets aren't so bad".

"The Soviet commander was bold", said the crewman, "he just radioed 'We're going in. Good luck, comrades! Do not let us die in vain!' and led the charge. Somehow, the Japanese cruiser was sunk, so were the tanks, but the whole squad of 4 Tesla boats... they were gone without a trace."

As the Allied/Soviet reinforcements arrived, they took up positions to guard the salvage ship. The hydrofoils and dolphins took up the southern position, while the Soviets defended the north.

Everything was fine, until 0300. A Japanese cruiser appeared on the radar. Crews of Southern Skies sprunt out of their quarters into battle station, Leroy included. He ran into several people, but managed to get inside fire control room. The red silent alarm was flashing, alerting everyone of the situation.

Henry's sound came on from the speakers: "Fire control, switch on the Scramble Gun. We can't afford casualties!"

As the senior officer in the room responded, Leroy pushed the switch.

With a heavy screeching sound, the platform slowly flipped. Rains fell in from the dark and cold skies, making little "Blop, blop" sounds on the titanium inner structure and the outer hull. The Icarus 20mm CIWS was retracted into the ship's hull, while the Scramble Gun came online outside. The outer hull's white identification light flashed, then went out. The sea stains on the 20mm gun was extensive, but it remained at top performance with its durable materials and design.

Being the fire controller, Leroy switched on a set of sensors. As the senior officer barked orders, he locked onto the cruiser, and fired. The Scramble Gun emitted an invisible wave of energy, hacked into the ship's fire control system, effectively shut it down.

Then, the Stingrays fired. The blue-and-white blasts of millions of volts of energy striked the cruiser. The cruiser was being electrified. Slowly, but steadily, the electrical force was tearing the hull apart.

Just as the Stingrays were firing on the cruiser (Incapable of firing), a pair of Japanese "transformers" - VX Anti-Surface Gunship - appeared on the radar. Leroy did not know what happened, but he was sure it was not good, as one of the choppers fell almost directly atop the salvage ship. He heard metals screeched, he heard sea water splashed, and, it was quiet again.

Survived waves of Japanese attacks, the hydrofoil finally pulled out of the area. Leroy wondered, as he was on the bed again, how much of a mistake did he made when he agreed to serve on the boat. Or was it?


Edited by Admiral FCS, 29 April 2009 - 04:10.

#5 BeefJeRKy

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Posted 29 April 2009 - 04:19

Seems good so far. Something I noticed. Instead of "take a sleep", make it "go to sleep" or "take a rest". Would be better.
Also would be funnier if the guy was Leroy Jenkins :/
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#6 Admiral FCS


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Posted 29 April 2009 - 04:34

Righto. I'll remember that for later sections.

#7 Admiral FCS


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Posted 02 May 2009 - 05:12


Special agent James Bond ( ;) ) sneaked behind a large rock. Following him were three other special agents and the Soviet Union's infamous sniper, Natasha Volkova.

Natasha gathered the group as soon as they landed, and repeated the situation; while the Central Command was analyzing information salvaged, they needed to take out the Japanese radar vessels that was feeding targeting information for the island fortress' wave-force cannon, thus preventing MCV advancement. Everyone knew how grim the situation was, but no one talked about it.

Ten minutes ago, they were air-dropped by the Detroit Dame, a Century-class carpet bomber, and while they were swimming to the island, Bond wondered how could have Natasha withstanded the almost-freezing North Sea sea water, with her arms, legs and abdomen exposed. "This is not so cold, comrades, I used to swim in the rivers of the Ural Mountains, now THAT, is cold, my friends."

The four Englishman had a good conversation with Natasha, since the five of them were used to long-range sports. Approaching enemy coast, however, was another business. Natasha had no problems dealing with guarded coasts, but the agents were not: their main objective was avoid any detection. As Natasha sniped off a sentry, Bond heard a slight sigh of relief from one of his companions.

"How are you doing, my friend?" He asked Agent Pierce Brosnan ( :P ).

"Bloody cold out here. And those idiot sentries pisses me off. A little." Brosnan was not as experienced as Bond, but the two knew each other from the Academy. Bond recommended Brosnan for this mission, since he was always cool, even when Soviet shells were falling from the skies before the cooperation.

As they were finishing up summarizing the mission plan, Natasha winked her eyes. The four agents got her meaning.

Later, four Imperial Army infantrymen were marching toward a power plant.

Agent Doyle was the one who disabled the first Japanese power plant. As Natasha sniped off the sentry, he ran out of the power plant faster than he ever did, as Natasha targeted her portable high-powered laser designator at the power plant. Moments later, the propeller sound of a Badger bomber was heard.

The Badger's bomb struck bull's eye.

The power plant's containment of Alkali metal compromised, resulted in a sudden fuse of water and these reactive chemicals, producing huge amounts of Hydrogen, overloading the generator. Then, just as the Badger was climbing up, the power plant exploded, taking out the nearby turrets as well.

"Seems like the Japanese needs a better chemistry teacher!" Agent Johnson chuckled.

"How about Professor Thomas Chyros?" Brosnan joked.

"They won't need a chemistry teacher if you two talk loud like this." Bond warned them. Then they were quiet.

Proceeding to the second power plant, Johnson hacked the computer, before it went up in a spectacular firework show too.

Then there was the last power plant, and Bond went in.

As he waved to the guard in the front door, he observed the reactors carefully. About six meters above him was a containment area for the Alkali metals. To his front, left and right were three generators. The Alkali metals would be put into water, and as they reacts with water violently, they releases Hydrogen, which would be "vacuum-ed" into the main reactor core, and be burned for energy. (Sorry for my lack of chemistry knowledge if there's anything inaccurate)

He proceeded to a computer station hidden from the guard, and accessed it. The system interface was composed of the Rising Sun avatar, seven sub menus, and a shut-down interface. He touched the shut-down interface. It worked.

As he walked out of the building, the guard senses something, and halted him. He could not have waited, and an injection of soporific medicine made the guard go to sleep as he dragged him out.

"The Western humanism." Natasha murmured as she targeted the power plant.

As all the power plants were destroyed, Natasha proceeded for the Radar Boat.

The first thing it reminded the agents was "A World War I ship, with a bloody dumb radar slapped on it like a pancake". Natasha cared less though, since anything is destructible.

The five cheered as the radar boat is now belly up. They had a toast together, before a Soviet Twinblade Anto-Surface Gunship picked them up.

"May this cooperation of the Soviet Union and the Allied Nations continues!" Brosnan toasted again.

"May we defeat the Empire of the Rising Sun!" Natasha toasted.


The whole gunship was in a joyful mood as they headed towards Hamburg AFB, since for them, this is the end for the mission. For many else, this was the beginning.


EDIT: Fixed.

Edited by Admiral FCS, 03 May 2009 - 05:11.

#8 Destiny

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Posted 02 May 2009 - 05:47

Very, very nice. Western humanism ;)


Natasha standed the calmost-freezing North Sea sea water

Now this part sounds strange. And also extra 'c'. :P
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#9 Admiral FCS


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Posted 04 May 2009 - 00:05

Just a free-verse poem for English. Might be dumb, but yeah, I
haven't even wrote poems in Chinese yet.


Where I'm From (English Assignment; Free Verse)

Where I'm from was the sweet and beautiful yard,
Where fragrant flowers bloomed and fresh grasses grew;
Where I'm from was the old brick apartment,
Where my family, friends and teachers lived.

Where I'm from is the Tang family,
With my grandfather worked in the UN; Where I'm from is also the Zhang family, With my other grandfather being an excellent architect.
Where I'm from is the Northern Capital,
Where the Forbidden City, the Great Wall and the Temple of
Heaven stands;
Where I'm from is where traditions meets new generations,
With the People's Hall standing with the Forbidden City.

Where I'm from is the Middle Kingdom,
With five thousand years of history;
Where I'm from is the People's Republic,
With one point three billions of people.

Where I'm from is Beijing, China,
With honoured ancestors before me;
With my heart, I will remember them, and
With my actions, I will honour their spirits.

EDIT: FINALLY! Formatting is really annoying

Edited by Admiral FCS, 04 May 2009 - 00:15.

#10 Destiny

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Posted 04 May 2009 - 14:11

Hmm...I see 99.99% are Ws, 8| Quite a strange assignment you've got there.
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#11 Lord Atlantis

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Posted 13 May 2009 - 22:27

My opinion on the Star Trek writing:

The research is good and you follow the cannon true and with what happens.

However, due to the power demands of the Nadion beam, the ship probably would have to be stationary/powering down other weapon systems to fire it.

Also at the quantum drive: the unstability was that the "warp bubble" can't hold up with the minute changes in subspace while in quantum drive. A ship could effectively travel the diameter of the galaxy in an hour max, so the quantum drive would be better dubbed an "intergalactic drive" to travel between galaxies.

That or you could reference the ship having warp 10 potential, which is the second fastest speed a ship can attain using standard warp engines w/o transwarp coils/quantum drive.

Also, the NX tag is kinda dated since that dates back to the NX-01 Enterprise. Also, if there are letters after the ship's id number, it registers the number to the name. The most famous example of this is the Enterprise series starting with the Constitution. While NX may indicate a prototype ship, if the ship is going to be used in actual service, its going to have a NCC tag.

Enterprise - Constitution Class: NCC-1701
Enterprise - Constitution Refit: NCC-1701
Enterprise A - Constitution Refit (Post Voyage Home): NCC-1701-A
Enterprise B - Excelsior Refit: NCC-1701-B
Enterprise C - Ambassador Class: NCC-1701-C
Enterprise D - Galaxy Class: NCC-1701-D
Enterprise E - Sovreign Class: NCC-1701-E

So you probably want to change the serial of the ship to something other than NX-01A

Edited by Lord Atlantis, 13 May 2009 - 23:58.

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#12 Admiral FCS


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Posted 14 May 2009 - 01:16

Fixed the conflicts, thanks a lot.

#13 Admiral FCS


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Posted 16 May 2009 - 01:51

Quadrant War One

2387, Romulus system.

A supergiant near the Romulus system turned supernova. Ambassador Spock's effort to rescue the planet failed, and his craft, along with him, is pulled into a quantum singularity.

The Romulan Star Empire, now in an anarchy, declared war against the Federation, for its promise of saving the Romulus and Remus twin planets failed. The Romulans gathered all their available ships, and heads for the Sol system and Proxima Centauri, intending to destroy humanity.

Almost coincidentally, the Dominion declareed war against the Federation. After their last attempt to invade the Alpha Quadrant was foiled, they cloned a gigantic army, and is now ready to revenge for their bitter defeat that happened 12 years ago. The crew of Deep Space Nine and the Bajorans have to hold the line before reinforcements arrive, or all will fail.

The news spreaded fast. Days later, the Breen Confederancy declared war against the Federation.

The Klingon Empire, however, stood in line with the Federation. The sacrifice of 18 Starfleet vessels against a Borg Cube headed for Quonos finally proved to the Klingon Chancellor that the Federation is a honorable government. The alliance was finally made on the third Khitomer Conference. The Klingon Empire declared war on the Dominion, the Romulan Star Empire and the Breen Confederancy. The President and the Chancellor met on Earth, and they declared that "Federation and the Klingon Empire will stand together, until the bitter end".

All major powers in the Alpha Quadrant is in war now except the Cardassian Empire, and the Quadrant War One began. The winners will conquer the quadrant, and the losers will vanish.
Now a RP at Game Discussion! Join up!

Edited by Admiral FCS, 16 May 2009 - 04:20.

#14 Lord Atlantis

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Posted 16 May 2009 - 03:28

Looks like the Role Play may have potential :P Looking good so far :)
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#15 Admiral FCS


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Posted 22 May 2009 - 04:39


Special Agent Tanya is the only Allied soldier who can destroy a base by herself, with maximum collateral damage. But this time, she was not allowed to do so; if the Japanese power plants blew up, in minutes there would have been swarms of SkyWing AeroSub scanning the area, denying the mission of sabotaging the second Japanese Radar Guidance Ship.

She silently aimed at a Japanese fighter, and fired. The two silenced 7.62mm Black Buzzard spitted out four rounds, all directly scored in the head. The Japanese soldier fell silently, and Tanya hid her inside a lighthouse. In the growling seawind, she tapped her combadge silently, signaling the Soviet engineers to climb ashore.

Like a ghost in the dark, Tanya quietly dispatched several Imperial soldiers. As she made sure the first power plant is clear, she signaled an engineer to get into the power plant. Not long after, a soft puff was heard, and the power generator powered down. The scanner she equipped showed that the Wave Force Cannons guarding the path to the crossroad was powered down.

The Soviet engineers ran slowly, looking exhausted, as Tanya packed more Japanese soldiers, although not without some injuries. When she shot a Tankbuster infantry, two rifleman spotted her, and opened fire. Superheated plasma bolts sliced through rocks and trees, and one shot nearly took her elbow off. Hurt but unmoved, she unleashed two magazines on the two of them.

No more time today, will be continued.

#16 samster01

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Posted 06 June 2009 - 19:43

Nice Writings you've got here Admiral FCS.

I especially like the Battle Of The North Sea story. :cool:

I'm looking forward to the next parts of the story. |8

- Sam
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Many thanks to Pav3d for the awesome EC sig. :P Gameplay >>>>> Graphics Always

#17 WNxMastrefubu

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Posted 06 June 2009 - 20:18

can't wait for the next chapter dude
Attached Image: bob.jpg

#18 Admiral FCS


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Posted 06 June 2009 - 22:35


Tanya crawled through the high grasses as she searched for medicine packs. Not far away, two Imperial soldiers watched the seas. They were silently picked off by Tanya, and she used the medicine pack on her bloody elbow. The Japanese medicine pack, once activated, turned into a soft green color, and a steady stream of nanoprobes were released into her bloodstream. The nanoprobes quickly boosted her cellular metabolism near her elbow, and soon she is ready for some more ass-kicking again.

One Soviet engineer constructed a makeshift sniper position as Tanya assembled her AG-64 SpecOps Silenced Assault Rifle. The rifle is 1.2 meters long, with Thermal Imaging Scope Mark 2 pre-installed. The rifle has a magazine of 30 rounds, 5.56mm, and has an effective range of 600 meters. The Soviet engineers hummed their national enthem, "Bear of the North", as Tanya sniped off the guarding Imperial soldiers. One of the engineers got inside the power plant, and moments later, two more Wave-Force Artillery Defence went out of power.

The sniping of Japanese soldiers was a very effective tactics (at least when compared to CQB), and Tanya soon reached the Japanese Radar Boat.

A string of flashes was seen from the light tower as the Riptide Extraction Team cruised towards it. Usually, the Riptides would avoid any lights, but this time it's different; the signal transmitted was "All clear, move in!".

Sgt. Paul Jackson readied his Grumman Shotgun as the Riptide landed. The heavy thud of the metal doors lowering down and the alarm of the opening door rang, and the team of four bursted out, securing a landing perimeter as a second Riptide All-Terrain Assault Transport landed, releasing its load of 4 soldiers armed with Javelin Utility Anti-Armour Missile Launcher, and a third Riptide landed, with two engineers set up the medical tent.

Waited for a short yet long ten minutes, a loud explosion was heard. The "Thousand ray sun" radar disk blew up, then the hull buckled and fragmented by the explosion. The soldiers cheered for the victory, and soon, they saw Tanya and the 4 Soviet engineers sprinting back to the vehicles.

The Riptides cruised back to the already-established "beach head base". Awaiting them is the cheering crowd, and the Battle of the North Sea.

Might be a bit "meh", but the real story begins here.

#19 Admiral FCS


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Posted 27 June 2009 - 05:28


INS Nakagama
Captain Hikaru Mitsubishi was an old and wise man. At the age of twenty, he joined the Imperial Navy as a young crewman, first serving the Naval Defence Forces, then climbing higher up, commanding various class of Imperial naval ships, such as the Yari-class scout submarines, then Yamahata-class missile destroyer, befor finally becoming the commanding officer of the INS Nakagama, one of the newest Shogun-class battleships. Commanding a Shogun-class battleship is the highest honor of a Japanese man; he needs experience, presteige, and the trust of both his superiors and his fellow officers and crew.

The Nakagama departed from the White Turtoise, the operation base of the Imperial Expedition Force, with a course due south to the Allied Hamburg AFB. The cold and dark night provided perfect night fot the invasion fleet, with four Shogun-class battleships, surrounded by twenty eight Tsumani-class AMBT, and forteen SeaWing AeroSubs, providing air cover. Intels provided by spies inside the Allied Forces declared that the Allied will defend to the last man.

In the dimly lit Captain's Ready Room, Mitsubishi lied on his sides, a standard issue Navy blanket kept him warm. On the wall, the photo of him as a Captain and his son, as an Air Force Captain, stood together.

#20 samster01

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Posted 27 June 2009 - 20:27

Nice new part Admiral FCS.

Keep up the good work. I'm looking forward to more parts of the story.

- Sam
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Many thanks to Pav3d for the awesome EC sig. :P Gameplay >>>>> Graphics Always

#21 Admiral FCS


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Posted 07 July 2009 - 04:11


Above INS Nakagama
The 304th Tengu squadron just arrived to guard the airs for the advancing formation, with nine planes in the squadron. Captain Jusan Mitsubishi and his co-pilot, First Lieutenant Isoru Sato, was jokingly chatting, since the all-purpose radar showed no Allied aerial targets in range. The "airphibic" mech has a mini refrigirator, a heater and a mini washroom, providing comfort for the pilots. The pilots all talked about the same topics; home, offspring, loved ones, or for the unmarried ones, babes. Isoru just got a cup of tea, when the radar showed three large Allied targets coming in. The computer automatically sounded an red alert, and Isoru almost dropped his tea to the floor.

"This is Captain Mitsubishi, we're going in. Targets are three Century Carpet Bombers, 2'o clock. Engage!"

The Tengus opened up their afterburners, and seconds later, the engines bursted out blue fires, the wings slided backwards, and like an arrow, they cross through the skies.

"Mitsubishi here, fan out, three per bomber, attack from 12'o clock!""Hai, attacking!" Red plasma bursts shot out of the gun barrels, and in seconds, teared the bombers apart, although the bomber crew escaped with enforced American escape pods.

"This is Captan Mitsubishi to the squadron, targets eliminated, return to escort positions.""Roger, returning to escort.""Acknoledged, Mitsubishi out."

The Tengus raced back to the formation, protecting it from Allied air attacks.

#22 Admiral FCS


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Posted 13 August 2009 - 04:22

Sorry for the lack of updates, been playing a lot of CoD4 and Civ 4 lately.
Jusan Mitsubishi is an intelligent man, like his father. The difference between them is, Hikaru prefers the coldness of sea winds and the salty sea water scent, while Jusan favors cruising in the skies. There are they now, marching together towards the Coalition's newly established naval base. The Black Tortoise had been feeding them updated intelligence for the past hour, and the long range sensors of the fortress had not detected any enemy forces approaching... yet. The father and the son knows that the Coalition will send forces to capture or destroy the fortress anyways, just not now.

The Tengus have been circling the fleet for two and half hours, and no Allied nor Soviet forces were in sight. The sun was rising from the East, casting a shadow on the sea of the marching fleet's silohette. The sea was calm, the wind was cool, and all were quiet.

Onboard the Nakagama, night shift bridge crews returned to their quarters with their tired bodies, longing for a good rest, while day shift crews manned the stations: navigation, communication, damage control, tactical control, and Hikaru manned Captain's Chair. With a cup of tea in his hand, he whispered to himself: may this day be a glorious day for the Empire, for this crew, and for Jusan.

It was not long before the storm came. Soviet Twinblade armoured gunships and Stingray experimental Tesla gunboats led the charge, and the Allied provided backup with their Aircraft, or really, Drone Carriers and Vindicator CAS bombers. Red alert signal was sounded as the Naginata cruisers arrived half an hour earlier charged forward also, with the Shoguns turning to their sides to provide top cover and bombardment of their ginormous 10-inch plasma siege cannons. Jusan and his squadron switched to hovering to prepare for the drone swarm. Underneath them, SeaWing AeroSubs, rose near to the surface, their missiles locked onto the choppers.

For a minute, all seemed quiet. Then, Hikaru's sound roared through the open sea: "Open fire."

#23 Admiral FCS


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Posted 23 September 2009 - 03:56

Sorry for the inactivity (Though I doubt this thread receives view at all). Update will be coming soon.

#24 Admiral FCS


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Posted 07 October 2009 - 04:56


Jusan Mitsubishi cheers in hysteria as his plane's plasma cannon unleashes its fury,
tearing apart the drone's thin Aluminum armour, and igniting their Hydrogen fuel cells,
blowing them up in a spectacular fireball that plummets toward the ocean. Isoru has been
busily replacing the power cells for the plasma cannons, but it seems now that even the Empire's
most excellent poser source is going to run out of, well, power. As Mitsubishi signalled to his squad
to hold position, he flies back to the Nakagama, lands on the landing pad, and runs to get more power

On the bridge, Capt. Mitsubishi shouted a series of orders.
"Helm, evasive maneuvers! Tactical, main guns fire at American destroyers, auxillary guns fire at will!
Damage control, I want a status report from all decks!"
In the past twenty minutes, the drones not shot down by SeaWings, Tengus and the auxillary guns, which is very few, have
managed to fire some ten low-yield torpedos at the great ship. The Empire engineers are doing their best, and the major
bulkheads of the ship is still intact, but lower crew quarters, mess hall, weight room, the shrine and shipboard small arms
locker has been flooded. The Naginata fleet is valiantly engaging the Allied Amphibious Assault Destroyers and the Soviet
Stingray experimental Tesla strike crafts, while the Tsunami Amphibious Main Battle Tanks are hitting the Coalition from
their rear position, though the tank group haven't been able to inflict much damage. The SeaWing battalion have been holding
off Allied air attacks for a long time, but some of them are already returning to the White Tortoise to restock. As for the
Tengus, they are taking minimal damage, and dealt maximum damage to Allied air attacks. It seems like that the Empire fleet
will soon defeat the Coalition's defence fleet.

A glorious day for the Empire, Hikaru thought. We shall establish our destiny in this world, after this decisive victory.

Lieutenant Colonel James Gordon Ramsey can barely restrain his anger as he witnesses his friends and comrades in the Vindicator CAS
Squadron 047 is completely obliterated, floating on the ocean with only their life jackets. The Riptide ACV Extraction Team
is doing the best they can to rescue the pilots, but so far 11 pilots had been either frozen to death, or caught by the
Japanese. The Allied Air Force is losing brave men every minute, and they don't have much left.

James Ramsey did not hesitate for a second as he raced back to his Base of Operations. He knew something that could turn the
tide of this battle is in there. He knew.

Crewman Wong was in his shift, patrolling the airbase corridors, when he saw a Captain hurried towawrd him, looking tense, yet
with some other emotions he did not clearly understand. The Captain went past him, several metres, before turning back, and asks
a question which completely took him by surprise. Wong was confused.

"Do you know the way to Hangar 05?"

An Allied Airbase, as what usual civillians and most Air Force pilots knows, have four hangars, each of them capable of
maintaining the aircraft, give the pilots and the mechanics a place to rest, and even assemble aircrafts during emergencies.

Only the Aces and the Generals knew of an Hangar 05, however. Something of a "Pandora's Box" in the Allied Air Force, Hangar
05 is well hidden from the corridors of the airbase. Hangar 05 usually contains a well-shielded miniature bunker, NBC resistant
and almost immune to conventional EMP strikes. Within it is a safe, which contains the top-secret protocol to initiate emergency
support, which is either Athena Orbital Network Satellite Strike, Proton Collider Strike or Artemis Precision Hypersonic Bomber

As the new GWWIII broke out, however, request for strikes came to a new height, with the Peacekeeping Divisions unable
to deal with the Soviet armours, or the Japanese Imperial Army's lethal robots. With daily requests frome everywhere, the
Artemis bombers are exhausted, the Athena satellites are out of power, and the only Proton Collider, located somewhere in the
USA, is running out of power. All protocols are then withdrew.

Not this airbase, however.
Inside it, is a top-secret machine, that only 3 people in the entire Allied Air Force can fly it.
Col. Ramsey is one.
Achilles Air Superiority Fighter is no regular air superiority fighter.

The Allied Air Force did not abandon the original Apollo project: a heavily armoured aircraft, with hypersonic maximum thrust,
the ability to break orbit, and quad spectrum cannons. The FutureTech Corporation have found a way to make a special interface
that let the pilots see their targets and the skies, without having to look out the windshield at all. The new windshield, now
a prototypical holographic display, simply blinds out the brilliant flash of the spectrum cannons. The new fusion reactor, a
more primitive design of the Proton Collider, is now the main engine, with a large thrust, and the ability to break orbit, since
it needs no air to operate.

The downside now is not performance, it's money. With so much improvements, the Apollo can barely fly, not to mention all these
technologies costs a fortune. While the Allied Air Force continues to support FutureTech, only one protorype has been built, with
rumours that a battalion of Century Carpet Bombers can be bought at the same price.

This one prototype was given to James Ramsey.

The fusion engine roared, shaking the entire base. Then, the usual walklay, just below the control tower, flipped open.

An elegant fighter, with its white delta wing shining under the lights, bears the famous Allied Eagle, and the yellow-black block
strips, indicating the attachment of advanced aerodynamics kit, rose from the hole.

The Achilles rose to the skies, and with a sharp U-shaped turn, raced toward battlefield so fast, that no one believed what they

Seconds later, the sonic boom shook the building.


#25 Destiny

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Posted 07 October 2009 - 05:02

Have you been following a mod called Paradox? 8| IIRC the only things in the game that uses torps are the Yaris, Naginatas and Akulas...where did the other ten small torps come from? O.o

Twas a good read, nonetheless.
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