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Metal Mania

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#76 Ion Cannon!

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Posted 14 May 2011 - 14:41

No comments?
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#77 CJ

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Posted 15 May 2011 - 18:07

I'm already a huge listener of rhapsody, so I have nothing to say about their song :xD:
Rob Zombie sounds great as well, gonna download some of his songs to judge of that later, but concerning Tool and Omnium, they're definitely not the kind of groups I'd listen to... (especially Tool)

As of Amorphys, I kinda like that song, but wouldn't really even classify it as metal :xD:

Also, I figure I might as well post some actual songs here for once so here you go :

First, there's this symphonic death metal band I only started listening to lately (I wish had discovered them earlier considering they gave a concert in Tunisia last year x__x)

And then, there's this newly formed band I discovered during this year's Mediterranean Guitar Festival, and I kinda like their style a lot, the presence of 3 vocalists is a great idea, it provides a sort of mix between 3 distinct genres. I'll leave you as a judge of that :xD:

And I'll end with one of my favourite songs, which is rather well known anyway :

Bonus track :
Disclaimer: this was posted on FB by Hobbes, therefore I take no responsibility for the eventual amount of silliness in this video 8|

Edited by CJ, 15 May 2011 - 18:09.

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#78 Ion Cannon!

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Posted 16 May 2011 - 18:21

I like the sound of Haggard, Amaranthe isn't bad, but its to poppy for my liking and I've already heard that Nightwish song obviously.
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#79 CJ

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Posted 16 May 2011 - 18:50

Yeah, Amaranthe is one of those groups that's causing some problems among purists anyway, I personally don't care about the genre as long as I like the rhythms/lyrics.

Another group I've discovered lately : Magica, I like their music but I honestly can't give you any song name yet, cause I haven't heard enough to judge D;

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#80 CJ

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Posted 19 May 2011 - 21:03

I'm aware that this is a double post, but to hell with it 8|

There's a rather good band out there which decided to make it's latest album available for free, now it's not the best band I've listened to, but their music is fairly decent so I thought I might post about it.

Here's 2 songs by them :

And here's their website, where you can find the free album download : http://www.onewithout.com/

Edited by CJ, 19 May 2011 - 21:04.

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#81 Ion Cannon!

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Posted 30 May 2011 - 17:43

New stuffs.

First we have Gojira, a technical death metal band, normally I'm not a huge fan of tech death but this song, I rather like. I think It's because it doesn't have the scratchy vocals and ridiculous tinny drumming which are a-typical of the subgenre. That or I just haven't listened to enough tech death to get a feel for it.

Now if your CJ you will know I'm currently having a love affair with Devin Townsend, if your not, you won't.. Anyway he has two albums coming out in the near future, one is crazy, heavy and packed to the seams with energy and the other is a very tame, blissfully calm affair. Here's some stuff from the more metal album "Deconstruction". A warning if you check out the title track though, it is absolutely insane, in fact its deliberately obnoxious and very hard to listen to. The rest of the album while still being technical and somewhat difficult is much easier to digest.

If your not a fan of low energy stuff, skip to about 2.45 ^

And heres another.

Next up we have something from a band called The Human Abstract, their music is a mish mash of different styles, containing progressive elements, melodic elements and it also has a neo-classical feel to it. The music is great, interesting and complicated, but I'm not a fan of the vocals, it sounds very generic and the screams/growls aren't anything impressive. Still worth a listen though, the song below also has a Muse feel it it at times, which is refreshing.

Now something by Tyr, It's clean viking/norse metal, the vocalist has a very definitive voice. Still on the fence about these guys. But they do have talent. Also has a killer solo.

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#82 Areze

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Posted 02 June 2011 - 00:13

My tastes for metal vary a bit. I can go from folkish type stuff (Korpiklaani and Eluvietie spring to mind,) to darker music like this. This is probably my favorite Finntroll song. I like the overall effect, and love the chorus' atmosphere.

This band was in the above's related videos tab. I'm very impressed.

This is an example of the folkish that I was talking about:

I'll admit that Youtube's thumbnails make the videos look ridiculous before you click on them though. |8

EDIT: Herp derp I can't spell.

Edited by Areze, 02 June 2011 - 00:14.

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#83 CJ

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Posted 02 June 2011 - 09:36

Dark Tranquillity are indeed a great band, actually it was thanks to them that I started listening to death metal, as they were the perfect example of the fact that metal isn't as focused on the grunts as one might think in the first place.

It's also funny how you mentioned Eluveitie just when I finished downloading their last album (I really like celtic music |8 )

View PostChyros, on 11 November 2013 - 18:21, said:

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#84 Ion Cannon!

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Posted 02 June 2011 - 12:47

 CJ, on 2 Jun 2011, 10:36, said:

Dark Tranquillity are indeed a great band, actually it was thanks to them that I started listening to death metal, as they were the perfect example of the fact that metal isn't as focused on the grunts as one might think in the first place.

It's also funny how you mentioned Eluveitie just when I finished downloading their last album (I really like celtic music |8 )

Indeed, I've been a fan of DT for ages now, I have to say though that Shadow In Our Blood is not their best track. Pretty much every song from Fiction/Character/Damage Done are all great.

Oh and Areze, if you like folk, check out Armod by Falconer. I think you'll approve. The entire album is in Swedish however.

Edited by Ion Cannon!, 02 June 2011 - 12:59.

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#85 Areze

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Posted 02 June 2011 - 18:33

 Ion Cannon!, on 2 Jun 2011, 7:47, said:

Indeed, I've been a fan of DT for ages now, I have to say though that Shadow In Our Blood is not their best track. Pretty much every song from Fiction/Character/Damage Done are all great.

Oh and Areze, if you like folk, check out Armod by Falconer. I think you'll approve. The entire album is in Swedish however.

If the above isn't their best, their best must be badass then. :)


The entire album is in Swedish however.

Like that's ever stopped me. :beer: I'll get on that, thanks for the recommendation.
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#86 CJ

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Posted 02 June 2011 - 18:37

Waylander is not bad as well, and it's not in Swedish :beer:

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#87 Areze

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Posted 02 June 2011 - 20:53

The vocal range that the lead singer has here is amazing. I'm very impressed.

I know I posted this band several times, but I'd like to hear what people actually thought of them. They are probably my favorite, by far. Just pure musical genius, such as this masterpiece.

Also, I checked up on the two bands mentioned. So far so great. :)

EDIT: Sorry for hijacking your thread Ion. :beer:

Edited by Areze, 02 June 2011 - 20:53.

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#88 Ion Cannon!

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Posted 05 June 2011 - 23:58

Oh don't be, if I don't get feedback and the like theres no point me continuing it anyway. I have had a brief listen to Moonsorrow, though not yet enough, It's on my to-listen to list.
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#89 Areze

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Posted 06 June 2011 - 17:42

All right then. Well, did you listen to enough to form an opinion yet? If so, how is it?
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#90 jnengland77


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Posted 07 June 2011 - 05:44

I'll have to check out some of the bands in this thread, that I just noticed the other day. Hopefully, I'll have more time to do so.

We can never have too much Dream Theater.

This is about the only black metal band I've liked and I've previewed some of their other stuff, but not really my thing. It must be the spacey feel of this album. Not fond of some of the vocals, but the non-black metal vocals sound good.

How about some Iced Earth? One of my favorites from them, and great quality from a live performance. I prefer the live version over either original (different vocalist) or the re-recording with Matt Barlow (who sings in the live performance).

I've been listening to the Ayreon album, 01011001 ,I bought recently and intend to buy more!

#91 Ion Cannon!

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Posted 10 June 2011 - 16:57

Moonsorrow song, found the riff a bit samey, it seemed to go on a bit and IMO a song should never feel to long or to short. I liked the little flourishes on the guitar now and again but I can't see myself adding it to my regular listens.

@jnengland 77 - You speak words of wisdom on dream theater, though I don't listen to them as much as I used to, as I've listened to them to death. Similarily on Ayreon, can't get enough of them. Arjen Lucassen is a genius. Iced earth I have heard of, but never really listened to anything they've done, I'll try and remedy that later. I have a similar opinion on black metal, I generally like the music but the vocals always kill it for me.
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#92 Areze

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Posted 11 June 2011 - 00:35

Eh, I guess it isn't for everyone. They've got a prog influence, afaik. A lot of their stuff is long, like 14+ minutes, thereabouts. Their style seems to vary from song to song, especially later on. I actually found the newer stuff to be some of their best.

As for jnengland's vids, the Dream Theater video doesn't work, unfortunately. Just a blank white block. The Ayreon video was alright, but a little bouncy for me. One of the related songs, Liquid Eternity, was good. The instrumentals were great, but the vocals didn't really do it for me at parts. Overall, not my taste, but they are very good.

The Iced Earth song, but the screeching got annoying at parts. No offense, but I didn't like those parts much.
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#93 Sicarius


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Posted 30 June 2011 - 05:55

I've come face to face with myself, man.
Sanctify the early light just like the old man can, boy!
Change the world? You'd better change yourself, man/ boy/ man
Challenge the mind to be more like the rolling ocean, man!

#94 Ion Cannon!

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Posted 14 July 2011 - 12:40

As most of you know I'm a big fan of Symphony X and Dream Theater. Planning to buy Symphony X's new album when I get back home, and DT have also released a new song from their new album :xD: It sounds more like Images and Words than their newer stuff, which is just fine by me. Jordan Rudess has also stated it's far from the most complicated song on the album. I tend to think the DT singles are never the highlights of their respective albums, so this bodes well if the single is this good.

Internet is being slow so can't post the Symphony X song yet.
- Actually, you can find that yourself ^

But heres something you probably won't find by yourself.

Edited by Ion Cannon!, 14 July 2011 - 14:07.

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#95 Ion Cannon!

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Posted 28 July 2011 - 11:27

Any thoughts on the new dream theater song?

And seeing as I'm back in civilisation now, probably ought to update this. Extra long to make up for the lack of updates for so long. Or it would have been but " Sorry, but you have posted more media files than you are allowed to " Fucking IPB3! Until then I'll split this into two posts.

Heres some good quality prog from Circus Maximus, shame about the youtube quality.

Oh I said two? make that alot more, can only post 1 media file per post... Pt2

One of Devin Townsends mellower songs, it has quite an uplifting feel to it on the whole.

Oh it autocombines posts? what the fuck... ah nvm.

A song from the new Rhapsody of Fire album, it features some black vocals, which I usually hate, but it kind of works here.

I still haven't listened to much Iced Earth, but I quite like this, Tim Owens range is incredible.

Our favourite viking metallers have also released a new album, its your standard viking fare, continuing in the trend of their previous albums, has some really nice guitar work though.

Now the media thing isn't even fucking working..

More prog, though it takes more elements from power metal than heavy metal.

Yeah more prog, but a different kind. I love the slightly haunting intro. I just wish all prog vocalists didn't sound so damn similar.

Lastly a massively underated English prog band, I've posted their stuff before, but no harm posting more.

Comments and your own suggestions welcomed :D

Edited by Ion Cannon!, 28 July 2011 - 20:07.

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#96 Ion Cannon!

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Posted 28 July 2011 - 20:13

The first minute of this song may well be the most epic intro ever.

Edited by Ion Cannon!, 28 July 2011 - 20:14.

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#97 Ion Cannon!

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Posted 05 August 2011 - 18:31

So nobody wants to comment or suggest? or has this just been missed?

Oh theres also this,

It's hard rock, but quite aggressive with some elements taken from black metal, the vocalists range is quite something. Not sure if I actually like it or not, going to listen to a bit more and see if it grows on me.

Edited by Ion Cannon!, 05 August 2011 - 18:33.

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#98 CJ

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Posted 05 August 2011 - 20:30

I don't get it, I posted a reply in this topic but it seems to have vanished...
Well, here we go again

 Ion Cannon!, on 28 July 2011 - 20:13, said:

The first minute of this song may well be the most epic intro ever.

It is epic indeed, too bad the rest isn't that good :)

 Ion Cannon!, on 05 August 2011 - 18:31, said:

It's hard rock, but quite aggressive with some elements taken from black metal, the vocalists range is quite something. Not sure if I actually like it or not, going to listen to a bit more and see if it grows on me.

I don't see how that's Hard Rock, well, this song could fall in that category, but their album (which I didn't really like) is definitely metal.

Apart from that, thanks for the heads up on Rhapsody, I had completely forgotten about their new album before you posted this.
And Amon Amarth is definitely going to end in my audio library, that's the kind of music I like most after Gothic/Symphonic, so thanks for the suggestion ;)

No comments about the prog stuff though, you probably know that's not my cup of tea by now :D

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#99 Ion Cannon!

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Posted 05 August 2011 - 20:57

I only posted that frost song because AJ wanted me to test out the new simpler method for linking videos. I do like the song though, I think the intro is the best bit, though I do enjoy the entire song, It's not metal but I still love it.

As for Djerv being Hard Rock, that's just what it says on their website.
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#100 CJ

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Posted 05 August 2011 - 21:12

 Ion Cannon!, on 05 August 2011 - 20:57, said:

I only posted that frost song because AJ wanted me to test out the new simpler method for linking videos. I do like the song though, I think the intro is the best bit, though I do enjoy the entire song, It's not metal but I still love it.

As for Djerv being Hard Rock, that's just what it says on their website.

Well, Evanescence says their music is not Gothic, that doesn't change the fact that it definitely is :)

View PostChyros, on 11 November 2013 - 18:21, said:

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