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#26 Camille

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Posted 19 August 2009 - 13:18

great job on the metal reflection :P
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#27 General

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Posted 19 August 2009 - 15:34

My version of the Librarian :

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I tried a different style of lighting :)

#28 Sgt. Nuker

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Posted 19 August 2009 - 19:11

Almost looks like he's posing or walking along a prison corridor, having passed in front of one of the very few lights along the way. What chapter is he from? To me, the hood suggests he's a Dark Angel, but the hooded look isn't just a Dark Angel thing.
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#29 General

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Posted 19 August 2009 - 19:15

Blood Raven, but ' my version ' :) my intent was to do it complete, but later I wanted to test that shading thing, only thing I personally liked is that his dark left shoulder, rest is messed up but I learned a few things :P

#30 General

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Posted 25 August 2009 - 16:34

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I first draw it as medal but change it to something more mysterious :P

#31 Camille

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Posted 25 August 2009 - 23:53

are those angel wings? :P it is a nice object, feels dangerous yet holy/unholy in a way.

also, did you type the fonts or did you scribble them randomly? if it's a font, which one is it?
it's time to wake up

#32 Sgt. Nuker

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Posted 26 August 2009 - 01:54

I would have asked if this was before of after the fall of Lucifer, but the pentagram at the very bottom of the amulet sort of answers that question for me. One area that could use improvement is the wings, more so the wings by the hilt of the sword rather than wrapped around the blade. Those feathers of the wings on top are too pointy and the spaces between are a bit jagged. Try for a smoother transition from the leading edge feather to each feather thereafter. The red tint to the gold gives off an air of Hell, so even if the amulet looks innocent enough, its origins aren't.
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#33 General

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Posted 26 August 2009 - 18:25

 Camille, on 26 Aug 2009, 1:53, said:

are those angel wings? :P it is a nice object, feels dangerous yet holy/unholy in a way.

also, did you type the fonts or did you scribble them randomly? if it's a font, which one is it?

I do them randomly , it takes less than one minute to write them for me, since I am very used to draw abstract things :P

 Warboss Nooka, on 26 Aug 2009, 3:54, said:

I would have asked if this was before of after the fall of Lucifer, but the pentagram at the very bottom of the amulet sort of answers that question for me. One area that could use improvement is the wings, more so the wings by the hilt of the sword rather than wrapped around the blade. Those feathers of the wings on top are too pointy and the spaces between are a bit jagged. Try for a smoother transition from the leading edge feather to each feather thereafter. The red tint to the gold gives off an air of Hell, so even if the amulet looks innocent enough, its origins aren't.

Thanks for the critic :loels:, my actualy intend was to draw a medal related to : '' Winning a conflict without zero civilian casualities '' , this medal should be given to that general but later I wanted to do it as Amulet of Lucifer since that star reminded me other things, then I added a pentagram in it and some fonts, then it turned into an Amulet :P And that Amulet not meant to be weared by Lucifer Himself, for His high ranked followers, like how 33rd degree Masons have a special symbol :likey:

#34 General

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Posted 03 September 2009 - 16:46

Son of a Blood God :loel:

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Wears a special armor which heavier than standart marine armor but lighter than terminator one, teleports directly to his business, excel at urban warfare, smarter than Khorne Berzerkers and acts cooler, but when he is angry; he completely loses control for a short period of time, hates Dark Eldar and wants to find a way to get in Commorragh, the dark eldar home city. God bless Dark Eldar if he finds a way in :P

#35 Sgt. Nuker

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Posted 03 September 2009 - 17:33

I'm actually surprised this "Son of Khorne" wears a helmet, let alone entertains the thought of shielding his head, because most champions of Chaos (and Berzerker champions) prefer not to. Probably something about the blood and gore they encounter would muddle their visors, making it difficult, if not impossible to see. If he did not wear a helmet, I imagine the mark of Khorne would be branded into his forehead (if it isn't anyway and is obscured from vision by the helmet. The lore for such a dark taint and vile opposition to the Imperium of Man is likely akin to Kharne, minus the bit where he's "level-headed" when not in the heat of battle. The detailing is excellent, including the skull of a Dark Eldar Warrior, hanging from his left shoulder pad. Should Khorne's "son" ever enter the Dark Eldar home world, the Chaos gods would certainly be appeased, for Khorne would laze about in the river of blood flowing, and Slaanesh would laugh with glee at the new experience the Dark Eldar are witnessing (and should one of Khorne's own souls be reaped, Slaanesh would have an exquisite feast.
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#36 General

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Posted 03 September 2009 - 17:38

I do the helmet to make him look like he is more durable, a simple headshot will not kill him so he will last longer to spill more blood, think of it his father wants to protect his lovely son :loel: but as you said this , I'll do an uncapped version :P

Edit : Here a test for uncapped version :

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You was right, its better without helmet, I'll keep the codex in my mind when designing another thing :P

Edited by Gabriel Angelos, 03 September 2009 - 18:06.

#37 General

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Posted 10 September 2009 - 09:03

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A research center I did some time ago, wasn't able to scan it so post it after a long time 8|

#38 TheDR

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Posted 10 September 2009 - 10:02

I like, i like it a lot 8|

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#39 Ion Cannon!

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Posted 10 September 2009 - 10:26

Thats kind of like the stuff I used to draw, yours is alot better though.
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#40 General

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Posted 30 September 2009 - 15:26

Must keep the thread fresh 8|

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Witch, not a big thing but I tried a different way of shading.

#41 General

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Posted 07 October 2009 - 13:20

Posted Image

'' We found it, we found it'' yelled the young digger, all of the research team cried out loud with happines as they hear the good news, all they hear about this legend was true, The Great Thinker, The Wise One, The Ancient, was right below of them; waiting in tranquility, for the day his punishment will end, He was the first creature to be created by God and sended to depths of the Earth after he take the side of Lucifer, but as all punishments has an end; after millions of years, after his body turned into tree like shape, he freed, he no longer possessed the ability to walk or touch yet he still have the most ancient true knowledge available; as he was eternal. He knew better than Lucifer about the first times, maybe not about middle ages and later but he clearly knew everything about heaven and hell and the truth of the world and he was eager to tell this to ' his saviours ' ...

Edited by Gabriel Angelos, 07 October 2009 - 13:21.

#42 Ion Cannon!

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Posted 07 October 2009 - 14:11

Really good stuff there.
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#43 Wizard


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Posted 07 October 2009 - 14:32

That's top draw GA. The over exposure effect is superb and the creation, whilst a terrifying glimpse into your demented mind 8| , is brilliant. Love seeing these.

#44 General

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Posted 07 October 2009 - 14:52

 Ion Cannon!, on 7 Oct 2009, 16:11, said:

Really good stuff there.

Thankies ^^

 Wizard, on 7 Oct 2009, 16:32, said:

That's top draw GA. The over exposure effect is superb and the creation, whilst a terrifying glimpse into your demented mind 8| , is brilliant. Love seeing these.

I draw a lot of experimental things which is beyond crazy, will not be suitable to post here though 8| And I will make sure you will see more of ' these ' as you love 8|

#45 Dauth

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Posted 07 October 2009 - 17:42

That sir, is freaking epic. You really should sell art of this quality.

#46 General

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Posted 07 October 2009 - 18:59

a good concept designer working in game or movie industry will slap you for this sentence 8| But thanks, I am glad atleast someone find it epic, that means a lot even if it looks good and interesting to a few person or only one 8| I am eager for the days to come when I make real quality art for top quality games ^_^

#47 CJ

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Posted 07 October 2009 - 19:07

 Gabriel Angelos, on 30 Sep 2009, 16:26, said:

Must keep the thread fresh 8|

Posted Image

Witch, not a big thing but I tried a different way of shading.

This is just epic, you sure are a great artist, and using only grey shadings makes me respect your talent even more.
Keep up the good work 8|

Oh and also : "You really should sell art of this quality." 8|

View PostChyros, on 11 November 2013 - 18:21, said:

I bet I could program an internet

#48 Kalo

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Posted 08 October 2009 - 05:33

 Gabriel Angelos, on 30 Sep 2009, 15:26, said:

Must keep the thread fresh 8|


Witch, not a big thing but I tried a different way of shading.


Edited by Kalo, 08 October 2009 - 05:33.

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[ER-Dev] Kalo Shin [USA]: The only thing I could do in safe mode
[ER-Dev] Kalo Shin [USA]: Is browse my porn photos
[ER-Dev] Kalo Shin [USA]: GIGGITY.

#49 General

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Posted 12 October 2009 - 15:42

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Slaanesh / God of Pain and Unrestricted Pleasures / Prince of Excess
as I know from the Warhammer lore it is supposed to be the most beautiful looking Chaos God, so I tried to do it both good looking but yet chaotic, but not so powerful or beastial thing.
One of its wings symbolises pain and other one the pleasure, its dress created by chosen flesh of fresh victims, its sexual organ is a snakeish creature, and it has both male and female characteristics, thats all I think, I hope you like it :)

Edited by Gabriel Angelos, 12 October 2009 - 15:42.

#50 Warbz

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Posted 12 October 2009 - 15:49

Another amazing sketch, but she has a beard?

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