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2010-01-02 Update

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#1 Elitic


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Posted 05 January 2010 - 14:30

Originally from ModDB.
  • Stake and Crucifix - It was retextured again, now it looks even better than before, also this weapon is now fully implemented into a game. Here is a screenshot of crucifix and clean stake:
    Posted Image.

    Also after you stake either werewolf or vampire your stake will taste a blood visually:
    Posted Image

  • Next we move onto a visions. Visions help to see in darkness, but they aren't cheat/"night to day" visions. Those visions use custom simple shaders. Here is vampire vision in action:
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    And werewolf vision, yes It's better than vampire:
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    To clarify things: Humans will have only flashlight, while vampires along with werewolves possess special visions only. (No visions to humans, no flashlights to beasts.)

  • Ok, we move on, Mossberg 500 shotgun. It's second shotgun texture update. I've added some scrathes, little dirt and better lighting/shadows. Also specular map is in work along with phong shader. Normal map is there too. The shotgun is shooting with custom animations, etc... which will be redone. Here is the one of two screenshots:
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    I plan to add some more detail on the texture and change view, because it now sucks and very little of actual model can be seen...

  • Next stop is "Morning Star". This is 1st werewolf weapon called "Morning Star". This will not be primary weapon, but It'll be used as secondary. Primary will be Claws. Also this mace will be available to only one werewolf class as all other weapons. (Each class unique weapons - as the result classes will be more unique.
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    Actual animations aren't done yet, because werewolf will be using custom rig/animations (no ValveBiped., but RtcBiped. :read: ). Also textures are in alpha stage - actually I haven't finished them...

  • Special Effects is the next thing. Guns shooting in darkness without silencers and not lighting a dark places ? Not in RTC, guns are emiting light along with muzzleflash. By the way, you won't be using them to light up a room :shakehead:. (You can see this effect in video "Staking Vampires")

    Also what happens when you stake a vampire ? Here take a look at this video:
    ModDB Video
    Here you can see few vampire stakings in same map. (rtc_trade) This death effect will be applied to only vampires. Also this is beta version of effect, not final I mean. Currently It's missing ashes... and very "beautiful" sounds.

  • Enough with effects. The last thing is something very powerful... "Ladies and Gentleman I present you a polymorphing into a bat in source engine". Here it is:
    ModDB Video
    As you can see - It's a vampire polymorphing into a bat. You may have noticed that It's a crow flying not a bat! I used hl2 crow model to test it, however It'll be replaced! Also I'm planing to do some effects and etc, so It's more realistic. And the power will be balanced - It'll make you very vulnerable. And it won't last for ages. etc...

That's all I guess... (many programming was done too, but it's not worth mentioning it...).
Also I want to tell that there is no actual team behind Return to Church, only few lads helping, but I guess It's ok for me. Sooner or later RTC will be released. Release date, you ask ? I want to release it on march, but probably I'll release only until start of summer, let's hope nothing bad comes in my way while making RTC.
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#2 CodeCat

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Posted 05 January 2010 - 18:31

The vision thing looks interesting, but will it do more than just light up dark areas? Maybe you could do something where vampires can see blood really well, making anything with blood (i.e. wounded players, dead bodies) light up really bright. And similarly, werewolves could have good smell, which would be reflected in being able to see footsteps and such easily.

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Go dtiomsaítear do chód gan earráidí, is go gcríochnaítear do chláir go réidh. -Old Irish proverb

#3 Elitic


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Posted 05 January 2010 - 20:43

View PostCodeCat, on 5 Jan 2010, 20:31, said:

The vision thing looks interesting, but will it do more than just light up dark areas? Maybe you could do something where vampires can see blood really well, making anything with blood (i.e. wounded players, dead bodies) light up really bright. And similarly, werewolves could have good smell, which would be reflected in being able to see footsteps and such easily.

That's brilliant idea ! This would make visions very useful and much more interesting than they currently are. However this won't be easy, but worth to make.

Thanks for such nice idea!

Edited by Elitic, 05 January 2010 - 20:44.

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#4 Dauth

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Posted 05 January 2010 - 20:57

Might a suggest a change of name for visions, I understand English isn't your first language. To most people 'visions' implies seeing the future or dreaming the past.

For the Vampires perhaps Blood sight
For the Werewolves perhaps call it Scent (not as sure on this one)

#5 Pav:3d


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Posted 05 January 2010 - 21:23

That looks immense, great work

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#6 Elitic


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Posted 05 January 2010 - 21:32

View PostDauth, on 5 Jan 2010, 22:57, said:

Might a suggest a change of name for visions, I understand English isn't your first language. To most people 'visions' implies seeing the future or dreaming the past.

For the Vampires perhaps Blood sight
For the Werewolves perhaps call it Scent (not as sure on this one)

Yes It isn't my first language :)

Vampiric sight might be better, but about werewolf I'm not sure too, though I should rename it as well.
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#7 Wizard


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Posted 05 January 2010 - 21:57

View PostElitic, on 5 Jan 2010, 21:32, said:

but about werewolf I'm not sure too, though I should rename it as well.

Blood lust :)

#8 BeefJeRKy

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Posted 05 January 2010 - 22:22

I really love the idea of the morningstar. It's epic. As for the wolf vision, why not call it enhanced senses, and give it a heartbeat detector type thing like the function on Modern Warfare 2 if possible? Would help make it more than just night vision.
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#9 Chyros

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Posted 05 January 2010 - 22:40

One thing on the vision modes I noticed is that it instantly switches between that and normal vision at times. This looks kind of artificial. I'd suggest some kind of permanent vision mode for the vampire and werewolf :) .

The brave hide behind technology. The stupid hide from it. The clever have technology, and hide it.
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#10 BeefJeRKy

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Posted 05 January 2010 - 22:49

View PostChyros, on 6 Jan 2010, 0:40, said:

One thing on the vision modes I noticed is that it instantly switches between that and normal vision at times. This looks kind of artificial. I'd suggest some kind of permanent vision mode for the vampire and werewolf :) .

Or an ability that recharges maybe?
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#11 Ion Cannon!

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Posted 06 January 2010 - 00:32

View PostChyros, on 5 Jan 2010, 22:40, said:

One thing on the vision modes I noticed is that it instantly switches between that and normal vision at times. This looks kind of artificial. I'd suggest some kind of permanent vision mode for the vampire and werewolf :) .

You could probably just make the transistion between sight modes less rough. Smooth the change with a transisition effect.
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#12 CodeCat

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Posted 06 January 2010 - 11:05

Permanent modes sounds better really. That way each could have a different inherent sight ability. I.e. humans good visually, but have more trouble discerning things in the dark and can't spot targets as easily. While werewolves would have bad sight generally but be good at tracking down targets through scent. Vampires, meanwhile, could be unable to see anything in bright light (their entire vision would go white from overexposure), giving them an advantage over humans in the dark. It gives each advantage a corresponding disadvantage that can be used to give each 'species' a unique play style.

Edited by CodeCat, 06 January 2010 - 11:09.


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Go dtiomsaítear do chód gan earráidí, is go gcríochnaítear do chláir go réidh. -Old Irish proverb

#13 Elitic


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Posted 06 January 2010 - 13:15

View PostCodeCat, on 6 Jan 2010, 13:05, said:

Permanent modes sounds better really. That way each could have a different inherent sight ability. I.e. humans good visually, but have more trouble discerning things in the dark and can't spot targets as easily. While werewolves would have bad sight generally but be good at tracking down targets through scent. Vampires, meanwhile, could be unable to see anything in bright light (their entire vision would go white from overexposure), giving them an advantage over humans in the dark. It gives each advantage a corresponding disadvantage that can be used to give each 'species' a unique play style.

Permament modes sounds great, but It has some major disadvantages, like players will not like playing with it all time, too much of vampiric sight (Imagine playing more than 3 hours playing 8| ;) ) might not be good for eyes, etc... So I stay with toggleable power, but I'll change It greatly. Recharge power idea is what I thought - It will make it more like power instead of lets say "a lightswitch" :)

View PostIon Cannon!, on 6 Jan 2010, 2:32, said:

View PostChyros, on 5 Jan 2010, 22:40, said:

One thing on the vision modes I noticed is that it instantly switches between that and normal vision at times. This looks kind of artificial. I'd suggest some kind of permanent vision mode for the vampire and werewolf :D .

You could probably just make the transistion between sight modes less rough. Smooth the change with a transisition effect.

Exactly 8|

Edited by Elitic, 14 January 2010 - 16:47.

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#14 Kalo

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Posted 13 January 2010 - 00:39

This is extremely relevant to my interests.
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[ER-Dev] Kalo Shin [USA]: The only thing I could do in safe mode
[ER-Dev] Kalo Shin [USA]: Is browse my porn photos
[ER-Dev] Kalo Shin [USA]: GIGGITY.

#15 Elitic


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Posted 24 February 2010 - 21:22

Hello everyone, I'm sorry for not being active lately. However I'm here to tell everyone that new media update is coming next week. 8|
Update will include werewolf model, new weapons, new map props, improved "visions", programming update, map updates and more. I can't promise everything exactly, but I can promise update next week. :D
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#16 Chyros

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Posted 25 February 2010 - 07:28

View PostElitic, on 24 Feb 2010, 23:22, said:

Hello everyone, I'm sorry for not being active lately. However I'm here to tell everyone that new media update is coming next week. 8|
Update will include werewolf model, new weapons, new map props, improved "visions", programming update, map updates and more. I can't promise everything exactly, but I can promise update next week. |8
Cool, looking forward to what you've come up with :D .

The brave hide behind technology. The stupid hide from it. The clever have technology, and hide it.
—The Book of Cataclysm

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