Edited by General, 07 February 2018 - 18:46.

Gabriel's Gallery
Posted 11 July 2009 - 08:12
Posted 12 July 2009 - 17:01
Thats exquisite!
The attention to detail is amazing!
Posted 14 July 2009 - 07:52
Edited by General, 07 February 2018 - 18:47.
Posted 14 July 2009 - 08:52
Posted 14 July 2009 - 12:45
AJ, on 14 Jul 2009, 9:52, said:
Thats a good point, actually I was working on to fix that problem, not in this sketch but generally I am trying to learn to detail without letting the details of different parts merge each other, but its just hard to do in my style, but eventually I will find a way to do this correct I think

Posted 14 July 2009 - 23:56

Posted 16 July 2009 - 08:21
Posted 20 July 2009 - 16:33
Crazykenny, on 15 Jul 2009, 0:56, said:
Thanks but you will not see it colored, it will stay as a sketch

Prey, on 16 Jul 2009, 9:21, said:
Scope, on 17 Jul 2009, 0:33, said:
Yea there is some problems with my account managements and such but I bring it back, gladly its stored in PC aswell ^_^
And here another one :

As the name suggests : Its a quick runner robot for hit and run missions or quick operation purposes, I think I need to learn to colouring better

Posted 21 July 2009 - 09:13

lookin' good. not a fan of the pose however.
Posted 21 July 2009 - 09:15
Very nice, design wise, except the ratio between the legs and the torso is a bit off.

Posted 21 July 2009 - 11:53

And here me as Khorne Champion :

Blood for the Blood God !

Posted 28 July 2009 - 17:02

This is a Demon of Nurgle(God of Decay) Story of this demon is : Its actually a mortal who dedicated himself fully to Nurgle, after his success on spreading diseases of Nurgle, Nurgle gifted him and make him a demon; speciality of this demon is; unlike other demons, he is not possessed with power but only live to please his God, as Nurgle knows this, He gave another prize to him, he remembers every incarnation of himself, he dies in battle, but resurrects in the body of another demon specially created by Nurgle in that shape, he catches one of his enemy with his left arm and hold it on his shoulder, corpse decays there and with special veins connected to his right arm, bacteries produced in that corpse transfered to the virus-store located in middle of the right arm, bacteria mutates even more in this place and flies drink from it and get the disease, so the demon can use flies to spread diseases with his ability to control them, only disadvantage of him is, he is too slow for it has very corrupted legs, so he depends on flies to spread diseases to please his master. But he is very resistant to psychical punishment as he has a very odd skeletal and muscular system which is similiar to composite armours used in tanks, one thing must be remembered first when fighting againist demons of Nurgle, this one is the first one to be defeated, otherwise that demon will convert all of the healthy men into maimed, disease carrying corpses.
Edited by Turian, 28 July 2009 - 17:06.
Posted 28 July 2009 - 20:32
You as a Chaos Champion? I believe you've got far too much hair on your head still, because like chronic baldness, when possessed or dedicated to the fell powers of the chaos gods, one tends to lose one's hair (at least on the head). And if you're a champion of Khorne, then your visage should be even more disfigured, to denoted the battles that you've been in over the many hundreds of years you've been alive. A few scars scattered around your face might be a good start.

The daemon of Nurgle is grand, as is the back story. Nurgle is the chaos god of decay and pestilence, so the flies would definitely be an integral part of your daemon's description. Disease would be spread wherever your daemon walked and it would do so because that's just how Nurgle works. If I were to suggest one thing though, it would be to put pustules or boils on its legs. The more putrid and decaying a daemon of Nurgle looks, the better. Don't be afraid to make the boils burst either, as that is quite commonplace for a follower of Nurgle.

Posted 28 July 2009 - 21:18

Posted 18 August 2009 - 12:32

My intent was to doing something different, but I just followed where my hands go and it ends up with pipes and some dudes around, I don't have a real clue what this is meant for

Posted 18 August 2009 - 13:46
Nice colours at the bottom of the cliffs near the lava, it really captures the sense of fire.


Posted 18 August 2009 - 14:33

Posted 18 August 2009 - 16:42

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