It has two faction, the Western Coalition, WC, composed of entire north america; and the European Union Defense Force, EUDF, the military arm of the EU, composed of practically all countries in the EU.
So far I have 4 units ingame. All of the EUDF.
-Leopard 3 Schwerer LaserWaffen Panzer (SLWPz) (Heavy LaserWeapon Tank)
-Leopard 4 Schwerer Angriffs LaserWaffenPanzer (SALWPz) (Heavy Assault LaserWeapon Tank)
-Gepard 4 Luft Abwehr LaserWaffen Panzer (LALWPz) (AntiAir LaserWeapon Tank)
-EF2000X EuroFighter, an upgraded EF2000.
As you can see, the EUDF uses mostly Directed Energy Weapons, even the missiles of the Eurofighter are energy weapons
While the WC uses mostly conventional weapons,for that time, not normal cannons, and stealth. The EUDF uses specialised units, an the WC uses multipurpose units.
And I have several ingame shots too, that show the EF2000X, Leopard 4 and Leopard 3 and Gepard 4, in that order.
ModDB profile.
Edited by Sgt. Rho, 01 August 2009 - 02:06.