Allies: Blue
Soviet: Red
Empire: Orange
Germany: Green
Yuri: Purple
Federation: Cyan
FutureTech: White
Uncontrolled: Grey
What can people do when war threatens their very way of life?
Should the leaders of countries stand idly by while their enemies grow stronger every day?
The Soviet Union is shattered, The Empire of the Rising Sun have been forced back to their homeland, and the Allied nations are barely managing to maintain order and stability after their hard fought victory. There is a vacuum where these great nations once stood: but who will fill be strong enough to fill the vacuum, and take their rightful place as the world’s only superpower?
Germany, tired of being the bootlick for the Allied nations has began to show signs of separatism, and has even started hostile actions against their former comrades in arms, but who is funding this rebellion?
The allies have detected strange activity at the south pole, and there have been reports of various Political and Military leaders in Africa uniting together under a new, secretive cause.
All out war is about to begin; the Empire of the Rising Sun, the Allies, the Soviets, the new republic of Germany and the mysterious force behind the situation in Africa and are all preparing a new army, with even deadlier weapons.
But who will be left standing after the last bullet has been fired?
That decision is yours, and yours alone.
Red Alert 3 Resurrection Features:

Soviet Union:

The former union has been defeated, and its lands have fractured into separate states owned by warlords; usually generals of the former Unions army.
The allied nations, weak after their victory, have not the resources to maintain order in these states. After restoring law and order to a state, the occupying forces move on to the next with the same aims, only to discover that in their absence, the restored states have reverted back to a lawless chaos.
Despite this dire situation, some soviet warlords have banded up, in an attempt to reunite the states and reform the union.
This alliance, located in the eastern territories under the leadership of general Kozlov, have begun to do skirmishes against the territories taken by the Empire of the Rising Sun, in hope that said victories will entice other warlords to join them.
Worryingly for the Allied nations; this appears to be working.
If no aid comes, it is only a matter of time before the Union will be restored!

What is this? A stationary MiG... It has the normal look of a turret, but fires an improved version of the MiG ammo. Excells against enemy air units totally. Though, this turret has a bit shorter range than the flak cannon.
Secondary (Instant):
The Matryoshka Turret will instantly shoot a MiG Shockwave R75 bomb into the air right above the turret itself. The explosion has an extreme radius and will damage all aircraft within its range seriously much. There is a 2 second delay before the turret fires the bomb into the air from when you pressed the button.

Yup! The Siege Chopper is making a return from Yuri's Revenge. It's main weaponry is machine gun based. However, these machine guns have been experimented on and excells against everything on the ground; even heavy vehicles.
Toggle Secondary:
Deploy the Siege Chopper on the ground. The Siege Chopper can not deploy if there are any objects underneath it, and can also not deploy on water, cliffs, ramps or any unstraight terrain. Once deployed, it can use its mini artillery cannon to shoot bombs at a great distance. However, there is a minimum range limit.
Empire of the Rising Sun:

Shattered, militarily and spiritually. The Empire, certain that it was their destiny to rule the world have become lost.
A few head strong military leaders remain determined that their destiny is still achievable and that the Empires defeat was only a set back which has strengthened their resolve. Where the Shogunate failed, they shall succeed.
Operating from remote islands and secret bases. these commanders have begun a guerilla war against it's enemies,attempting to defend their provinces from the threat of the barbaric Soviet warlords as well as sabotaging and undermining the already weak Allied forces.
The people of Japan are strong, and only need a beacon of light to re-ignite their hopes.
The Empire must be restored, and the Line of the Emperor reinstated there is a Divine Destiny to be reached, and no one will stop the Admiral in bringing it about!

Empire must construct this building to unlock the radar. If the Com Center get destroyer during battle, sold during battle or your base goes into low power, the radar will be disabled. Instantly.

Empire is now in need of this structure to construct the Giga Fotress. Once the Giga Fortress is ready, the BIG DOOR in the front opens up on the same way as the Mecha Bay's door and then the Giga Fortress flows out. No need of nanocores anymore.
Allied Nations:

The Allied nations are victorious, they have defended their values and way of life, but the victory has left a bitter-sweet taste in their mouth.
The war effort has left their economy broken, their military forces are stretched thin. The apparent removal of the Soviet threat has removed the major bond between the countries, and now political relations are breaking down. After all, the Alliance was only set up to directly combat the communist threat. The leaders of the Alliance have may things to achieve if they wish to survive. Order must be restored to the world, lest a new enemy arise. A new purpose must be found for the Alliance before it fragments, but most importantly, they are going to need external help to achieve this!

FutureTech requires to have this Control Center online to allow you the use of Robot Tanks. These Robot Tanks are immune to Mind Control. Robot Tanks can only be built from this center. If this center is getting destroyed, all active Robot Tanks will go offline.
The Robot Tank is constructed from this building.

This is the Allies' new Ultimate Weapon. It will fire a rain of spectrum lasers at the enemy. Just wait for the 6-minute cooldown to expire and have fun! All the lasers that hit units will reflect and spread out. Just like the effect that the Mirage Tank has.
So basicly, the launch hole opens up, it starts to fire spectrum to a reflector mounted to a satelite in the space and then the satelite reflects the beams and bombards the designated location.

Will cloak all friendly units within it's range, just like the Mirage in its secondary, but now with a bigger range. Though, it doesn't cloak structures, it can be very useful for hiding defensive units so that your opponent thinks that there aren't many units defending there. Trick your enemy!
It's secondary ability is to turn on the ability to cloak structures. While having this secondary ability toggled on, the cloak generator will constantly take a bit damage and at last, it will explode. Be careful and use it wisely.

I have to confirm. The reason why there is a FutureTech logo on this structure is because FutureTech invented the Harbinger Gunship and everything of that for the Allies. This structure is a part of the Allied arsenal.
When the Harbinger is built, it will be shrinked underground, lifted up trough that plateu and the rest is clear. Once the Harbinger has reached the air above the structure, it will unshrink and have fun.

You can't compare any other base defence with this one. All units on the battlefield will fear its firepower, but the price for constructing this thing is fair enough and it requires both the defence bureau and maximum clearance.
The New German Republic:

Once the Allied nation closest to the Soviet threat, Germany was known for its strong industrial production factories and its large standing army. But the Soviet threat has been eliminated, the people of Germany have elected a new government that has Germany's interests on the fore front of its agenda....or does it?
The new government has changed the political stance of the country, forming a new German Republic.
Reports of the Allied council show that the Republics factories are still producing military equipment, but of a new design. Republic forces have slowly begun to be pulled out of joint operations, and German attendance at Allied conferences has been worryingly low.
This new government is secretive, and their are rumours of reports from Allied spy's that the newly formed government is merely a public arm of the ancient Teutonic order, a force which apparently, intends to convert the world to its extreme form of christianity.

This is where Germany produce their aerial units.

This is where Germany trains their soldiers.

This is where Germany produce their land vehicles.
Cost: $2000
Build Time: 0:20

That's right! The Cleric Tank is back and it replaces the Tank Destroyer as the main battletank.
Instead, the Tank Destroyer will just be an additional anti-vehicle tank that is anti-vehicle only and doesn't make any special kind of damage to infantry or structures.
This Cleric Tank is around just as strong as the Allied Guardian Tank, a bit slower in movement though. Tier 2.

This is the German Tank destroyer, Germany's most anti-vehicle focused tank, and it's tier 2. It excells against other vehicles, crushing their armour quite fast. However, this tank cannot rotate its turret because of its strange, but strong structurized base form. The tank will have to turn around to shoot at enemies behind it, but the strenght against other vehicles make up for it.

A bit inspired on the Allied Power Plant because Germany was a part of the Allied Nations before this mod. I know there are 3 ""reactors"" (I don't know their names), but it has nothing to do with the Super Reactor. After it has been textured, you'll see it.
However, Germany can't win without power, nobody can, so here is their Power Station that provides them a moderate value of power to keep their base defenses and production structures online and fully capable.
-Gen.Kenobi out
RA3: Ressurection Co-leader
[i still have more things to post, but they doesn't allow me to post more images :( ]
Edited by Gen.Kenobi, 22 May 2009 - 19:09.