Metal Mania
Posted 17 March 2010 - 01:28
Posted 17 March 2010 - 06:47
an instrument:
Edited by n5p29, 17 March 2010 - 07:01.

NProject Mod -- Recolonize -- Tidal Wars
Posted 18 March 2010 - 12:41
Of Trivium these were my favourite songs:
While I'm here, have some Gallows:
A band with a great twist of punk and metal, they released their album Orchestra of Wolves in 2006, and still sound great to me.

Posted 18 March 2010 - 15:07
Nidmeister, on 18 Mar 2010, 19:41, said:
kinda agree. the style changed in the crusade album, but in shogun album it seems they try to return to their style.
for ascendancy, I like the pull harder on the strings of your martyr and a gunshot to the head of trepidation.

NProject Mod -- Recolonize -- Tidal Wars
Posted 19 March 2010 - 01:14
n5p29, on 18 Mar 2010, 15:07, said:
Nidmeister, on 18 Mar 2010, 19:41, said:
kinda agree. the style changed in the crusade album, but in shogun album it seems they try to return to their style.
for ascendancy, I like the pull harder on the strings of your martyr and a gunshot to the head of trepidation.
Well you guys have already named my favorite trivium songs, though I keep meaning to have a proper listen to their discography at some point.
Gallows... well... I really don't like the vocal style, and the lyrics weren't my style. The musicians have some talent though.
Posted 02 April 2010 - 22:18
I love the atmosphere to this track.
What can I say, some vocals aside I love this song - It blends elements of Progressive, Doom and Death metal all into one, for such a short song it crams alot in, even a flute melody / solo section.
Edited by Lexor, 02 April 2010 - 22:23.
Posted 03 April 2010 - 16:29
Edge and pearl is abit more metal and less SID but the next song will be other way around.
If any of you have played a game called Jets'N'Guns , these guys made the soundtrack for it.
hope you like it

Edited by Wanderer, 03 April 2010 - 16:30.
Posted 08 April 2010 - 22:49
Posted 22 April 2010 - 01:41
Since hearing this song its become one of my dream theater favorites.
This is just pure awesome. Scottish Pirate Metal

Sounds quite like Symphony-X, not that thats a bad thing
Not really my thing, but someone will probably like it.
Most people into thrash have probably heard of Evile, but I thought I would put this up anyway.
Finally a bit more dream theater, yes I post to much of their stuff probably but its just so fucking epic. They should be one of the most celebrated bands in the world, not all the fucking RnB / Rap / Dance bollocks.
This song is, well bombastic and overindulgent at times, but I think it remains as one of their best. The solos just blow your mind.
Posted 10 June 2010 - 14:27
Next something a bit more accessible, and i'm fairly sure some people will appreciate this next band. Kamelot is a symphonic metal band, like Nightwish, Epica ect.
Next, some Wintersun, especially impressive as its almost all done by one guy.
Now some Tool, i'm not the biggest fan of their stuff, but I like some of it. Including this track - Vicarious.
Posted 31 July 2010 - 17:19
I may rarely post but I do enjoy this thread Ion, it's a shame to see it die every now and again.
And I'm sure some will disagree but I find Fightstar to be rather enjoyable

Posted 31 July 2010 - 17:37
Seriously, what kinda silly person starts shouting like a madman from the first second of a song (Elysium)?
The only good song among these 3 is "The City Ignites", but I wouldn't even classify it as metal

Ion Cannon!, on 10 Jun 2010, 15:27, said:
Just for the record, Nightwish and Epica are more of Female-fronted Gothic Metal, not Symphonic D:
Kamelot's music is rather good actually

Edited by CJ, 31 July 2010 - 17:43.
Posted 31 July 2010 - 17:55
He clearly feels very strongly for what he is screaming about, otherwise he would be screaming.

Posted 30 August 2010 - 00:20
The "metal" part starts at about 3min50 if you don't like the intro theres a great solo at 8mins as well, I personally love how one section moves into the other though. However this is far from the heaviest song on the album.
For a comparison heres a song from Part 1.
Even if neither of these songs are really your cup of tea if your a fan of prog / prog rock I would advise you to at least have a listen to the entire album, as its hard to get the full effect when every song is designed to link with the others.
Iron maiden prove with their new album that they're still a force to be reckoned with, its not the best IM album no, but its still a good listen. So heres a track "The Alchemist" from their new (and supposedly final) album, The Final Frontier.
Something I listened to again for the first time in ages, At The Gates - Slaughter of the Soul, pioneering swedish death metal, sadly its turned into metalcore with bands like Sonic Syndicate *Sigh*
Not normally a fan of Chimaira, but I really quite like this song, this is one of the things I started listening to when I was 14, ah memories

Posted 30 August 2010 - 09:24
As far as Iron Maiden goes; really, go away. This seems to be the only band that can get away with doing the same thing over and over and over again. I may seem a bit prejudiced but the song just sounds exactly like people want it to sound and I'm sure thousands of their fans don't want it any different, but I don't see the use of living in the past like that. Iron Maiden, make room in the records store please. At live venues nobody really cares for any relatively new song anyway, just about the classics and all. I remember when they announced this new album at Wacken two years ago. One unimpressive 'yay' from the crowd in front and after that nobody really cared anymore.
At the gates, probably the heaviest of the 'great three' together with In Flames and Dark Tranquillity, but for that I also like them the least. I'm more liking the gimmicky styles DT and IF have take on, although I know lots of metal fans really disagree with me there. Oh well.
There really isn't anything quite like Chimaira when you desire some raw stereotypical agressive metal to listen to in a boring journey to a boring destination. The video is locked for off site viewing btw.
I don't know if you guys know Pendulum's joint venture with In Flames. It basically resulted in a catchy in flames song with drum and bass. Pretty cool:
CJ, on 31 Jul 2010, 19:37, said:
Ugh, what?
Come and tell me this is not symphonic.
You seem to still be under the impression that every band that sports a female singer is a Gothic band. It is clearly not. Epica is also much heavier and I would probably classify them Symphonic Death Metal in their current state, listening to this:
Anyhow, to finish up this endless classification debate, I would classify the following as Gothic metal:
It is much more a debate on style rather than just the format of a female fronted metal band. Gothic metal bands also work better and are more often seen with passionate, slightly neurotic male vocalists.
There is a huge difference between the last and the top two songs. Will you still throw them under the same name? I think not.
Edited by Shirou, 30 August 2010 - 09:50.

Posted 30 August 2010 - 12:12
Shirou, on 30 Aug 2010, 10:24, said:
As far as Iron Maiden goes; really, go away. This seems to be the only band that can get away with doing the same thing over and over and over again. I may seem a bit prejudiced but the song just sounds exactly like people want it to sound and I'm sure thousands of their fans don't want it any different, but I don't see the use of living in the past like that. Iron Maiden, make room in the records store please. At live venues nobody really cares for any relatively new song anyway, just about the classics and all. I remember when they announced this new album at Wacken two years ago. One unimpressive 'yay' from the crowd in front and after that nobody really cared anymore.
At the gates, probably the heaviest of the 'great three' together with In Flames and Dark Tranquillity, but for that I also like them the least. I'm more liking the gimmicky styles DT and IF have take on, although I know lots of metal fans really disagree with me there. Oh well.
There really isn't anything quite like Chimaira when you desire some raw stereotypical agressive metal to listen to in a boring journey to a boring destination. The video is locked for off site viewing btw.
I don't know if you guys know Pendulum's joint venture with In Flames. It basically resulted in a catchy in flames song with drum and bass. Pretty cool:
I'm not the biggest IM fan myself, but I thought I would post it anyway I know what you mean about the same sound though. But its true, sometimes we don't want our bands to change their sound, I loved most IF stuff up until Come Clarity, it had a few tracks I liked but more that I didn't, their newest album - A Sense of Purpose, I really don't like that much, I would have much preferred that they stuck to the same sound in Colony / Clayman.
I actually agree with you, i've always preferred DT and IF, hence why I only posted this now. Its still a hell of alot better than the metalcore shit which has evolved from it. I like KSE (well, wasn't much a fan of their latest album) but the other metalcore bands on the whole annoy me.
I've heard IF's joint venture with Pendulum, it wasn't bad, but I didn't think it was anything special either.
Posted 10 October 2010 - 23:01
Posted 25 October 2010 - 15:03
This first song is taken from another of Arjen Lucassens projects, his new Star One album, Victims of the Modern Age. It's probably his heaviest album to date, and the singing repertoire is impressive, particularily those of Russell Allen (Symphony X)
This is just a stream, the album isn't officially out yet, the youtube streams are terrible quality, hence the offsite link.
Star One - Digital Rain
Ah Opeth, I don't believe I have posted anything by these music maestro's, Opeths style is that of Progressive Death Metal. I don't know that much about Opeth though, at least compared to other bands. Heres one of the Opeth songs I have enjoyed listening to.
This next song is by a band called Dominici, sound familiar? Thats because its frontman / founder is the ex-vocalist of Dream Theater. Yeah, its more prog..
Aaaand more prog..
And what the hell, heres one of my favorite songs by Porcupine Tree, so its not technically metal, sue me.
I'm also going to plug a band called Iron Thrones, you can listen to and download their first album "Visons of Light" for free here.Iron Thrones (Warning contains screaming / growling)
Edited by Ion Cannon!, 25 October 2010 - 15:08.
Posted 25 October 2010 - 16:47
Gateways is the single of Dimmu Borgir's new album. It has everything their style has changed into with this new album. For starters, this album is more of a continuation of Death Cult Armageddon in that it is very, very orchestral! They used a 100 man orchestra to record the album and there are very little parts where there is no part for the classical platoon. I would post another song, titled ''Dimmu Borgir'' simply, if I could find it on 'tube but this one will do just as fine for this purpose, and it has a videoclip.
Delain, a very cool 'gothic' female fronted metal band. Originally a spin off project from Within Temptation, they have imo grown to be just as good as the much more popular WT. Sports the same ''poppy'' accessibility as WT, although its a bit more atmospheric than Within Temptation currently is. Another videoclip.
Thread was lacking this:
Edited by Shirou, 26 October 2010 - 17:09.

Posted 12 April 2011 - 19:30
I've already posted this in the music thread but what the hell, here it is again.
This is one of the promo songs for the new Scar Symmetry album, I loved their older stuff to the point of obsession but was dissapointed by their earlier work. This new album seems to signal a return to their roots and I find I don't miss Christians vocals anymore either. The intro sounds sort of futuristic, metallic, almost as if a soundtrack for say Mass Effect was metalised. Anyway, enjoy

This next song is by progressive power metal band Sonata Arctica, they are a hot and cold band for me, I love some of their songs but find others have no real substance to them, the below song is a hot song obviously. Has a great intro and I love the entire song, I've found the vocals grew on me over time. The entire song has a really solid chug to it and the lyrics are really catchy.
Again I've already posted this is the music thread, but fuck it, here it is again! Although this one has the bonus of an ingame concert. Metal + Games, doesn't get much better than that!
I can't make my mind up with this one, I like the heavy guitars and the overall sound but I find the female clean vocals a bit sickly sweet, but hey, see what you think. One thing is however certain, the new album they put out - Bizarro World.. Yucky...
I also find myself listening to about half prog rock and half metal at the moment, so heres a really good prog rock song, though it has some metal elements you couldn't call it metal. It's a long un, so two parts, again shame the quality is so crap, if you want to hear a better quality version send me a PM.
As before your own suggestions and thoughts are welcomed.
Edited by Ion Cannon!, 12 April 2011 - 20:07.
Posted 13 April 2011 - 13:44
Posted 13 April 2011 - 14:11
Sonata Arctica... Never liked their style TBH, but this sounds somewhat decent compared to their other songs
Posted 13 April 2011 - 14:40
I think my favorite Sonata Arctica album is Reckoning Night, thats the album the above song is taken from as well. Although I do have their entire discography I admit I haven't given all of it a proper listen yet. I count a proper listen as about 10-20 times, while paying attention to the music and not doing something in the background, or at least not something that detracts from the music.
Oh and I have to say that while I like the new Scar Symmetry song released it's still not quite as good as their older stuff. Best examples being - Pretty much the entirety of the Pitch Black Progress album with particular mention for "The Illusionist" "Deviate From The Form" & "Dreaming 24/7"
Edited by Ion Cannon!, 13 April 2011 - 14:46.
Posted 04 May 2011 - 22:23
Melodic Death Metal
Power Metal
Progressive Metal, though if you look through some of their stuff it has more death influenced sections as well.
I don't like much Tool stuff, but I do like this. It grew on me. As for genre.. I guess Tool are prog/art rock.
Nothing special about this, I just like the odd listen to Rob Zombie and maybe you will to.
Oh and I would be really interested in your opinions on the riverside song I posted before.
Edited by Ion Cannon!, 04 May 2011 - 22:24.
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