Coding: (About 95% is done)
- Teams and Teamplay, along with team and class choosing menus and new three team scoreboard. (Spectator team is implemented too)
- Attributes of each team. (Speed, jump height & length, health...)
- "Last Team Standing" and "Team Deathmatch" game modes.
- Weapons: Stake, Colt M1911, Mossberg 500.
- Lots of teamplay Console Variables, like: mp_autoteambalance, mp_maxrounds, mp_teamfraglimit...
- Feeding system. Werewolves can eat flesh from corpses. Vampires can suck blood from corpses. Ragdolls are serverside.
- Respawn system. Vampires & Werewolves respawn after few seconds at corpse. (Reworked)
- Staking system. Now you can stake those beasts... (stake to kill)
- Effects system. Custom vampire, human and werewolf death effects.
- Interface is reworked a little bit. Messages of status appear during game to help player understand what is going on. Leap recharge meter, power recharge meter.
- Hands system. Custom hands for each class.
- Every source sdk update is implemented into RTC.
- 6 powers fully implemented.
- Realistic and advanced combat system - You hit where weapon should really hit. 4 Attack types per melee weapon.
Mapping: (About 60%)
- rtc_catacombs about 3/4.
- rtc_trade about 3/4. (See credits at the bottom)
Modeling: (About 50%)
Texturing: (About 25%)

Edited by Elitic, 27 September 2010 - 19:30.