Wizard, on 08 December 2011 - 09:27, said:
Nice work Ion. I've been getting back to grips with this game now I can play it again (thanks agan btw) and I've noticed just how boring and functional my two cities are. I would point out that I have less than a 10,000 population, but I think I need to change the way I do it. My layouts leave bugger all room for anything but roads and zones

I really wouldn't worry at all about that, half of my cities are still horrible but very functional

I just don't tend to show you those as much, though overtime your "skill" if you can call it that, will increase. obviously having alot of custom content helps though. It's also worth remembering that alot of the cities you see on simtropolis aren't what they seem. Many players cheat, either by giving themselves unlimited money, turning off abandonment ect. Alot of cities are also purely plopped, with 0 actual population and will use transit spawners to give the illusion of being busy. They see Simcity as a canvas, to do what they will. I see it as a canvas within a set of rules. If I cannot follow those rules, my cities will not succeed.
Besides, to kick start region play/growth and gain access to all the range of buildings - from stage 1-8, you need about 500k population anyway.
Edited by Ion Cannon!, 08 December 2011 - 12:19.