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New Version released

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#1 Alexei_Stukov

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Posted 09 June 2010 - 08:43

if you wan to play the new version of the mod go and download it here:
Have a nice play

#2 Alexei_Stukov

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Posted 09 June 2010 - 17:33

Megaupload link for download :

#3 Anubis

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Posted 09 June 2010 - 18:28

I just played a game and here is my first view. I will only point out stuff i believe can be improved.

- first of all the skins. Imo you should sharpen the main texture as well as the MIP maps of it. The current camo color along with the brown theme makes details invisible. Basicly you end up building a box with verry little to no detail on it unless you zoom close to the unit.

- gas rafinery. The structure is freekin huge, yet it generates very little power. This is important, because having a huge terrain size it reduces alot the number you can build. I suggest decerasing either it's size, or increasing it's power output ( maybe add a per/object upgrade that increases power output by 50% ).

- bunker defense - this must be the weakest, most pointless defense ever - sorry but imo this is how it stands. A single tank can almost destroy it. It's range is very low and the missile speed and low fire rate make it useless against most armored targets. I would really suggest increasing both hp and range to actualy make it worth the investment. also 5 power ?! Way to much imo.

- Thor AA defense - this structure should not have attack_needs_line_of_sight . It only attacks air targets so it won't clip with other buildings, and to be hones, i don't see why an AA only defense shouldn't fire from behind other structures. It simply makes it useless. Also it requires 5!? power. Is it really worth that. It can barely hit a plane in time and the missile speed is insanly low. At most it should require 2 or max 3 power but 5 ?! And it's HP are once again to low.

- Radar structure comes a bit to late, considering the current construction times. Imo it should be available directly after the supply center. Once USA will be available, this will give russia a huge weakness.

- missile trails - they look really strange atm. Imo you should use engine flare effects less intense, and a smoke trail less dense and a bit more realistic ( shockwave's GLA missile trails would look really good for this imo, or something similar to that ).

This is it for now. The mood looks great, and plays overall really good. I can't wait for usa and gla. Also as a sugestion, since you said russia will replace china, try to use some stuff from the chinese arsenal for russia. Like propaganda effects, mines or nuclear tanks/warheads . Good luck, and have fun :P .

Edited by Anubis, 09 June 2010 - 19:11.

#4 Alexei_Stukov

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Posted 09 June 2010 - 20:12

Thanks for the suggestions. I'll try to improve the game :P

#5 Raven

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Posted 11 June 2010 - 07:33

Whoaa......cant wait to try this out. I've been busy lately. Should find some time to play this. I'll post my thoughts after this. I have no question that alexei has pulled it off with high quality as usual :D

#6 Rai

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Posted 12 June 2010 - 11:41

I can't wait to download this mod in my laptop! But I do have a question, about its compatibility with other mods. :xD:

Edited by DR. Rai, 12 June 2010 - 11:42.

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#7 Alexei_Stukov

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Posted 12 June 2010 - 12:39

Not so compatible :xD:

#8 Alexei_Stukov

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Posted 13 June 2010 - 08:35

TEOD-05 Patch
Read whole description
Mega upload link:

#9 Alexei_Stukov

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Posted 15 June 2010 - 20:06

Patch 02:
Same installation

#10 Raven

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Posted 06 July 2010 - 07:59

I only found time to play this last weekend... is this an MP only release? When i play a skirmish, the AI gets defeat soon after the start. I re-installed ZH before applying this mod.

#11 Zhao

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Posted 07 July 2010 - 16:58

Im pretty sure it is. I haven't fought its AI so i would not know for sure.

#12 Raven

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Posted 08 July 2010 - 03:16

strange..also only russia is available as a faction

#13 GuardianTempest


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Posted 08 July 2010 - 09:47

I wonder, I try to build the Stealth/Demo palace but I can't in TEOD 4, why?

BTW Russia with sub-systems is good enough for me.

Wonder if this will solve the "faction limitations" problem.
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#14 Zhao

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Posted 11 July 2010 - 23:26

hes working on something big with TEOD so its a little weird. Hes making changes primarily on game play which is lacking right .
(Multiplayer gameplay which for most of you Won't notice) however he does.

Also TEOD5 has a massive amount of new cameos and a brand new units so just play with it.

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