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Duplicated content question

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#1 Dauth

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Posted 10 August 2009 - 17:23

On the FSDB for several of our modifications we have both faction pages and Manual:faction pages. Should these pages be merged together. The original design was conceived during the creation of the wiki as a SWR project before it was taken over by the community.

I think we should merge the pages to save confusion and also keep all information in a more ordered manner.

#2 BeefJeRKy

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Posted 10 August 2009 - 17:26

I find that suggestion to be reasonable. Sure why not?
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#3 Wizard


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Posted 10 August 2009 - 18:15

Bit of a no brainer if you ask me. Why have it twice?

#4 Dauth

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Posted 10 August 2009 - 18:18

I'll use the example from ROTR to show

http://wiki.falloutstudios.net/wiki/Russia..._of_the_Reds%29 - Faction page
http://wiki.falloutstudios.net/wiki/Manual...Factions/Russia Manual:faction page

#5 CodeCat

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Posted 10 August 2009 - 19:23

There are two different pages for a reason, and I have explained this before. The manuals are for the project to manage, so it's their choice how to format it and what content to put up. The pages in the main namespace are for anyone to edit, and they reflect 'community knowledge' rather than project-sanctioned information.

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#6 Dauth

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Posted 13 August 2009 - 07:52

The only information released about the factions comes from the projects. Especially the ROTR information which was put up well before anyone knew about the wiki and hasn't been altered since. I understand the community pages for game factions since they are interpreted by the masses but when it comes to modifications there is a smaller audience who are much more willing to listen to the official statements. The community only knows what its told and its only told official stuff by the team.

#7 Dauth

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Posted 04 October 2009 - 12:15

As I said 6 weeks ago without response, people don't write content for the modification factions, they leave that to the modification teams.

I've knocked up a combination page as an example and if people think its looks OK then I will make the rest.

Edited by Dauth, 04 October 2009 - 12:16.

#8 Libains

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Posted 04 October 2009 - 19:18

Do it, it'll make life easier. Just leave the links behind for the non-manual pages so that we don't start losing people in there. Oh, and we'll probably have to sort out the issue with the infobox and the manual TOC, but that should be simple enough.
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