I want to see this happen in my own country, instead of banning Youtube, do this . Number of people who buys music is so little, everyone just go and download the music they want for free, no need to mention music CD's among the cheapest here, not like games, movies are cheap also, so why download it for free and steal someone else's hardwork.
I was doing that at past aswell, but not anymore, if I don't have the money, I shall simply go and enjoy with something cheaper

Thats the way it must be imho.
Edit: But I do agree with some parts of file-sharing, ex: some services ( games, music, movies ) not available at some countries, so if you want to have them and have no credit card to do it over web, only way left is to steal it * cough * innocently
Edited by Gabriel Angelos, 30 October 2009 - 08:47.