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Bad Company 2 ini settings that you really...

ΓΛPTΘΓ's Photo ΓΛPTΘΓ 31 Mar 2010

How to find "settings.ini" you needed:

Location is at My Documents/BFBC2/settings.ini

1. Changing FOV

Using link to find out the vertical FOV as BC2 uses vertical instead of horizonal
Then go to [Graphics] > FOV and enter the FOV you wanted to have in vertical FOV.
Default: Fov=55
My setting on a 1440x900 screen with standard 90 degrees horizontal FOV is 65 in settings.ini.

2. Changing sound quality to high

The default sound setting is on Low, I recommend you to change this to high asap as it really improve sound and have close to no performance impact.

Under [Sound] > Quality, change it to Quality=high from Quality=low .

3. Disable Bloom (optional)

To reduce the excessive bloom effect present in-game, disabling bloom helps you to see a lot better and the game looks much more realistic too. This will not disable HDR fully, only bloom effects.

Under [Graphics] > Bloom, change to Bloom=false to disable it. Default is Bloom=true .
Edited by ΓΛPΤΘΓ, 31 March 2010 - 20:16.

Chyros's Photo Chyros 31 Mar 2010

Good one, mate. BC2 takes up an excessive amount of memory so I already did all of this but I can definitely recommend inputting all of this.

Shirou's Photo Shirou 31 Mar 2010

I shall try to do this. What exactly is FOV by the way?

Wizard's Photo Wizard 31 Mar 2010

Field of View. You will struggle to get used to the vertical change btw. It makes things appear very rather fisheyed. But quite helpful.

Chyros's Photo Chyros 31 Mar 2010

View PostWizard, on 31 Mar 2010, 23:18, said:

Field of View. You will struggle to get used to the vertical change btw. It makes things appear very rather fisheyed. But quite helpful.
The reason for the fisheyed effect is that it's not your view but a separate one. Instead of giving a true x degree FoV it will make the world appear bent to accomodate for the extra degrees. As an analogy, take a strip of paper and bend it so it symbolises your FoV. When you increase it, it doesn't give you a longer strip with the same degree of bentness, but will rather give you a longer strip with more bentness to keep the same breadth. That's why everything appears to press outward.

Personally I use a HFOV of 85 degrees which is broad enough but not fish-eyed.

Foxhound's Photo Foxhound 14 Apr 2010

Has anyone else noticed that increasing the FOV decreases framerates? And draw distances seem to worsen as well.

deltaepsilon's Photo deltaepsilon 14 Apr 2010

View PostFoxhound, on 14 Apr 2010, 4:58, said:

Has anyone else noticed that increasing the FOV decreases framerates? And draw distances seem to worsen as well.

I quite doubt that's the case, but I'll test it myself anyway.

Magma's Photo Magma 14 Apr 2010

If you don't want to mess around yourself with INI files, try BC2 Launcher. you can change FOV in it too, and plenty more things.
But, Make sure you packup your INI file if you use this; you never can be sure about anything.

ΓΛPTΘΓ's Photo ΓΛPTΘΓ 14 Apr 2010

The launcher still only changes vertical fov so you will need this still.

Warbz's Photo Warbz 14 Apr 2010

Another one to change would be localizedVO in the gamesettings ini. That way Russians speak in accented English that than gobbledy gook russian.

Shirou's Photo Shirou 14 Apr 2010

I tried that but I like the Russian babbles better :sly:

Kalo's Photo Kalo 17 Apr 2010

This worked for me, personally.

From TBF :

Basically, add these two lines;

SettingsManager.floatSet GSDefaultLatencyCompensation 0.0450000
SettingsManager.U32Set GSInterpolationTime 45

to your gamesettings.ini and settings.ini file in the BFBC2 folder.
In gamesettings.ini, add them between the lines;


In settings.ini, just add it to the end of the list. Save both files.

BEFORE YOU TRY THIS, change the value to your general server ping. For me, when I refresh the list, most servers are 31-45 ping. So, I change the values to .045 and 45 for 45 ping.

Say most of your servers are 73 ping, you'll want to change the values at the end of the previously stated changes to .073 and 73 respectively.

Apparently the battlefield series tries to compensate for an average of 100ms ping by default and so the hitboxes appear to "lag behind" the actual player model you're seeing in game. This fix changes it so that the models are where the hitboxes actually are by adjusting to your average ping instead.


Shirou's Photo Shirou 17 Apr 2010

Why can't the game compensate for this on the fly by reading the current ping, I dare ask :P. I don't have a really average ping.

Kalo's Photo Kalo 17 Apr 2010

I understand your feelings on the matter, but even on servers where I don't have the pre determined ping I am getting WAY better hit reg. There's no reason not to set it.
Edited by Kalo, 17 April 2010 - 13:52.

Shirou's Photo Shirou 25 Apr 2010


I'll just copy & paste what I wrote over in the EA forums. It's fascinating how many people still believe that it works, although it's so easy to confirm that it cannot work. Placebo effect ftw...

First I searched BF2.exe for the string GSDefaultLatencyCompensation. The string existed in the executable, so at least theoretically it could have an effect in BF2. You can easily check this by opening the BF2.exe in a text editor and searching for GSDefaultLatencyCompensation, but be sure to not ever save it with that editor!

Then I searched all .exe and .dll files in the Bad Company 2 folders for GSDefaultLatencyCompensation, and I didn't get a single match. But perhaps the strings are encoded/encrypted in some way, so I cannot be sure yet.

To rule out the possibility that the names of ini settings are in some way encrypted inside the executable, I searched for some variable names which are known to exist and work in Bad Company 2, like Scheme0FlipY or VoipRecieveVolume. Both can be found inside BFBC2Game.exe, So the names of the settings are not encrypted in any way.

The fact that GSDefaultLatencyCompensation cannot be found inside of BFBC2Game.exe (where all other settings can be found) proves that it's impossible to have any real effect in BC2.

So yeah, is it you that is on a placebo effect or is the theorists over at EA forums that refuse to see what cannot be proven.

Kalo's Photo Kalo 25 Apr 2010

View PostTrivmvirate, on 25 Apr 2010, 20:27, said:


I'll just copy & paste what I wrote over in the EA forums. It's fascinating how many people still believe that it works, although it's so easy to confirm that it cannot work. Placebo effect ftw...

First I searched BF2.exe for the string GSDefaultLatencyCompensation. The string existed in the executable, so at least theoretically it could have an effect in BF2. You can easily check this by opening the BF2.exe in a text editor and searching for GSDefaultLatencyCompensation, but be sure to not ever save it with that editor!

Then I searched all .exe and .dll files in the Bad Company 2 folders for GSDefaultLatencyCompensation, and I didn't get a single match. But perhaps the strings are encoded/encrypted in some way, so I cannot be sure yet.

To rule out the possibility that the names of ini settings are in some way encrypted inside the executable, I searched for some variable names which are known to exist and work in Bad Company 2, like Scheme0FlipY or VoipRecieveVolume. Both can be found inside BFBC2Game.exe, So the names of the settings are not encrypted in any way.

The fact that GSDefaultLatencyCompensation cannot be found inside of BFBC2Game.exe (where all other settings can be found) proves that it's impossible to have any real effect in BC2.

So yeah, is it you that is on a placebo effect or is the theorists over at EA forums that refuse to see what cannot be proven.

Truth be told, I noticed exactly what was shown in the video and when I turned this on that all stopped. I'm fully open to the idea that it could be all jibber jabber and just the servers I connect to, but this hasn't actually messed with anything so it's not like you're actually harming yourself by putting it in.
Edited by Kalo, 25 April 2010 - 23:16.