Aliens and Swamps
Posted 19 May 2009 - 17:35
2 new DLC have been announced to be in the works for Fallout3, and also the old DLC is confirmed to come for the PS3 too
new items, new armor, new weapons and perks we dont know nothing about them, the lvl will be still limited to 30

Posted 19 May 2009 - 21:08
*proceeds playing Russian roulette with a DEagle*
Edited by Golan, 19 May 2009 - 21:14.
Posted 20 May 2009 - 01:34
Posted 20 May 2009 - 02:40
Golan, on 20 May 2009, 7:08, said:
*proceeds playing Russian roulette with a DEagle*
So it's ok to have alien blasters, just not the aliens themselves?
Masonicon, on 17 Oct 2009, 13:44, said:
Posted 20 May 2009 - 07:15
RaiDK, on 20 May 2009, 3:40, said:
Golan, on 20 May 2009, 7:08, said:
*proceeds playing Russian roulette with a DEagle*
So it's ok to have alien blasters, just not the aliens themselves?
Yeah. It's fun to meet the Knights of the Roundtable(can happen in Fallout 2), but it's entirely another thing to make them a major plot point.
I'd also like to add it was already ruined forever.

Posted 20 May 2009 - 10:20
RaiDK, on 20 May 2009, 2:40, said:
Golan, on 20 May 2009, 7:08, said:
*proceeds playing Russian roulette with a DEagle*
So it's ok to have alien blasters, just not the aliens themselves?
Initially, the aliens were only a random encounter, like the Knights of the Roundtable that Dr. Strangelove mentioned (and other hilarious stuff) - as said, an Easter Egg. Something that exists purely for fun and is clearly not meant seriously as part of the 'verse/canon.
Sure, Fallout always had a funny and hilarious side to it, that's part of what made it great. But if you look closely, you might realize that most of the "official" hilarity comes from the point that the world of Fallout was an overstylized real-world disneyland - that got NUKED! So, yes, there's fun stuff that is part of its 'verse, and that's good and fine, but ultimately it's there to show you just how much even the most funny world can be twisted, ruined and turned into High Octane Nightmare Fuel.
Having squishy aliens with glowing super powered spaceships zappin 'ma buddies in a post-apocalyptic dystopia is a disgrace!
Posted 20 May 2009 - 12:48
Even if you don't have a calculator right next to you, doing the math isn't that hard.
(Besides, I'd argue that neither would fit in a game depicting mankind's struggle for survival)
*proceeds playing Russian roulette with a Minugun*
Edited by Golan, 20 May 2009 - 13:11.
Posted 20 May 2009 - 14:13
things from the 50's in a game based about the world from the 50's point of view of the future? CALL THE PRESS!

Posted 20 May 2009 - 14:44
KiraSama, on 20 May 2009, 15:13, said:
Seeing that now it's (probably) an official story arc, it's just a matter of time until more imbecile kiddies will cry for more ALIENZZZZ!!!
KiraSama, on 20 May 2009, 15:13, said:
things from the 50's in a game based about the world from the 50's point of view of the future? CALL THE PRESS!
That was totally not my point.
Besides of that, while Fallout's background is based on 50's POV, its "presence" is more focused on being darker and edgier - that is, it was.
Posted 20 May 2009 - 15:04
besides, apperently point look is supposed to be the darker one, with a kind of horror theme
Posted 20 May 2009 - 17:26
Golan, on 20 May 2009, 11:32, said:

I sereiously don't get why you're so upset just because it's part of the cannon. It's not a major plot point, you don't have to download it, so what's the Big Fuckn' Deal? Weren't you the one bitching about how boring Fallout 3 was anyways? It's your gameplay experience, play it the way you want to.
You know what's part of my gameplay experience? An army of Mechanists facing off against hordes of whatever enemies the wasteland can offer, sometimes enemies 10 times their size, while I fly 300 ft in the air spawning those wonderful nuclear cars everywhere.
I personally cannot wait to have the ability to have an army of Mechanists face off against the alien invaders.
Edited by NergiZed, 20 May 2009 - 17:29.
Posted 20 May 2009 - 18:02
NergiZed, on 20 May 2009, 18:26, said:

Now that was convincing...

NergiZed, on 20 May 2009, 18:26, said:
As said, with it now being part of the canon, it's just a matter of time until more stupid, dense kiddies (y'know, the kind that tends to start their arguments with OMGWTFFUNNYLOLOLOL 500px × 285px pictures) will begin asking for it to be integrated into the major plot.
Yeah, I was bitching about how boring F3 is. Think that's gonna change by turning it into a dumbed down theme park? "Comin' this summer, the new SPACE INVAD00RS attraction. Have a beer, take a seat, don't even THINK about the meaning of ''coherent gameplay''."
NergiZed, on 20 May 2009, 18:26, said:
Then why aren't you smoking dope instead of playing Fallout?
Posted 20 May 2009 - 22:05
Golan, on 20 May 2009, 17:32, said:
i want proof of it actually being canon in the first place because i am really sure it wont be mentioned in other fallouts at all (like say, Skynet, super mutants not being sterile, sandy sands being destroyed by raiders, etc etc etc)
also didnt they change at the end of the return of the jedi the apparience of anakin to be his younger himself?

Posted 21 May 2009 - 01:47
KiraSama, on 20 May 2009, 14:13, said:
things from the 50's in a game based about the world from the 50's point of view of the future? CALL THE PRESS!
It is not a '50s' game. Many of the aesthetic influences in the first two were fifties, but the actual atmosphere was something that would have been much more suited to Blade Runner or Road Warrior, a dark, edgy wasteland where people had REAL problems, not "We have two nutjobs pretending to be superheroes running through town" but "This drought is so bad we can only afford to sell water for $1000 a bottle" or "Some asshole killed my son. I want you to find whodunnit". The problems were more mundane, but the writing made them far more fun to solve and the fact that they weren't jacked up to thirteen on silly crap meant that you could take them seriously, giving them depth. This made it that much more interesting when you actually did meet SkyNet.

Posted 21 May 2009 - 08:17
Golan, on 20 May 2009, 14:02, said:
NergiZed, on 20 May 2009, 18:26, said:
As said, with it now being part of the canon, it's just a matter of time until more stupid, dense kiddies (y'know, the kind that tends to start their arguments with OMGWTFFUNNYLOLOLOL 500px × 285px pictures) will begin asking for it to be integrated into the major plot.
Yeah, I was bitching about how boring F3 is. Think that's gonna change by turning it into a dumbed down theme park? "Comin' this summer, the new SPACE INVAD00RS attraction. Have a beer, take a seat, don't even THINK about the meaning of ''coherent gameplay''."
Oh pish posh, half the game is a joke anyways, you're fighting 'super mutants' for crying out loud. There's already Recon Craft Theta, the Firelance Event, and some alien power cells laying around in some secluded areas, what's a few aliens gonna do to the 'coherent gameplay'? They'll probably all stay in their mothership anyhow, so it's not gonna change the capital wasteland much. Plus it's fun.
I still don't get the cannon part. Jar Jar Binks and medichlorines might be cannon in Star Wars, but they never get mentioned ever again in the expanded universe. I highly doubt any company would screw up the Fallout formula to such a colossal scale so that the aliens were part of the main plot.
Golan, on 20 May 2009, 14:02, said:
NergiZed, on 20 May 2009, 18:26, said:
Then why aren't you smoking dope instead of playing Fallout?
I quite like my braincells; they help my hand-eye coordination so I can open jars and stuff. Maybe collage too, I dunno.
Also, I find your logic rather interesting. I have some senseless fun in a game, thus I should smoke pot? What do you have against senseless fun? In a purely economic sense, I'm simply trying to get my money's worth out of the game. (I don't pay for games often.

Dr. Strangelove, on 20 May 2009, 21:47, said:
Not? Are you sure you don't mean Hell Yes?
Because nothing beats the...

Seriously though, the mechanist is my most favorite character in Fallout 3, right next to the Protectron.
Edited by NergiZed, 21 May 2009 - 08:31.
Posted 21 May 2009 - 08:50
Oh, and:
NergiZed, on 21 May 2009, 18:17, said:
Edited by CommanderJB, 21 May 2009 - 08:53.

Posted 21 May 2009 - 08:54
Posted 21 May 2009 - 09:56
KiraSama, on 20 May 2009, 23:05, said:
That's Shady Sands to you.
It's in the game, that makes it canon-y enough for people to ask for more. Just look at how people argue that "Recon Craft Theta, the Firelance Event, and some alien power cells laying around in some secluded areas" justify this new DLC.
KiraSama, on 20 May 2009, 23:05, said:
Isn't that like a lil' bit o' what Ima bitchin' about?
RaiDK, on 21 May 2009, 4:42, said:
Don't want to address a conclusive argument? Don't answer. Simple as that.
NergiZed, on 21 May 2009, 9:17, said:
Half the game is like 1/6th of the franchise (well, more like 1/15th if you calculate it accurately, but seeing that you don't care for my argumentation anyways...). If you feel that FEV (the thing that spawns Super Mutants) is a joke... well, yeah. Q.E.D. RCT, the Firelance and the alien power cells are easter eggs, the 3D equivalent of the past random encounters (no, not those "half a dozen LOL-triggers" events in F3) - a four hour story arc is NOT. Yeah, they're all gonna stay in their mothership anyhow, like the Pitt doesn't interact in any mentionable way with the CWLand or O:A gives the Outcasts something even remotely close to depth - what's the point of making add-ons to a game if they don't even remotely try to address its main weaknesses?
Having the Teletubbies in 2001: Odyssey would have been "fun" too...
NergiZed, on 21 May 2009, 9:17, said:
Well, I don't.
NergiZed, on 21 May 2009, 9:17, said:

I'm not opposed to having senseless fun in that game, I'm opposed to asking for senseless fun in such a game. That's like asking for more lap dances in The Passion of the Christ (2004).
Comrade Sanders, on 21 May 2009, 9:54, said:
Sure it has some 50's clichés, but that's its backstory, not its theme. Worldwide nuclear annihilation, large scale poisoning of the environment, mutation of the local species into powerful predators hell-bent on changing the food chain a lil' bit, 90% of humanity DEAD, downfall of civilization, fascist government, scrupulous tech scavengers (to those people that met the BOS before F3)... yeah, the games one BIG 50's cliche, how could anyone even try to *fatal sarcasm failure*
Edited by Golan, 21 May 2009 - 10:05.
Posted 21 May 2009 - 10:06
Your conclusive argument goes as far as "There shouldn't be aliens in the game because there weren't aliens in Fallout 2". I've heard that sort of argument too many times to count.
I'm sure if you somehow landed yourself the Fallout franchise then you'd probably end up putting some stuff in that someone somewhere wouldn't approve of either. Have fun on your one man crusade to become the saviour of all things Fallout, either way.
I always thought the whole point of playing games was to have fun.
Edited by RaiDK, 21 May 2009 - 10:07.
Masonicon, on 17 Oct 2009, 13:44, said:
Posted 21 May 2009 - 10:17
RaiDK, on 21 May 2009, 10:06, said:
Next time, please do at least read my posts before insulting me by ignoring my argumentation or dismissing it as irrelevant. Thank you.
RaiDK, on 21 May 2009, 10:06, said:
Why would I want to have the Fallout franchise only to make a game that is not Fallout-ish?

That's bullshit, if I want to create a different game then I do so with a new name and don't stick to some ancient, antiquated franchise restrictions.
Oh by the way, speaking about one man crusades - as long as there's NMA around, I don't even remotely qualify for that title.
RaiDK, on 21 May 2009, 10:06, said:
I always thought the whole point of playing games was to have fun.
Fun is very subjective. Which is why I was talking about senseless fun - again, please do at least read my posts. Thank you.
Edited by Golan, 21 May 2009 - 10:21.
Posted 21 May 2009 - 10:27
Golan, on 21 May 2009, 20:17, said:
RaiDK, on 21 May 2009, 10:06, said:
Next time, please do at least read my posts before insulting me by ignoring my argumentation or dismissing it as irrelevant. Thank you.
I'm re-reading now and I'm still seeing "Aliens shouldn't be in Fallout". You don't think Aliens should be in Fallout because they're not in the spirit of the game, yet others apparently do.
Golan, on 21 May 2009, 20:17, said:
RaiDK, on 21 May 2009, 10:06, said:
Why would I want to have the Fallout franchise only to make a game that is not Fallout-ish?

That's bullshit, if I want to create a different game then I do so with a new name and don't stick to some ancient, antiquated franchise restrictions.
What I meant by that is that what you consider to be in the vein of Fallout, others wouldn't. Hence why we're having this discussion now I suppose.
Golan, on 21 May 2009, 20:17, said:
RaiDK, on 21 May 2009, 10:06, said:
I always thought the whole point of playing games was to have fun.
Fun is very subjective. Which is why I was talking about senseless fun - again, please do at least read my posts. Thank you.
Since the Fallout games are pretty well centered around killing things (Yes, and talking your way out of things in some cases, I have played Fallout) it's debatable at which point it becomes 'senseless'. Seems all pretty senseless to me.
Masonicon, on 17 Oct 2009, 13:44, said:
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