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RA3: Southern Rising Cool Update

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#1 Gen.Kenobi

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Posted 31 July 2009 - 20:29

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Yeah...i decided to make a thread, them i'll be posting the updates for the mod.

I don't need to remember you that we're looking for codders and texture artits.

What's this mod's about?

It was supposed to be easy for the Soviet Union leaders. By entering the Time Machine and eliminating Albert Einstein, they expected to just gain the upper hand over the Allied forces. It worked, but there were also consequences.

Their actions have spawned the threat coming from the East, the Empire of the Rising Sun. Or so they've thought.... As the three greatest powers fight the greatest World War in history, a new power emerges from the South. Forged from the abuses of fanatical Allied anti-communism that caused the most difficult period in their region, they come not from land, nor air, nor seas. They come from space. The Forth, the secret brazilian army, emerges from the moon and starts it's path towards the same goal all other factions vie for: Complete global domination.

Yet, this is little compared to what could be stored in the other side of the world, as this invasion could start another new enemy as well, made of rusty steel, cogs, smoke... and asian hats. There will come a time when Singapore and it's Liberation Militia will have to arise and gain the freedom they so deserved from the oppressive Empire-controlled Republic through force. Like ants emerging from the ground, great numbers of this lowest technological, but determined army will come from nowhere and challenge the great highly technologically advanced powers everywhere.

World War III was ugly. And it's gonna get worse.

This is the premise for Red Alert 3: Southern Rising. FIVE factions, each with insidious and deadly equipment, strategy and technology make the ultimate face-off in FIVE different campaigns, each with it's own start and course, all with the usual recipe for humor, treason, drama... and hot girls.

And that's not all we have in mind. New terrain tileset are being planned to introduce you right into the Forth's main yard, Nova Luna, or the foreign lands of Singapore, as well as we'll be adding three more AI's to complement the aggressive AVGN and SLIM manners of war and improve the current ones for a more challenging gameplay experience.

SLIM Auto-Crossbow (Inf Weapon)

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Standard SLIM Infantry weapon.
Model by: Gen.Kenobi

SLIM Speec-Ops Weapon (Inf Weapon)

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Can fire mortar granades to clean occupied buildings.
308 polys.
Model by Gen.Kenobi

Codding Progress:

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Here you can see the flags of SLIM (on the top) and Forth on the bottom.

Thanks and any help would be greatly appreciated...

-Gen.Kenobi out
RA3: SR Co-leader

Edited by Gen.Kenobi, 07 August 2009 - 13:46.

"The entire ocean. The entire world. Wherever we want to go, we'll go. That's what a ship is, you know. It's not just a keel and a hull and a deck and sails, that's what a ship needs but what a ship is... what Tidal Wars really is... is freedom."
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kudos to Pasidon for this awesome avvy and siggy!

#2 Futschki


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Posted 31 July 2009 - 20:50

Hey gen. kenobi, I see ure getting over-excited about your modding skills, and so ure making lots of mods and stuff, you're improving greatly but I have to warn you that doing this might get you in a lot of confusion and thus to lots of dead mods so I advise you of focusing on 1 project at a time ...
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#3 Gen.Kenobi

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Posted 31 July 2009 - 20:53

This story again..no...*remembers Slye_Fox thread*
This project is already quite old, and already were announcead here. I'm just re-making a thread for better progress update overview. Plus i have a coder working with me, all coddign progress are credits to him: huhnu.

But we still looking for more members such as 2d artists and codders.
"The entire ocean. The entire world. Wherever we want to go, we'll go. That's what a ship is, you know. It's not just a keel and a hull and a deck and sails, that's what a ship needs but what a ship is... what Tidal Wars really is... is freedom."
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kudos to Pasidon for this awesome avvy and siggy!

#4 Futschki


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Posted 31 July 2009 - 21:12

Hey Gen. Kenobi if you noticed, Slye_Fox has been working on his mods for a longtime and luckily for him ZH is still somewhat popular. If you take the same time to finish your mods, there won't be many left to play them.

Well that's everything I have to tell you, the rest is up to you.

Edited by Abourror, 31 July 2009 - 21:13.

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#5 Gen.Kenobi

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Posted 31 July 2009 - 21:17

Thanks for your concern dude!

And i'm not the leader, i'm just the co-leader

Edited by Gen.Kenobi, 31 July 2009 - 21:18.

"The entire ocean. The entire world. Wherever we want to go, we'll go. That's what a ship is, you know. It's not just a keel and a hull and a deck and sails, that's what a ship needs but what a ship is... what Tidal Wars really is... is freedom."
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kudos to Pasidon for this awesome avvy and siggy!

#6 Slye_Fox

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Posted 31 July 2009 - 21:40

 Abourror, on 31 Jul 2009, 22:12, said:

luckily for him ZH is still somewhat popular

What has ZH's popularity got to do with me?

What are the polycounts on the weapons?
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#7 Gen.Kenobi

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Posted 31 July 2009 - 22:01

SLIM's Auto-crossbow: 296 polys
SLIM's Speec-Ops Weapon: 308 polys
"The entire ocean. The entire world. Wherever we want to go, we'll go. That's what a ship is, you know. It's not just a keel and a hull and a deck and sails, that's what a ship needs but what a ship is... what Tidal Wars really is... is freedom."
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kudos to Pasidon for this awesome avvy and siggy!

#8 Futschki


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Posted 31 July 2009 - 22:07

Slye_fox, Condition Red was a ZH mod wasn't it ??

Edited by Abourror, 31 July 2009 - 22:08.

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#9 Gen.Kenobi

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Posted 31 July 2009 - 22:16

I can't belive that this will be another hijacked thread...
"The entire ocean. The entire world. Wherever we want to go, we'll go. That's what a ship is, you know. It's not just a keel and a hull and a deck and sails, that's what a ship needs but what a ship is... what Tidal Wars really is... is freedom."
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kudos to Pasidon for this awesome avvy and siggy!

#10 Brad


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Posted 31 July 2009 - 23:28

Back on topic Plzthxbai.

Anyway, those models look very awesome, nice work on them.

And the in-game flags really need some work in my opinon, sorry. They looked blurred and pixelated.

Edited by Brad, 31 July 2009 - 23:28.

You almost did, didn't you?

#11 Gen.Kenobi

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Posted 31 July 2009 - 23:29


They look fine for me...
"The entire ocean. The entire world. Wherever we want to go, we'll go. That's what a ship is, you know. It's not just a keel and a hull and a deck and sails, that's what a ship needs but what a ship is... what Tidal Wars really is... is freedom."
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kudos to Pasidon for this awesome avvy and siggy!

#12 Brad


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Posted 31 July 2009 - 23:34

Its the top one, I don't think those white spots look nice on it, they kinda ruin it.

Also, you mean rising in the title right?
You almost did, didn't you?

#13 R3ven


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Posted 01 August 2009 - 18:24

yeh i am fixing the SLIM flag(and i do think he means rising btw) its because i didn't have time to manually resize them so i had the game do it but i will be fixing it up soon.

soon only because i am having minor difficulties with absolutely NO maps showing up when i go to skirmish to test the coding progress

#14 Gen.Kenobi

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Posted 01 August 2009 - 18:40

"The entire ocean. The entire world. Wherever we want to go, we'll go. That's what a ship is, you know. It's not just a keel and a hull and a deck and sails, that's what a ship needs but what a ship is... what Tidal Wars really is... is freedom."
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kudos to Pasidon for this awesome avvy and siggy!

#15 R3ven


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Posted 02 August 2009 - 05:08

has anyone lse gotten the problem with no maps showing up?
EDIT: nvm have this fixed and am now working on forth build mechanic :)
EDIT2:the messy looking SLIM flag cant be fixed unless a new one is made, which i highly doubt, so were going to have to deal with messy dots

Edited by huhnu, 02 August 2009 - 16:30.

#16 Gen.Kenobi

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Posted 06 August 2009 - 20:09


ALPHA is on the way!

Yeah that's right! Our coder huhnu is beign pushed by me (he doesn't mind) and we are getting an ALPHA version of RA3: Southern Rizng ready. What we'll have at the ALPHA?

Forth faction added with the build style working fully functional, but no new units. Howerver the Alpha access will be limited. If you're interested in applying, PM me here. We have about 5 slots open to people that are really interested in giving feeback about the build type and to make the mod balanced. If you'll just play, please don't ask for Alpha testing. Alpha may be buggy but it's just for build style and ballance feedback.


-Gen.Kenobi out.
"The entire ocean. The entire world. Wherever we want to go, we'll go. That's what a ship is, you know. It's not just a keel and a hull and a deck and sails, that's what a ship needs but what a ship is... what Tidal Wars really is... is freedom."
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kudos to Pasidon for this awesome avvy and siggy!

#17 R3ven


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Posted 09 August 2009 - 20:12

gen.kenobi, if i ever meet you, your getting hurt, there is a major bug in the build style right now and i am still fixing it -_-

dont release the alpha D:


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