CJ, on 24 Sep 2010, 2:50, said:
Alias, on 23 Sep 2010, 17:49, said:
SquigPie, on 24 Sep 2010, 1:19, said:
In danish (where Kadavre is plural, Kadaver is singular) we pronounce it: Kah-da...da...oh screw this! Danish is impossible to describe.
I understand why people say it's the hardest language ever.
Learn !Xoo.
Have fun learning 87 consonants, 20 vowels and 2 different tones.
How are you even supposed to pronounce it's name?
I honestly have no idea.
At least with Xhosa the name is fairly easy to say, and a lot of the words are fairly easy even though there's a lot of clicks to learn (and unlike !Xoo, it actually has a relevant amount of speakers).