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Frequently Asked Questions

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#1 Hobbesy

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Posted 01 August 2009 - 01:04

I thought making a FAQ would help clear up some of the more common questions on forum features I see in this forum.


Question: How do I embed Youtube videos?

Answer: Click on "Insert Special Item" and choose "Insert: Youtube". Take the link to the video you want to embed, and copy the numbers at the end of url. (youtube.com/watch?v=3HrsN182IA6) Then paste those numbers in the window that opens up after you click on the "Insert: Youtube" button to embed the video in your post.

The embedded code should look like this:



Question: What is "Flood Control" and why does it take so long to post again?

Answer: Flood Control is there to help stop spambots and otherwise from posting inappropriate materials and to slow them down so the staff can clean them up easier.

(Credit to Brad for this Q/A).


Question: Why are some of the names on the memberlist italicized?

Answer: An italicized name on the memberlist means a user is currently adding a reply or making a thread.

(Credit to Brad for this Q/A).


Question: Why do my posts appear in an outline, and how do I get them back to normal?

Answer: To get them back to normal, simply scroll to the top, and on the openers post, there should be a "Options" button. Click on it and choose "Normal" underneath "Display Modes".

Example of Outline Mode: Posted Image

(Credit to Brad for this Q/A).


Question: How do I get a custom user title.

Answer: You gain the ability to set a custom user title when your post count reaches 500, before that your user title is preset and you cannot change it. To change your title when you reach 500 posts go into the "My Controls" section and click on "Profile Information" this will allow you to set a custom user title. Simply type in the desired title in the text box next to the "Custom Member Title" scroll down and select "Amend my profile". Your custom user title will now appear under your username.

(Credit to Ion Cannon for this Q/A).


Question: How do I put images into my post?

Answer: First of all, if it is your own picture, use a picture hosting site such as photobucket or imageshack, or if it is a picture you saw on the web, right click on the image and click on 'copy image location'. Then in your post you will see a small icon with a picture in it, click on that and paste your image location link into the box that appears and click ok.


(Credit to Brad for this Q/A).


Anyone else posting in the thread feel free to make more FAQs so I can add them to the OP. If you think I need to edit the thread ask an admin or contact me over PM, I really don't want other posts clogging this up.

Edited by Høbbesy, 03 August 2009 - 00:52.

#2 TheDR

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Posted 01 August 2009 - 01:07

Great idea Høbbesy *Pins thread*

Hopefully we will see a post full of lots of Q&A soon enough.
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#3 Brad


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Posted 01 August 2009 - 01:13

Question: What is "Flood Control"?

Answer: Flood Control is there to help stop spambots posting inappropriate materials.

Question: What do the Italic names mean at the bottom?

Answer: That happens when a user is using the add reply button. ( I think )

Question: Why do the posts appear like this and how do I get them back to normal: Posted Image?

Answer:( I am unsure why it happens ) To get them back to normal, simply scroll to the top, and on the openers post, there should be a options button, click on it, and chose "Normal" underneath Display.

Edited by Brad, 01 August 2009 - 01:16.

You almost did, didn't you?

#4 Ion Cannon!

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Posted 01 August 2009 - 01:27


Question: How do I get a custom user title.

Answer: You gain the ability to set a custom user title when your post count reaches 500, before that your user title is preset and you cannot change it. To change your title when you reach 500 posts go into the "My Controls" section and click on "Profile Information" this will allow you to set a custom user title. Simply type in the desired title in the text box next to the "Custom Member Title" scroll down and select "Amend my profile". Your custom user title will now appear under your username.
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#5 Chyros

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Posted 01 August 2009 - 08:12

Can one of the admins put up a link to this like the one for forum rules & guidelines, front page, data bunker etc.?

The brave hide behind technology. The stupid hide from it. The clever have technology, and hide it.
—The Book of Cataclysm

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#6 Wizard


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Posted 01 August 2009 - 12:07

We're about to add the donations link in there so yes, we'll put this there to.

Edit: A good idea Hobbesy :likey:

Edited by Wizard, 01 August 2009 - 12:07.

#7 Su8perkillr

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Posted 01 August 2009 - 23:08

i only have a Q: how do you add a picture? cuz i can only add smaller ones that need to be clicked to be senn fully.
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#8 BeefJeRKy

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Posted 01 August 2009 - 23:18

Using an image hosting service like photobucket or imageshack and then wrap its link in [img] tags.
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#9 Brad


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Posted 01 August 2009 - 23:23

View PostScope, on 2 Aug 2009, 0:18, said:

Using an image hosting service like photobucket or imageshack and then wrap its link in [img] tags.


Right click on the image and click copy image location, then paste it into your post and wrap it in img tags

Q&A form:
Question: How do I put images into my post?

Answer: First of all, if it is your own picture, use a picture hosting site such as photobucket or imageshack, or if it is a picture you saw on the web, right click on the image and click on 'copy image location'. Then in your post you will see a small icon with a picture in it, click on that and paste your image location link into the box that appears and click ok.

Edited by Brad, 01 August 2009 - 23:24.

You almost did, didn't you?

#10 Wizard


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Posted 01 August 2009 - 23:34

This is what the code should look like to work correctly. Obviously your "youraccount" & "thepicturename" are contextual

#11 Brad


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Posted 01 August 2009 - 23:37

View PostWizard, on 2 Aug 2009, 0:34, said:

This is what the code should look like to work correctly. Obviously your "youraccount" & "thepicturename" are contextual

Add the Q&A to the OP you lazy Admin :)
You almost did, didn't you?

#12 Libains

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Posted 01 August 2009 - 23:40

*does Admin's job as always*

If this page goes onto the top, I will purge it of posts to keep it nice and clean every once in a while.

*Gets beaten to job by Admin*

Wiz, I was trying to prove a non-existant point here!

Edited by AJ, 01 August 2009 - 23:40.

For there can be no death without life.

#13 Brad


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Posted 01 August 2009 - 23:43

View PostAJ, on 2 Aug 2009, 0:40, said:

*does Admin's job as always*

If this page goes onto the top, I will purge it of posts to keep it nice and clean every once in a while.

*Gets beaten to job by Admin*

Wiz, I was trying to prove a non-existant point here!

You silly Moderators! |8
Stop fighting amongst yourselves and contribute to the topic :)
You almost did, didn't you?

#14 Dauth

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Posted 13 February 2010 - 23:39

Shouldn't something like this be put in the much underused and generally ignored help section?


#15 CodeCat

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Posted 13 February 2010 - 23:53

I think your question answered itself. 8|

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Go dtiomsaítear do chód gan earráidí, is go gcríochnaítear do chláir go réidh. -Old Irish proverb

#16 Hobbesy

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Posted 14 February 2010 - 04:41

You actually expect newcomers to use that thing?

#17 Dauth

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Posted 14 February 2010 - 09:50

View PostHobbesy, on 14 Feb 2010, 4:41, said:

You actually expect newcomers to use that thing?

No, I don't expect anyone to use it. Its as worthless as an appendix. It hasn't been updated in at least two years (my tenure as staff+admin) and would probably better serve us by being totally rewritten or removed and a link left to a clean thread with the FAQ posted by someone in the leadership.

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