That's right folks, if you own a Mac, your gaming ability is going to re-align right alongside that of any Windows PC. Valve officially announced that they would be bringing their famed platform, Steam, to the Mac, by April. So forget about this age-old rivalry between Mac and Windows, because one of the massive, obvious divides between the two rival companies has just been rendered non-existant overnight.

Initially, it is thought that not many games in the extensive Steam catalogue will be available for Mac download, as this is primarily a Valve venture, and thus they will lead the way with their flagship games. So, come April, you can play Left 4 Dead 2, Team Fortress 2, Counter-Strike, Portal, and the Half-Life series on your Mac, swiftly followed by the now highly-anticipated Portal 2. But, happily, there's even more good news buried in this announcement! Valve has decided that they couldn't give a damn about whether you are playing on a PC or a Mac, it's all the same to them. So much so, that if you already own one of these games for Windows, you can get a Mac copy for free! So while you may never want to use that Windows PC again, you don't have to buy a new game. But what happens when you want to annihilate your clan members, but they're all playing on Windows PCs? Well, Valve doesn't care much for that either - no matter your platform, you can still have fun nuking/sniping/knifing your amigos.

Pushing thirty years ago now, Apple launched this campaign, based on changing the world with their first Macintosh computer. I wouldn't be surprised if Valve were trying to emulate that in some fashion...

Edited by AJ, 10 March 2010 - 00:48.