Dope Gangster Pants
Started By Numbers, Mar 16 2010 20:20
15 replies to this topic
Posted 16 March 2010 - 20:20
Upgrade, When Purchased, Dope Gangster Pants Are given to all your troop's. Allowing them to breakdance to avoid enemy fire.

EXTREME Tree is to EXTREME for you.
Posted 18 March 2010 - 02:13
better yet just a gangster in general, to replace the angry mob, just have a bunch of gangsters with guns.. lol
This place still exists?
Posted 18 March 2010 - 14:24
^^ That unit idea is even better

Posted 18 March 2010 - 22:15
Do they get Dope Gangster Pant's Upgrade?

EXTREME Tree is to EXTREME for you.
Posted 19 March 2010 - 00:19
su8perkillr, on 18 Mar 2010, 22:29, said:
i hope so. first lets revive Jordan and his mod
Patience is a virtue. No really, it is. My guess is Jordan is busy with RL stuff or something atm. He often works on this mod in spits and starts, doing a large volume of work then going inactive for a while. Your best bet is to get in touch with him.
Quoting myself.
Posted 20 March 2010 - 06:03
Ya that would be awesome lol, but for what ever reason he isn't here I bet he has a good reason for it like RL, his cat died, his dog died, his dog ate his cat and they both died... All posabilites.. I think that's how you spell that.. I would love to see the New stuff he made

This place still exists?
Posted 28 March 2010 - 03:33
Three words: Visible Undergarment Upgrade

Posted 14 April 2010 - 14:24
The Machman, on 27 Mar 2010, 22:33, said:
Three words: Visible Undergarment Upgrade
So if you put your pants on the ground you get 10% more attack? works for me...
Now only if he would post and tell us what he is doing....
Ion Cannon don't say anything......

This place still exists?
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