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UK cut internet on file-sharers

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Posted 28 October 2009 - 14:19

View PostMortecha, on 28 Oct 2009, 14:13, said:

The torrent trackers however are technically not responsible for the content, as well as that, the torrent technology is not illegal.

I never said that torrent is illegal, I said illegal torrent file that is used to share illegal files is not legal. Also torrent tracker know 100% that most of the .torrent they are hosting is gonna be used in illegal purposes, so couples of legal torrent will make itself legal?

Its like a bar selling beer and drugs...
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#27 Mortecha


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Posted 28 October 2009 - 14:23

Very true, but thats where choice and morals come into play, if you are making the wrong choice or don't have the morals to resist such avenues then there has to be some sort of consequence to said user.

Edited by Mortecha, 28 October 2009 - 14:25.

#28 Destiny

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Posted 28 October 2009 - 14:30

Torrents are good for things like mod releases. :P
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#29 Kalo

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Posted 28 October 2009 - 16:48

Reasons why I like living in America.

Some of that goes on in the US though, but it get your net shut down they just say "Take it off your computer or legal action will be taken". Which to me is better then just removing a service you pay for by the month.

Edited by Kalo, 28 October 2009 - 16:49.

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#30 BeefJeRKy

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Posted 28 October 2009 - 17:27

View PostDutchygamer, on 28 Oct 2009, 14:55, said:

If Holland is going to do this as their next step to stop file sharing, then I'm moving to the US or some other internet-friendly country -.-"

The US isn't exactly the most net-friendly country though they don't cut your net off without warning you first. However, they will randomly provide what you have downloaded to the RIAA (Record Industry Association) who can sue the hell out of you. Tbh, I wouldn't torrent that much if I could get the Zune pass here. $15 a month for unlimited music rental and 10 free downloads? Not to mention movies etc... Either way my bandwidth limits me :P
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#31 D.K.


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Posted 28 October 2009 - 17:39

I feel sorry for you UK chaps now.

You can always come here in Croatia and download as much as you want :P.
Requiescat in pace, James.


#32 Wizard


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Posted 28 October 2009 - 21:46

This isn't in force, neither is it concrete that it will be. As AJ has quite rightly said it's 'last minute legislature'. One of the final pieces of law that they 'hope' they'll pass before parliament is wrapped up before elections next year. The House of Lords are notorious for not signing this stuff into law.

#33 Libains

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Posted 28 October 2009 - 23:04

View PostWizard, on 28 Oct 2009, 22:46, said:

This isn't in force, neither is it concrete that it will be. As AJ has quite rightly said it's 'last minute legislature'. One of the final pieces of law that they 'hope' they'll pass before parliament is wrapped up before elections next year. The House of Lords are notorious for not signing this stuff into law.

Only problem is that they can get past the HL now. Just hoping something gets in the way, preferably an election.
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#34 RaiDK

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Posted 28 October 2009 - 23:19

View PostΓΛPΤΘΓ, on 28 Oct 2009, 21:06, said:

To me, its a horrible move by the UK government restricting our own freedom. I feel sad see country after country following this move, I personally think cutting internet won't solve anything. Have your view on this.

I see it as justified. It's like taking a gun away from someone who keeps shooting people.

If they're just blank banning people who use P2P for anything though, then there's a problem.

View PostMasonicon, on 17 Oct 2009, 13:44, said:

According to Conspiracy theories in internet, sci-fi and fantasy are real!

#35 NergiZed

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Posted 29 October 2009 - 20:37

Meh, there's always alternatives.

In my college for example, you can't torrent at all, so I just direct DL all my stuff now. It's just as easy and only slightly more of a hassle.

Ironically, the only stuff I really wish I had torrents for are completely legal, like new mods, patches (especially the BF 1.5 patch, that would've taken 15 minutes for a torrent, took me 8 hours with a direct DL).

Regardless, I think that move will ultimately result in nothing. People who like their illegal content enough will find other ways to get them.

#36 General

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Posted 30 October 2009 - 08:45

I want to see this happen in my own country, instead of banning Youtube, do this . Number of people who buys music is so little, everyone just go and download the music they want for free, no need to mention music CD's among the cheapest here, not like games, movies are cheap also, so why download it for free and steal someone else's hardwork.
I was doing that at past aswell, but not anymore, if I don't have the money, I shall simply go and enjoy with something cheaper :sly: Thats the way it must be imho.

Edit: But I do agree with some parts of file-sharing, ex: some services ( games, music, movies ) not available at some countries, so if you want to have them and have no credit card to do it over web, only way left is to steal it * cough * innocently :mad:

Edited by Gabriel Angelos, 30 October 2009 - 08:47.

#37 Wizard


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Posted 06 November 2009 - 12:56


#38 Kris

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Posted 07 November 2009 - 14:36

The UK Government needs a serious whack on the face. The reason why people go the "file-sharing" route is because it's easier and cheaper to just download it off from your PC. Instead of commuting (or driving, thus wasting fuel), going inside a store, painfully searching for that album then finally buying it. In the end, after all that hassle. You find the album you purchased sucks as hell :lol:.

Another reason why people download mp3's the p2p a.k.a "illegal" way is because some of the song they download are not for sale anymore or the album is just hard to find and downloading it serves as a "Demo" their albums. If the band is good and you like their music alot, you'll bound to have a hard copy of their music.. If it sucks, you'll just keep one of their song instead of wasting 50 pounds on a crappy album.

Same with movies, if you find the movie really good. You'll want a hard copy of it. If it sucks as hell, it will just sit in your HDD or get deleted.

This is why i love the philippines...The philippine goverment can't do shit in controlling the internet. :D

Edited by Kris, 07 November 2009 - 14:57.

#39 BeefJeRKy

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Posted 07 November 2009 - 18:36

It's just as easy to legally download music btw. Your point about driving to a store etc.. is moot.
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