JJ, on 7 Dec 2010, 5:10, said:
Not bad Ion. Too bad I can never seem to escape the boring square grids, probably by personality of liking to keep tidy.
I started another new city recently, on another side of my (gigantic) region. I forgot how long or the method to get the first R$$$ to move in, so what is it?
Actually, having R$$$ sims isn't entirely beneficial, yes they bring in huge taxes but they also have several drawbacks. R$$$ sims primarily provide demand for C$$ and C$$$ - Of which at least in my cities, I can never build enough. They are also lazy and least likely to use public transport, instead opting to use their big cars and fucking up your lovely commute times. R$$$ also overwrites any lower wealth bands, which is a pain.. If you zone a large dense zone and have 8000 R$$ demand, but also have 750 R$$$ demand instead of the entire area being huge medium wealth condos it will be huge sprawling mansions with 13 sims in each. In my biggest cities I raise the R$$$ taxes to 12% to keep them away. Periodically I lower the taxes and allow lots of R$$$ skyscrapers to develop, then raise the taxes again to avoid mansions. Of course, in suburbs large mansions are fine, but I hate it so much in my megacities when a lot which could / should develop into a 4000 sim skyscraper instead becomes a mansion with 13 sims.
I normally use grids myself, with a little variation, I'm trying to make it less griddy as I build out though. Grids are definately the easiest and most efficient way of running a city. I rather like squeezing as many sims as I can into one tile, which is just impractical in a non grid. My current record for the largest tile is 3.7million sims, 2 million commerce and 550k industry(Small bit of space left). Medium tile, 1 million sims, 600k commerce, 100k industry (Although I still have space). Small tile 550k sims.
I also must confess that I use a cheat to remove crime. It annoyed me that even with full coverage crime still occurs ( Though thats realistic ). All my cities have full crime coverage though, I still pay the money monthly for the upkeep. Crime makes your buildings look dilapidated though, even if they aren't. I like all my buildings to look shiny and new. Thats why I remove it.
I was going to post a picture of my city that i was quite proud of up to this point.
I opened up SC4 and my city just looks awful in comparison to everything I've seen in this thread. I didn't take any pictures because none of it looked any good D:
I will have another go in the future tounge.gif
I have 2.1GB of custom content, it helps cities look nice, trust me. I have a huge variation in the buildings that can grow, I can build more complicated highway networks, I can make sunken highways, I have a choice of about 400 trees, I can create canals. I also have mods which change the streets to give them trees and just make them look nicer basically. In short the only limit is my imagination and my skill with various tools. With stock SC4 your limited in the scope of the variation of buildings and you can't do anything that aesthetically pleasing. You can still make nice terrain though
Edited by Ion Cannon!, 07 December 2010 - 14:44.