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Fallout New Vegas!

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#1 TheDR

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Posted 04 January 2010 - 17:39

Computerandvideogames.com has come across some sketchy details about the Obsidian-developed spin-off from Fallout 3.
Remember, this isn't confirmed yet, so don't get your hopes up :shakehead:


# Similar to Dragon Age: Origins, at character creation the player can select from different background stories. The first few hours of the game are different depending on which background you choose, and you get some unique perks based on your background when the main game begins.

# One background story is shown, Chinese Agent. The background story takes place before the bombs fell. The player is part of a team of Crimson Dragoons infilitrating Hoover Dam. You manage to sneak through the Americans' defenses, set explosives, and head to an extraction point, but your escape is cut off by American soldiers in Power Armor. The player and other survivors of the Crimson Dragoons take refuge in a cave in the canyons, where they commit hari kari with cyanide capsules. The player about to do the same when the bombs fall. The background story ends an indeterminate time later, when the player exits the cave, removes his helmet, and sees his ghoulish reflection in the waters of the Colorado River.

# The background story segues into character creation. The player can customize the appearance of the ghoul, and you see you start the game with two unique perks. One, similar to the Ghoul Mask in Fallout 3, makes Feral Ghouls non-aggro. The other makes the player immune to radiation sickness and allows the player to discharge accumulated radiation in a blast similar to a Glowing Ghoul, healing the player and any mutants while damaging all non-mutants in range.

# By default, the Chinese Agent has the skills Sneak, Small Arms, and Explosives tagged and SPECIAL stats set, although the player can modify their tagged skills and stats if they don't like the template.

# One character background option is Lone Wanderer. This selection has no background story or template and is a complete blank slate for players.

# The SPECIAL system used will be similar to Fallout 3, but skills will be harder to cap and one character will not be able to become a master of all skills. The article is not very specific because apparently it's something the developers are still tweaking.

# Gambling will return, but not as a skill. Your Luck stat will effect gambling results. You can attempt to cheat at cards using your Sneak skill or hack slot machines using your Science skill.

# There will be vehicles. The desert of New Vegas dwarfs the Capital Wasteland and you will need transportation to get around and explore it. You will acquire a vehicle several hours into the main quest. You can customize your vehicle with parts bought at shops or won through racing circuits and quests. Vehicles will not be common, but you will encounter road gangs, merchant caravans, and other vehicles in the wastes. The open desert is home to some very large mutant creatures, like giant radscorpions and sandworms, that will attack your vehicle.

# New Vegas has a coliseum run by a slaver gang called the Caesar's Legion. You can gamble on and participate in arena fights.


Sounds interesting, looking forward to hearing more information about it! 8|

Edit: Apparently thats all wrong :read: All we know at the moment is based on this teaser trailer (Thanks Mr Kim).

Edited by TheDR, 06 February 2010 - 17:55.

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#2 MR.Kim

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Posted 04 January 2010 - 18:15

That's really awesome and can't wait play it. :shakehead:

#3 Dutchygamer

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Posted 04 January 2010 - 18:17

Hopefully they will fix the freezing/crashes Fallout 3 had with some pc configurations. Still, can't wait to see/hear more about this game :shakehead:
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#4 BeefJeRKy

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Posted 04 January 2010 - 18:37

I hope they add just a little more RPG element and make it more than just an RPS. Fallout 3 was good, but nothing really made me wanna play through again unlike Dragon Age: Origins. I guess the different background stories would do it some good.
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#5 Ion Cannon!

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Posted 05 January 2010 - 03:00

View PostJRK, on 4 Jan 2010, 18:37, said:

I hope they add just a little more RPG element and make it more than just an RPS. Fallout 3 was good, but nothing really made me wanna play through again unlike Dragon Age: Origins. I guess the different background stories would do it some good.

I doubt they will deviate much from the FO3 forumla. It has wider appeal than something more RPG based. I am an RPG guy, played through DA 3x now, but FO3 was still very enjoyable. I look forward to seeing what Obsidian cook up.
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#6 Chyros

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Posted 05 January 2010 - 11:13

It would be enjoyable if they made shooting at least mildly accurate before you were three quarters through the game :shakehead: .

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#7 TheDR

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Posted 07 January 2010 - 20:47

View PostChyros, on 5 Jan 2010, 11:13, said:

It would be enjoyable if they made shooting at least mildly accurate before you were three quarters through the game :P .

Then it wouldn't be an RPG D8
Or you could always mod it...

According to a friend, all the stuff i said in the first thread is just false speculations and that it has no evidence behind it. Also, cars are apparently hard to code into the engine Fallout 3 uses (the Gamebryo engine).
The official Xbox magazine has all the exclusive info about the game for next/this months issue, we will just have to wait and see.

Edit: I have been doing a bit of research on Obsidian Entertainment and they have a track record of releasing games with lots of bugs D:

Edited by TheDR, 07 January 2010 - 21:00.

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#8 Ion Cannon!

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Posted 07 January 2010 - 22:09

View PostTheDR, on 7 Jan 2010, 20:47, said:

View PostChyros, on 5 Jan 2010, 11:13, said:

It would be enjoyable if they made shooting at least mildly accurate before you were three quarters through the game :P .

Then it wouldn't be an RPG D8
Or you could always mod it...

According to a friend, all the stuff i said in the first thread is just false speculations and that it has no evidence behind it. Also, cars are apparently hard to code into the engine Fallout 3 uses (the Gamebryo engine).
The official Xbox magazine has all the exclusive info about the game for next/this months issue, we will just have to wait and see.

Edit: I have been doing a bit of research on Obsidian Entertainment and they have a track record of releasing games with lots of bugs D:

They were responsible for NWN2 and its expansions, none of which were excessively buggy.
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#9 H4mm3r


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Posted 19 January 2010 - 19:04

Sounds like a lot of fun, though the ghoul thing doesn't appeal to me.
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#10 MR.Kim

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Posted 04 February 2010 - 17:08

Finally, Fallout: New Vegas traileris release.

Here is some interesting about trailer. One is N.C.R. flag show up, unknow solider have number with A7(psossibly Enclave, Lone Wanderer or BS?), and maybe that city is New Vegas.

I can't wait on this fall. 8|

Edited by MR.Kim, 04 February 2010 - 17:16.

#11 Rich19

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Posted 06 February 2010 - 17:50

Me neither! I wonder what that robot... thing... was.

#12 TheDR

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Posted 06 February 2010 - 18:54

I don't understand it but it does show promise :)

Can't wait for some actual details, my guess is we will see it at E3.
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