TehKiller, on 18 Jun 2010, 10:42, said:
Duo Maxwell, on 17 Jun 2010, 0:03, said:
You people should be using mouse click shortcuts on any extra buttons you have, or even the scroll wheel if you've mastered that with speed like me.
it avoids problems like this.
And @ Foxhound on this, how effective the voting system currently is: It still sufficiently provides the player with the option to select the map they want, if they dismiss this and press a random number, or change weapon while the vote screen was up, then it's their own fault, and they should have voted carefully.
You should be aware that the voting selection is up before trying to change weapon.
If you actually WANT a map, then you vote for it, if you dont give a shit about the vote screen, then it would indicate that you dont give a shit what map to play on.
Right so now its my fault that I didnt bought a mouse with a dozen buttons and dont play the same way as you. By this logic I might aswell blame you for my accidental vote because you called a vote in the middle of a round.
You need several players to rock the vote, and thus call in another map vote, which solidifies the feature's use even more, meaning that not just anyone can call to change the map.
By that logic it's not a single person's fault at all that you can't use your interface correctly, nor keep up with the fact that half the people in the server want to change the map. If you see the map change coming, which isn't hard, then you would prepare yourself for the vote interface to appear.
Furthermore, use your scroll wheel; it's an ancient technology, everyone has one, and it takes a second to flick up to select another weapon, and a click to change, you may not even need to click depending on your settings.
Edited by Duo Maxwell, 18 June 2010 - 11:10.