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Are PC Games No Longer Profitable?

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#1 Nid

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Posted 06 January 2010 - 14:42

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After visiting my local Gamestation to check up the charts this Christmas, I was horrified to find that there was no shelf for PC games any more. After scanning the store and finding nothing, I asked the sales assistant behind the counter what had happened. He seemed pretty pissed off suddenly. "The higherups have decided that PC games are not profitable enough and have taken them off the shelves until after Christmas" he told me in a rather pained tone of voice. I couldn't believe it. He asked if I was looking for any particular game, they still had them in the back room.
PC games are now stored from the back room of your local Gamestation. Larger stores will more than likely still stock them on the shelves, but honestly, I never thought I'd see the day.

The shelves where PC games once stood are now filled with Wii games and 360 games for your little tykes this Christmas. Games like World of Warcraft, Crysis, Command and Conquer, Dawn of War, F.E.A.R and Company of Heroes are now replaced with party games and casual shooters.
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Yes, I know they will be putting the PC games back out on the shelves after christmas, but will this be an annual thing from now on? Will other game retailers catch on? Is this the start of the gradual eradication of the PC gamer? Will they eventually remove PC games from the market entirely? These kinds of questions just popped up into my head as I left the store, I was just completely lost.

I know that the number of console gamers vastly outweighs the number of PC gamers, but PC gamers aren't exctinct. Unfortunately this comes at a time that PC gamers are starting to feel forgotten by the industry. Lets hope that this isn't the start of the industry gradually pushing us out of the loop, leaving us to feed on what games we have and jump between Indie games and Mods to keep ourselves going.

Is the industry to blame though? Is it the industry that wants to cut us out entirely, or are we getting tight with our money? Maybe there just aren't enough games for the PC worth playing any more. Or maybe it's the growing number of games purchased, downloaded and installed through software like Steam that pushes PC gamers away from owning actual hard copies of games.

Lets look at the facts.
In this blog posted back in January this year by Matt Peckham over at PCworld's website, it was reported that Retail PC games sales fell 14% throughout 2008, And has been dropping since 2006. The same has happened this year, in an article at My Gaming it stated that sales fell a further 38% between October 2008, and October 2009, and that's a lot of percent!

So my fears have been confirmed, PC games are becoming less profitable for retailers who are relucatant to sell them, but lets take a look at possible reasons why;

  • First up, we have onlines sales agents available like Steam and Direct2Drive. These online sales softwares and websites require no purchase of a physical copy of the game, you can pay and then download a copy very legally. They remove the effort of going out and buying a game, and require very little waiting unlike purchasing a physical copy of the game from the internet. It is very possible that gamers are turning to purchasing games this way.
  • The Second issue could be the number of unwanted software bundled in and required to play modern PC games. This could incude hostile software such as DRM, and SecuROM. These are programs that are installed to the drive without the gamer's consent, used to monitor and track actions of gamers to try and crack down on theft, or the illegal installing of games. SecuROM and DRM software are known to be used by EA, and legitimate gamers have been angered by the discreet installation of these programs without consent onto their computers.
    Some gamers are also annoyed by games requiring third party software to be played. Games such as Dawn of War II, and Modern Warfare 2 require Steam to be installed, software used to purchase games online. While gamers that already have Steam installed won't see this as too much of a problem. Those that have never used the software before may be unsure, or find it frustrating to navigate trough Steam just to play their game. These reasons may put gamers off buying for PC as it seems more trouble than it's worth just to play. Some retailers don't even stock Modern Warfare II for PC simply because people may as well just buy it off Steam.
  • The third factor affecting this could be online retailers such as Amazon or Play.com, Obviously, PC gamers are a little more literate with the internet, and as such know where to find gamers at a discounted price online as opposed to highstreet retailers. It is very possible that gamers are turning to ordering their hard copies off the internet.
  • My fourth and final point, consoles.
    Yes, it pains me to say it, consoles be stealinz all our gamers. Modern consoles can do everything your run of the mill gaming PC can, with a much more mainstream audience, and vast online communities. People are turning to consoles more and more what with unwanted software bundled in with PC games, as well as the decreasing shelf space in retail stores for PC games forcing gamers to turn to their consoles for answers. It's almost like a vicious circle.

So there you have it. PC game sales could be in decline, and unless the industry gets their game on (pardon the pun), there may be a chance that we could unfortunately lose PC games forever. On the up side, sales may not be in decline. Gamers may just be turning toward new methods of purchase, and making us all just look generally too lazy to leave the house, or even the computer.

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#2 Ion Cannon!

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Posted 06 January 2010 - 19:03

As well as the above console games are more profitable, because they cost more. A typical brand new PC game will set you back £27-£35. Brand new console games often reach £50.

I also think it goes without saying that producing a game for the Wii which is essentially a silly gimmick takes alot less time and money than developing something like Crysis.
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#3 Warbz

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Posted 06 January 2010 - 19:45

Sadly, I recently turned to console gaming. Less hassle in my opinion. Plus a load of my friends also already had one, so now my PC is just for interwebs/music/EVE Online.

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#4 Nid

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Posted 06 January 2010 - 20:09

Personally I do both, but considering I turn to PC for a lot of things such as soacial networking, IM, Internet use and other stuff, it's just easier to play games on my PC.
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#5 Libains

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Posted 06 January 2010 - 20:17

A-la Nid, everything is just in one place on my PC and I see no reason as to why I ought to splash more cash on a console when I have a ready-to-go PC :P
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#6 Ion Cannon!

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Posted 06 January 2010 - 20:32

View PostAJ, on 6 Jan 2010, 20:17, said:

A-la Nid, everything is just in one place on my PC and I see no reason as to why I ought to splash more cash on a console when I have a ready-to-go PC :P

The modding scene / community is also much better on the PC than it ever will be on consoles.

I actually think while retail sales have decreased, online sales through digital distribution or through sites like Amazon more than make up the numbers lost. It makes little sense for me to go to GAME when I can get it cheaper and in the case of steam-quicker, online.
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#7 Zhao

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Posted 06 January 2010 - 20:42

I don't see why to even use a console , you can do just about anything on a PC.

#8 BeefJeRKy

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Posted 06 January 2010 - 20:46

The games I like to play on the consoles are usually the console exclusives as well as racing and other sports games. DJ hero is also fun. I also tend to favor adventure games like Prince of Persia on the console. Otherwise the majority of my gaming happens on this PC of mine. In general, PC graphics are far superior as a bonus :P
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#9 Ion Cannon!

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Posted 06 January 2010 - 20:49

View PostJRK, on 6 Jan 2010, 20:46, said:

The games I like to play on the consoles are usually the console exclusives as well as racing and other sports games. DJ hero is also fun. I also tend to favor adventure games like Prince of Persia on the console. Otherwise the majority of my gaming happens on this PC of mine. In general, PC graphics are far superior as a bonus :P

Funny you mention PoP. I love The Sands of Time / Warrior Within, while it could be a bit tricky to execute certain combos and at times the camera angle was a problem, it was still perfectly playable on the PC.

Edited by Ion Cannon!, 06 January 2010 - 20:49.

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#10 Libains

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Posted 06 January 2010 - 20:49

View PostZhao, on 6 Jan 2010, 20:42, said:

I don't see why to even use a console , you can do just about anything on a PC.

Well, racing games are for the most part better on the console, with a few exceptions. The thing about ocnsoles is that they're a one-off purchase that will last you for years, and requires little/no knowledge to use - ffs my sister can use my old Gamecube but can't put a CD into my mum's iMac. A PC requires knowledge, and maintenance to keep it up to date with the best games, unlike a console which is just 'there' for the next 4/5 years and never needs an upgrade or more money spent on specifically it.

That said, Ion's right in that Digital Distribution is killing off retail stores, but that doesn't mean PC games are losing money.

Oh, and by the by, the new Gamestation in Plymouth has the same thoughts as your one Niddy - not a single PC game on the shelves.
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#11 Ion Cannon!

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Posted 06 January 2010 - 20:52

View PostAJ, on 6 Jan 2010, 20:49, said:

View PostZhao, on 6 Jan 2010, 20:42, said:

I don't see why to even use a console , you can do just about anything on a PC.

Well, racing games are for the most part better on the console, with a few exceptions. The thing about ocnsoles is that they're a one-off purchase that will last you for years, and requires little/no knowledge to use - ffs my sister can use my old Gamecube but can't put a CD into my mum's iMac. A PC requires knowledge, and maintenance to keep it up to date with the best games, unlike a console which is just 'there' for the next 4/5 years and never needs an upgrade or more money spent on specifically it.

That said, Ion's right in that Digital Distribution is killing off retail stores, but that doesn't mean PC games are losing money.

Oh, and by the by, the new Gamestation in Plymouth has the same thoughts as your one Niddy - not a single PC game on the shelves.

I rather like the fact a PC takes some knowledge. If your Xbox has the red light of death, your screwed. If your computer breaks, you can generally fix it without to much problems.
There is also the issue that console games are quite a lot more expensive than their PC counterparts, for the sole reason the companies actually make a loss on the console itself, so have to make it up with game sales.
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#12 Nid

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Posted 06 January 2010 - 21:00

You must take into account the money saved on PC games is lost in what it takes to buy, upgrade or build a PC powerful enough to run modern and up to date PC games. Something that many console gamers find out of their reach in terms of knowlege, as well as hesitation of the idea of actually upgrading the PC; some people would be scared of venturing into the unknown and making the first few steps to just place a new stick of RAM in place. Others are just too lazy.

Edited by Nidmeister, 06 January 2010 - 21:01.

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#13 Libains

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Posted 06 January 2010 - 21:07

View PostNidmeister, on 6 Jan 2010, 21:00, said:

You must take into account the money saved on PC games is lost in what it takes to buy, upgrade or build a PC powerful enough to run modern and up to date PC games. Something that many console gamers find out of their reach in terms of knowlege, as well as hesitation of the idea of actually upgrading the PC; some people would be scared of venturing into the unknown and making the first few steps to just place a new stick of RAM in place. Others are just too lazy.

True, if you're not that much of a gamer, a console is a far cheaper alternative to a PC. However, a PC gamer is undoubtedly the main type of gamer, consoles are nearly always more casual (especially the Wii), and the PC just has more to it. I'd still rather be a PC gamer if it's that I can get ahold of indie games, mods, and my beloved mouse, which I would never trade for a joystick. Ever.
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#14 CJ

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Posted 06 January 2010 - 21:07

View PostIon Cannon!, on 6 Jan 2010, 21:49, said:

View PostJRK, on 6 Jan 2010, 20:46, said:

The games I like to play on the consoles are usually the console exclusives as well as racing and other sports games. DJ hero is also fun. I also tend to favor adventure games like Prince of Persia on the console. Otherwise the majority of my gaming happens on this PC of mine. In general, PC graphics are far superior as a bonus :P

Funny you mention PoP. I love The Sands of Time / Warrior Within, while it could be a bit tricky to execute certain combos and at times the camera angle was a problem, it was still perfectly playable on the PC.

Well I used to play The Sands of Time on PC with a 15 bucks crappy controller, and I preferred it's maneuverability over the PS2 version...

View PostAJ, on 6 Jan 2010, 21:49, said:

Oh, and by the by, the new Gamestation in Plymouth has the same thoughts as your one Niddy - not a single PC game on the shelves.

That's even worse in France, Micro-mania (which is the biggest game shops chain there) doesn't sell PC games anymore, except in their main shop, which has a single shelf with some prehistoric games (and maybe the Sims 3)...

View PostChyros, on 11 November 2013 - 18:21, said:

I bet I could program an internet

#15 Ion Cannon!

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Posted 06 January 2010 - 21:11

View PostAJ, on 6 Jan 2010, 21:07, said:

View PostNidmeister, on 6 Jan 2010, 21:00, said:

You must take into account the money saved on PC games is lost in what it takes to buy, upgrade or build a PC powerful enough to run modern and up to date PC games. Something that many console gamers find out of their reach in terms of knowlege, as well as hesitation of the idea of actually upgrading the PC; some people would be scared of venturing into the unknown and making the first few steps to just place a new stick of RAM in place. Others are just too lazy.

True, if you're not that much of a gamer, a console is a far cheaper alternative to a PC. However, a PC gamer is undoubtedly the main type of gamer, consoles are nearly always more casual (especially the Wii), and the PC just has more to it. I'd still rather be a PC gamer if it's that I can get ahold of indie games, mods, and my beloved mouse, which I would never trade for a joystick. Ever.

I would happily pay the price for a PC over a console just for the mods / community. Add to that the fact I can customise whatever I want, watch movies, edit anything, browse the internet, play music and just in general do alot more stuff, and its a bargain.
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#16 Libains

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Posted 06 January 2010 - 21:13

View PostArgetlam, on 6 Jan 2010, 21:07, said:

View PostAJ, on 6 Jan 2010, 21:49, said:

Oh, and by the by, the new Gamestation in Plymouth has the same thoughts as your one Niddy - not a single PC game on the shelves.

That's even worse in France, Micro-mania (which is the biggest game shops chain there) doesn't sell PC games anymore, except in their main shop, which has a single shelf with some prehistoric games (and maybe the Sims 3)...

Only good thing about the Sims 3 is that it makes a good present for my sis. The number of discounts in Gamestation astounded me, but annoyed the hell out of me because there were none on PC games. Also went into Game nearby, and they had no PC games either. Furthermore, neither did HMV (well the large one had a few, the small one near the gamestation had none)

The three biggest retailers, not a single PC game. Digital Distrbution is the way of the future for a lot of things now.
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#17 BeefJeRKy

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Posted 06 January 2010 - 21:14

View PostAJ, on 6 Jan 2010, 23:07, said:

View PostNidmeister, on 6 Jan 2010, 21:00, said:

You must take into account the money saved on PC games is lost in what it takes to buy, upgrade or build a PC powerful enough to run modern and up to date PC games. Something that many console gamers find out of their reach in terms of knowlege, as well as hesitation of the idea of actually upgrading the PC; some people would be scared of venturing into the unknown and making the first few steps to just place a new stick of RAM in place. Others are just too lazy.

True, if you're not that much of a gamer, a console is a far cheaper alternative to a PC. However, a PC gamer is undoubtedly the main type of gamer, consoles are nearly always more casual (especially the Wii), and the PC just has more to it. I'd still rather be a PC gamer if it's that I can get ahold of indie games, mods, and my beloved mouse, which I would never trade for a joystick. Ever.

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is a real joystick :P

Not those silly analog sticks (which are still better than d-pads I guess)
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#18 CJ

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Posted 06 January 2010 - 21:14

View PostIon Cannon!, on 6 Jan 2010, 22:11, said:

View PostAJ, on 6 Jan 2010, 21:07, said:

View PostNidmeister, on 6 Jan 2010, 21:00, said:

You must take into account the money saved on PC games is lost in what it takes to buy, upgrade or build a PC powerful enough to run modern and up to date PC games. Something that many console gamers find out of their reach in terms of knowlege, as well as hesitation of the idea of actually upgrading the PC; some people would be scared of venturing into the unknown and making the first few steps to just place a new stick of RAM in place. Others are just too lazy.

True, if you're not that much of a gamer, a console is a far cheaper alternative to a PC. However, a PC gamer is undoubtedly the main type of gamer, consoles are nearly always more casual (especially the Wii), and the PC just has more to it. I'd still rather be a PC gamer if it's that I can get ahold of indie games, mods, and my beloved mouse, which I would never trade for a joystick. Ever.

I would happily pay the price for a PC over a console just for the mods / community. Add to that the fact I can customise whatever I want, watch movies, edit anything, browse the internet, play music and just in general do alot more stuff, and its a bargain.

Correct me if I'm wrong (Let's say we don't really have a lot of new gen consoles in Tunisia to check by myself :P) but aren't the X-box 360 and the PS3 supposed to have these 3 functions as well ?

View PostChyros, on 11 November 2013 - 18:21, said:

I bet I could program an internet

#19 TheDR

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Posted 06 January 2010 - 21:15

I got a computer for video editing...
It just so happens video editing and gaming require the same kind of specs :P

People see the huge one off price tag and run to consoles, i don't blame them but in the long run you save money, just look at the recent deals of steam and all the great indies and mods you'd miss out on.
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#20 Ion Cannon!

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Posted 06 January 2010 - 21:16

View PostAJ, on 6 Jan 2010, 21:13, said:

View PostArgetlam, on 6 Jan 2010, 21:07, said:

View PostAJ, on 6 Jan 2010, 21:49, said:

Oh, and by the by, the new Gamestation in Plymouth has the same thoughts as your one Niddy - not a single PC game on the shelves.

That's even worse in France, Micro-mania (which is the biggest game shops chain there) doesn't sell PC games anymore, except in their main shop, which has a single shelf with some prehistoric games (and maybe the Sims 3)...

Only good thing about the Sims 3 is that it makes a good present for my sis. The number of discounts in Gamestation astounded me, but annoyed the hell out of me because there were none on PC games. Also went into Game nearby, and they had no PC games either. Furthermore, neither did HMV (well the large one had a few, the small one near the gamestation had none)

The three biggest retailers, not a single PC game. Digital Distrbution is the way of the future for a lot of things now.

The local GAME stocks an entire unit of PC games, plus a 1-20 chart.

However I remember a time when there where several units, about half the shop, and the 1-20 chart was at the front, now its right at the back.

Disgustingly the Wii had about half the shop. I'm probably being elitist here, but I think the Wii is a disgrace to the name "Computer Gaming" its nothing more than a gimmick.
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#21 BeefJeRKy

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Posted 06 January 2010 - 21:16

The Xbox has no browser, but you're right they can do that. But the PS3 does it painfully. Gotta admit they are brilliant at the movies and music bit though. Notice the absence of the Wii in this equation.
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#22 Ion Cannon!

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Posted 06 January 2010 - 21:19

View PostArgetlam, on 6 Jan 2010, 21:14, said:

Correct me if I'm wrong (Let's say we don't really have a lot of new gen consoles in Tunisia to check by myself :P) but aren't the X-box 360 and the PS3 supposed to have these 3 functions as well ?

They can, but the PC does it better, you have alot more control and its just easier and well... better.

Edited by Ion Cannon!, 06 January 2010 - 21:19.

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#23 Libains

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Posted 06 January 2010 - 21:21

View PostIon Cannon!, on 6 Jan 2010, 21:16, said:

View PostAJ, on 6 Jan 2010, 21:13, said:

View PostArgetlam, on 6 Jan 2010, 21:07, said:

View PostAJ, on 6 Jan 2010, 21:49, said:

Oh, and by the by, the new Gamestation in Plymouth has the same thoughts as your one Niddy - not a single PC game on the shelves.

That's even worse in France, Micro-mania (which is the biggest game shops chain there) doesn't sell PC games anymore, except in their main shop, which has a single shelf with some prehistoric games (and maybe the Sims 3)...

Only good thing about the Sims 3 is that it makes a good present for my sis. The number of discounts in Gamestation astounded me, but annoyed the hell out of me because there were none on PC games. Also went into Game nearby, and they had no PC games either. Furthermore, neither did HMV (well the large one had a few, the small one near the gamestation had none)

The three biggest retailers, not a single PC game. Digital Distrbution is the way of the future for a lot of things now.

The local GAME stocks an entire unit of PC games, plus a 1-20 chart.

However I remember a time when there where several units, about half the shop, and the 1-20 chart was at the front, now its right at the back.

Disgustingly the Wii had about half the shop. I'm probably being elitist here, but I think the Wii is a disgrace to the name "Computer Gaming" its nothing more than a gimmick.

Until not long ago my local GAME had exactly that. They now have a 1-5 section on a little mid-room stand, on one side. The other three sides are strategy guides. It's abysmal.

And yeah, I remember the days when GAME was all about PC games, with an entire wall of chart games, then tons of bargain sections (SoldOut Software anyone)

And now the Wii has half of this shop too (or at least with the Dsi or whatever it is now). It just goes to show how few real gamers there are now.
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#24 Ion Cannon!

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Posted 06 January 2010 - 21:25

View PostAJ, on 6 Jan 2010, 21:21, said:

View PostIon Cannon!, on 6 Jan 2010, 21:16, said:

View PostAJ, on 6 Jan 2010, 21:13, said:

View PostArgetlam, on 6 Jan 2010, 21:07, said:

View PostAJ, on 6 Jan 2010, 21:49, said:

Oh, and by the by, the new Gamestation in Plymouth has the same thoughts as your one Niddy - not a single PC game on the shelves.

That's even worse in France, Micro-mania (which is the biggest game shops chain there) doesn't sell PC games anymore, except in their main shop, which has a single shelf with some prehistoric games (and maybe the Sims 3)...

Only good thing about the Sims 3 is that it makes a good present for my sis. The number of discounts in Gamestation astounded me, but annoyed the hell out of me because there were none on PC games. Also went into Game nearby, and they had no PC games either. Furthermore, neither did HMV (well the large one had a few, the small one near the gamestation had none)

The three biggest retailers, not a single PC game. Digital Distrbution is the way of the future for a lot of things now.

The local GAME stocks an entire unit of PC games, plus a 1-20 chart.

However I remember a time when there where several units, about half the shop, and the 1-20 chart was at the front, now its right at the back.

Disgustingly the Wii had about half the shop. I'm probably being elitist here, but I think the Wii is a disgrace to the name "Computer Gaming" its nothing more than a gimmick.

Until not long ago my local GAME had exactly that. They now have a 1-5 section on a little mid-room stand, on one side. The other three sides are strategy guides. It's abysmal.

And yeah, I remember the days when GAME was all about PC games, with an entire wall of chart games, then tons of bargain sections (SoldOut Software anyone)

And now the Wii has half of this shop too (or at least with the Dsi or whatever it is now). It just goes to show how few real gamers there are now.

I don't think there is any less real PC gamers, its just become socially acceptable to fuck around wasting time on the piece of shit Wii. Therefore the public gets behind it, and behold... this is what happens. Basically there are just more of the dumb general public than real PC gamers, and shops stock what sells most, which is POS Wii gimmicky rubbish which gets boring after 3 minutes.
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#25 Wizard


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Posted 06 January 2010 - 22:45

Oi! Don't knock the Wii. And who the bloody hell, at ANY point in time, thought that the Wii was anything more than a social activity console??? Did you really think Nintendo had gone back to the glory days of........erm........ Duck Hunt? The hardcore game that it was.

Seriously lay off of it. Personally I think it's the best of the consoles. No other console can put you in the same room with people and have that much pure fun. It's the gaming equivalent of just letting go and enjoying yourself. When you compare it to what PC gaming AND gaming in general is now becoming, I think I'd prefer to take it. Bunny hopping-n00b tubing-wall hacking-build order-Zerg Rushing-mic spamming-server flooding-asshats. You can't pick up a mouse these days without someone having ruined the fucking the game for you 3 months before it reaches the shops, that don't sell it anymore, which is precisely 2 days before they release the DLC for it, that you were promised for free, only then it's released as a sequel, so it could be boycotted by everyone, only to become the biggest selling game of the year......

Yeah, the Wii is totally a useless console. I mean, all you can do is play games on it...... :P

Edited by Wizard, 06 January 2010 - 22:46.

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